

  • Gigabyte updates its netvertible range with the 11.6-inch Booktop T1132

    With Gigabyte's gaming motherboards doing so well, it's nice to be reminded that the company makes whole PCs too. The latest in its Booktop line of swiveling tablet hybrids is the T1132, which trumps the T1125 with a 1.6GHz Core i5-2467M processor and a GeForce GT520M GPU with 1GB and NVIDIA Optimus switching technology. You get one USB 3.0, one USB 2.0, eSATA and HDMI on the 1.76kg (3.9-pound) lappie itself, but you can add more ports and an optical drive with the optional docking station. There's no indication as to availability or whether it'll cost more or less than the T1125's original $1300 asking price, but you could always try to snag a free one via Gigabyte's wanton Facebook bribery competition detailed after the break.

    Sharif Sakr
  • SMK-Link releases Wireless Ultra-Mini Touchpad Keyboard for your inner sloth

    Exerting energy goes against the very fiber of our 21st century ethos -- which is why SMK-Link has come out with the Wireless Ultra-Mini Touchpad Keyboard. Available in both Mac- and PC-compatible versions, this little handheld allows users to surf the web, send texts, or control their home entertainment systems from up to 30 feet away. Featuring both a raised QWERTY keyboard and capacitive touchpad, SMK-Link's latest battery-powered creation boasts 20 function keys, seven hot keys and a dedicated Windows Media Center Start button (on the PC version, naturally). And, since it doesn't require any software drivers, all you have to do is plug in the RF receiver, sit back, and marinate your afternoon away. You can grab one now for $69 at the source link, below. Otherwise, swerve past the break for a drop of PR.

    Amar Toor
  • SMK's touchscreen registers your gloved swipes, won't acknowledge the bad touch

    Somewhere in an underground ice lair, Jack Frost's prepping to nip at noses and keep covered hands from touch devices. But SMK Corp's got a capacitive solution set to thwart old man winter's digitus interruptus. On display at this year's FPD International in Japan, the company's touchscreen innovation incorporates a specialized chip capable of highly-sensitive pressure detection that works in conjunction with a noise-filtering sensor to make your gloved gestures readable. It's good news for those of us subject to occasional bouts of frostbitten weather, but don't clap just yet -- these panels will initially be headed to in-car navigation systems. Still, with the displays workable on screens up to 8-inches in size, it's possible we could be seeing this tech extend to smartphones in the near future. So, there's a remedy out there folks, but while you wait for it, it's best to keep those glittens close at hand.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Microsoft's PocketTouch prototype is like x-ray vision for your fingers (video)

    Is it more gauche to pull out your phone in the middle of a date, or to draw a bunch of crop circles on your pants? That's the question we were asking ourselves after coming across PocketTouch -- a new Microsoft Research prototype that lets you manipulate your handset without ever removing it from your pocket. Developed by researchers Scott Saponas, Chris Harrison and Hrvoje Benko, the device essentially consists of a customized, multitouch capacitive sensor hooked on to the back of a smartphone. This sensor is capable of picking up gestures through fabric, allowing users to execute a wide array of eyes-free, gesture-based functions (including simple swipes and alphanumeric text) without ever having to actually whip out their phones. To do this, the team implemented what it calls an "orientation-defining unlock gesture," which helps the prototype get its bearings, before testing the capacitive sensors across different fabrics. According to Microsoft, the outcome "exceeded expectations," though there's no word on when or if this Goliath of a device could ever hit the mainstream. Head past the break to see a video of a man playing tic-tac-toe on his pants.

    Amar Toor
  • Capacitive touch brush stylus made from conductive thread

    Artist Margarita Benitez really wanted a Nomad Brush for her iPad but didn't have the cash for the actual thing, so she did the next best: she made one herself. Using an old brush handle and some conductive thread, she was able to assemble a working brush, and says it works better than expected. Her entry at Instructables has all of the instructions if you want to give one a shot yourself. I would say that if I tried one myself, I'd probably go with a different brush handle -- hers is a little thin for my tastes, though each artist probably has their own preference about what kind of brush you'd need (and it might just depend on the project as well). She also had to use a metal holder for the brush head and holds the brush with her fingers touching it, in order to send the capacitive charge down into the screen itself. I bet there's a way to improve on that, though, either by using a metal brush handle completely, or by running a strip of metal up and down the side of the brush. Either way, Benitez' result looks great. If you do jump in and put one together, be sure to send pictures to us on the tipline so we can see yours in action! [via Make]

    Mike Schramm
  • Garmin releases aera 795, 796 flight navigators, private jet not included

    The GPS gurus over at Garmin have just launched the aera 796 and 795 -- a pair of new navigation devices designed specifically for pilots who don't enjoy getting lost. As the flagship member of the aera family, the 796 sports a seven-inch, 480 x 800 capacitive touchscreen (capable of displaying maps in either landscape or portrait mode) and features Garmin's 3D Vision technology, providing users with a behind-the-plane view of the terrain below, including rivers, landing strips or any other obstacles. This knee-mounted co-pilot can also serve as an electronic flight bag, allowing captains to digitally store flight routes and airport diagrams directly on their devices. Plus, if it's hooked up to a compatible GPS system, the 796 can provide real-time traffic updates, while streaming SiriusXM radio straight to the cockpit (the North America-specific 795 features identical specs, minus XM compatibility). Aviation enthusiasts can buy the 796 and 795 for the respective prices of $2,500 and $2,200, at the source link below. Full PR after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • Griffin announces 'Stylus + Pen + Laser Pointer,' gives up on creative product names

    Multitasking business executives are going to love this. Whether you're taking notes on your tablet, pointing out graphs in a presentation or just signing reports, Griffin's new "Stylus + Pen + Laser Pointer'' should have you covered. As the name implies, it's a three-in-one input device containing a red laser pointer, an "omni-directional" capacitive stylus and a refillable ball point pen. It certainly seems convenient, but with a $50 price tag you may want to think twice before ditching your Bic. Full PR past the break.

    Joe Pollicino
  • Samsung MV800 MultiView camera hands-on (video)

    There's nothing all that exciting about most point-and-shoot cameras. You point, they shoot, end of story. But Samsung has been shaking things up as of late. First, the TL220 and TL225 added a second, 1.5-inch LCD to the front of the camera, making up the company's 2009 lineup of DualView cams. We've never actually seen anyone using them on the street, but Samsung reps insist that they've been an absolute hit. Well alright then. This year, CES brought the company's remote-shooting-enabled SH100, which lets you use a Samsung-branded Android smartphone to frame, zoom, and capture images over WiFi. A rather obnoxious delay doesn't make this a blockbuster feature, but still, this is pretty imaginative stuff. Now this week at IFA, the company just introduced yet another completely original (and practical) camera design with its MV800. The camera's image quality isn't much to speak of (though we've only had a chance to use a pre-production model), but its MultiView flip-up LCD is pretty darn fantastic -- in concept, at least. The 16.1 megapixel cam's entire 3-inch capacitive touchscreen flips from flush with the rear up to a 180-degree angle (and anything in between), making it possible to not only shoot perfectly framed self-portraits, but also to have a direct view of the display when shooting both below, and above eye level. We love to see manufacturers continue to push the envelope when it comes to innovation, but how did the $279 MV800 perform overall? Jump past the break for our impressions.%Gallery-132209%

    Zach Honig
  • BlackBerry Torch 9850 review

    Monza. It's a beautiful part of Italy, a majestic park split by one of the most historic racetracks in the world, and it was also the codename for this rather more homely looking phone. This is a handset that would go on to be known by many names (Storm 3, Touch...) before receiving its final moniker: Torch 9850. Why all the pseudonyms, and why choose to confusingly overlap this with the somewhat similar but rather different Torch 9810 that's also officially launching today? Maybe RIM didn't know what to make of this keyboard-free phone. Maybe the company wanted to distance itself from the Storm. Or, maybe what we have here is a smartphone that's trying to find an identity by sadly ditching the feature that, for many, makes a BlackBerry a BlackBerry: the physical keyboard. How does this smoothie compare to the others, and is it worth sacrificing all the QWERTY wonder found within the 9810? Read on to find out. %Gallery-130638%

    Tim Stevens
  • Report: Touchscreen demand to grow by 90-percent, led by mobile, tablet markets

    This just in: people really like touchscreens, and their tastes aren't going to change anytime soon. That's the takeaway from a new report from market research firm DisplaySearch, which predicts that revenue from touch panel sales will hit the $13.4 billion mark by the end of this year, before soaring to nearly $24 billion by 2017. Shipments of capacitive touch displays, in particular, are expected to increase by 100-percent over last year, accounting for a full 70-percent of all tactile revenues. The mobile market still accounts for most of this industry-wide growth, but demand for touch-based tablets is accelerating considerably, with more than 72 million panels expected to ship this year, and 100 million projected in 2012. Jonesing for more numbers? Better gallop past the break to get your hands on the full PR.

    Amar Toor
  • ZiiLabs unveils Jaguar family of Honeycomb tablets for OEMs to devour

    Just a few weeks after unveiling its ZMS-20 and ZMS-40 StemCell processors, ZiiLabs has now designed a new family of slates to house them. Developed with the OEM market in mind, the company's new Jaguar Honeycomb tablets come in two breeds -- one with a seven-inch, 1024x600 LCD and another with a ten-inch 1280x800 display. Unlike their ZiiO predecessors, these 64GB siamese twins call for both capacitive and resistive touchscreen capabilities, support OpenGL ES 2.0 3D graphics and, as you can see in the image above, feature front- and rear-facing five-megapixel cameras. And, of course, there's a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 ZMS-20 or quad-core ZMS-40 helping them purr right along, both clocking in at 1.5 GHz. The two Jaguars will be uncaged at next week's Computex tradeshow in Taiwan, but you can find more information in the PR that awaits you after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • Toshiba's in-cell integrated 7-inch capacitive LCD ditches touch layer, extra girth (video)

    Samsung's Super AMOLED may have beat Toshiba to the in-cell capacitive touch punch, but we're still happy to see other LCD panels dropping unnecessary layers. Featured in a GPS mock-up, Toshiba's 7-inch 1024 x 600 R&D display touts 10-point multi-touch over 38,400 sensors -- that's one touch sensor for every four pixels. It may not be the first LCD to abandon the standard touch layer for integrated capacitive support, but we wouldn't shy away from a tablet or embedded screen featuring this 1mm wonder. We'll have to wait though; Toshiba's in-cell tech is still in R&D, with no word when or if we might see it in commercial devices. Check out the video after the break for a quick hands-on. %Gallery-123862%

    Sean Buckley
  • HTC Flyer stylus on sale at Best Buy for $80, because matching gadgets should cost more (updated)

    If you ordered the HTC Flyer because you're keen on scribbling notes and doodling over screenshots, well, today's your lucky day -- the stylus is now on sale by itself for a cool $80. That's fairly outrageous, given that you can buy the HP Slate 500's for well under that tally, and the Fujitsu LifeBook T580's for roughly $22... that is, if you lose the one included in the box. Plus, although these battery-powered pens won't complement your Flyer's aluminum chassis, they should still work with it, as all of these tablets use N-Trig's DuoSense pen / capacitive touch technology. And particularly with a dearth in apps that can take advantage of pen input, you'd better be the next J.K. Rowling if you're looking to get your money's worth. Update: We've gotten some incredulous comments and emails from folks who can't believe the Flyer doesn't come with a stylus. Well, just to settle that debate once and for all, we reached out to HTC's PR team who confirmed that the stylus is, indeed, sold separately. Sorry to be the bearer repeater of bad news! Update 2: HTC adds that the Flyer will only come without a pen if you get it at Best Buy.

    Dana Wollman
  • Maglus iPad stylus rendered for, an Irish Kickstarter-like project

    Considering the iPad 2 works just fine with just a finger for most people, I wouldn't have thought there was much of a mass-market for a capacitive stylus for use on the 9.7" tablet. But that hasn't stopped people trying, including a new Irish Kickstarter-like project called The Maglus. The Maglus, as the name might suggest, is a magnetic capacitive stylus that will mimic the touch of a finger on the iPad's screen. It tucks neatly out the way when not in use by attaching to the Smart Cover or the body of the iPad 2. Having reached €2,939.00 (US$4,350) of the target €15000 ($22,195), the team behind the €24.99 Maglus has released a couple of new renders of the near final product (as seen above). You can view a video of a prototype below. If you're interested in getting your hands on one -- perhaps you're an artist, illustrator or someone who needs the precision of a pen on the iPad -- then head over to the Maglus page. You can pledge €15 or more to secure yourself one of the magnetic styluses, but hurry -- the offer is only open to the first 2000 pledgers. [via RazorianFly]

    Samuel Gibbs
  • Switched On: Pen again

    Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology. Last week's Switched On discussed how some next wave notions from a decade ago were trying to reinvent themselves. Here's one more. Surging smartphone vendor HTC is seeking to bring back an input method that many wrote off long ago with its forthcoming Flyer tablet and EVO View 4G comrade-in-arms: the stylus. A fixture of early Palm and Psion PDAs, Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile handsets, slim, compact styli were once the most popular thing to slip down a well since Timmy. Then, users would poke the cheap, simple sticks at similarly inexpensive resistive touchscreens. After the debut of tablet PCs, though, more companies started to use active digitizer systems like the one inside the Flyer. Active pens offer more precision, which can help with tasks such as handwriting recognition, and support "hovering" above a screen, the functional equivalent of a mouseover. On the other hand, they are also thicker, more expensive, and need to be charged. (Update: as some have pointed out in comments, Wacom's tablets generate tiny electromagnetic fields that power active digitization, and don't require the pen to store electricity itself.) And, of course, just like passive styli, active pens take up space and can be misplaced. The 2004 debut of the Nintendo DS -- the ancestor of the just-released 3DS -- marked the beginning of what has become the last mass-market consumer electronics product series to integrate stylus input. The rising popularity of capacitive touch screens and multitouch have replaced styli with fingers as the main user interface elements. Instead of using a precise point for tasks such as placing an insertion point in text, we now expand the text dynamically to accommodate our oily instruments. On-screen buttons have also grown, as have the screens themselves, all in the name of losing a contrivance.

    Ross Rubin
  • iPod touch prototype with capacitive home button leaked?

    Ah, would you look at that. Earlier this year there were rumors about Apple ditching the physical home button on upcoming iOS devices, and now we have what appears to be a new iPod touch prototype matching such description, courtesy of CrunchGear via Mr. Blurrycam. According to its About screen, this "DVT-1" (a late milestone) device packs 128GB of memory -- twice as much as the largest available capacity option right now (remember that 64GB iPhone 4 prototype in Hong Kong?) -- as well as a model number "MC550LL" which isn't far off from those of the fourth-gen iPod touches ("MC54xLL"), though this similarity doesn't help prove its authenticity nor indicate whether it'll make it to the market. Still, if Apple does go ahead with this grubby device or at least its capacitive home button, we might see new touch or gesture controls for the bezel area below the screen à la webOS, as suggested by an earlier patent. But hey, let's not take this too seriously for now -- all this could turn out to be just a much belated April Fools' prank, right?

    Richard Lai
  • Donya wish your touchscreen had buttons like these? (video)

    Touchscreen gaming's like cheese pizza -- a generally tasty treat, but significantly improved by an addition or two. Good thing Donya's got some new toppings for your touchy-feely display: a set of physical buttons and D-pads. Available in Japan for ¥999 (about twelve bucks) you get single, dual, and triple button stickers along with two D-pads to bring some much needed physicality to your handheld experience without sacrificing pocketability. We're not sure what marvel of modern science makes these tactile additions cling to your screen, but we do know they make firing off a few Hadoukens quite a bit easier. That plus a few Hurricane Kicks after the break.

    Michael Gorman
  • Microsoft researchers show off intuitive stylus, don't know how to hold a pencil (video)

    At this week's Microsoft promotional bonanza, otherwise known as TechFest 2011, a team of researchers debuted a rather shabby looking capacitive stylus that switches between functions based on your grip -- an interesting addition to a rather stagnant market, sure, but there are still a few kinks to be worked out. The multi-purpose tool enlists capacitive multi-touch and orientation sensors to respond to how you hold the thing, allowing you to perform a number of different tasks with a simple repositioning. A demo video of the stylus at work shows a disembodied hand switching between a pen, an airbrush, a compass, and even a virtual flute with ease, but while the project stresses the "naturalness" of the experience, we're pretty sure nobody sketches quite like that. Check out the video after the break to see what we mean.

  • Japanese researchers weave capacitive touch into large-area textiles, want to make them wearable (video)

    Conductive fibers, yo, they're the future. Japan's AIST is back with yet another quirky idea, this time integrating capacitive touch sensors into 1-micron thick nylon fibers. The results is a big old cloth that can sense your loving touch and inform nearby computers of what you're up to. Initial uses envisioned by the research outfit include implementation in hospitals to monitor bedridden patients, but the ultimate goal is to make this extra-sensitive array a wearable accoutrement. Wouldn't that be lovely?

    Vlad Savov
  • Fogale Nanotech takes the 'touch' out of 'touchscreen smartphone' at CeBIT

    French sensor manufacturer Fogale Nanotech -- historically more of an industrial supplier than a consumer-facing one -- was demonstrating its non-contact capacitive sensors at CeBIT this week and how they might be used for the most consumer-facing application of them all: smartphone interfaces. Fogale had two stations set up, PCs running Windows Phone 7 emulators with the sensors attached out front (oriented like you might place a trackpad on a desk). Though they didn't have any actual phone prototypes on hand with the technology integrated, it's clear that they're trying to drum up support with a manufacturer partner or two; in the meantime, you can get a sense of what's going on by waving your hand over the phone-shaped sensors at the stations. We found that as long as you're within about half inch of the pad, the on-screen cursor flys by in perfect harmony with your finger. Of course, there are plenty of unanswered questions here: deciding on the best user experience for actuating taps is key... but perhaps more importantly, we're not certain that you need your hand waving slightly above your phone while using it anyway. Don't get us wrong, it's super cool -- but are you really that worked up over smudges? Follow the break for a quick video of Fogale's recorded demos plus some time at the live kiosk.

    Chris Ziegler