artificial intelligence


  • This is the advanced AI tech that's powering Star Citizen

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Cloud Imperium has publicized its relationship with Moon Collider, maker of an advanced AI middleware technology known as Kythera. A new press release says that Star Citizen fans will get their first taste of what Kythera can do in April's dogfighting module, while CIG chairman Chris Roberts enthuses over what the tech brings to the table. "The dynamic nature of the technology allows for more realistic dogfights, but at the same time it delivers a very true-to-life universe where planetside environments will be able to display very large scale city simulations all going on at once," he explains. "Kythera will give Star Citizen a true world AI rather than a less dynamic scripted AI which you may find in other games." You can read the full release after the cut. [Source: CIG press release]

  • Moov's fitness tracker works as a personal trainer to improve your workouts

    Emily Price
    Emily Price

    There are quite a few fitness trackers out there now that all do exactly the same thing: monitor how much you move. While there are tons that can tell you you're not moving around enough, there isn't really anything out there that focuses on the quality of your movement over the quantity of it. That's where the makers of Moov are hoping to fit in to the fitness space; their $59 device aims to work as a personal trainer of sorts, helping your improve you workouts The easiest way to describe Moov is as a wearable Leap Motion. The waterproof disc can be worn on your wrist like a watch or strapped around your ankle or arm, and can capture movement. While you're working out, it pays attention to how you're moving, and offers real-time suggestions on how to improve. For instance, when you're running, the app might suggest you shorten your stride or tell you that your landing is too hard -- something that could ultimately cause an injury. Moov also notices things like your shoulders not being directly over your hands when you're doing pushups, or even that your not kicking fast enough when you're swimming laps.

  • Chess and the Automaton Endgame

    Chess and the Automaton Endgame

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Welcome to Time Machines, where we offer up a selection of mechanical oddities, milestone gadgets and unique inventions to test out your tech-history skills. Machines may need to start a union. After all, various deep thinkers have been busy for more than a century dreaming up ways to impart human-like thought processes and capabilities into them, just so they can do more of our work. Familiar names in the annals of computing's history such as Charles Babbage and Alan Turing may stand out, but wedged between those figures on the historical timeline is the perhaps lesser-known Spanish inventor and engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo. Of his many inventions, one of the most unique is "El Ajedrecista" (The Chess Player), which he presented to the Parisian public in 1914. It was a chess-playing automaton, programmed to stand against a human opponent and respond accordingly to any move they made. It knew if someone was trying to cheat, and took pride in moving its own playing pieces around the board. Most of all, it reveled in announcing a victory against its human taskmasters when it inevitably won the game.

  • Qualcomm's brain-like processor is almost as smart as your dog

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Biological brains are sometimes overrated, but they're still orders of magnitude quicker and more power-efficient than traditional computer chips. That's why Qualcomm has been quietly funneling some of its prodigious income into a project called "Zeroth," which it hopes will one day give it a radical advantage over other mobile chip companies. According to Qualcomm's Matt Grob, Zeroth is a "biologically-inspired" processor that is modeled on real-life neurons and is capable of learning from feedback in much the same way as a human or animal brain does. And unlike some other so-called artifical intelligences we've seen, this one appears to work. The video after the break shows a Zeroth-controlled robot exploring an environment and then naturally adjusting its behavior in response not to lines of code, but to someone telling it whether it's being "good" or "bad." "Everything here is biologically realistic: spiking neurons implemented in hardware on that actual machine." Zeroth is advanced enough that Qualcomm says it's ready to work with other companies who want to develop applications to run on it. One particular focus is on building neural networks that will fit into mobile devices and enable them to learn from users who, unlike coders, aren't able or willing to instruct devices in the usual tedious manner. Grob even claims that, when a general-purpose Zeroth neural network is trained to do something specific, such as recognizing and tracking an object, it can already accomplish that task better than an algorithm designed solely for that function. Check out the source link to see Grob's full talk and more demo videos -- especially if you want to confirm your long-held suspicion that dogs are scarily good at math.

  • Storybricks team announces EverQuest Next collaboration

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    What's the Storybricks team been up to lately? Oh, nothing much. A few tweaks here, an idea or two there, and a whole lot of vacationing in Norrath. What's that, you say? It turns out that Namaste Entertainment has been teaming up with SOE to work on EverQuest Next, of all things. "After several months of working together with Sony Online," the team posted, "we can finally reveal that we are collaborating on EverQuest Next. EQNext is 'the biggest sandbox ever designed' and we are extremely happy to be working on the most innovative MMORPG under development." The post couldn't go into specifics about the project, but it did say that the team is doing "remarkable things" with the game.

  • Guardians of Middle-Earth: A fun game doomed by its business model

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    The MOBA genre has exploded in recent years, with global giant League of Legends becoming the most actively played video game in the world and competitive tournaments getting more viewers than some televised sports. Today's MOBAs appeal to casual and competitive gamers alike, but until recently very few had crossed the console barrier. Released on PS3 and XBox 360 last December, Guardians of Middle-Earth took traditional DotA gameplay and made the quite experimental leap onto consoles. I'm not much of a console gamer (you can take my mouse and keyboard away when you pry them from my cold, dead hands), but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see how Guardians of Middle-Earth stacks up against its PC-based counterparts. Monolith Studios has done great things in adapting MOBA gameplay to a console control scheme and audience, and the core game really is a lot of fun to play. But in charging an initial purchase price for a game that relies on having a large community, publisher Warner Bros. may have accidentally consigned Guardians to the scrapheap. In this hands-on opinion piece, I explore Guardians of Middle-Earth and ask why it's already a ghost town just three months after launch.

  • Exclusive: Storybricks dev diary expounds on bringing NPCs to life

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    In much of the MMORPG world, NPCs are nothing more than quest-filled Pez dispensers, human vending machines doling out the standard kill-10-rats chore to each and every player who roams by. They are lifeless tools at best and forgettable backdrops at worst. But the folks working on Storybricks believe NPCs can be more, much more. In this exclusive dev diary, Brian "Psychochild" Green and Stéphane Bura discuss making AI that can interact with players on an individual basis, adapting to individuals' choices, needs, and emotions and even remembering and drawing on past interactions to make a deeply engaging sandbox experience. Check out their thoughts in the full dev diary after the break!

  • Storybricks shifting gears, partnering with 'several studios'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Namaste Entertainment is shifting gears on its Storybricks project. The company has posted an update letter on its website, and in a nutshell the firm will be moving away from development on a standalone product and focusing on partnerships with other game studios. The Kingdom of Default test project is being shelved. Namaste says it was "not enough of a game for traditional MMO audiences, too complex for casual players and too much of a game for educational uses." Namaste does have "several projects underway," but due to NDAs the company "cannot be as open as we have been in the past." Storybricks is an AI initiative that aims to upgrade the capabilities of game NPCs. Namaste "designed and built an emotional intelligence engine in order to breathe life into virtual characters. They have their own goals and moods; they interact among themselves and take decisions on their own. The story no longer revolves solely around scripted behavior; game worlds can now be rich and complex." [Thanks to John for the tip.]

  • Kimera Systems wants your smartphone to think for you

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    When Google took the wraps off Now we all got a pretty excited about the potential of the preemptive virtual assistant. Kimera Systems wants to build a similar system, but one that will make Mountain View's tool look about as advanced as a Commodore 64. The founder of the company, Mounir Shita, envisions a network of connected devices that use so-called smart software agents to track your friends, suggest food at a restaurant and even find someone to paint your house. That explanation is a bit simplistic, but it gets to the heart of what the Artificial General Intelligence network is theoretically capable of. In this world (as you'll see in the video after the break) you don't check Yelp or text your friend to ask if they're running late. Instead, your phone would recognize that you'd walked into a particular restaurant, analyze the menu and suggest a meal based on your tastes. Meanwhile, your friend has just reached the bus stop, but it's running a little behind. Her phone knows she's supposed to meet you so it sends an alert to let you know of the delay. With some spare time on your hands, your phone would suggest making a new social connection or walking to a nearby store to pick up that book sitting in your wishlist. It's creepy, ambitious and perhaps a bit unsettling that we'd be letting our phones run our lives. Kimera is trying to raise money to build a plug-in for Android and an SDK to start testing its vision. You check out the promotional video after the break and, if you're so inclined, pledge some cash to the cause at the source.

  • Georgia Tech receives $900,000 grant from Office of Naval Research to develop 'MacGyver' robot

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Robots come in many flavors. There's the subservient kind, the virtual representative, the odd one with an artistic bent, and even robo-cattle. But, typically, they all hit the same roadblock: they can only do what they are programmed to do. Of course, there are those that posses some AI smarts, too, but Georgia Tech wants to take this to the next level, and build a 'bot that can interact with its environment on the fly. The project hopes to give machines deployed in disaster situations the ability to find objects in their environment for use as tools, such as placing a chair to reach something high, or building bridges from debris. The idea builds on previous work where robots learned to moved objects out of their way, and developing an algorithm that allows them to identify items, and asses its usefulness as a tool. This would be backed up by some programming, to give the droids a basic understanding of rigid body mechanics, and how to construct motion plans. The Office of Navy Research's interest comes from potential future applications, working side-by-side with military personnel out on missions, which along with iRobot 110, forms the early foundations for the cyber army of our childhood imaginations.

  • IBM debuts new mainframe computer as it eyes a more mobile Watson

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Those looking for a juxtaposition of IBM's past and future needn't look much further than two bits of news out of the company this week. The first comes with IBM's announcement of its new zEnterprise EC12 25 mainframe server -- a class of computer that may be a thing of the past in some places, but which still serves a fairly broad range of companies. In addition to an appearance that lives up to the "mainframe" moniker, this one promises 25 percent more performance per core than its predecessor and 50 percent more capacity. The second bit of news involves Watson, the company's AI effort that rose to fame on Jeopardy! and has since gone on to find a number of new roles. As Bloomberg reports, one of its next steps may be to take on Siri in the smartphone space. While there's no indication of a broader consumer product, IBM sees a range of possible applications for a mobile Watson in business and enterprise -- even, for instance, giving farmers the ability to ask when they should plant their crops. Before that happens, though, IBM says it needs to give Watson more "senses" in order to respond to real-world input like image recognition -- not to mention learn all it can about any given subject.

  • Scientists investigating AI-based traffic control, so we can only blame the jams on ourselves

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Ever found yourself stuck at the lights convinced that whatever is controlling these things is just trying to test your patience, and that you could do a better job? Well, turns out you might -- at least partly -- be right. Researchers at the University of Southampton have just revealed that they are investigating the use of artificial intelligence-based traffic lights, with the hope that it could be used in next-generation road signals. The research uses video games and simulations to assess different traffic control systems, and apparently us humans do a pretty good job. The team at Southampton hope that they will be to emulate this human-like approach with new "machine learning" software. With cars already being tested out with WiFi, mobile connectivity and GPS on board for accident prevention, a system such as this could certainly have a lot of data to tap into. There's no indication as to when we might see a real world trial, but at least we're reminded, for once, that as a race we're not quite able to be replaced by robotic overlords entirely.

  • Robot stock traders lose $440,000,000 in 45 minutes, need someone to spell it out

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Humans never learn and apparently neither do robots. Autonomous trading AIs went on a spending spree at Knight Capital Group in New Jersey this week, buying up shares in everything from RadioShack to Ford and American Airlines (ouch) in a 45-minute frenzy of disobedience. The company tried to offload the unwanted stock, but discovered it was already nearly half a billion dollars in the red -- enough to wipe out its entire profit from 2011 and "severely impact" its ability to conduct business. If only it had protected itself with one of these.

  • IBM celebrates the 15th anniversary of Deep Blue beating Garry Kasparov (video)

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    It's been 15 years since IBM's Deep Blue recorded its famous May 11th 1997 victory over world champion chess player Garry Kasparov -- a landmark in artificial intelligence. Designed by Big Blue as a way of understanding high-power parallel processing, the "brute force" system could examine 200 million chess positions every second, beating the grandmaster 3.5-2.5 after losing 4-2 the previous year. It went on to help develop drug treatments, analyze risk and aid data miners before being replaced with Blue Gene and, more recently, Watson -- which recorded a famous series of victories on Jeopardy! in 2011. If you'd like to know more, we've got a video with one of the computer's fathers: Dr. Murray Campbell and a comparison on how the three supercomputers stack up after the break. As for Garry Kasparov? The loss didn't ruin his career, he went on to win every single Chess trophy conceived, retired, wrote some books and went into politics. As you do.

  • AI system programs a game with a suspicious theme

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    All right; we're done. Throwing in the towel, getting the heck outta Dodge and all that. The robot apocalypse is coming to a head faster than we thought, and it's time for us to move to our safe-hut deep in the jungles of Malaysia. Goodnight, everyone!Michael Cook, a computer scientist at Imperial College London, has created an AI system that designs games -- clever, complex, slightly sadistic games -- and he has named it Angelina. Angelina has used "co-operative evolution" to make Space Station Invaders, an 8-bit platformer about a scientist trying to escape a space station full of aliens and homicidal robots. Cook provided the graphics and sound effects for Angelina, but still, we have to wonder how comfortable he is with that particular in-game scenario.We just spent the past 10 minutes playing a game designed by a computer, and we enjoyed it. This is of course all a part of the machines' master plan -- get us complacent, then wham. Lasers everywhere. Either that or we can expect a flood of educational games about adopting children from third-world countries any day now.

  • Angelina: the experimental AI that's coming for our game dev jobs

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Ok so, maybe Angelina couldn't have created Skyrim all on her own, but the experimental AI from Michael Cook (a computer scientist at Imperial College London) is still quite impressive. The artificial dev is able program enemy behavior, layout levels, and distribute power ups with random attributes. While many elements of a game like Space Station Invaders (which you can play at the more coverage link) are designed by human hands, it's Angelina's ability to act as a composer building something fun from the various ingredients that's so interesting. Before setting a level in stone she plays through the possible combinations, determining which will be most enjoyable for a human player. Hit up the source link for loads more info.

  • League of Legends update bringing sharper AI, new bots

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    League of Legends is well known for its challenging team-based gameplay and its rather steep learning curve, leading many users to play co-operatively against AI in order to hone their skills. In addition, co-op vs. AI is "the primary game mode for a surprisingly large percentage of users" according to senior producer Mark Norris. In light of this, Riot Games is bringing a huge new update to League of Legends' AI matches. For starters, Riot will be introducing AI bots for a whopping 40 of the game's champions, allowing players to test their mettle against a wider variety of opponents. In addition, the AI itself is in for an update that will allow bots to behave more like their human counterparts by utilizing predictive targeting for skillshots (such as Ashe's ultimate) and employing a great deal more strategy than the current bots. Of course, there are still some things that bots can't do (such as intelligent jungling), but Norris suggests "that's actually a huge advanced area that we do want to look at and get into, that we're in the the real rudimentary stages of trying to figure out right now." For the full details on what awaits players in the upcoming AI update, just click on through the link below and read the full story.

  • Mortal Online announces a new expansion called Awakening

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Mortal Online has already launched one expansion, but the game's second expansion in its two years of operation will soon join the first. Awakening has just been announced and is set to bring a variety of improvements to the game. The centerpiece is the introduction of Tindrem, the eponymous Tindremic capital and the home of the Emperor. The sprawling city encompasses several districts, but there's more to the city than the orderly facade it presents to travelers. The expansion will provide more than simply a new city, however. It offers improved artificial intelligence and a better user interface to players, along with new dungeons in which players can test their skills against improved enemy intelligence. There's also a new set of special Trade Brokers in the cities, dyes for clothing and armor, and several other improvements that should be cheered by every Mortal Online player. [Thanks to James for the tip!]

  • John McCarthy, AI pioneer, dies at 84

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    It might be a stretch to suggest that there'd be no AI without John McCarthy, but at the very least, we'd likely be discussing the concept much differently. The computer scientist, who died on Sunday at 84, is credited with coining the term "Artificial Intelligence" as part of a proposal for a Dartmouth conference on the subject. The event, held in 1956, is regarded as a watershed moment for the subject. Early the following decade, McCarthy pioneered LISP, a highly popular programming language amongst the AI development community. In 1971, he won a Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery and 20 years later was awarded National Medal of Science. A more complete obituary for McCarthy can be found in the source link below. [Thanks, Jason]

  • Siri and the possibility of artificial intelligence

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Wired does a little speculating over on the Cloudline blog about whether or not Apple's redesigned Siri service actually counts as an AI. Technically, no, Siri's not a real artificial intelligence. When you ask "her" something and she comes back with a witty answer, your iPhone doesn't actually "understand" what you said in any meaningful way -- it's just identifying a set of words that you put together, and then outputting some data based on those words. Sometimes that's movie times or nearby store locations, and sometimes that's just a witty phrase that Apple engineers have programmed into the system. But of course, while programmers have been creating these "chatbots" for years, Siri has an advantage in that it runs on the cloud; Apple is constantly updating Siri's phrases and responses, which means that "her" answers will only get more appropriate over time. And while the system works as is, you have to imagine that Apple is collecting lots of information from it, including both what people are asking of Siri, and how they're asking for it. The more Apple learns about how to deal with that information, the better Siri will get at providing the right answer at the right time. That will make Siri "smarter" than ever. Until Apple hooks it up to an as-yet-uninvented thinking engine, it still won't "understand" your queries in the same way that a real human would -- or even in the way that a hyper-parallel quiz show competitor does. But for a lot of people, that doesn't much matter. As long as Siri responds correctly and helpfully, that's as good as many people need in terms of the payoff from artificial intelligence.