

  • WRUP: It's the end of the world as we know it edition

    So what is team WoW Insider playing this weekend? Since this is the last time we'll be asking (and answering) this question, we went in search of long-lost team members we haven't had the pleasure of seeing around the virtual water cooler lately. That means this last edition of WRUP is super-sized, with answers from WoW Insider staff both current and past. And since we are nearing the end of our time together, we also asked everyone what's kept them playing WoW over the years -- after all, a decade is a long time to spend in any game. So join us, won't you, for a nostalgia-fueled trip through our favorite game. And if you're playing WoW this weekend, jump into the comments to tell us what you're up to -- and why you've stuck around the game for so long.

  • WRUP: Trolls and all

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you point out to me that it hasn't been six months yet. But what are you going to do about it -- fire me? Man, this kinda stuff still makes me grin, and I will miss you, my favorite trolls and all. Why are we still doing this? Because this is what we do.

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: All good things...

    You were always welcome. What's everyone playing?

  • WRUP: Dropping all the subs

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you guess, to the day, when WildStar will join ESO in dropping its sub. Winner gets the admiration of his peers!

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: Our favorite 6.1 things edition

    Patch 6.1 is getting ever nearer, and as we learn more about what the patch will bring we all have our favorite things about it. So this week when we caught up to talk about what we were playing this weekend, we also also took the time to talk about our favorite things in patch 6.1 (so far). Are you playing WoW this weekend? Jump into the comments to tell us what you're up to -- and what you're looking forward to in patch 6.1. Otherwise, read on for what team WoW Insider is playing this weekend.

  • WRUP: Encounter at Farpoint

    Internet: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the gameship Joystiq. Its mission: to explore strange new downloads, to seek out new games and new experiences, to boldly go where no one has gone before. What's everyone playing?

  • WRUP: Free to play edition

    Welcome to the weekend, everyone! For many of us, the weekend means it's time to game and that means World of Warcraft. This weekend, we're also abuzz about just what the recently announced Veteran Edition of WoW means -- is it a useful tool to help Blizzard bring back former players, or simply a stepping stone towards a free to play future? Only time will tell for certain what Blizzard plans to do... but in the meanwhile, there's no reason we can't speculate. And, of course, talk about our weekend gaming plans. Read on to see just what team WoW Insider is up to this weekend -- and be sure to let us know what you're playing in the comments!

  • WRUP: MMO refunds

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us whether you've ever managed to successfully get a refund for a video game.

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: AC adapter not included

    It hurts, we know. Let's hug it out. D'awwwwww, so cute! What's everyone playing this weekend?

  • WRUP: Looking forward to 6.1 edition

    Though there's no telling when Warlords of Draenor will get its first big content patch, we've started to hear whispers about patch 6.1 which will no doubt be heading our way "when it's done." But that's no reason that we can't start talking about it -- and what it might include -- now. So today in addition to what we're playing this weekend, we're breaking out our patch 6.1 wishlist. Why don't you join us? Jump into the comments to tell us what you're playing this weekend and also let us know what you're hoping to see when patch 6.1 comes around.

  • WRUP: Playing house

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell Larry that his decorated Star Wars: The Old Republic stronghold/house is awesome. Because it is.

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: Anthony burns the Don't Starve Together village down

    Don't Starve Together is about cooperating to survive the horrors and mysteries of the wilderness. Unless you're our dear, sweet Anthony John Agnello. Then it's just about watching the world burn. What's everyone playing?

  • WRUP: MMO resolutions

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us your MMO resolutions for the year and which ones you've already failed to keep three days in.

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: Housecleaning

    Geralt is so over 2014. There's plenty to look forward to in 2015, including the next adventure from The Witcher, The Batman and the co-op hunting of Evolve. We'll wrap up our best of 2014 features next week. What's everyone playing?

  • WRUP: New year's resolutions edition

    Happy new years, fellow WoW players! We're heading in to the first weekend of the year the same way we head into most weekends of the year -- by playing games. But we're also thinking about what 2015 has in store with our own new years gaming resolutions. So just what is Team WoW Insider playing this weekend? Keep reading to find out. We also hope you'll chime in to let us know just what you're playing this weekend -- and what 2015 in games (and WoW!) looks like for you.

  • WRUP: Holiday cheer edition

    For most of us, the holidays mean spending time with family, and perhaps traveling a lot to do so. That sometimes means there's less time for gaming... but sometimes, gaming (and the gift of gaming) is a family tradition (or a getting away from family tradition). Either way, those of us who are still at our computers this holiday season are spending at least some time in WoW. But what about you? You can catch up on what the WoW Insider team is up to below, and tell us what you're doing in-game this holiday in the comments. But whether in-game or out, have a happy holiday weekend!

  • WRUP: You'll shoot your eye out, kid

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us how you got this awesome game under your holiday tree and you're playing that and we should be playing it too! Plus I'm totally going to use the ridable ferret pic again. Everybody wins.

    Bree Royce
  • WRUP: A cup of cocoa

    It's time to slow things down. What's everyone playing?

  • WRUP: Hitting up Highmaul edition

    Another week has come and gone, which means it's time to sit down and catch up on some games. As the holidays approach, just what are you playing? At Team WoW Insider, we've been exploring Highmaul... but with the holiday season almost upon us, it can get harder to get a guild raid group together, which makes LFR the perfect "quick fix" raid. But to hear all about the gaming we're doing, read on! And, of course, jump in to the comments and let us know just what you're playing this weekend.

  • WRUP: Expanshapaign is too a word

    Welcome back to Massively's What Are You Playing, the game in which we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us what Guild Wars 2's much-prophesied expanshapaign should look like.

    Bree Royce