

  • Video: Halo 3 Red Vs. Blue episode 2

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The second episode of the special Halo 3 series of Red Vs. Blue is now online (watch episode one here). You could go to one of the specified outlets to watch it, but then you'd have to leave the cozy confines of X3F and the Joystiq network, and we know how that thought terrifies you. As such, we've decided to embed the video (in its entirety!) right here in this post! Isn't that amazing? The second episode is all about the Mongoose and the masculine security that is required to ride it two at a time. Mash play and enjoy.[Via Xbox 360 Rally]

  • Future Shop: "I PWN" shirt with H3 pre-order

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Canadian retailer Future Shop is offering some special goodies with a pre-order of Halo 3. If you order online, you can get a full $10 off the Legendary edition or $5 off the Limited or standard editions. Place your order in-store, though, and you get some extra swag on September 25th. With a pre-order of any edition, Future Shop is offering a Halo 3 baseball cap (which you can see the Master Chief sporting above) and an "I PWN" T-shirt. We're not sure how long this offer has been available, but you'll be able to capitalize on it until September 20th for online orders. The only question now is whether a T-shirt and hat is worth more than $5 in savings.[Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • Video: Bungie goes to Amsterdam

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Okay, we're a little late on this news, but it's Halo 3 related so there is no expiration date and you'll like it! Ahem, sorry about that ... let's just get to the news.Last week Frankie and crew made their way to Amsterdam on a mission to show the European media some Halo 3 goodness, answer a few questions and try the country's world famous brownies. Overall, they were successful in showing off the game and also made the Earth shattering announcement that Halo 3 would include four player online co-op. The media trip is what they'd call "good times". And fear not fanboys you are not left out of the Amsterdam fun, because our friends over at Gamersyde posted a twelve minute video of the event. The video (embedded above) showcases Brian and Frank's speaking skills, some game talk, and discussion about future of the franchise complete with Dutch French translation on the bottom. It's a good watch that should quench your Halo 3 thirst or, at the very least, give you a sense for how awesomely shiny Frankie's head is.[Thanks, Brian]

  • Halo 3 achievements updated

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    A while back the achievements for Halo 3 were leaked onto the interwebs for everyone to see, but it was very obvious that the achievement list wasn't finished or polished. But there has been an update and thanks to Achieve360Points they feel they have the officially official list of all 49 achievements. The biggest changes to the list are the descriptions for achievements 41-49 where it now states you need to earn a score of 15,000 for each. Also, the old "Spartan Program Recruit" achievement's name has been changed to "Graduate". The old Halo 3 achievement list was nearly complete, but now with the few changes, we think we have the final list of what Bungie will be including in the game. Go ahead Spartan, analyze your achievements and take note of the amazing feats you must complete to be Mr. 1000 Gamerscore in Halo 3.[Thanks, Ryan]

  • Oh teh nos! Master Chief to die in Halo 3?

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Will Master Chief's death in Halo 3 be the super secret climactic end to the Halo story arc? Well, some new Halo 3 promotional materials are (in a round about way) hinting to such a tragic end. The 7th Columnist wrangled up a Halo 3 ad (seen above) that is featured in the latest issue of EGM and is worded in such a way that it almost sounds as if they are remembering Master Chief. You know, like he was gone or had passed away. It's quite the interesting ad indeed. Also, as part of the Halo 3 sponsored Projekt Revolution tour, a Halo 3 advertisement pamphlet was handed out and talks of musical celebration that is "honoring the life and legend Master Chief John-117". Sounds very "Master Chief is dead, let's remember his life" to us. But then again, why would Bungie blatantly put a massive campaign spoiler in their advertisements? This has to be some sort of sneaky red herring trickery, it just has to be ... doesn't it?Read - Halo 3 EGM adRead - Halo 3 Projekt Revolution Pamphlet

  • Bungie Podcast ep 4 is all about testing

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    It's looking like the addition of Luke Smith to the Bungie payroll has paid off five fold, because we have not only been treated to three episodes of the Bungie Podcast since his arrival, but it's releasing on timely schedule every week. It's madness we say, madness! Anyhoo, in the latest Bungie Podcast the crew sits down with special guest Jamie Evans who's in charge of Halo 3 testing and bug tracking to talk about ... well, bugs and testing. This podcast is not only grade A premium cut beef, but it's getting to be almost (and we emphasize almost) as good as our own special blend of a Fancast. Give the fourth episode a listen and be sure to stick around into overtime when they chat about the recently confirmed Halo 3 four player online co-op goodness.PS: The Bungie Podcast is subscribable via iTunes now.PSS: The opening sound clip made us laugh so hard our eyes gushed eye fluids.

  • Video: Halo 3 Legendary Edition hands-on

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, we've seen plenty of photographs of the Halo 3 Legendary Edition in the wild. Much like Sasquatch though, video evidence has been hard to find. It is with great pride then, that we unveil the first video footage of the Legendary Edition. While skeptics may doubt its existence, we believe this video -- shot at the Amsterdam press meeting by Game1 -- to be undeniable proof that the fabled product is, in fact, real. Furthermore, behind the display glass, you can also glimpse other Halo related merchandise, including a Master Chief figurine, a Warthog toy, and more. If you're still a skeptic, click the video above and you too will become a believer. [Thanks, Jeffrey]

  • Bungie unveils details on 4-player Halo 3 co-op

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With the revelation earlier today that 4-player co-op is definitely coming to Halo 3, Bungie has now posted an article detailing everything you could want to know about the feature. So, without further ado, the nitty-gritty: 4-player co-op via system link or Xbox Live Splitscreen limited to 2 players, but 2 more can be accommodated via system link or Live Co-op is managed in its own lobby, similar to other modes Players can still save films of co-op sessions Bungie will be adding some incentive for multiple play-throughs If you haven't yet surmised the significance of the image above, know that the three elites will serve as the Master Chief's co-op partners. Player two, naturally, will play as the Arbiter. The other two are newly created Elites with their own backstories. It seems that since the Schism of the Covenant in Halo 2, humanity finds itself with a growing segment of Elite sympathizers. However you slice it, 4-player co-op -- and all of the tactical options it adds to Halo 3 -- sounds like it's going to be a blast. Now all we have to worry about is the fight over who gets to be Master Chief. [Thanks, Skandil]

  • Bungie confirms 4-player Live co-op in Halo 3 [update]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to Netherlands gaming site Xboxworld, Bungie has confirmed that Halo 3 will feature 4-player online co-op, despite theories to the contrary. The news comes from a press conference in Amsterdam, where Frank O'Connor and Brian Jarrard are demoing the game for the press. While we normally wouldn't take translated articles as gospel, Joystiq has learned directly from Bungie that the feature is definitely in the game. Furthermore, an update is expected to hit Bungie.net later today. Stay tuned for the official revelation (in English no less) whenever it drops. Update: Bungie has now revealed everything about online co-op. Check out the details here. [Via Joystiq. Thanks to everyone that sent this in]

  • Halo 3 marketing invades BK, 7-11, Pontiac and more

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Starting in August we'll all be witness to one of the most amazing events a fanboy can see when the Halo 3 marketing machine starts its engines and goes full steam ahead. We've already seen a few Halo 3 promotions from Halo 3 branded Zunes to Halo 3 branded Xbox 360s, but soon we'll be seeing Master Chief in a more mainstream light.Over at Xbox Family are details that they've discovered telling of a few of Microsoft planned promotions and partnerships that'll be beginning in the months to come. So, let's run through them. The Halo 3 "Game Fuel" Mountain Dew is expected to be available sometime in August and will be purchasable in cans, bottles, and special aluminum bottles at 7-11 stores. Speaking of which, 7-11 stores will be featuring three Halo 3 Slurpee cups as well as bags of Doritos chips which will offer a chance to win a voice cameo in Halo Wars. Pontiac is also jumping in on the Halo 3 marketing fun by co-branding the game with their Pontiac G6 in commercials, events and in a sweepstakes where they'll be giving away a Halo 3 themed Pontiac G6. Halo 3 will also be a sponsor of the Projekt Revolution tour featuring Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. Finally, Burger King will be offering Halo 3 themed meals starting in September and selling what they call "survival kits".As you can see, the Halo 3 marketing machine is a force to be reckoned ad you know there are more promotions and events that Xbox Family hasn't listed. You can of course expect Xbox Live activities as well as some sort of huge Halo 3 launch party. Ahh yes, Halo 3 and your marketing power ... you're so dreamy.

  • Bungie update: Covenant toys revealed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Hey, remember that nifty overheating plasma rifle replica we talked about last week? In Bungie's recent weekly update, we not only got new details on the wonderful device, but we also got the first images too. Jasman Toys had both the plasma rifle and pistol prototypes on display at Comic-Con last week. Speaking to Bungie, the toymaker noted that the replicas would feature accurate sound effects and recoil. While they didn't mention if the plasma pistol will also open its exhaust port when overheated, they did confirm that it will have a "super shot" mode that inflicts more damage. Speaking of the Laser Pursuit functionality, Jasman noted that it is more than just laser tag. The targets will behave like shields in the Halo games. Take too much damage, and the shields will die. Take cover for a few seconds, and they will recharge.We're slowly beginning to realize that we are much too old to be playing laser tag. We are also, however, coming to realize that we don't care. We're playing, damn it, and no one can stop us. Hit the "read" link for more details and a shot of the plasma pistol replica.

  • New Halo 3 equipment revealed in Famitsu

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gamersyde has uncovered some scans of the latest Famitsu, revealing a metric ton of new Halo 3 info. Lucky for you, most of this info is revealed in the recent Halo 3 preview from MSN that we posted earlier today. One thing they didn't reveal, however, is the equipment you see at right. The equipment looks to be Covenant in nature. More or less it looks like an energy shield similar to the ones the Covenant deploy in the first two Halo games. Given this similarity, we're guessing that this shield is solid, unlike the Bubble Shield, and players won't be able to walk through it. If true, it could certainly make playing Territories more interesting. There's plenty more information to be gleaned from the scans, including new weapons, vehicles, and more. Check it out if you wish, but beware of spoilers. [Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • An even closer look at Halo 3's campaign

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Bungie invited a hand picked group of media (ahem, where was our invite?) to Bungie Studios to take a closer look at Halo 3's campaign and show off a few new levels not seen at E3. The media were lucky enough to see campaign levels three (Tsavo Highway) and four (The Storm) and experience what they had to offer. They got to check out the Scarab's new and improved AI system where it'll actually look for targets and search for enemies as well as experience a few epic Covenant battles. In the article, Bungie also talks about how much more detail there is in Halo 3 versus its predecessors as well as hidden Halo skulls, meta scores, and The Forge. This is definitely a must read, so go get a new detailed look at Halo 3 and preview all the fun in store for us this September.

  • Video: Master Chief True Hollywood Story

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    As a general rule, we do everything we can to avoid VH1 E! (or even parodies of it, in this case). After all, one can only take so much Flavor Flav The Simple Life. Still, we found ourselves drawn to this particular True Hollywood Story. It's only natural, as it's about one of our favorite celebrities: Master Chief. Apparently, the Chief has many worries outside the intergalactic war that has permeated his life. Yes, on the inside, John is just as vulnerable as the rest of us. Watch the video above for a rare glimpse into his inner life.Update: As some have pointed out, THS is an E! program, not VH1. Still, both VH1 and E! should be avoided if at all possible.

  • Replica H3 plasma rifles have overheat feature

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Jasman Toys announced back in February that they were creating a line of Halo 3 toys -- with laser tag abilities -- based on the Covenant plasma rifle, plasma pistol, and energy sword. They have announced today that these new toys will be unveiled at the San Diego Comic which begins tomorrow. The company has also revealed that the replica weapons -- not to be confused with those weapons from Master Replicas -- will include several features in order to give them an authentic look and feel. For example, should you "overheat" the plasma rifle, the sides will open -- just as they do in the game -- in order to allow the excess "heat" to vent. We hope this functionality is applied to the plasma pistol as well. Jasman also revealed the expected prices for the plasma rifle and pistol. The rifle will retail for $119.99 (ouch) and the pistol will cost $79.99 (ouch again). Both will be available in October. The sword won't be available until 2008 and (thankfully) has yet to be priced. Hopefully, we'll get to see these in action as Microsoft brings Comic-Con home. [Thanks, Michael Valentine]

  • Bungie Podcast episode 3 is up

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It took us three days to actually listen to it, but we thought it best to let our readers know that the third installment of the Bungie podcast is now available. In this episode, you can get your fill of Frank O'Connor, Brian Jarrard, Luke Smith, and their special guest Joseph Staten. Bungie fans will know that Staten is penning the next Halo novel, Contact Harvest. He's also the man behind the grunt voice that we all hold so dear. Together, the Bungie boys take time to discuss their time at E3, answer some mail, talk up Contact Harvest, and of course, dish about Halo 3 multiplayer shenanigans. Head over to Bungie and download it. Oh, we also asked Luke Smith if Bungie is planning on setting up an RSS feed for those of us who prefer automatic podcast delivery (and, really, who doesn't?). His reply: "SOON."

  • Bungie on Halo 3 online co-op, movie Warthog

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In the latest Bungie weekly update, Frankie discusses the recent, internet asploding story about Halo 3 and one of its (currently) missing features, online co-op. According to Frankie, Bungie is toiling on the feature, but getting the game's "complicated A.I. systems, huge game world, and gargantuan encounters" working nicely over an internet connection is proving to be a difficult task. He compares the work being done on online co-op to wrestling an alligator. Offering us a glimmer of hope in this analogy, Frankie notes that Bungie hasn't revealed "how big the knife we brought to the wrasslin' match is." Finally, he states that Bungie will say more when the time is right. Apart from the online co-op situation, the most interesting part of the update is a real, fully functioning Warthog, prompting us to frantically IM our friends (and loved ones), "OMG IZ REEL WRTHOG!!11!" Remember the live action "Arms Race" short film that was shown at E3? Well, that film is part of a series, and this Warthog will be making an appearance. All we want to know is when it's showing up on eBay (it'll go great with our Spartan suit). There's plenty more info contained in the update, including some new details on changes made to the energy sword in multiplayer (it will have a battery now). Go forth and read it.

  • Marathon: Durandal video takes us back

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We like us some Marathon. That is no secret. For many people, however, Marathon: Durandal on Xbox Live Arcade will be their first experience with Bungie's seminal shooter. If you find yourself in such a situation, you may find the video above to be an edifying experience. The game packs some serious action as well as many features that were very new during Marathon's heyday, including reloading weapons, alternate fire, and dual-wielding. Oh yeah, and the ability to look up and down? Well that was just crazy (and something you wouldn't find in DOOM, for example). The fact that it also serves as a basis for many of the weapons, story elements, ideas, and concepts of Halo is just gravy. Watch and enjoy.If you're really inclined to delve into Halo's history, you can grab the entire Marathon trilogy for free.

  • Free Halo 3 screensavers, ring tones and more

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Get 'em while they're hot! Available over at Microsoft's MSN Halo 3 page are a few free Halo 3 web downloads for you to enjoy. The downloads are themed after not only our hero Master Chief, but also reference to the Iris ARG glyph symbol too. Anyway, the free Halo 3 downloads include ring tones, screensavers, wallpapers, Windows Live Messenger pictures and Windows Live Space images. It's almost as if Microsoft were offering these free Halo 3 downloads to secretly market the game while fans of the series think it's just a kind gesture. Actually, that's probably why they're available. Who cares though, there are free Halo 3 goodies to download, so get get 'em!

  • Bungie: no official Halo DS ever existed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We really thought this rumor was good and dead, but you may have seen Halo DS rear it's ugly head once more around the internets. Luckily, our friends at Siliconera just so happened to have a little chat on the subject with Bungie at E3 last week. In addition to asking Bungie's Frank O'Connor and Brian Jarrard about whether or not we'll see any more Halo crossovers like the Spartan in Dead or Alive 4, Siliconera also asked about Halo DS. According to O'Connor, "there has never been an officially funded or sanctioned development of any sort of DS Halo game." O'Connor and Jarrard admit that Bungie has been pitched such an idea several times, and that there likely have been unsanctioned prototypes created by companies outside of Bungie. Such a prototype is probably what caused this ruckus in the first place. When asked about the future possibility of Halo on DS, the two don't rule it out entirely, but note it likely wouldn't be a first person shooter, as they don't work very well on handhelds. So there you go. No official Halo DS exists, or ever did. Can we drop this now?