

  • Altice USA

    Amazon Prime Video is coming to Optimum set-top boxes

    Believe it or not, Prime Video still has some devices left to conquer. Altice has unveiled plans to bring Amazon's service to Optimum and Suddenlink subscribers using the Altice One platform. It'll be available both directly on the set-top box (above) and alongside other included services, and accessible through the voice-savvy remote control. If you want to catch up on Mrs. Maisel or The Boys and don't have another Prime Video device on hand, you'll have a ready-made solution.

    Jon Fingas
  • Altice USA

    Altice's smart speaker uses Alexa to control your TV set-top box

    You probably don't associate cable giant Altice USA with the cutting edge of smart home technology, but it's determined to change your mind. The company has unveiled a smart speaker, the Amplify, that can serve as a complement to your existing cable service. The Alexa-based device looks like a typical smart Sonos One-style speaker, but it promises better-than-usual quality thanks to two long-stroke woofers from Devialet (known for its speakers for TV giants), a 19v, 7.5A peak amp and a design meant to cancel vibrations while pumping out serious bass. It also touts party tricks like auto volume adjustment and room-filling spatialization.

    Jon Fingas
  • The French are coming... for Time Warner Cable

    Ever since Comcast was scared off buying Time Warner Cable, a slew of other firms have been eyeing up the business for a purchase. The latest to throw a beret into the ring is French telecoms firm Altice (us neither), which Reuters and the Wall Street Journal claim has eyes on America's No. 2. The outfit is already attempting to make it big here after announcing that it's purchasing Suddenlink, a regional cable company operating in a handful of states, including West Virginia, Texas and Louisiana, at a cost of $9.1 billion.

    Daniel Cooper
  • WSJ: Netflix could come to US cable boxes soon, Comcast and Suddenlink in talks

    Over the last few years cable providers have begun rolling out cable boxes with extra features and internet hookups, but almost all of them -- even TiVo, when provided by a cable service -- have been missing access to subscription video apps like Netflix. That could change soon according to a Wall Street Journal report today, that Netflix has renegotiated studio deals that made it difficult to provide the app and is negotiating with cable providers to put it on their boxes. RCN representatives have publicly stated it's asking for Netflix, while the report names Suddenlink and Comcast as two services in talks. Suddenlink has provided TiVo DVRs since 2010 that lack the Hulu Plus and Netflix apps of their retail cousins, while Comcast's X1 platform has built-in internet support, but no video apps to take advantage of it. Additionally, the report mentions that Time Warner Cable and Cox have had discussions about adding a YouTube app, and that Comcast is talking to other services as well. Netflix has recently worked out deals with providers overseas like Virgin Media and Com Hem, and its app has been a part of Google Fiber TV since it launched. According to the Journal however, a similar rollout in the US faces hangups not only because cable companies may see it as a competitor, but also because of its desire to add them as partners to its OpenConnect CDN. The first may not be much of an issue as providers use it to push high speed internet tie-ins -- something we've heard about before. We'll see how opening up Super HD streaming to all enables the second portion, hopefully having Netflix and other services as an option in more places is something that happens soon.

    Richard Lawler
  • TiVo Mini DVR extender launches on Suddenlink, gets rental pricing

    The TiVo Mini has yet to make its retail debut, but cable provider Suddenlink is now serving up the DVR extender for use with its own services. According to Zatz Not Funny, the outfit is pricing rentals of the boxes between $6 and $12 depending on a customer's location, and presumably their service package as well. That rental fee nabs users the privilege of slinging live TV from a TiVo Premiere DVR on their network to another television set, in addition to searching for and watching recorded shows. While dynamic tuner allocation is on the hardware's roadmap, it doesn't appear to be switched on just yet. Waiting to pick up the hardware from retail shelves rather than take Suddenlink up on its offer? TiVo's pint-sized offering is slated to ship this spring.

    Alexis Santos
  • Pac-12 Conference streams come to iPad, fuel that Big Game rivalry on the road

    Cal and Stanford fans away from home no longer have to huddle around their laptops if they want to learn who's one-upping who. The Pac-12 Conference has just launched an iPad app for its authenticated Pac-12 Now service: as long as you're with a TV provider that carries the college sports division's games (sorry for now, DirecTV customers), you can tune into 850 live matches spread across a myriad of sports. As you'd hope, going the digital route allows for some on-demand viewing, a dedicated program guide and the social sharing you'll want to rope friends into watching. Only Bright House, Cox and Time Warner Cable subscribers can use the iPad viewer at first, although support should come to BendBroadband, Comcast, Frontier and Suddenlink this fall, right alongside Android- and iPhone-sized apps. Hopefully, they arrive in time for a little ego padding around the Big Game in October.

    Jon Fingas
  • TiVo Q4 results bring first sub growth in years, DirecTiVo is imminent

    While many consumers are still waiting for something new from TiVo -- finally enabling the second processor core on Premieres this weekend is a nice step, but how about more HD menus? -- said company has found growth for the first time in four years by turning to a more traditional way to sell set-top boxes in the US. Yes, the growth is mostly thanks to six months of success with Virgin Media and other provider deals like the one with RCN. TiVo netted an additional 117,000 this quarter, bringing the total to just over 2 million and even more growth is expect in the coming months -- despite the continuous drop in retail subscribers -- thanks to the expected limited release of the DirecTiVo in December, with a more widespread release next year. This helped TiVo realize a 25 percent year-over-year growth in revenues, but still wasn't enough to hold off a net loss, which came in at a cool 24.5 million for the quarter. You have to stop going down before you can go up, but more TiVos in more homes is a good thing for just about everyone involved.

    Ben Drawbaugh
  • Some cable companies are pushing for unbundled channels -- but not for you

    Sick of paying for cable TV channels you don't watch? Reportedly some operators are looking for a way -- through negotiation or regulation -- to end channel bundling, where to get certain channels (like MTV) they're compelled to pack others (like TV Land) owned by the same company into their basic lineups. According to Reuters, smaller operators like Suddenlink and Mediacom are leading the charge, while even bigger companies like Comcast, Time Warner and DirecTV are feeling squeezed in retransmission fee disputes. However, as the LA Times points out, it's still doubtful you'll be able to pick and choose specific channels for a cheaper bill. What may be available however are cheaper packages of smaller bundles, like the lineup shown above that Comcast is testing in certain areas. What's stopping true a la carte programming choices? Hybrid cable and content companies, like Comcast with NBC Universal and Time Warner, and sports -- someone has to pay for that billion dollar ESPN Monday Night Football deal.

    Richard Lawler
  • TiVo talks cable, satellite deals in Q2 results; DirecTiVo exposed! (video)

    TiVo's results for the second quarter are here and there were a few tidbits that let us know where its products are going in the future. Despite reporting a net loss for the quarter, its cash position was up after receiving the first $300 million payment from its settlement with Dish Network. Things appear to be going well with Virgin Media in the UK where it reported 50,000 TiVo's live by the end of July and ONO is closing in on a launch in Spain, while closer to home RCN is almost ready to officially offer a whole-home DVR setup based on the quad-tuner TiVo Premiere Q. Charter and DirecTV are mentioned as "progressing towards launch", but the company seems particularly excited to see the current state of patent warfare going on, trumpeting its 210 issued patents and 389 applications. Speaking of the DirecTivo, an apparent training video has leaked. ZatzNotFunny has more information, but it reveals the hardware and UI, which disappointingly harken back to the days of older Series3 hardware instead of the updated HD menus on the new Premiere boxes. Check out the video and Q2 press release after the break.

    Richard Lawler
  • TiVo app jumps from iPad to iPhone, adds support for Series3 and HD DVRs

    A magazine ad revealed it was on the way, and today TiVo came through by releasing a version of its remote app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. v1.5 does more than just get the existing iPad interface ready for smaller screens, it also increases compatibility by adding "limited compatibility" (search, browse and schedule recordings, plus the virtual remote) with older TiVo Series3, TiVo HD and TiVo HD XL DVRs, as well as TiVo Premieres supplied by cable providers RCN and Suddenlink. Still waiting in the wings is the promised Android version -- unless you're in the UK. Check out the press release after the break or just click the iTunes link below and give it a download yourself, especially since even the TiVo-less can browse its wares thanks to a new guest mode. [Thanks, @BrennokBob & Larry]

    Richard Lawler
  • TiVo Premiere Q and Preview boxes are official along with an updated iPad app

    An early release over the weekend took any surprise out of the news, but now TiVo has officially announced its plans for the new TiVo Premiere Q and TiVo Preview set-top boxes and an update for its iPad app at the 2011 NCTA Cable Show. Both boxes are firsts for TiVo, the Premiere Q (pictured above) because it has four tuners and can stream video to up to three other boxes in the home, and the Preview because it lacks a hard drive or any DVR capabilities entirely. The Preview can function on its own or as a multiroom thin client streaming from TiVo DVRs, and both promise full integration with video on-demand and other cable-provided services. There's no word on any retail plans and as expected RCN and Suddenlink will be the first to offer the boxes. The TiVo iPad app is also getting a cable-friendly makeover with a new version that can browse video on-demand offerings and flick them to any available TiVos for viewing, just like it does for internet video. We complained about the slow pace of updates for the existing Premiere DVR yesterday, so we'll try to have a fresh outlook on the official announcements (PR and more pictures are after the break) and consider a future where TiVo isn't tied to DVRs or being offered at retail. Update: @BrennokBob points out a post on DSLReports revealing the Premiere Q will ship (at least for RCN) with a 500GB hard drive, up from 320GB on the standard Premiere but less than the 1TB of the XL model or Virgin's TiVo in the UK.

    Richard Lawler
  • TiVo Premiere Q, Preview boxes bring quad-tuner or non-DVR options to the lineup

    In an early preview of TiVo's plans for The Cable Show this week in Chicago, TMCNet has posted information on two new set-top boxes that will be offered by cable operators RCN and Suddenlink. As suggested by recent surveys and forum posts, the Premiere Q is a quad-tuner DVR with multiroom streaming of up to three HD feeds via MoCA or Ethernet, while the Preview is TiVo's first box without a hard drive and serves as a client to the main box. Another revelation is news that an updated version of TiVo's iPad app will include be able to browse cable VOD, allowing users to select it on the tablet and then "flick" it to their box where it starts playing. If the information holds up the new hardware seems competitive and modern enough, but we're wondering if TiVo will continue to serve end users who prefer to buy equipment instead of lease and are waiting for things like the new DirecTiVo or software updates that enhance performance on the Premiere and finish off its HD menu system. [Thanks, @BrennokBob]

    Richard Lawler
  • Hulu Plus not happening on cable-provided TiVo Premiere DVRs, Scrooge wins again

    It's a little hard to know exactly who to blame here, but one thing is for sure: consumers lose. Last week Suddenlink started deploying TiVo Premiere DVRs to its customers minus Netflix, saying that it was the agreements Netflix has with studios that prevents its streaming service from being deployed on a cable company DVR. At the time it was hopeful that Hulu Plus could still work, but now it's confirmed that its customers won't get that either, blaming the same sort of agreements between Hulu and its content providers. Frustrating? Absolutely -- but there is one obvious work-around: buy your own darned TiVo Premiere, get access to Netflix and Hulu Plus, and stop paying your cable provider that monthly rental fee. Mind, you'll have to rock a CableCard, losing the ability to watch video on demand, and the separate TiVo plus Hulu Plus fees might cost a bit more, but consider that a small price to pay for the right to stick a finger in the eye of The Man.

    Tim Stevens
  • Suddenlink starts rolling out TiVo with cable VOD and some streaming, says lack of Netflix isn't on them

    Residents of Lubbock and Midland, Texas have a new option in set-top boxes from Suddenlink, now that the cable company has started rolling out the TiVo Premiere. The difference here is that the TiVo's can access Suddenlink's VOD, as well as stream YouTube and Pandora. As far as the other internet sources typically available on a TiVo, the company confirmed to Multichannel News it is negotiating with Blockbuster, Amazon and Hulu Plus. Netflix is currently not on the list of possibles and Suddenlink says it's not their fault, citing Netflix's agreements with the studios as a reason why its Watch Instantly service cannot coexist on hardware distributed by cable companies.Otherwise the usual suite of TiVo features is in full effect and they're available for the same price as Suddenlink's old boxes making this a pretty good looking upgrade if you can't bear to lose VOD access.

    Richard Lawler
  • Suddenlink to lean on TiVo for DVRs, non-DVR set tops and multiroom

    There's no news on the DirecTiVo, Cox or Comcast TiVo fronts, but it appears Suddenlink is following RCN as the latest domestic provider to offer the company's DVRs to its customers, complete with access to its video on-demand offerings. TiVo Premiere DVRs (with the Flash-based new UI instead of the old one currently on RCN boxes) should roll out at some point in "certain markets" in the fourth quarter with multi-room features, with expanded deployments in 2011, including the development of a "whole home solution" next year. Of course, a retail box may still be in your future if you prefer Amazon and Netflix movie access to cable VOD (including Blockbuster) since the press release only mentions interactive apps from YouTube, Pandora, Rhapsody and Fandango. No word on price either, but frankly we're more interested in that whole home setup -- even with this, overseas dealings and link up with Best Buy's Insignia brand we're just not ready for the idea of TiVo moving beyond DVRs.

    Richard Lawler
  • HD channel expansion roundup

    Once upon a time, a smattering of new HD channels in one major metropolitan area was a huge deal. Nowadays, it's almost expected that one area or another will experience some HD expansion each week. In order to keep things nice and tidy around here, we deliver high-def expansions, market expansions and anything else dealing with HD channel growth right here. If we missed an area that you're familiar with, drop us a line in comments so everyone can catch up. The more the merrier, we say! Read - Cablevision Launches ESPNU In Standard-Definition And HD Read - Cable Tech Pavilion to Highlight 3DTV, Tru2way Read - Rapids To Regionally Broadcast 2010 Games On KWGN/Channel 2 In High Definition Read - Fox Sports Kansas City announces Royals High Definition TV schedule Read - All Regular Season Cards Games in HD on FSM Read - Digital age coming for Comcast TV subscribers (Boulder, CO) Read - Suddenlink changing cable, Internet service in Alexandria area (Louisiana)

    Richard Lawler
  • Blockbuster announces cable VOD tie-ups, expanding CinemaNow OnDemand deal

    As a part of its "transformation to a Multi-Channel Brand" Blockbuster continues to use its name recognition to reach new markets, simultaneously trumpeting the success of a partnership with CinemaNow, resulting in Blockbuster OnDemand on Samsung HDTVs, Blu-ray players, as well as other hardware and soon, Motorola phones, while also easing into the cable video on-demand arena. In deals with Suddenlink and Mediacom via their VOD provider, Avail-TVN, they'll start off slowly by rebranding parts of their VOD service under the Blockbuster name, do some cross-promotion and then eventually take their relationship to the next level by allowing customers to search the rental giant's Blu-ray and DVD library for movies that might not be on VOD right now. The old dog seems willing to try anything to get back on top, but alone or all together, it's tough to see these strategies restoring the customer base Netflix and Redbox continue to eat away.Read - Blockbuster Enters Strategic Alliance With Cable Operators Suddenlink Communications and Mediacom Communications

    Richard Lawler
  • FCC's Martin fines nine carriers on his way out the door

    On the eve of his resignation, now-former FCC chairman Kevin Martin got in one last shot against nine of the biggest cable companies -- including Comcast, Time Warner, Cox and Charter -- to the tune of $25,000 each. Citing the MSOs (Multiple System Operators) for failing to respond to the FCC's investigation of how they moved channels from analog to digital tiers, additional fines were then added on, bringing the total damages to all nine companies to a cool $510,000. Top honors go to Time Warner, which racked up a $137,000 bill. Wielding his poisoned pen, Martin wrote that the actions of the MSOs "... exhibits contempt for the FCC's authority," and by forcing customers to pay for digital set-top boxes, "... customers have been receiving less from the cable companies but paying the same price." Strong words, but would we wouldn't expect anything less from the FCC chairman who oversaw some of the biggest changes in telco this country's seen.[Disclosure: Engadget is part of the Time Warner family]

    Steven Kim
  • Lufkin, Texas gets Suddenlin's hottest HD trio

    No clue if the fourth time is a charm, but Lufkin, Texas just got hit with the same trio of high-def additions that Suddenlink has been blasting to all manners of locales. TLC HD (756), Discovery HD (757) and Animal Planet HD (758) have all been added to the outfit's HD Basic tier, bringing the grand total of high-def options in the area to an astounding... 13. And yeah, that includes three locals in HD, too. We feel for you Lufkin, we truly do.

    Darren Murph
  • Suddenlink adds three more HD channels in Muskogee, OK

    We'll give you precisely one guess as to which three HD channels Suddenlink has added in Muskogee, OK. Done searching? Try The Learning Channel HD (756), Discovery Channel HD (757) and Animal Planet HD (758) -- the same exact trio that it recently pushed to Lubbock, Texas and Arkansas. We had a hunch these three were in for a pretty big ride, so here's hoping even more Suddenlink regions see 'em in the not-too-distant future.

    Darren Murph