

  • Engadget logo now a thrilla in Manila

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Even though your company might be based in Croatia, Malaysia, or scattered throughout US airports we're all linked together by a single common thread: Google image search and a penchant for the Engadget logo. The latest infringer of our beloved IP is E-pins Corporation, a self-described telecommunications contractor employing some 500 people in the Philippines. With staff like that you'd think they could hire their own graphic designer. [Thanks, Jeffrey S.]

  • Engadget's logo gets boosted... for a Croatian civic action group!

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    We don't know exactly what it is about the Engadget logo that people love so much (well, we have some ideas), but our name and likeness does seem to pop up in the most unusual places. This time, it's more unusual than, er... usual. Apparently, our sweet E is being used as the prime designator for a Croatian "civil society organization" called e-misija. We don't pretend to get exactly what it is they do, but anything with a promo video as sublime as the clip after the break sounds cool to us.Note: Our logo is all over their YouTube page! See it in videos here.[Thanks, Ahmed]