

  • Guildwatch: Yesterday, WoW was such an easy game to play

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Writing all of this Guildwatch stuff this week has really had me pining for a hardcore raiding guild lately -- I don't know if I'd have the time or the interest to show up for all of the raids, but man, it must be a good feeling to roll up through Ulduar with nine other people and walk away with an awesome title and/or a Rusted Proto-drake like the folks above. Kudos to all the guilds that manage to pull it off, as reported right here on GW.If your guild has done something noteworthy (or you've seen a particularly juicy piece of drama over on the guild forums), please do send us a note at Meanwhile, click on through the link below to see this week's drama, downed, and recruiting news.

  • Guildwatch: It was my friend

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Of course the issue is supposed to be fixed now, but after getting booted off their mains in Ulduar, Dark Haven on Baelgun had had enough, and made a dancing line of cows to display their displeasure. Pretty funny.Lots more guild shenigans in this week's Guildwatch as usual, including some drama (both good and bad), some downed news, and some recruiting posts. Tune in after the break below to see what's going on around the servers. And if you have a tip, from your guild or something you saw on the forums, send it along to us at Thanks!

  • Guildwatch: Into the Coliseum

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Word from the Argent Tournament front is that the Coliseum is being crushed -- we're getting lots of news here in GW that bosses are being downed, and with the last boss in this week, world firsts are happening already. Of course, for us, a down is a down, so we're happy to report on any kills, whether they be in Naxx, Ulduar, or the ToC. But from what we've heard, there's quite a few raiding groups out there that have trounced what the Argent Tournament has thrown at them, so we guess we'll just have to wait and see what challenges there are to come.Meanwhile, you can find this week's drama, downed, and recruiting news all after the break. Have a tip for us? Please do send us an email at, and you just might see it here next week. Thanks! Hit "Read More" for, well, more.

  • Guildwatch: "ur name is remembered"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Boyd of Order of the Oak was tooling around Storm Peaks on the Shadowsong server when he saw a pile of dead rhinos and swooped done to skin them. No sooner did he do that than he noticed a little AFK Mage of Riders of the Apocalypse sitting there, and when the person got back from AFK, as you can see above, they were quite angry. Quite angry indeed. Over two Rhino skins. We wonder whose reputation was hurt worse by this little transaction.Many more drama stories in this week's Guildwatch, which we apologize is a little bit late thanks to the BlizzCon aftermath here on the site. But worry not -- we've got your drama, your downed, and even your recruiting news. Sorry you didn't get it earlier, but maybe it'll be a little pick-me-up this late in the week. Want to send us a tip? Please do? Email it to!

  • Guildwatch: Easy as 1 2 3

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's another fun guild kill shot, this one from Carpe Incursio, a raiding guild on Eitrigg. The guild actually has its own Flickr account, where you can see lots of other fun shots and pictures. Pretty groovy. Plus, we can't really pass up anything with that many voodoo Gnomes.Lots more fun guild stuff in this week's GW, including yet another YouTube Vent recording, and more Yogg Saron downings than you can shake an ilvl 226 stick at. Hit the link below to read on.

  • Guildwatch: Loot reservations required

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The hilarious screenshot above comes from Blitzkrieg of Twisting Nether -- I think it's probably the winner of guild screenshots we've seen so far. It's too bad they didn't get the actual Flame Leviathan model in there, but the guildies' names above their heads are perfect. Very well done.Lots more downings (we're still cleaning up the ones before patch 3.2, but I expect after today, we'll be seeing some serious Crusaders' Coliseum progression), and of course the usual drama and recruiting news in this week's GW as well. Click the link below to read on, and enjoy.

  • Guildwatch: He makes everything better

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Can you tell what's so awesome about this picture of Anarchy of Ravencrest's 10-man Yogg Saron down? Nope, it's not the fact that they killed one of the hardest bosses in the game, and it's not even that cool type effect on the title. It's the naked Gnome. Trust us, Horde or Alliance, every guild should have a naked Gnome standing front and center in their kill shot.Lots of naked Gnome-less downed bosses in this week's Guildwatch (which, we promise, has lots more actual text than the early version you accidentally saw today). We've also got drama and recruiting news as well -- hit the link below to read this week's column.

  • Guildwatch: Just don't say "priceless"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We got quite a few good photoshopped victory pictures in the email after our suggestion that you send us some a few weeks ago, so you'll probably see a few of them here in the column over the next few weeks (assuming, that is, we don't get any hilarious chat logs that we need to show you). This one's from Tyranis, GM of The Arcane Council on Bloodhoof, who adds in some fun stuff to every screenshot his guild puts together. Go see more of them on their website.More downed news, as well as drama and recruiting notices, in this week's Guildwatch, which starts below. If you have news to send in, please do: drop us a quick note (the more you can emulate the format of the news below, the better) at Meanwhile, read on for this week's column.

  • Guildwatch: They should ninja a dictionary

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blizzard's "new" approach to the endgame is nowhere more apparent than right here in Guildwatch: final endgame bosses use to only be the domain of world firsts and sponsored guilds, but one look through our Downed section this week shows that even casual guilds can now roll all the way up to Yogg-Saron and take him out. Sure, Algalon, that "destroyer of raids," is still no pushover. But the endgame is definitely much more accessible than before.That downed news can be found after the link below, along with all of the drama and raiding news we've received lately from around the realms. Click on to read this week's Guildwatch, and feel free to send us your tips at -- you might see them right here next week.

  • Guildwatch: That little extra something

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's been a while since we've seen a fun screenshot like this, so here you go: Lawlessness of Norgannon-H saw fit to add a little text to their kill picture of the first boss in Ulduar. If you want to send us an exceptionally cool screenshot your guild has done, feel free to send it (and any other tips you have about drama, downed, or recruting news) to, and you might see it here in the future.Meanwhile, click the link below to see this week's Guildwatch column. Enjoy!

  • Guildwatch: Dodge this

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Sorry for the low resolution on the pic above, but we thought it was still funny enough to share -- the guildleader of the guild (unfortunately, we weren't told the name or server) was a little unhappy when one of the raiders decided to leave a "whipefest" on General Vezax, and he decided to pull off a WoWBash-style /gkick.Lots more drama, downed, and recruiting news in our weekly Guildwatch column, which starts right after the break below. Have a tip for us? Send it along to, and you might see it right here next time.

  • Guildwatch: Paydirt in the drama mine

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Picture it: you're raiding along with a PuG run by a guild called, say, Logos et Ethos. Things are going well -- your first piece of loot drops, and people start rolling on it. But then the master looter from the guild throws this in guild chat: "we will begin the bidding at 100g." Yes, apparently it's an auction run, and they didn't tell anyone. The scene above unfolds -- people curse out the guild, leave the raid, and Poemaster pulls out the caps lock to try and keep his guild's secret fundraiser going.That drama and more in this week's Guildwatch, along with stories of downed bosses and recruiting from around the realms. Send us your tips (especially drama, we always love a good chat screenshot) to, and click through the link below to read more.

  • Guildwatch: System error beep bop

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We have no idea why Coridane is so against Warlocks getting made fun of in the game (he must not be a fan of our very own Warlock-hater, Christian Belt), but apparently it's serious -- serious enough for him to kick you from a raid. We do especially like that the need to assault downed Warlocks is actually a system error ("beep bop"): we would just have assumed that was normal protocol. It sure is in our raids.More drama like this, along with downed and recruiting news, in this week's Guildwatch. If you have tips for us, feel free to send them in -- just drop us a note (please keep it short, sweet, and clear) at, and you might see it here next week.

  • Guildwatch: We're not even in his guild

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Ulduar is getting toppled, guild by guild. We've heard about quite a few Yoggy downings already, and everybody else seems to be working their way around six or seven out of fourteen. There are still definitely a few guilds still working on Naxx and Malygos (nothing wrong with that -- my guild has Malygos on notice), but we'd say the majority of folks are finding Titan treasures in Ulduar. Which is probably just the way Blizzard wants it.Lots more downed news, not to mention both drama (a Downfall parody!) and recruiting notices from around the realms in this week's Guildwatch. Click the link below to read on.

  • [1.Local]: Questions, answers from our readers

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Reader comments – ahh, yes, the juicy goodness following a meaty post. [1.Local] ducks past the swinging doors to see what readers have been chatting about in the back room over the past week.The comments section is usually a cacophony of voices seeking to agree or disagree with the main post, discredit previous commentors or make some pointless point ("first" -- /facepalm). This week, readers pulled together in a more truly interactive relationship, offering up questions, tips, insights and well thought-out suggestions and ideas. Take a trip through the pickings this week on ways to make professions more interesting, more Star Trek Easter eggs, getting real about DPS, copyright issues, snappier headlines ... and even a post devoted exclusively to guild and player recruitment notices.

  • Breakfast Topic: Does the guild recruitment channel work?

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Many guilds recruit rather religiously, often having a couple people assigned to constantly ensure there's an adequate number of people to run dungeons, raids, and PvP teams. There are essentially four ways that people recruit.The first way is through the official forums, both via the individual realm forums and the multi-realm guild recruitment forum. Often times this means making a detailed and professional looking post and ensuring that it's bumped to first page of the forum several times a day.The second way is through unofficial sites and forums. The process is similar to recruiting on the official forums, but recruitment generally is more directed towards the site's (and ideally the guild's) audience. For instance the guild recruitment forums on MMO-Champion are a great place to find hard core raiding guilds. Our Guildwatch column is another great tool.

  • WoW Rookie: Joining your first guild

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the resources they need to get acclimated. Send us a note to suggest a WoW Rookie topic.World of Warcraft is categorized as a MASSIVELY Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) – so it only makes sense that you should aim to connect with (relatively) massive numbers of other players when you're playing. While it's true that you can successfully fumble about in the relatively unpopulated leveling zones on your own, you'll enjoy a richer, more complete game experience if you play with other players, as intended. At some point, even social butterflies who meet other players at the drop of an emote should consider teaming up with other players in a more structured way by joining a guild.Guilds are teams of players who share similar goals or play styles. A guild that fits your needs will sweep your enjoyment to a whole new level. It's like gaining a pool of automatic friends. Your guildmates are the folks who can group with you, craft items for you, lend directions and advice to you, loan you a few gold when things are tight, and keep you company in guild chat or Vent as you quest your way through the levels. But not just any guild will do. Guilds are formed, evolve, break up and reform for all sorts of different reasons. It's up to you to find a group that matches your play style, personality and needs. Being part of the coolest, most uber raiding guild on the server is utterly worthless if you're the only, lonely level 32 casual among its ranks. Joining a level 80 progression raiding guild or a competitive PvP team can be a tricky endeavor, and it's most assuredly not what we're covering here today. For ways to target a guild that fits you as a new, leveling WoW player, read on.

  • Breakfast topic: Poaching

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    I'm working on growing our little guild. I've met with some success. I don't spam trade chat to advertise our guild bank, vent, website or or smokin' hot tabard (all of which we have). I like to get to know people a bit before I bring them into the fold. The best way that I know how to do that is to run instances with them.Since we're small, I PUG a lot, so I'm introduced to many players. I'm looking for folks that are both good at what they do and would be a good fit for what we've established. I've found that many times people pug because even though they're in a guild they can't seem to get the assistance that they need. I find that some are actively looking for a change and others just generally enjoy the experience grouping with my comrades.

  • Dive right into recruiting with WoW Lemmings

    Marcie Knox
    Marcie Knox

    Recruiting isn't what I'd call a fun past time. Ever since server transfers exploded on the scene, it's not unusual for our guild's officers to spend 30 min to an hour per day scanning the WoW Guild Recruitment forums (Alliance and Horde flavors). With summer hitting, no major content in the immediate future, and what I'd like to call the 3rd Year Burnout affecting players, recruitment is more important than ever to keep a guild's progress going. There are a lot of options out there to find people LFG, but the WoW Guild Recruitment forums continue to be the largest source of potential class replacements. They're not perfect, though. For one, you'll spend more time trying to find the class you're looking for than actually posting replies to viable recruits. And with the speed at which new posts are made (20 minutes after you post, you're on page 5), it can be extremely daunting trying to keep up with them all. Join me after the jump to learn how WoW Lemmings has changed all that.

  • Drysc announces forum changes

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Drysc has posted that on May 21st, the official forums will undergo a few changes. While most of them are minor, one is a little more meaty.To cut down traffic on the Guild Recruitment forum and give advertisements a little more staying power, the Guild Recruitment forum will be cast aside. In its place will be two forums, one specifically for Alliance advertisements and one for Horde advertisements.That is definitely good news for aggressive recruiters, and I'm sure it will come into play even more in Wrath of the Lich King, when 10 and 25 man raiding starts up in that expansion's life cycle.