

  • and Epix streaming apps are coming to Xbox One

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Xbox One owners already have their fair share of video services to choose from in the US, but they're about to get a pair of welcome additions. Major League Baseball now says that Premium should be available to stream live games on the console in time for opening day. Meanwhile, Epix has revealed plans to bring its primarily movie-focused service to the Xbox One in the near future. And don't worry about being left out if you're still hanging on to your Xbox 360 -- Starz has just launched Encore Play and Movieplex Play apps for the earlier system, while Major League Gaming released its e-sports app yesterday. All told, it looks like you'll have plenty of viewing options this spring.

  • Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes: The Joystiq Review

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    It's a pleasure being lost in the universe of Metal Gear. With every game, and with every return of director Hideo Kojima, the fascinating stealth series redraws the boundaries of its dense military fiction, pushing them back to include more and more characters and conspiracies. We feel like time-travelers in Metal Gear's byzantine blend of fact and fiction, leaping back and forth between the future and past of a legendary soldier named Snake. Now we enter 1975 in Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, and bless its prequel heart – there's a spot in the statistics screen reserved for time paradoxes. Kojima's fiction may be impenetrable to the newcomer, but one man's convoluted is another man's complex, and it's your job to infiltrate the latter. Ground Zeroes effectively acts as the cold open for the upcoming and separately released Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, sending Snake through a massive rain-drenched encampment in Cuba. It's not quite the glorified demo your cynical self might suggest, but this tantalizing playground does show how Metal Gear Solid will change its crouching silhouette yet again. The mission to rescue Chico and the duplicitous Paz, two important figures from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, is just the first step in a new, freely explorable environment. It feels daunting at first, but clear goals keep you pointed in the right direction. Ground Zeroes is a confident game for the confident player – the one who sees the playground hiding beneath Metal Gear's tankers and army bases. This one's just a whole lot bigger. Click here for more

  • Watch us play Titanfall for Xbox One (poorly) right here! (update: and it's over!)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Xbox One's first major release officially drops this week: Titanfall, from the folks who made Call of Duty into the 800-lb. gorilla it is today. Well, specifically, it launches tomorrow, but we've got it right now and thought you'd like a taste before deciding if it's your next thousand-hour addiction, so we're streaming it via Twitch just below the break. Though both Ben Gilbert (that's me!) and Tim Seppala are on the stream today, you'll have to settle for just Ben's audio as we try and figure out how to incorporate more editors into the mix. Technology is hard, folks. And hey, this is our first stream, so let us know what you think in the comments: love it? hate it? what would you like to see? what don't you? Your input is appreciated! Now let's go shoot some robots. Update: Sorry for the troubles, folks. With the Xbox One Twitch app still in beta, we're having some issues keeping a stream up and running. Bear with us! Update 2: Okay folks, we're out! Again, please let us know how you feel about this concept in the comments/via email/on Twitter/etc.! Head below for the archived video, and thanks very much for joining us!

  • Watch Dogs arrives on May 27th

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    When Ubisoft showed off Watch Dogs for the first time in 2012, there was no such thing as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Well, okay, they existed in some sense of the word, but both consoles were far from publicly ready, making Watch Dogs an unbelievably pretty game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Unbelievable to the point that many journalists were incredulous about it not being touted as intended for next-gen, but Ubisoft couldn't say it was headed to unannounced consoles. In so many words, Watch Dogs was essentially the first "next-gen" game shown off ... even before the consoles were unveiled. It's somewhat hilarious then that we're here to tell you today that Watch Dogs now has a release date -- May 27th -- after being delayed past the actual launch of the new consoles. It's unclear if that means all versions (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PC and Wii U) will arrive on the same day, though the Wii U version was already given a release date sometime after the other versions. Sorry Wii U, owners!

  • Titanfall collector's edition is titan-sized, sadly doesn't include jump jets (video)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    For half the price of an Xbox One, you can have your very own titan mech! Well, an 18-inch "Atlas Titan statue," care of the folks behind Titanfall. And yes, that means it doesn't move. And no, there aren't any jump jets in the massive "Collector's Edition" box, which holds the aforementioned statue, your copy of Titanfall, a big fancy art book and a poster. Dammit! Again, to be clear, that's $250. Take a look at a video from Respawn Entertainment tearing apart the "very limited" edition of Titanfall just below; it's available on March 11th in North America, March 13th in Europe.

  • WWE Network wrestling is now streaming on virtually every device you own

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    WWE promised that Americans would be watching body slams and piledrivers on a myriad of devices toward the end of this month, and that moment is finally at hand. WWE Network apps are now available in the US for almost every major platform under the sun, including Android, Apple TV, iOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Roku players, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In all cases, you'll pay $10 per month to stream live wrestling events as well as beyond-the-ring content like documentaries and classic matches. The app also serves as a second screen companion when you're watching live TV shows. International grappling fans will have to remain patient, however -- WWE Network won't reach other countries until late 2014 or early 2015.

  • Compare two generations of gaming across four platforms with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Like so many games launching at the end of 2013 and throughout 2014, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes straddles both last generation (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3) and the current one we've just entered (Xbox One/PlayStation 4). Given Metal Gear's history of gorgeous visuals, the question asked itself: what will Ground Zeroes look like on aging game consoles compared to the new shiny ones? It turns out that Kojima Productions, the studio behind Ground Zeroes, has exactly the answer we were looking for in the form of a brand new comparison video. If anything, we're most shocked by how great it still looks on the older consoles! Of course, for those of you still fighting the console wars, there's the (negligible) difference between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to analyze. Head below to take a look for yourself.

  • PlayStation 4 tops next-generation console sales in the US for January

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As it turns out, Microsoft's lead in US next-generation console sales was short-lived. NPD has just released estimates which show that the PlayStation 4 outsold the Xbox One during January. Neither the NPD nor Sony is providing exact numbers, although Sony Senior VP Guy Longworth states that PS4 sales were almost twice as high as Microsoft's. The system was certainly alluring enough to drive game sales during the quarter -- the PS4 was the platform of choice for five of the top 10 games, while the Xbox One was never higher than second. Microsoft also isn't divulging Xbox One figures, although NPD tells us that the system was the runner-up in hardware sales. The company can trumpet the strength of the overall Xbox brand, though. Together, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One represented 47 percent of game sales; the Xbox 360 was also the most popular system for five of the top 10 software releases. Nintendo has a silver lining on its dark cloud, too. Game sales for the 3DS and Wii U respectively increased by six and 26 percent year-over-year. That's no mean feat when overall spending was down by a quarter. Whichever platform you prefer, we wouldn't declare the console wars over -- not when expected system sellers like Titanfall could easily shift the balance of power.

  • Titanfall beta sign-up list is open now for PC and Xbox One gamers (update)

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Titanfall has become something bigger than a multiplayer mech game. It's the reason many people decided to invest in an Xbox One, and the reason why many others decided to postpone their next-gen console purchase altogether -- the finished title won't arrive until March 11th, and it's coming to the PC and 360 (360 is slightly delayed until March 25th) too. In the meantime though, the developer behind Titanfall, Respawn Entertainment, is providing early access via a beta and you can sign up for access starting tonight at 9PM ET. The good news is that you don't need to pre-order the game to get in, but the bad news is that it's not open to all, so we don't know how many slots there are to go around. Go ahead and try your luck at the sign-up page -- we'll let you know the URL once it's posted "shortly before" 9PM ET, according to Respawn founder Vince Zampella. Update: The beta sign-up page is live a bit early, interested Xbox One and PC (with an EA Origin account) gamers can apply here (protip: The USA is actually near the top of the country list, not all the way at the bottom). The accompanying FAQ answers a few questions you might have about the beta. There's no Xbox 360 beta planned, once the game is installed on an Xbox One any user on that console can play it, and the beta is available to gamers around the world, although all text will be in English. If you weren't first to sign up don't worry, it doesn't appear to be first-come, first- served. Sign-ups close on the 14th at 7PM ET, and those admitted will be notified via email by midnight pacific time on February 17th. Update 2: EA has sent out a quick press release advertising the beta and dispensing a few more details, specifically the start date: February 14th. It also details the game modes available to testers, named Attrition, Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan standing -- essentially Team Deathmatch, a control point capture mode and variant on Team Deathmatch that ends when all of a team's Titans are destroyed.

  • Grand Theft Auto 5 is the best-selling game of 2013

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Between a $1 billion debut and rave reviews, it's probably not a huge shock to you that Grand Theft Auto 5 was the best-selling game of 2013. Regardless, Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two Interactive confirmed suspicions today in its financial earnings release. "Grand Theft Auto V finished as the best-selling video game of 2013," the release states, attributing that claim to NPD. "To date, Grand Theft Auto V has sold-in more than 32.5 million units." Even with the game's mass popularity and somewhat staid approach to world-building, we can't help but commend Rockstar Games on the achievement -- we loved our time in GTA5's single-player and (occasionally troubled) online worlds. Now all we can do is hope for an even prettier version on these new game consoles (or PC, for that matter) in 2014, though we don't expect a repeat performance in the "best-selling game" category. Let's not get too crazy.

  • Microsoft buys Gears of War franchise, new game in development

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Microsoft now owns another major franchise tied to its Xbox game consoles: Gears of War. That includes "rights to all existing and future games, entertainment experiences and merchandise," and it looks like a new game (likely for Xbox One) is already in production at Black Tusk Studios in Canada (Microsoft actually teased a project from Black Tusk back at E3 2013 during the company's press briefing). The franchise's former director of production, Rod Fergusson, will take on oversight. The Gears of War franchise was exclusive to the Xbox 360 (and later on PC as well), and Unreal Engine developer Epic Games used the third-person shooter series to show off its engine's graphical chops. Beyond being a graphical showcase, however, Gears of War developed a loyal following among online console gamers -- last year's Gears of War: Judgment was the first entry in the franchise co-developed by Epic and Bulletstorm dev People Can Fly, and it was expected to be the final entry in the series. Beyond a new entry in the massively popular shooter franchise, we expect re-issues (perhaps prettied-up re-issues) will happen at some point (a la Tomb Raider's "Definitive" Edition). At the very least, Gears fans can rest assured that more tales of meaty space marines taking down Locust are on the way care of Microsoft.

  • Microsoft: Xbox One is #1 in the US for December with 908,000 consoles sold

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Microsoft and Sony already went head to head with worldwide sales numbers for 2013 and while the PS4 rode is out front there (4.2 million to 3 million), the Xbox One apparently sold more systems in the US last month. December figures from the NPD group arrived today, and Microsoft is touting 908,000 sales for the XB1 that put it atop the next-gen videogame systems, and 643,000 for the Xbox 360. That puts it third overall on the home hardware list and first for its generation of hardware. Per Joystiq, Sony's response to the data is that the PS4 remains "cumulative leader for next-gen sales" since its launch November 15th, a week ahead of the Xbox One. Nintendo hasn't released specific data yet, but the 3DS was the highest selling console overall for both the month of December and all of 2013, and Liam Callahan of the NPD said the Wii U enjoyed its "highest month for unit sales." The NPD's release has more details about software, where GTA V took the crown overall for 2013, ahead of Call of Duty Ghosts, Madden NFL 25 and Battlefield 4. Microsoft is also pointing to those numbers, saying the Xbox One took six of the top 10 spots for next-gen game sales, and total software sales of 4.8 million to PS4's 4.2 million. Now that fans have plenty of sales numbers to represent why their chosen next-gen game system is the best, the rest of us can get to the exciting business of waiting for the first round of major software updates.

  • AllCast for Android leaves beta, streams media to your Apple TV, Roku or Xbox (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Worried that you won't get to watch your favorite videos while visiting family this holiday? Don't be: After a brief beta phase, ClockworkMod's Koushik Dutta has released a completed version of AllCast for Android. The polished app lets you stream both local and cloud-based media to relatively common living room media hubs, including Apple TV, Roku players, the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. Many Panasonic- and Samsung-made smart TVs will also handle content, and numerous DLNA-capable devices should make the cut. Chromecast support will likely have to wait until Google opens up its ecosystem in the new year. We can't promise that your relatives will share your taste in movies, but it won't hurt to grab AllCast from Google Play.

  • Microsoft's first Xbox-exclusive documentary is digging up Atari's past

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Microsoft's Xbox Entertainment Studios will launch its first original documentary production next year, a film exploring the rise and fall of game industry legacy Atari. You read that right: a modern game console manufacturer is creating a documentary about a failed game console manufacturer. A bit meta if you ask us! Anyway, the documentary will focus on digging up the symbolic grave of the early game industry: a burial site with "millions of unsold game cartridges" in New Mexico. The game in question was the Atari 2600 adaptation of E.T., a holiday 1982 release -- often called one of the worst games ever made. A new production studio co-founded by Simon and Jonathan Chinn (Man on Wire, FX's 30 Days), named Lightbox, is heading up production; filming is slated to start in early 2014, with an exclusive debut on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One at some point later in the year. It's unlikely that the Atari doc will be the first product from Xbox Entertainment Studios to launch in 2014, as shows are scheduled to roll out starting in early 2014.

  • Xbox 360 Time Warner Cable app finally gets video-on-demand

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    It's been a long wait for Xbox 360-faithful wanting Time Warner Cable video-on-demand through their console, but the feature has finally arrived with some 5,000 promised titles (there's good news for Roku users too, where TWC TV has added VOD to go along with that new YouTube app). If you somehow still aren't entertained, well maybe chatting with other TWC customers via the app's messaging feature will do the trick. This seems a tad redundant when the 360's native messaging client is a few button presses away, but we dig having another way to spoil the latest New Girl for our pals.

  • Bungie's Destiny ships worldwide on September 9th, 2014

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Wondering when you can get Bungie's first big post-Halo project, Destiny? Wonder no more: the company has revealed that its ambitious, MMO-like shooter will ship worldwide on September 9th, 2014. PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 users will get first crack at the beta test sometime earlier in the summer, although Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners should eventually have their turn. That's a long time to wait, especially if you're using a new console that doesn't have many titles to start with, but Bungie's track record suggests that patience will be a virtue.

  • U-Verse dropping Xbox 360 receiver support after December 31st

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We hope you weren't bent on using the Xbox 360 as a U-Verse TV receiver. AT&T is now telling customers that it will drop IPTV support for Microsoft's older console after December 31st, leaving viewers with little choice but to use a conventional set-top box. Subscribers will get a $99 credit in return for their troubles, the provider says. We've reached out to AT&T for more details regarding the move, but there are no signs of an official Xbox One substitute on the horizon. [Thanks, Chuck]

  • Xbox 360 tops NPD console charts one last time before next-gen begins

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    How do you close out a console generation? By reclaiming your crown. According to NPD's October figures, Microsoft is back on top: The Xbox 360 is once again the best-selling home console. It's hardly surprising -- Microsoft has dominated home console sales for years, losing out to the PlayStation 3 for the first time in ages just last month. It almost wouldn't be notable, save for the fact that this month's numbers are the last NPD figures before the industry moves on. The PlayStation 4 launches at midnight tonight, and the Xbox One will be available in just a few days. You can almost see the anticipation in the numbers. Hardware sales totaled $171.7 million for the month, 8 percent less than the same period last year and over $10 million less than the previous month. Business as usual, really. Care to take stab at who will take the cake in generation eight's first NPD report? Let us know what you think in the comments.

  • Halo series spinoff Spartan Assault to end Windows exclusivity for Xbox One and Xbox 360

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Once again proving the Halo adage "Spartans Never Die," the twin-stick top-down shooter Halo: Spartan Assault lives on with ports to Xbox One and Xbox 360. Both will arrive "this December," having first launched on Window 8 and Window Phone devices earlier this year. Halo: Spartan Assault was the first Halo video game to launch on mobile and PC ahead of an Xbox platform, and it was developed in-house at Microsoft's 343 Industries (aka "the Halo studio"). It may also be the last Halo game launched on Xbox 360; Halo's next-gen iteration is planned for Xbox One and touts a 60FPS lock, which the 360 can't compete with. The debut trailer is just below the break.

  • Titanfall reaches Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC on March 11th

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The many gamers buying an Xbox One for Titanfall (or don't mind the Xbox 360 and PC versions) can now mark a date on their calendars: EA says that the shooter will reach North America on March 11th, 2014. While that's more than four months away, the company is offering a Collector's Edition that just might encourage a few pre-orders among well-off players. If you can spend $250 -- yes, that's half as much as an Xbox One -- you'll get an 18-inch, LED-lit Atlas Titan figurine that's likely to be the centerpiece of your gaming den. You'll also receive an art book and a large schematic poster. You'll want to act quickly if you like the idea of a miniature (albeit stationary) robot, though. EA says that the Collector's Edition is available in "extremely limited" numbers, which suggests that supply will run out by launch day.