

  • Nintendo Wii turns red with glee for Super Mario's 25th anniversarii

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    First of all, put away those credit cards, American readers, this is so far a Japan-only affair. Nintendo's celebrations of Mario's 25th birthday are extending beyond custom DSi and DSi LL consoles to a repainted Wii machine and a pretty sweet bundle to go with it. The sporty red number above includes one of the newfangled Wii Remote Plus controllers -- which can do MotionPlus tracking without the additional appendage -- along with a similarly rouged-up nunchuck, and, perhaps best of all, a preinstalled copy of Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Edition. That's still the game you know and love, but it now comes with bricks embellished with the number 25 on the front. You'll catch a screenshot after the break, while the Japanese audience can expect the tasty bundle to drop on November 11 for ¥20,000 ($241). Hey, if you really want it that bad, you've got a whole month to figure out an import strategy.

  • Microsoft kicks out a pink mouse for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    If you've been following your NFL broadcasts, you'll have noticed an entirely unusual hue infiltrating your typically macho sport -- in most clashes this weekend players on both teams could be seen sporting pink paraphernalia alongside their usual uniform colors. This courageous act of pinkification was in aid of the US National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which Microsoft is also supporting in its own small way. That small way is called the Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000, which will retail from now until the end of September of next year for $40 and contribute a $4 donation per sale to the Komen for the Cure charitable fund. Hey, it's got BlueTrack if you need to feel manly while buying one! [Thanks, Andrew]

  • HTC outs black Legend and white Desire to keep you busy for the time being

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    It's almost a given that HTC may have a little announcement for us next Monday, but chances are you'd like to let Windows Phone 7 settle in for a bit while you cling on to your trusty green bot. Assuming neither the Desire HD nor the troublesome Desire Z / G2 tickled your fancy, you now have two more options for consideration: a "phantom black" Legend and a "brilliant white" Desire (as seen a few weeks ago). Patrons in Europe should be seeing these new handsets starting this month, but here's a caveat: we're told that rather than going 100 percent SLCD for the Desire, it's actually a mix of both SLCD and AMOLED, so be sure to double-check with your store before handing over your hard-earned euros.

  • Samsung Galaxy S Femme bundles sexism in with your smartphone purchase

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You know what really bugs us about this Samsung Galaxy S Femme handset? No, it's not that it once again trudges out the tired cliché that women must love pink -- it's that it presumes gents can't appreciate the benefits of Aveda's Damage Remedy and Hand Relief creams. We totally can! And we'd love to spend some quality time with the Aveda advisor app, which comes bundled on a 4GB MicroSD card, letting it identify for us the particular products we need to buy to keep our skin and hair looking their best. But, according to the packaging, this 4-inch, Gorilla Glass-bearing smartphone isn't for us. Sigh.

  • Exclusive: Galaxy Tab, red / white BlackBerry Torch and Samsung Focus hitting AT&T in Q4

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Mmm, delicious. That's the feeling we're left with after being inundated with yet another round of AT&T leaks, this time giving us insight at a few flagship devices on tap for the carrier's holiday push. First up is the Galaxy Tab -- an Android 2.2-based tablet that we had previously heard rumored for AT&T's airwaves. Thanks to a branded snapshot from the carrier's internals, we can confirm that the Tab will indeed be sold on Ma Bell, and it (along with three other new Android devices) will ship "prior to December." Moving on, we've got even more confirmation that the Samsung Cetus (i917) will be one of the operator's first Windows Phone 7 devices, and it looks as if a heretofore unheard of Samsung Focus and HTC Surround will be joining it. Better still, we've got it on good authority that three other WP7 handsets will be splashing down alongside those others in time for the holidays. As for the remaining BlackBerry loyalists, AT&T will be tempting you with a trio of limited run Torch motifs coming in "mid to late November," with an all-white version, red / black model and olive colored edition on tap. We'll be keeping an ear to the ground for more, naturally. %Gallery-102059%

  • Pink DualShock 3 arriving September 21, who's manly enough to buy one?

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Should the classy white, or the patriotic red and blue PlayStation controllers not take your fancy, Sony's rolling out another hue just for you, discerning consumer: pink! The Japanese maker of everything with an electronic pulse has a bit of a tradition with this color and it's not like the great PS3 hasn't been licked by a few strokes of red lite before. Pricing is your typical $54.99 for this wireless console commander and GameStop should have them in within a couple of weeks.

  • BlackBerry Torch 9800 gets the Colorware treatment, sees value increase infinitely

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    So look -- RIM's BlackBerry Torch 9800 isn't exactly the barnburner-of-a-smartphone that we were hoping it'd be, but at least it looks snazzy, right? Right? Regardless of your answer to that, it's a bona fide fact that Colorware has outdone itself on this one. Usually, it's most fun to toy around with the company's endless array of hues in order to create the most hideous version of your favorite gadget before pretending to hit the order button, but for whatever reason, the first handset to ship with BlackBerry OS 6 actually looks dapper in red and white. Or maybe that's just the Wolfpack in us talking. Either way, it's available to customize now in the source link for $250 (send your own) or $1,050 (buy new sans a contract). Video's after the break, should you need one.

  • Xbox 360 slimster made over in white, just for the hell of it

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Missing your oldie Xbox 360's bright and airy white finish? Well, Microsoft's still not willing to sell you a slimmified 360 in any color other than black (excepting the limited edition Halo gear), but at least you can gaze upon the singular example of what a white one may look like above. This seemingly repainted Xbox 360 250GB (to give it its official, and ridiculous, name) has been lovingly put together over in China and really makes us wonder why Microsoft is depriving us of such snowy good looks. Perhaps it wanted to draw a clear line between the old and the new? Either way, hit the source for the cheapest way to peek an all-white slim 360 without giving the Colorware crew a call. [Thanks, Anthony] Update: We've tracked down the talented modder to one Craig Manders, or Mandark, and have linked his Photobucket profile below for more imagery of the blanched Xbox 360.

  • ColorWare's Magic Trackpad magically eliminates 145 magic dollars from your magic bank account

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Look: if you want an all-red Magic Trackpad, we can't and won't judge you. We can, however, judge you for spending $145 for the privilege of getting it. Like clockwork, custom paint job guru ColorWare has just flipped the switch on Magic Trackpad orders, letting you choose separate colors (in flat, metallic, or pearlescent paint) for the case and the pad itself. If you've already got a unit handy, you can send it in for $75, meaning you'll save a full dollar over the "buy new" option. It'll go great with your baby blue iMac and orange / black Magic Mouse, won't it? Peep ColorWare's promo video after the break.

  • Qualcomm building a $2b Mirasol plant after winning 'major client'?

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Well, if this isn't a statement of intent, we don't know what is. Those good old market sources are reporting today that Qualcomm has set aside a cool $2 billion to build a new Mirasol display production plant in Taiwan. The chipmaker already has a Mirasol facility in Longtan, a joint venture with Foxlink, but is said to be the sole investor in this new build. The whole thing has apparently been spurred on by a major client having "already started the design-in process" after seeing production samples of the 5.7-inch, low power, color display. We can't know for sure who that client may be, but Qualcomm's been doing some real heavy flirting with Amazon and all those overtures might (might!) finally have paid off. Of couse, as Jeff Bezos himself said, a color Kindle isn't likely to hit the market anytime soon, and this new factory isn't expected to begin volume production until 2012, but we'll take a slow and speculative roadmap over no roadmap at all.

  • Colorware freshens up BlackBerry Pearl 3G and Flip UltraHD with bodacious new paintjobs

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Say, are you finding your 3G-equipped BlackBerry isn't looking quite so Pearlescent now that the Curve has also gone 3G and BlackBerry 6 seems to have moved things along (a bit)? Maybe it's time you gave that zany bunch at Colorware a call, as they've just started taking orders for repainting Pearl 3G (aka 9100) handsets into whatever shade of awesome you desire. Prices are still ludicrous, starting out at $165 for a respray or $640 for a brand new phone, though if you want some more affordable customization, you can opt to send in your Flip UltraHD for a $50 change of hue (or grab a new one for $260). Sure, none of it makes much fiscal sense, but then blinging out your gear was never about rationality anyway.

  • PS3 gets Titanium Blue makeover for Gran Turismo 5 launch bundle; landing in Japan on November 3

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Shock of all horrors, Gran Turismo 5 will actually, finally launch in Japan and Europe on November 3. Of course, being more concerned with hardware as we are, our excitement is focused on the rich blue hue that will adorn PS3 consoles bundled with the grandiosely delayed racing game over in Nippon this fall. The ¥35,980 ($421) Gran Turismo 5 Racing Pack will be composed of a Limited Edition copy of the game plus a repainted skinny PlayStation 3 with a 160GB hard drive. Time to give your old importer buddy a call, eh?%Gallery-99696%

  • Pentax K-x introduced in four new colors, double rainbow now fully complete

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Well, well -- what have we here? Oh, four more K-x hues? Who would've guessed. Just months after Pentax introduced the latest round of colors to hit its long-standing entry-level DSLR, along comes a new foursome to consider: chocolate, beige, olive and pink. We actually witnessed the last one there back in mid-February (go on and guess, we'll wait), but now the whole group is up for sale on the company's webstore for $649.95 each. Too bad Pentax seems more interested in pumping out more exterior variations than a bona fide K-x successor, eh? %Gallery-99273%

  • E Ink begins sampling color and capacitive touch displays, on track for late 2010 launch

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    E Ink Holdings, the company behind the power-sipping screens contained within Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Readers, is keeping to its schedule for the biggest overhaul of its display technology yet. Color panels are reportedly now sampling out to device vendors and China-based Hanvon has already answered the call -- it promises to deliver color E Ink readers by the end of this year. Two varieties of touchscreens are also being prepared: the first is a capacitive panel to sate the kids' need to flick and swipe everywhere, while the second will include a pen-friendly digitizer that should make annotations a doddle (or should that be a doodle?). Better response times and reflectivity are also being touted, though the big question is obviously when this good stuff will make its way into mainstream devices like the Kindle. If you believe Jeff Bezos, that won't be any time soon.

  • Colorware finally points the rainbow gun at Flip Ultra, UltraHD up next

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It sure took 'em long enough, but Colorware has finally added the Flip Ultra pocket camcorder to its assortment of wares available to be doused in a rainbow's worth of hues. It's a fitting addition, of course, and those who'd prefer the HD version will be treated in the near future. For now, it'll cost you a Ulysses S. Grant (or more) to colorize your existing Flip Ultra, or $210+ to snag a minty fresh unit direct from Colorware. Best of all, you'll be able to paint the top, ring, bottom, back, cursor and button a different shade if you've got the cash, so hit that source link (or hop on past the break) if you're imagination is already whirring. %Gallery-99062%

  • Mac Mini suffers chromatic maltreatment at hands of Colorware

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You didn't seriously think the Mac Mini would be spared, did you? The maniacal customizers over at Colorware have added Apple's latest bit of desktop furniture to their stable of "have it your way" electronics, with a $250 price tag for the paintjob by itself and a $1,000 levy if you want them to procure the hardware as well. Hey, we know that's expensive, but somebody's got to be buying all these crazy-hued gadgets for the company to keep going, right? Anyone willing to own up to it?

  • Jobs clears up proximity sensor fix, white iPhone 4, and international plans at press conference

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Steve Jobs cleared up a few pending iPhone 4 issues quickly near the end of today's press conference today. First, he said that Apple would be releasing a software fix soon for the proximity sensor issues customers have been experiencing. A fix for that problem would be available in the next software update. Second, the white iPhone 4 is still due out by the end of this month, so if you've been waiting for that version, you won't have too much longer to wait. And finally, the iPhone 4 will come, Jobs said, to 17 countries on July 30th, as you can see above. Congratulations, international customers -- your release day is coming soon!

  • Colorware douses iPhone 4 in double rainbow, might just solve your reception issues

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Given just how much that white iPhone 4 bumper is about to cost you on eBay, it seems as if a Colorware'd alternative has never been a better bargain. The master of gadget coloration is back once more, this time promising to dress Apple's latest problem child up with just about any combination of hues that you choose. Consumers can splash paint on the frame, back, button, SIM card tray and earbuds, with the minimum price set at $250 for a sent-in device. There's no guarantee that a coat of Colorware will serve to remedy those awfully annoying reception issues, but at least you can pocket a beautiful reminder of just how happy a pair of colorful bands can make the average vacationer. And that, friends, is priceless. %Gallery-97438%

  • Sony thinks E Color is the new black, gives you a whole site's worth to choose from

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    If your gear isn't pushing the performance envelope, you typically have to resort to alternative means for attracting those precious customers. Sony's newish VAIO E series is an exponent of just such a philosophy, with its lurid colorings and replaceable keyboard skins. The company's decided to take things up a notch, however, by now offering a Color Combo site where we can combine the gnarliest hue mismatches this side of Colorware. The chromatic choices include the laptop's case and keyboard as well as the additions of a wireless mouse and a reversible sleeve. Everything that isn't bolted down to the computer will of course cost you extra, but will you really let a little bit of cash stand between you and that magenta dream machine?

  • White HTC EVO 4G lands early in Best Buy stores (update: unboxing!)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Good news, EVO 4G lovers! The striking white version of Sprint's most gargantuan (by diagonal screen size, anyway) smartphone has started to splash down into Best Buy stores across the nation a full five days early. If you'll recall, the white EVO 4G wasn't supposed to land in the hands of those who pre-ordered until July 11th, but we've received two independent confirmations that they are indeed arriving early in select locales. Stay close to your current phone -- you may be getting a pick-up call in the not-too-distant future. Update: A tipster has just sent in a gallery's worth of unboxing shots -- looks like these are indeed being handed out early! Huzzah! [Thanks, Anonymous and Justin] %Gallery-97000% %Gallery-97004%