

  • Hand of man typing text on mobile smartphone. Online  chat chatting on application communication digital media website and social network.

    Twitter is testing a new threaded conversation layout on iOS and the web

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Twitter is testing a new look for threaded replies with lines and indentations.

  • bombuscreative via Getty Images

    Twitter's new reply layout for iOS makes conversations easier to follow

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Twitter threads can sometimes be a bit confusing to follow, especially if your account is public and anybody can reply. Now, the social network has started rolling out a feature that could help make them easier to parse and could ensure that you won't miss your actual friends' responses. Twitter Support has posted on the website that the platform's iOS app will now show responses to your tweets from people you follow as threaded replies.

  • NurPhoto via Getty Images

    Twitter begins testing Reddit-style nested conversations

    Georgina Torbet
    Georgina Torbet

    Following conversations in the din of Twitter isn't the simplest of tasks, but it's about to get easier. A new conversation tree feature with nested replies is being tested on the platform and is set to roll out in 2020.

  • Engadget

    A week with Twitter's attempt at a more civil internet

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    Over the past few months, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has been adamant that one of his goals is to "increase the health of public conversation" on the site. Because it's no secret that, as great as Twitter is at connecting you with people across the world, it's also great at connecting you with bots, trolls and spam. Unsurprisingly, Twitter wants to change that. And it's hoping to find a solution by publicly testing new conversation features, through an experimental program that users can apply to participate in. This launched last week as an app called Twttr, which I've been using as my main tool for reading and writing tweets for the past week.

  • TechCrunch

    Twitter's experimental beta testing app is available today

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Twitter is making good on its promise of testing new conversation features in public. The social network has launched Twttr, an experimental app that lets early adopters try prototypes of new Twitter features. It'll start with the conversation test, which turns threads into chat-like presentations with color-coded users and indentation. However, Twitter told TechCrunch it could use the app to explore other changes, such as new ideas for status updates and pinned introductory tweets.