apple iphone 4


  • Apple's iPhone 4S event video now online

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Looks like we weren't the only ones shooting video at today's 'Let's Talk iPhone' event. Apparently Apple had some folks there with cameras as well. Cupertino has posted video of the event, so between that and our liveblog, you can relive the magic -- or disappointment -- again and again. Check out the action in the Source link below.

  • Official iPhone micro-USB adapter quietly sneaks into UK Apple Store

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    It looks like Apple's making good on its promise to standardize its charger port for EU territories. Behind all the big hitters announced by Apple today, an official micro-USB adapter has shuffled into the UK's online store in a very typically English way. Sure, there have been third-party options for a while, but this one's the real deal and looks set to go on sale on October 14th, alongside the newly crowned iPhone 4S. We hope and expect that this will come packaged with Apple's latest phone in Euroland -- but on the off-chance that it doesn't, we'd question whether charging an extra £8 obeys the spirit of the regulation. [Thanks, Cameron]

  • iPhone 4S vs. the smartphone elite: Galaxy S II, Bionic and Titan

    Myriam Joire
    Myriam Joire

    Now that we know how the iPhone 4S stacks up against the iPhone 4, let's take a look at how Apple's latest smartphone compares to its mightiest competitors on the other major platforms -- Android and Windows Phone. In Google's camp we chose the superlative Samsung Galaxy S II models (focusing on the announced US variants) along with the Motorola Droid Bionic for its qHD and LTE chops. We then picked the upcoming HTC Titan to bat for Microsoft's team. RIM's not included here since it's still stuck in the junior leagues. We left out the intriguing Nokia N9 because it's a niche player. Check out the fancy table after the break -- the results are pretty clear cut!

  • Apple drops iPhone prices: 8GB 3GS free, iPhone 4 now $99

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    No big surprises here, but the iPhone 4S' older siblings are getting drastic price reductions. An 8GB 3GS is now free on contract, while the iPhone 4 is now only $99 with a carrier agreement -- that one bill gets you an 8GB iPhone 4. We've received no indication of cuts for other flavors of the old guard, but we suppose congratulations are in order for bargain hunters with limited iTunes libraries. Update: According to the Apple Store, the iPhone 4 is also "coming soon" to Sprint.

  • iTunes Match hits US 'end of October' for $24.99

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    We already had the details on iTunes Match, but now we've got a ballpark release date. According to Apple, the iTunes service will make its debut by the end of the month in the great U S of A, and it can be yours for $24.99 a year. Here's hoping Apple's got a nice, clean (DRM-free 256kbps AAC file) version of Monster Mash floating in the cloud for your Halloween listening pleasure.

  • iOS 5 will be available October 12, iCloud launching the same day

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    Mark your calendars, kids. Scott Forstall's on stage here at "Let's Talk iPhone" and just gave a hard date for iOS 5's arrival: expect it to hit next week, on October 12th, with Apple's iCloud service launching that same day. Though developers have been playing with it for four months now, this will be the first time the general, non-tinkering public gets to taste its 200-plus new features -- a list that includes Newsstand, Reminders, iMessage, WiFi sync, Find My Friends, split keyboards, AirPlay mirroring for the iPad 2 (and iPhone 4S!) and the Notification Center. (And, you know, greeting cards, if you're into that sort of thing.) iOS 5 will be free for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, while iCloud's standard 5GB of email / storage will come gratis to folks already using iOS 5 and Lion. Take note that if it's iTunes Match you're after (and you live in the states), you'll have to sit tight a few more weeks yet. %Gallery-135713%

  • iPhone 4S landing on October 14th according to Apple Store page in Japan

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Well, Tim Cook has yet to even take the stage and already the leaks are starting to pour in. It started with a pair of images buried in the Apple store's HTML code. But, perhaps more telling, was the page for the Ginza, Japan store listing the launch of the iPhone 4S as a featured event starting at 8am on October 14th. While that doesn't necessarily mean the tweaked iPhone 4 variant will launch everywhere on the same day, it seems a safe bet that the US and UK will be getting in on the action that Friday morning.Update: Well, that was short lived. The text is gone... for now.

  • Is this Apple's cheaper iPhone 4?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    See that? That just might be the cheaper iPhone that Apple's rumored to formally unveil on Tuesday. Gizmodo Brazil managed to get a hold of a purported iPhone 4s from within a Brazilian Foxconn factory, and while the hardware itself looks just about identical to the iPhone 4 that exists today, there's a new SKU that's leading to understandable speculation. The N90A model number that popped up has certainly emerged before, but where things really get interesting is the "reprovado" ("disqualified") labeling. Is this batch an early set of prototypes that didn't quite pass QA? Will the eventual iPhone 4s even look anything like the iPhone 4 that's on shelves today? You can bet we'll be on hand in Cupertino to find out, and there's no time like the present to clear out your Tuesday morning / afternoon / evening schedule (depending on time zone, of course) to find out with us.

  • Sprint begins iPhone briefings, exact model number remains questionable

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Are you a Sprint subscriber? Super stoked about possibly getting your hands on an iPhone? It seems as though you're finally about to be in business. After a chat with a freshly-briefed, forthcoming sales associate, TUAW is reporting that the carrier will start offering an Apple device of some sort next month alongside existing data plans -- providing some confirmation for the recent Wall Street Journal report. Things get a bit cloudy after that in regards to exactly which handset the carrier will obtain, but the sales force is currently getting familiar with the iPhone 4. Regardless of which iPhone Sprint ends up procuring, it's getting fairly impossible to shake the (seemingly) obvious. We'll see in a month, eh?

  • Invoxia NVX 610 desktop VoIP phone for iPhone and iPad hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    If we're going to spend $599 on a phone, it needs to offer unparalleled audio quality, absolutely seamless device integration, and a drop-dead gorgeous design. Invoxia, a new entrant to the world of VoIP telephony, claims to have created just that, with its NVX 610. The desktop unit uses an iPhone (or iPod touch or iPad) app as its control interface -- the hardware itself includes only touch-sensitive volume, mute, speakerphone, and voicemail keys. With the exception of accessing your iOS device's address book, however, all of the phone's hardware is self-contained. Calls are processed using the built-in ARM Cortex-A8 processor, and can be made via Skype or any third-party SIP. You can also take incoming iPhone calls using the handset or speakerphone, but all outgoing calls are processed using VoIP, not your iPhone's mobile network. We took a peek at the NVX 610 at IFA, and definitely liked what we saw. Jump past the break for our initial impressions, and a (somewhat noisy) intro video from Invoxia CEO Serge Renouard.%Gallery-132121%

  • Netherlands judge rules that Samsung Galaxy S, S II violate Apple patents, bans sales (updated)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    A judge in The Hague just issued a ruling in Apple's patent infringement case against Samsung, prohibiting "the marketing of Samsung smartphones Galaxy S, S II and Ace for violation of Apple Inc. EP 2,059,868." In an official press release, the court explains that The Hague judge ruled to "ban trading of Samsung smartphones Galaxy S, S II and Ace," adding that Samsung also violated other did not violate Apple patents with its Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 10.1v. The judge determined that Samsung violated patent 2,059,868, which deals with "method of scrolling," but did not infringe 2,098,948 for "recording a flag in connection with multiple screen taps," or 1,964,022, which relates to dragging a slider to unlock the phone. We haven't been able to confirm, but from an online translation it appears that The ban will remain in effect through begin on October 13th. Hit up the source link for the full 65-page verdict (in Dutch). Update: A dutch IP attorney has pointed out that the judge has ruled patent 1,964,022 to be null and void, meaning Apple can no longer make claims in the Netherlands based on this patent. The judge also found that Samsung did not infringe on patent 2,098,948. The infringement of 2,059,868 does not affect the Galaxy Tab 10.1. (Correction: the main patent in question is 2,059,868 not 2,058,868.) Update 2: According to, Samsung says that it will replace the software that infringes on Apple's patent (the Gallery application, specifically), which should allow it to continue to sell the phones. Notably, that Gallery application is the standard Android one used in Android 2.3, which also explains why the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is not affected by this ruling. Less clear is what the ruling means for other Android phones that use the same application. Update 3: Samsung Mobile's Kim Titus released the following statement: Today's ruling is an affirmation that the GALAXY range of products is innovative and distinctive. With regard to the single infringement cited in the ruling, we will take all possible measures including legal action to ensure that there is no disruption in the availability of our GALAXY smartphones to Dutch consumers. This ruling is not expected to affect sales in other European markets. Samsung has a proud history of innovation in the mobile industry. We will continue our plans to introduce new products and technologies that meet and exceed consumer expectations. And we will defend our intellectual property rights through the ongoing legal proceedings around the world. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iPhone 5 coming to Sprint, other carriers in mid-October?

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Watch out AT&T and Verizon, it looks like there's an iPhone 5 hat-trick coming this fall. WSJ is reporting that the Apple smartphone will hit Sprint at the same time as those other two networks, bringing a well-needed boost to the carrier's shares in afternoon trading. We've heard mixed reports about an expected release date, but Wall Street Journal sources "familiar with the matter" are claiming that the phone will ship in mid-October. One source also stated that Sprint will begin carrying the iPhone 4 at the same time -- presumably with a price drop in tow. Adding Sprint's 52 million subscribers to the mix could bring the iPhone within reach of customers currently locked into contracts, family plans or corporate agreements with Sprint, making the move a huge win for both companies. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Bluelounge MiniDock for iOS cuts the cord, declutters your life

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Forget about that Klimt print and your torn John Belushi Animal House poster, if you've got a few of those Jony Ive-crafted iSlabs lying around, you should flaunt'em -- according to the designers at Bluelounge. Available for iOS owners in the US, UK and EU, the company's MiniDock makes use of your existing Apple USB power adapter for a cordless, outlet-mounted charging and display station. The design studio created the dock with a clutter-free existence in mind, but its focus on "customers who are passionate about their iPhones" is a much more telling inspiration. You can go ahead and snag one of these for $20 now, just keep it tucked away from any Android-toting houseguests.

  • DollyCam app lets you stabilize iPhone 4 videos, we go hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Apple's iPhone 4 can serve as a great little camcorder when you're in a bind, but it's never been our go-to cam for video shoots. Not only is its small sensor not best suited for high-quality HD shooting, but the smartphone form factor can be awkward to hold, resulting in shakier than normal footage. A new app called DollyCam, which also supports iPad 2, helps soften the blow of the latter, letting you successfully stabilize videos -- with a few drawbacks. We took our iPhone 4 out to test a watermarked free version of the app in New York City, shooting a scene first with the phone's native app, and then with DollyCam. It won't replace a hardware solution like the Steadicam Smoothee, but it's significantly cheaper and more convenient. The only major issues we noticed were related to softened sound capture of all things (pay close attention in the video past the break), and the fact that the app can't process in real-time, so a minute-long video clip will need about five minutes to process. The app does crop your footage slightly, as can be expected. You'll also need to remain in the app as it's processing, though you can also stabilize videos later, after completing your shoot. Overall, it's an acceptable solution, especially considering the $2.99 price tag. Jump past the break to see original and stabilized clips, and browse through the gallery below for a quick look at the interface.%Gallery-130039% [Thanks, Jon]

  • Gmail for Mobile gets a facelift, now ready for its Retina Display close-up

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Gmail for mobile was looking a little tired around the eyes, so Google went ahead and gave the ol' web app a cosmetic lift. The update, announced on the Gmail blog, packs a hat trick's worth of tweaks aimed squarely at iOS and QNX (read: BB PlayBook) users. Email messages can now be manually refreshed with a top-down pull and release -- a feature similar to Twitter's own drag-down approach. The team also added a bit of finesse to inbox navigation with new sliding transitions, and even beefed up the graphical interface, taking full advantage of that Retina Display. Curious to see these tune-ups in action? Then head to the source for your own hands-on.

  • Gresso flaunts $30,000 white iPhone 4, holds more ice than a skating rink

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Sure, you probably waited longer than you should have to get the elusive white iPhone 4. But, you know what's better than a boring regular model? One with diamonds, crystals and pearls... of course! Known for its ridiculous custom mobile devices, Gresso may force you to refinance your house and hock a kidney to afford its latest creation, the Lady Blanche. A solid diamond-coated mineral glass backing, three independent Swiss clocks and pearl dials replace the usual body on this iced-out iPhone. If the $30k diamond model is a bit out of your price range, the much more affordable Swarovski crystal version will only set you back 7,000 bones. Release details are unclear at this point, but when they drop you better act fast -- only 150 of these gems will be available. Heck, if you have that kind of cash lying around, just get the salesman to throw in one of these for your iPad, too.

  • Olloclip three-in-one lens for iPhone 4 review

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    The age of lugging around a pricey DSLR kit just to capture casual fisheye, wide-angle and macro photos may be nearing its end -- for some of us, at least. Designed by a startup duo in California, the Olloclip was the first project featured in our Insert Coin series, and we were thrilled to learn not only that it was successfully funded, but that the device is ready to ship to both early supporters and new customers just two months later. The accessory brings the functionality of all three lenses to the iPhone 4, and it does so well enough to warrant leaving your pro kit at home on occasion -- assuming, of course, that your photographs aren't responsible for putting food on the table. While a bargain compared to its professional equivalents, $70 is a lot to spend on any iPhone accessory, so the lens's price tag may not sit well with some users. Also, design limitations mean you won't be able to use the lens with other devices, and there's no way to guarantee compatibility with future iPhones as well. Nonetheless, we had a blast shooting with the Olloclip, and we think you will too. Head past the break to find out why.%Gallery-128329%

  • Aston Martin Experience could be the ultimate iPhone accessory, but you're gonna want the car

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    You probably wouldn't pay $6 for an iPhone app that lets you browse through car models and pump stereo exhaust sounds directly to your drums. But a $6 Aston Martin Experience app that also displays speed and Gs as you film your drive from behind the wheel of a 2011 Rapide? We might be in love. The British automaker's latest app can do all of the above, and also includes a list of "top roads" -- most of which are in Europe. Our friends at Autoblog paired the app with a loaner Rapide (and we thought playing with cell phones was cool), driving up California's Aston-approved Pacific Coast Highway. The reviewers may have spent more time focusing on the car than the app, but when you're driving a $200,000, 477 horsepower aluminum beast for the first time, the iPhone easily becomes an afterthought. Aston claims that the Experience can be had with any other car, but if you're looking to get the experience, be prepared to spend a little more than six bucks.

  • RecognizeMe unlocks your jailbroken iPhone using your face, anyone else's (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    We don't often jailbreak our iPhones to test apps, but a facial recognition unlock tool seemed a worthy excuse, so we gave it a shot. RecognizeMe uses the front-facing camera in your iPhone 4 (and iPad 2, eventually) to unlock the phone for its owner. Unfortunately, it also unlocked the device for Brian Heater (center), our resident 900 number enthusiast, and Bianca Bosker, Huff Po's tech editor and our only other friend in the newsroom. The app includes a setting for verification threshold, so we played around with that, trying a dozen times to get the app to ignore Brian, but even at 80 percent it was recognizing both of us (65 percent was the cutoff for Bianca). Bumping the threshold up to 100 percent finally locked Brian out, but at that level, the device wouldn't unlock for anyone, making it totally secure -- and totally busted. Verification took a full 25 seconds to timeout (compared to 5-15 seconds to grant access at lower levels, depending on lighting conditions), so using this app requires p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e. At this point, RecognizeMe is a $7 gimmick that might impress your grandmother (assuming she doesn't ask to try it herself), but if you need to keep your device under lock and key, a tried-and-true passcode is still the way to go.

  • Insert Coin: Olloclip three-in-one lens for iPhone 4 (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a project, please send us a tip with "Insert Coin" as the subject line. We typically prefer to mount our macro, wide-angle, and fisheye lenses directly on a DSLR, but lugging around a pro-level kit isn't always an option. The olloclip adds some flexibility to your iPhone 4's camera, complimenting the built-in lens with a three-in-one optic that clips onto the phone and can be stored in your bag or pocket when not in use. The attachment includes three lenses: a 180-degree fisheye on one side, a wide-angle lens on the other, and a 10x macro that's revealed after unscrewing the top of the wide-angle. Based on the intro video, the wide lens appears to have some rather significant barrel distortion, so we hope inventor Patrick O'Neill and designer Chong Pak are able to work that out before this hits production. A $45 pledge to this Kickstarter includes one olloclip, which you're getting at a 25 percent discount. Lenses should ship 4 weeks after the project hits its $15,000 funding goal -- if it does hit that goal -- and are expected to retail for $60.