

  • WRUP: Wonderful edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Share a website with you. Welcome to Massively, the website wholesale for many kinds of MMOs including family, free-to-play, console, and fantasy. Believe you will love it. Accept PayPal free shipping. Also including developers and game columns with everything. All theca tegories are free shipping, and the price. Important point is that free shipping PayPal is accepted. Accept into heart and mind with true understanding of shipping, and the price. Brand-name MMOs covered wholesale shipping of all kinds free accept. Spam joking of meta concludes with share a feature with you. WRUP. Believe you will love it. Contains many of Massively staff members discussing weekend activities, games, books, movies, also all of their feelings on pen-and-paper games to MMOs. All of the entries can be read beyond the link below, and the comments. Add your own weekend plans into this field, accept free shipping. Believe you will love it, and the price. Wonderful.

  • WRUP: When in doubt, post a character shot edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Normally, I have a better burst of Dadaist absurdity ready to go for this feature, but today I've got absolutely nothing. I'm working on a minimum of sleep and I've been gorging myself on the run of Transformers Animated, so instead, you get a character shot. I thought Rhio was looking rather nice when I took the shot up in Coerthas, but her unexpected blinking improved the overall look. Not pictured -- me nearly falling asleep at the keyboard during the event. Imagine I offered a bigger non-sequitor for the opener. With the introduction out of the way, it's time for this week's installment of WRUP, in which the Massively crew shares its plans for the coming weekend. We're also taking the time this week to talk about the little things that can turn us off from a game. So click on past the break to see our plans, and let us know what you'll be up to in the comments.

  • WRUP: Creepy pasta edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Wow. That pasta right there... that's really creepy. That's intensely unsettling pasta. I don't think I can adequately explain how creeped out I'm feeling right at this moment. Also, I guess I should ask something about the identity of a phone? This may be one of those Internet phenomena that I just don't get. You know what? We're just going to move along right now. It's time to take on this week's installment of WRUP, and as always, it's full to bursting with what the Massively staff will be up to over the weekend. It's also full of talk about whether or not MMOs are our main hobby. So click on past the break to see what we'll be up to over the next few days, and let us know what you'll be playing over the weekend in the comments. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

  • WRUP: Let's talk about privilege edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In movies, you frequently hear about people expecting to get their one phone call. This is a myth. Phone calls are a privilege, and they work like absolutely everything else -- if you prove that you can't behave yourself, you get that privilege taken away. The same goes for posting on forums, playing MMOs, or even getting to sit down and order a meal in Denny's. If you show the people in charge that you aren't able to handle the basic levels of responsibility required, then you lose the right to do any of the above. Okay, you probably could never reach a point where Denny's wouldn't let you sit down and order, but it's possible in theory. Anyway, now that our random opener is over, let's just move straight into WRUP without pretending that I have a segue. This week, we're talking about the same thing as every other week -- what we'll be playing over the weekend. We also discuss what challenges we've added to games we play. So head on past the cut to see what we'll be up to, and let us know your plans in the comments!

  • WRUP: Your house might be on fire edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's time to face the facts. Your house could be on fire right this moment, and you wouldn't even necessarily know it. Oh, sure, it might be a small part of your house, but once it reaches your oil-soaked rags lying next to your bonfire supplies and your surplus gunpowder kegs, all bets are off. Check the floor. Is it warm? That might be an indicator of fire. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably carry a squirt gun at all times. That'll fix it. As long as you're reasonably confident that your house isn't on fire, you can probably take the time to read this week's WRUP, which is remarkably clear of anything remotely related to fire. We here at Massively will let you know about our plans for the weekend as well as our most memorable character deaths, and you can share your plans for the weekend in the comments as well. Sound good? It won't fix that house fire, but it should be fun.

  • WRUP: Elements edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    This edition of WRUP, when read, will provide +50 Resistance to the following elements: helium, carbon, cesium, chromium, sulfur, lithium, beryllium, erbium, rhenium, gallium, arsenic, and argon. On use, it will deal 250 beryllium damage to the target and 250 radium damage to you, with a damage-over-time effect that will tick for 100 points of resistable plutonium damage. While suffering from the damage-over-time effect, you will be immune to all other sources of elemental damage, but you can still die from loss of oxygen and nitrogen. In addition to all of those marvelous elemental effects, this week's column will also lay out the plans of the Massively staff over the weekend. We will also take the opportunity to discuss whether we prefer digital copies or boxed copies of our beloved video games, most of which use vastly simplified systems of elemental resistances and interrelationships. Jump past the break to see what we'll be up to, and let us know your plans in the comments. (Also, Tom Lehrer.)

  • WRUP: In praise of protests edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Protests are a wonderful thing. In the context of MMOs, protests are a great way to let developers know how unhappy you are with the current state of the game. Unfortunately, there's only really one way to make such a protest effectively: cancelling your subscription and encouraging others to do the same. A mass gathering of players shouting in protest on the servers is mostly sending the message that when the company screws up, players will be right there to continue paying a subscription fee in order to complain. Luckily for you, WRUP isn't protesting anything. Instead, we're just talking about what the Massively staff will be playing this weekend. And for this week's bonus, we're also discussing how many chances a game has to hook us. So jump on past the break to check in on our activities for the next couple of days, and let us know what you'll be up to in the comments!

  • WRUP: All's fair for love of WAR edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Color me surprised. With two days left to go, it looks like my Choose My Adventure poll is all but set, with Warhammer Online coming out as a real dark horse victor. Let this be a lesson to fans the world over: If you want something to win at a poll, posting a link on the official forums and saying "go vote for this" works remarkably well. It's really just that easy! This week's edition of WRUP contains no further discussion of the game in question, however, instead being solely focused around what games the Massively staff will be playing over the next couple of days. It also details our opinions on flying mounts and how they affect the state of the game worlds we live play in. So read on past the break to see what we'll all be up to, and return the favor by letting us know your weekend activities in the comments.

  • WRUP: Remember when Nintendo sold consoles that just played neat games edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The Super Nintendo is a system I remember fondly. I didn't like it because it had motion sensitivity; I liked it because it had games like Super Metroid and Final Fantasy VI and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Finding out that the next generation of Nintendo hardware essentially asks a player to strap an iPad to a controller and lug it around through various motion games is perplexing on some levels. Maybe I've reached critical gadget overload. I don't know. Of course, it's rather apropos to be talking about E3 revelations in this week's WRUP, as we're talking about what we liked the most from E3 in addition to our usual discussion of weekend activities. Click on past the break to find out what the Massively staff will be up to over the next couple days, and let us know what you're going to be doing in the comments!

  • WRUP: Nobody ever talks about what's actually wrong with addons edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Yesterday, my mailbox was almost entirely defined by the addition of addons to RIFT. And I've got to say, folks, you are complaining about the wrong things here. The real threat of addons has nothing to do with making the game easier -- it has to do with trying to re-download all of your addons every single time there's a patch. Really, if your endgame is trivialized by a mod that tells you not to stand in a patch of flames, it wasn't exactly world-class to begin with. Moving on from the obtuse flamebaiting, it's time for this week's WRUP! We are not talking about addons in the slightest this week, as it happens -- we're talking about what we're playing over the weekend as well as whether or not there are too many free-to-play titles on the market at the moment. So jump past the break for our weekend diversions and let us know what you'll be up to in the comments!

  • WRUP: He has the power to rear-project major cities edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Alas, Mystery Science Theater 3000, you were too beautiful for this world. Also far too expensive, which is what killed you. (Pretty much all of the show's budget went to licensing terrible, terrible films, which seems odd as they're sort of thing that would seem cheap.) Sure, there's the occasional clunker like Catalina Caper or Hamlet, but then you get Red Zone Cuba or Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders or Girl in Gold Boots. And you can get an awful lot of the episodes on Netflix streaming. I'm just saying. Unlike the source material used for MST3K, this installment of WRUP does not feature horrible technical glitches, failed special effects, or glaring problems to indicate that the producers just don't care. Instead, it features the Massively staff talking about what its members will be up to over the weekend and their favorite MMO combat abilities. So click on past the break to check that out, let us know your own plans in the comments, and repeat to yourself that it's just a Saturday feature and you should really just relax.

  • WRUP: End of file edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's funny, but as we're nearing the end of the entire world, I can't help but look back and think about certain choices I should have made differently. Buying Mayan calendar insurance was probably a bad move, for starters. Also, I could probably have spent less time investing in long-term stocks. On the other hand, getting a car warranty that runs out next year seems to have been a fine choice. Oh, well. Hindsight, am I right? Anyway, as long as we're still here for the moment, let's remember the better times with this week's WRUP. Also, this week we're talking about our feelings regarding social media integration with MMOs, so that should help bide the time waiting for the cataclysmic destruction of everything we hold dear. So see what the staff is up to just after the break, and feel free to let us know what you'll be up to in the comments!

  • WRUP: Totally awesome space adventure edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Outer space is full of really cool things. Like that nebula, right there, which is totally exactly those colors and not just a collection of dust from an exploding star. We should get into a spaceship right now and have a totally sweet space adventure, because all sorts of good things happen in deep space and that would just be the best idea ever. Plus, nothing could ever go wrong, which is really great. In summary, outer space. Before you suit up for the awesome, however, you should probably take a look at this week's WRUP. It'll let you know what the Massively staff is up to this weekend, and that sort of information will definitely remain relevant while you take the 6,500 lightyear journey to the Crab Nebula. We're also talking about our MMO mentors, so jump on past the cut to see what we'll be up to over the weekend. And after that? Leave us a note in the comments to share what you'll be up to for the weekend! (Then, you know, go into space.)

  • WRUP: The right and wrong way to install a new hive into an apiary edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In order to make proper use of an apiary, you naturally need one or several hives of bees living comfortably within the structure. When you receive your new hive, in order to install it, you should not shake up the structure and scream obscenities at the bees without protective equipment. You should also not attempt to become "one with the bee" by painting your body black and yellow and buzzing. You should also ensure that you are installing a beehive rather than a bear cub. Assuming all of these criteria are met, installing a new hive should come naturally. And now, for something completely different: It's WRUP! We will not be stirring any hives -- instead we're discussing what the Massively staff is playing over the weekend. We also mention whether or not the site has ever convinced one of our number to try a new game. So jump on past the cut to see what we'll be playing for the weekend, and join the buzz in the comments below.

  • WRUP: Let's hope this isn't a prelude to the royal divorce edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Seriously, has anyone checked the track record for the throne of England lately? Congratulations to royalty, sure, but the previous generation of princes and princesses has had less marital bliss than Jocasta and Oedipus. Frankly, the throne's seen about five centuries of stormy marriages, which might be a direct result of the entire Church of England getting off on the wrong foot when it comes to marriages. Of course, I live in America. A guy with wooden teeth and a bunch of subsequently beheaded Frenchmen fought a war specifically so I wouldn't have to care too much about this. While I'm sure you're enjoying your impromptu royal wedding editorial and history lesson, we should probably get down to the nuts and bolts of this week's WRUP! And as long as we're on the topic of grief, this week's bonus question is all about the worst times that we've been griefed in-game. So jump on past the break for what the Massively staff will be up to this weekend, then let us know in the comments what you'll be up to.

  • WRUP: Gestalt edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Gestalt is a psychological term that refers to something greater as a whole than the sum of its parts. This isn't a difficult phenomenon to see in action -- you have to mix flour, yeast, and cinnamon together to get a delicious loaf of cinnamon-swirl bread, after all. The term can also be applied to Transformers, which combine into a single enormous robot, usually one that is not particularly delicious. Despite this fact, the official term remains "combiner" instead, presumably because the people who are in charge of naming are worried about what would happen if everyone started using obscure psychology terms. Hey, as long as we're already talking about combining things, we might as well go whole-hog into this week's WRUP. That itself is a gestalt, but that doesn't seem quite spicy enough. Let's all talk about combining games together into a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Yeah, that's the ticket. Jump on past the break for that and what the staff will be playing this weekend, then let us know in the comments what you'll be getting up to.

  • WRUP: I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    OK, I'm not a lumberjack. But I do play one periodically, and one of the first songs I ever learned as a child was, yes, The Lumberjack Song. (I was too young to really get most of the joke until many years later.) Also, most of the Massively staffers do indeed skip, jump, and press wildflowers; we're just usually doing so under the pretense of being writers rather than lumberjacks. But we're still OK! At any rate, let's pretend that I put a segue there that led into talking about this week's WRUP, in which the staff shares what games its members will be playing for the next couple of days while studiously avoiding any mention of using the lavatory. We're also chatting this week about whether or not graphical upgrades are worth the time and resources they consume. So jump on past the break to see what we'll be up to, and let us know what you'll be doing in the comments!

  • WRUP: Strange currencies edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Let's talk a little bit about Monster, REM's ninth studio album. Published in 1994, the album had five singles released, including the iconic fan favorite What's the Frequency, Kenneth? relating to an assault on Dan Rather. But that's not why we're talking about the album today. Nor is the track Let Me In, Michael Stipe's tribute to Kurt Cobain following Cobain's suicide. No, the reason I'm referencing the album is because it's as true now as ever: With MMOs come strange currencies. Yes, I know that's not the line. Hush. For this week's WRUP, we've decided to talk about strange currencies indeed -- or more accurately, the plethora of additional currencies that games seem to hand out as a game mechanic. Also, there is, you know, the stuff we're going to be playing over the weekend. So click on past the break for the staff rundown and let us know what you'll be playing over the weekend in the comments.

  • WRUP: Firefox is no longer my best friend edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Why, Firefox? Why'd you do it? I liked you, I said nice things about you, and now your newest incarnation has turned into some ersatz hybrid of your former self and Chrome. This probably sounds like it wouldn't be that big a deal, but when your work centers around the internet, your web browser is like three-quarters of what you're looking at. Now I'm left with few options except to start using Chrome proper or become that guy and use Opera. I am disappoint. Leaving aside browser melodrama, it's time for this week's WRUP, same as it ever was. No matter how many incarnations it goes through, the fundamentals never change -- past the break, the Massively staff shares what we'll be up to over the weekend, along with this week's bonus question of what class we'd cut from our favorite game. So hop past the break and let us know what you'll be playing this weekend in the comments!

  • WRUP: The content machine edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It'll be all over the news soon, so we figured we'd just get this out of the way. That up there is what's known as a content machine, used to generate any and all content in MMOs. It's incredibly easy to use, and as you can see, you can slide things around on the board to make new kinds of content. There are also knobs and adjustments to be made for whether or not you'll be developing good or bad content. All games that you do not like are made by developers who are too lazy to use the content machine correctly, which is why those games are bad. Luckily, your favorite game uses the content machine very well and always keeps the "good" switch on. Anyway, we'll probably all be making MMOs in a week or so now that the secret is out, but for the moment, it's time for WRUP, where the Massively staff shares what we'll be playing over the weekend as well as our thoughts on whether or not we'd like realistic combat in an MMO. Feel free to let us know in the comments what you'll be doing this weekend, too!