

  • Worms update wriggles out soon

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Worms fans rejoice, for an update to your favorite annelid warfare simulation is on the way. On his personal blog, Team17's Martyn "Spadge" Brown has detailed some of the new things we can expect in the update. The biggest fix should solve the problem of 4-player games crashing. A number of exploits should be fixed as well. Thanks to our friends at XBLArcade, we also know that AI players will now take a maximum of 2 seconds to "think." Blessedly, the AI will no longer perform ridiculously accurate grenade shots either. In addition to the update, plenty of downloadable content is on the way. The content is set to include a new theme (we think Spadge is referring to a level background, not a dashboard theme), audio that was cut because of the 50MB limit, lots of new voice banks (angry Scots FTW!), and some new themes and gamer pics. A release date has not yet been set for the update or downloadable content, so for now we'll slap the dreaded "coming soon®" sticker on it. [Via DCEmu]

  • Worms HD wiggles onto Arcade

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Fanboys, the day has finally arrived and Worms has hit Xbox Live Arcade for 800 MS Points. Complete with Xbox Live multiplayer for one to four players, this looks to become an instant classic. The 12 available Achievements don't look too shabby either, with our favorites being "Greedy Worm" and "Shepherd". Also, now that the game in question is released, the celebrity deathmatch between the 360Arcadians and the X3F team can finally be scheduled. So, the real question everyone wants to know is when is Castlevania coming out?

  • Is your favorite weapon still in Worms?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Worms fans, take a long look at the above image. What you see is the definitive selection of the weapons available in the Xbox Live Arcade version of Team17's Worms. As we've noted in the past, several weapons are missing, including our beloved Holy Hand Grenade. Our friends at XBLArcade have compiled a list of all the weapons and tools pictured above. Take a gander at that list and tell us what your favorite weapon is. If that weapon isn't featured in the list, feel free to express your feral rage. Frankly, we've been waiting for Worms so long that our rage devolved long ago into mild irritation. Where that irritation resides, we cannot say, but our doctor assures us that "it ain't pretty."

  • Worms finally arrives next week

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Oh, saints be praised! For that matter, let's just praise everyone. Worms, the most anticipated Live Arcade game, like, ever, is finally, finally headed for release. That's right, and we've got a big fat press release in our inbox to prove it. Worms will debut next Wednesday, right smack in the middle of GDC. The game will be available for 800 points. Now that Worms has finally made it out of the twisted, Lovecraftian realm of certification, we're not really sure what to do. What the hell do we complain about now? Airline food? Who knows. The point is that Worms is out next week. Which reminds us ... we have a score to settle.

  • Worms wiggles wantonly onto XBLA next Wednesday

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    With Worms withhheld no more, we wildly wish to wager whether the wait was worth it. Whither the -- okay, forget this. Worms HD is releasing next Wednesday on Xbox Live Arcade for 800 MS Points ($10). Featuring four-player battles over Xbox Live, twenty single-player challenges and, perhaps most importantly, a large force of invertebrates intent on causing as much destruction as possible, Worms HD is one of the more anticipated XBLA titles this side of Dracula's castle. The range of weapons appears to be more limited than previous Worms iterations (the absence of the Holy Hand Grenade is difficult to comprehend), but the online play should provide more than enough justification for the franchise's appearance on Xbox Live Arcade. Get hooked on it beginning March 7, 8AM GMT (1AM PST).

  • Finally: Worms XBLA is certified

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    With the constant gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair that accompanies every gamer's pining for extreme invertebrate on invertebrate violence, the news of Worms HD's certification should surely prevent many from being certified themselves. Team 17's marketing director, Martyn Brown, informed Eurogamer this morning that the game had finally crawled through Microsoft's labyrinthine and supposedly thorough certification process. Worms HD should be available within "a few weeks." Until then, invest in a durable mouthguard and a stunningly elaborate hat.

  • Worms passes certification, universe implodes [update 1]

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Martyn Brown, the Marketing Director of Team 17 gave out some heavy duty news about its highly anticipated XBLA title, Worms. It has officially passed certification! He also informed us that he wasn't positive on the release date as of yet, noting that it could be out in a few weeks, considering the other titles currently in the Live Arcade line up. Are you guys as stoked or relieved as we are to hear that Worms has made it through certification? You know what that means, right? We'll be able to finally show that Arcadian scum site what it means to be an Xbox 360 Fanboy. Update: Considering how long this title has been in certification without a change in status, we understandably forgot how to spell it once there was one.

  • Worms page is live, coming soon?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With any luck at all, next week will signal the end of the constant moaning for Worms on Xbox Live Arcade. Don't get us wrong, we've done a fair share of moaning ourselves. The big news is this: the Worms page is now live on What's more, it was live over the weekend and has yet to be pulled. This scenario may sound familiar to Xbox 360 Fanboy readers, as the Alien Hominid HD page went live a week and a half before its release. Hopefully, this means we'll finally get to see Worms wriggle its way onto Live Arcade next week. So, here's the new question: if Worms comes out next week, what game will we complain about next? What Live Arcade game gets to become the next Worms? [Thanks, Miguel]

  • Worms delayed twice during development

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Speaking to Eurogamer, Team17's Martyn Brown intimated that the certification process for Worms has taken much longer than originally anticipated. While this isn't exactly news to rabid Worms fans, Brown does shed a little more light on the issue. First of all, Brown notes that Worms is "richer" than many Live Arcade titles and thus has a lot of testing to undergo. He adds that Team17 had to resubmit many times after delivering what they considered final builds of the title. Finally, Brown says that Worms has nearly been released twice in its dev cycle, only to be pulled back into the black abyss that is Xbox Live Arcade certification. As such, Team17 is not keen to celebrate its imminent release in the coming weeks. We have to wonder, can anything be done to streamline the Dreaded Certification Process®? We know that MS has a stockpile of Arcade games. What is it that consistently prevents a timely release schedule? See also: Team17 talks Worms and Arcade revisions

  • Team 17 talks Worms and Arcade revisions

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Every week, we hear the shrill cry of agony as the 360 Fanboy nation realizes that Worms still hasn't arrived on Xbox Live Arcade. We haven't heard otherwise from Microsoft, so we still retain hope that this week will be the one. Without confirmation, however, we are forced to console ourselves with whatever scraps of info we can find. Our friends over at The Xbox Domain have posted an interview with none other than Martyn "Spadge" Brown of Team17, developer of Worms. One of the most interesting parts of the interview is hearing Brown defend Team17's choice of slimming down the weapon selection in Worms for Xbox Live Arcade. According to Brown, the team felt that the power weapons in Worms were counter to the casual, easy to play nature of Xbox Live Arcade. Team17 believes that the weapons they've chosen represent the core strategic elements of Worms and give a wider range of players a chance to experience the game the way it was meant to be played. While we'll certainly miss our beloved Holy Hand Grenade (Hallelujah! ... BOOM!), we can see the logic behind the decision to reign in weapon selection. The interview also contains tidbits about Team17's concerns with the Arcade size limit of 50MB and some enlightening information on why the game has taken so long to emerge. Hit the "read" link to read the interview.

  • Worms STILL in certification!

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Martyn Brown, known as "Spadge" on the Team17 forums, came forth with some unfortunate news for Worms fans. The game, as of yesterday, is still in certification. Hopefully it won't be in cert for as long as Paperboy has been and we'll still have it in our hands soon. Spadge had some other news that was slightly uplifting, saying that Worms will have both free and premium content available to download, since their title is still under the 50MB ruling. Looks like we'll have to wait a little longer, fanboys. [Via Xboxic, Thanks Jonah]

  • Worms not on XBLA this week, still being certified

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Last week we checked off Root Beer Tapper from Microsoft's list, leaving nine "approaching" Xbox Live Arcade titles in the queue. So who's up this week -- if there is to be a release? Not Worms. Team17 reports that Worms is still buried in the certification process; and despite the recent amendment, has been bound to the old 50MB size limit. As a result, the XBLA version is lacking in audio content and environmental themes; and an OXM review notes that the baseball bat, skunk, 'select worm' option, and 'Holy Hand' grenade have been left out. Team17 maintains that the omissions won't affect gameplay, but is committed to expanding Worms with downloadable content packs, both free and premium; similar to how Q Entertainment is handling Lumines Live. [Thanks, Jonah; via Xboxic]

  • GTR: Worms questions answered (ninja rope!)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Godfree and the gang at Gamertag Radio scored an interview with Martyn Brown of Team17, the developers of Worms for Xbox Live Arcade. Martyn answers lots of burning questions about the game, and assures us that the classic Worms experience is intact. We are particularly happy to report that ninja rope is in the game (along with the ability to drop weapons while roping). Voice banks are also supported, though Team17 couldn't fit them all into the game. More are coming to Marketplace, though. What the interview does not have: a release date. Worms, without a doubt, is the most highly anticipated Arcade title right now (at least it is judging from the comments around here). If you're even a little bit interested, we suggest you check out the latest episode of GTR for the interview. Also included in the show are interviews with the Yankees' Johnny Damon, Snoop Dogg (no, seriously), and the developers of Bullet Witch. Hit the "read" link to check it out.

  • Worms still not certified, the world weeps

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Yeah, we know. You want Worms. Every week that Worms isn't released for Xbox Live Arcade, your cries of anguish produce a hideous echo in the vast intertubes that connect us all. The announcement of new Lumines content this Wednesday all but assures us that there will be no proper XBLA release, so it seems Worms fans will face yet another week of stark raving madness. There is, however, light at the end of the worm-eaten tunnel, as Martyn Brown, Team17's studio director, assures us that the game is still in certification (known as "cert" to hip industry types) and that it hopefully won't be "much longer now." It's not much, but given Team17's recent moratorium on Worms info, it's definitely better than nothing. [Via ILoveXBLA]

  • Achievements for Worms, SOTN, and more!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    X360A has come up with the achievements on 4 (count 'em 4) huge upcoming Live Arcade games. Achievements have been revealed for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Alien Hominid HD, Catan, and yes, Worms. We can only assume Catan is the shortened title for Settlers of Catan. Catan's achievements are fairly basic, of the "get X many points" variety. The SOTN achievements have a spoiler in them, so read at your own risk. The Worms achievements are centered around online play and will more than likely be unlocked by regular play. The Alien Hominid HD achievements range from funny to difficult. Some of them are downright evil (beat the final boss without using a continue -- 30 pts). So evil that you have to pronounce it "E-ville." Hopefully this is a sign of these games releasing soon. We'll certainly welcome the fresh blood. Then again, how the hell will we pay for them all?

  • Worms to cost 1200 points or less, um, yay?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A recent post on the Team17 forums (registration required) has confirmed that Worms: Wormy Defeat will cost 1200 points or less when it hits Xbox Live Arcade. Specifically, the poster in question asked when the game was coming out, saying that he had 1250 MS points lined up just to purchase it. A moderator replied that he couldn't specify a date until Team17 officially announces it, but that 1250 points was "more than you'll need." 1200 points seems steep for the title, so we would hope that 1250 points is actually 450 points more than we need. Still, should the game debut at 1200, we'll still get it, because we are Worms addicts (holy hand grendate FTW!). Will you plunk down 1200 points if necessary? [Thanks, TxdoHawk]

  • First footage: Xbox Live Arcade Worms

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    GameTrailers has posted the first gameplay video (embedded below) of a near-complete version of Worms for Xbox Live Arcade. As expected, Team17's latest entry returns the series to classic 2D gameplay (as Open Warfare did on DS and PSP last spring). The new Worms will be presented in widescreen and looks to make use of a familiar weapon set (see above); although planned content downloads could boost the game's arsenal.

  • Worms gameplay video is sheepalicious

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Sure, we brought you some screenshots before, but screenshots simply do not convey the true and explodey joy of Worms. Lucky for us all, GameTrailers has posted some squirmy and destructive video of the game in action. Those of you who have been worried by the simplified "pick-up-and-play" description of the game -- now called Worms Defeat by the way -- may be able to relax now. As far as we can tell, Worms Defeat looks like straight up Worms action. There are plenty of weapons, exploding barrels, item crates, and even different worm voices: it looks like everything is there. Of course, there are a few questions we would like answered. Can players still adjust fuse times on items like grenades? Can you still manually detonate sheep (the one in this video runs until the timer expires). Unfortunately, it looks like we may have to wait for the game's Arcade release to find out. Watch the video after the break.

  • First wiggling screenshots of Worms

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Xbox Attitude has the first screenshots of the upcoming XBLA title Worms. Worms is supposed to hit the XBLA next month and as these screenshots indicate, the game looks to be staying true to its roots. Though, it is rumored that the developers are leaning towards an easier to pickup more simplified version of the game. Hopefully the game comes out rocking, because Worms in full HD glory makes tears roll down our collective fanboy faces. Make the jump for more Worms screens. [Thanks, Carlos]

  • XBL Arcade's Worms HD nears completion

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to a Team17 forum post (registration required), Worms HD, is nearing completion for Xbox Live Arcade. The game is currently being tested on Partnernet (debug version of Xbox Live for devs), and allegedly, only a single bug remains. With some string-pulling, Worms HD could wriggle out of the XBLA pipeline in early 2007. Worms HD will be officially unveiled at CES next month. The XBLA version is thought to be more accessible than its strategy-rich predecessors, but a 'pick up and play' foundation could deter the already waning fanbase (poor 3D sequels have soured the series). Team17 is also supposedly prepping a series of downloadable content packs (a mix of free and premium offerings), perhaps due in part to Microsoft's imposed 50MB size limit. [Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]