

  • Alleged iPad 3 Retina Display examined under a microscope

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    There are no shortage of iPad 3 rumors out there. Quad-core A6, LTE radio, Retina Display -- we've heard it all, but haven't actually seen much in the way of evidence. Now MacRumors claims to have gotten its paws on part of the mythical beast. The site has a 9.7-inch LCD, in the same aspect ratio as the iPad and iPad 2 that certainly appears to be rocking a full 2048 x 1536 resolution. Without a way to power the screen its a little tough to be certain, but the same area of the alleged iPad 3 panel does seem to house twice as many pixels as its predecessor when viewed under the same magnification. Could this in fact be the Retina Display destined to put iOS 5.1 in the hands of millions of tablet fans? We'll just have to wait for Tim Cook to reveal of its secrets to us, which should be happening sooner, rather than later.

  • Reports: Authorities removing iPads from stores in China, following trademark ruling

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Government authorities and retailers have reportedly begun removing iPads from stores in China this morning, in apparent response to a ruling issued in December. According to China's Hebei Youth Daily, local representatives of the country's Administrations of Industry and Commerce (AIC) have started confiscating Apple's tablet from retail outlets, with some merchants voluntarily removing the device from their storefronts as a preemptive measure. The scope of this operation remains unclear, though reports that as of 5:00 PM yesterday, authorities had seized some 45 iPad 2s. Retailers who voluntarily removed their iPads apparently did so to protect their stocks from confiscation, and are reportedly continuing to sell the tablet behind the counter. These reports come nearly two months after Apple lost a trademark lawsuit against Proview Technology, which successfully defended its ownership of the iPad name within China. We're still waiting to see whether this is part of a larger nationwide campaign and Apple has yet to comment, but we'll update this post as soon as we hear more. Update: China's iFeng is now reporting that these seizures took place in the city of Shijiazhuang, as part of what appears to be an isolated campaign. Update 2: Looks like the iPad is no longer on sale at Amazon China.

  • Canon PowerShot ELPH 530 HS WiFi iPad transfer hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Sure, your iPad 2 has a camera, but that doesn't mean you should be using it to take pictures. One of the biggest point-and-shoot trends to pick up speed in 2012 is built-in WiFi, letting you capture higher quality stills and videos with your dedicated imaging device and transfer them directly to the web, or to a smartphone or tablet on the same WiFi network. The PowerShot ELPH 530 HS is Canon's latest pocket shooter to employ this feature, and the company had a few samples on hand at CP+ 2012 in Yokohama, Japan to demonstrate how it works.We took the 530 HS for a cordless spin, connecting the iPad to the camera's Ad-Hoc (point-to-point) network and launching the Canon CameraWindow app. After a few seconds (and quite a few taps on the 10-megapixel cam's 3.2-inch LCD), we had the two devices communicating, with a final click sending the image from the ELPH directly to the iPad's screen. That seconds-long connection delay may be inconsequential when transferring a day's worth of photos, but it's a slight inconvenience if you're only trying to transfer a single image. The camera also includes built-in Twitter and Facebook upload functionality, though, bypassing the Apple middleman entirely. The $349 ELPH 530 HS won't be shipping until April, at which point you may be refreshing your tablet as well. Jump past the break for a quick video demo.

  • CE-Oh no he didn't!: Tim Cook savoring the iPad's Windows 'cannibalization'

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Tim Cook had plenty of reason to celebrate during today's Apple earnings call -- and really, who can blame the guy if a bit of that celebration spilled over into some old school executive gloating? While talking up the company's impressive iPad numbers -- and the inevitable PC-eclipsing nature of the space, Cook let this bomb drop, There is cannibalization of the Mac by the iPad, but we think there's more cannibalization of Windows PCs by the iPad - we love that trend.Yep, the iPad may be eating away at the company's computer business like the iPhone did to the iPod before it, but that's fine, since the tablet looks to be eroding Windows PCs even more so.

  • Tascam unveils iM2 microphone add-on for iOS devices, makes live Foo Fighters bootlegs a breeze

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Sure, audio recording via the stock mic and iOS app is pretty serviceable for most tasks, but what about capturing that next Avett Brothers gig? You need look no further than Tascam's iM2 stereo microphone for your Apple handheld or slate. Equipped with a pair of condenser microphones -- the same kit as the outfit's DR-series recorders -- the iM2 plugs right in to the dock port of your iOS device. The duo is adjustable over 180-degrees for the perfect capture and it sports its own preamp and analog-to-digital converter to cut out unwanted coughs and increase those vicious banjo chops. Since the peripheral doesn't use the stock iPhone preamp, it is capable of capturing up to 125dB levels without distortion. And don't worry about that 4S dying mid-set, as the iM2 features a USB input that enables charging through the encore. If you're jonesin' for a closer look, hit the gallery below before grabbing yours for $80. %Gallery-140112%

  • Auto-suggestion keyboard found hiding inside iOS 5

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    The panoramic camera mode isn't the only thing to be unearthed from within iOS 5. A familiar-looking predictive typing option has been unlocked by iOS tinkerer, Sonny Dickson, who tweeted several shots of the new keyboard in action. Like the rough-around-the-edges panorama mode, jail-breaking isn't necessary, requiring only the iBackupBot program to tweak your configuration settings. Tick yes to Library/Preferences/, and you're away. We'd advise speed-typing obsessives to back up their devices to iTunes first, naturally.

  • iOS 5's panorama enabled with backup hackery, jailbreak not required

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    Did you want in on iOS 5's hidden panorama feature, but weren't down with the whole jailbreak shindig? You're in luck, because RedmondPie found a roundabout solution. All interested parties need is an iTunes backup, a little elbow grease and a program called iBackupBot. That last item will allow you to bust open your device backup, where you'll find a preference file that needs an "EnableFirebreak" value changed from "false" to "true." Once that's done, a quick restore is all that stands between you and some epic panoramic vistas, bro. A full step-by-step guide awaits you at the source, just triple check that backup's recent before you obliterate and restore, okay? [Thanks, Brian]

  • Engadget's holiday gift guide 2011: tablets

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    Welcome to the Engadget Holiday Gift Guide! We're well aware of the heartbreaking difficulties surrounding the seasonal shopping experience, so we're here to help you sort out this year's tech treasures. Below is today's bevy of curated picks, and you can head back to the Gift Guide hub to see the rest of the product guides as they're added throughout the holiday season. Of all the electronic gifts you could buy someone right now, a tablet seems like one of the safer bets. It's a cheaper way of saying "I love you" than bestowing a $1,000 laptop, and it takes less chutzpah than signing someone up for a smartphone (along with two years of data fees). And let's be real here: what's more festive than flopping onto the couch in pajamas after opening gifts and lazily playing Angry Birds while It's A Wonderful Life airs in the background? Yeah, we can't think of anything either.Sadly, we don't have any webOS-flavored tablets this time around, and we couldn't include some hotly anticipated numbers like the Transformer Prime, since they're not shipping yet and we don't even know much they'll cost. Still, we managed to find a slew of Android tablets (and one iPad) across a range of budgets. Been on the fence about what to get? Skip past the break for some ideas.

  • Apogee Jam guitar adapter review

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Musicians have long needed ways to catalog ideas and capture rough recordings of new material without the anchor that is a full-fledged recording setup. Apogee offers just that with its Jam guitar adapter for the iPad, iPhone and Mac, which allows you to strum your way to a record deal via an iOS device. Whether you're on the road or in your living room, the ability to connect a Les Paul to a mobile device and crank out the demo for your next hit is super helpful. But, is it worth the $100 investment to have recording-on-the-go at your fingertips? Read on to see what we discovered. %Gallery-137053%

  • DirecTV's iPad app updated with live TV streaming, as long as you stay at home

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    DirecTV debuted its iPad app in February with an impressive suite of remote control and content browsing options, but one of the few missing features was the ability to watch TV on it, which has now been added. Like similar apps from Cablevision and Time Warner Cable, v1.3.1 adds the ability to watch 38 channels live on the tablet, provided you're connected to the same home network as your DirecTV Plus HD DVR. That home restriction, plus being limited to only live TV streams and not DVRed programming separates it from Sling's apps, but at least it's still a free add-on. If you want to watch recorded shows or take them on the go you'll still need the Nomad box for that. Check below for a link to one of DBSTalk's usual thorough walkthrough PDFs breaking down the new features, a few screengrabs sent in by a reader, and the complete channel list after the break. %Gallery-137621% [Thanks, Will & Jon]

  • BBC's global iPlayer app adds AirPlay streaming, should just be on Apple TV

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    British expats and international fans of BBC television alike can now stream some Gavin & Stacey to their televisions (past season 1 anyway, which is on Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video), as long as they're properly equipped. The global iPlayer app for iPad has been updated with AirPlay streaming (those in the UK however, have no such luck so far) so once users update to iOS 5 and buy an Apple TV box, they're in business. Of course, this would all be much simpler if iPlayer were just available on the Apple TV itself (without XBMC or other hacks), but no one asked us, did they?

  • Animoog takes the synth keyboard stylings to the iPad, DIY electronica lives to see another day

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Mention music apps and our minds immediately conjure up images of a certain Icelandic songstress' interactive iPad album. Well, folks the high-art bleeps and bloops don't have to belong to the aurally experimental, as you, too, can make synthy music to doze off to. Fans of Moog's synthesizers looking to mobilize the analog noise art now have a 99¢ iOS option for the iPad. Dubbed Animoog, this virtual instrument shrinks the keyboard synth experience down to 10-inches, running on the company's Anisotropic Synth Engine and bringing with it polyphonic modulation and pitch shifting, various modules for effects, a timbre page and MIDI in / out. Fancy yourself a folktronic tablet technician? Then hit up the source to download the bargain-priced goods.

  • Apple: 250 million iOS devices sold, 18 billion apps downloaded

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Among the glut of numbers coming out of the Apple keynote today, delaying the reveal of your next iPhone, was a particularly impressive one: 250 million. That's the number of iOS devices sold. That's 250 million iPhones and iPads in the wild worldwide, running a grand total of 18 billion apps between them, which have netted developers a whopping $3 billion. That ladies and gentlemen, is nothing to sniff at.

  • JBL On Tour iBT Bluetooth speaker now available for $150, iPad stand included

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Have a soft spot for wireless speakers? There were tons of options out there already, but JBL just threw one more into the ring with its On Tour iBT. As we'd expect form the audio gurus, the system boasts wireless audio internals that play nice with both A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth devices. In addition to four JBL Odyssey transducers, the kit packs a built-in microphone for Facetime or hands-free calls, an adjustable iPad stand and a USB connector for charging -- when the Katy Perry tune blastin' device is plugged in itself, of course. Interested? It can be yours now via the source link for $150, but if you'd care to take a closer look before committing, peep the gallery below. %Gallery-135353%

  • PBS screens the cultural eye-candy early to Apple devices, ushers iOS users past the public velvet rope

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    If you're a fan of HBO's Boardwalk Empire, you'll probably want to tune in to PBS' new Prohibition-era doc -- on your iOS device. That's right, the federally-funded public network's hip to our digital distributing times, and is giving an early access viewing window to users of its PBS app across Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The high-brow art'll get its stream on September 23rd, with the full series to air on broadcast from October 2nd through the 4th. While the doc's two subsequent episodes will also stream live day and date on PBS' video hub, your mobile apps won't get the visual goods until the day after air. Of course, if that bevy of options doesn't jive with your busy schedule, you can always download the show direct from PBS or iTunes. Official PR awaits you after the break.

  • IRL: WildBlue satellite internet, international charging, a flashing habit and failing to get work done on an iPad


    Welcome to IRL, an ongoing feature where we talk about the gadgets, apps and toys we're using in real life and take a second look at products that already got the formal review treatment. It's been a whirlwind two weeks of sitting inside concept cars, soaking up details about the PlayStation Vita and getting acquainted with Windows 8, and now that it's all wound down, we're getting back to the business of griping about gadgets we already own. This week, Darren dresses down the satellite service we used to hit posts in the wilderness, Tim takes a breather after a year of jet-setting, Joseph carries on his flashing streak and as for Joe, well, let's just say his honeymoon with the iPad has come to a sudden, unproductive end.

  • Introducing Engadget Distro!

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Say hello to Engadget Distro. At its most molecular level, it's nothing more than a series of ones and zeros, cobbled together in a compiler and made to look like words and images on Apple's iPad. But in reality, it's something far greater -- something that the entire Engadget staff couldn't be more proud to have their names on. Distro is the week in technology news, distilled down and reformatted into a beautiful, offline view that can be enjoyed anywhere. You know, like one of those regional jets still awaiting their rightful Gogo injection. We've got a team of designers and editors toiling around the clock to assemble our best long-form feature content and reviews, re-wrapping it in a fashion that takes full advantage of a little thing called "multitouch." As of now, we've got plans to launch Distro on the iPad soon (as in, super soon!), but you can bet we're already hammering away on versions for the other major tablet platforms. Rest assured, we're as eager to finish them as anyone, and yes, they'll all be absolutely free of charge. For those who find themselves a touch overwhelmed with the sheer torrent of news that occurs in this space each and every day, Distro offers a relaxing, peaceful alternative. Sort of like morphine, but available sans a prescription. We'll be showing off a sneak peek during tonight's live Engadget Show (tune in here!), and we'll be sure to keep you abreast of our launch date as it draws closer. For now, have a look at what Distro will bring in the video after the break. We hope you enjoy. %Gallery-134423%

  • NBC, TNT and TBS iPad apps add full-length episodes, won't bring back Steve Carell

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    What's the point of dropping a few Benjamins on a tablet if you can't watch video on-the-go? Although much fuss has been made of Cupertino's reluctance to add Flash to its line of iOS devices, the kings of content (read: networks) are still scheming up ways to port the prime time eye candy to your portable slates. Shoring up that streaming divide are a trio of new apps from NBC, TNT and TBS that deliver full episodes of the networks' fodder to your iPad, albeit with some authentication required. Unlike other premium mobile video services, these three apps come free of charge. So, go ahead and hit up the source below to get your SVU to go.

  • Kaleidescape adds iPad control, ultrawidescreen support to its media servers

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Two years after launching its iPhone remote, Kaleidescape has brought a new iPad app to CEDIA 2011 that gives owners of its media servers full control of their media from anywhere in the house. Users can browse their collections based on various metadata, jump directly to favorite scenes of stored movies, or control displays and audio in other rooms of the house. Also new for 2011 is support for 2.35 widescreen viewing with its CinemaScape feature, a software upgrade that can automatically process the video internally and reformats the UI as well. Check after the break for a quick demo of the iPad app which will launch later this year as a free add-on -- assuming you can afford the hardware of course. %Gallery-133070%

  • LaunchPort wirelessly charges iPad 2, infects users with glee (video)

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Shiny, happy people staring at iPad 2s? Why, it must be the power of inductive charging, or just hyper-enthusiastic marketing. Revealed at CEDIA 2011, Dana Innovations' recently announced LaunchPort system takes the convenience of wireless charging and slaps it on your wall. Of course, there's the regular ol' option to have your Apple slab recharge from a flat top surface, but then you'll be missing out on the 360 degree pizzazz. The price of this fancy doesn't come cheap either, with both the wall- and base-mounted options costing $200 each, plus the $150 for the mandatory PowerShuttle sleeve and the $10 pre-order fee. Now, how badly do you need to show off that Jony Ive-designed tablet? Skip past the break to witness overacting at its finest.