Harry Potter


  • Barely Related: Marvel's Civil War, DC movies galore

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Twin Peaks returns, so does Ghostbusters

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Hello, weekend! It's so lovely to see you again. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Science's Bob Dylan, Twin Peaks tease

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    May your weekends be filled with liveliness and joy. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Gold: The secret shame of my late night iPhone order

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    If you were one of the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, all staying up late last night to pre-order an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, you probably noticed that the roll-out didn't proceed as smoothly as it might have, especially at the US store. With store-down notices going on significantly beyond the 12AM Pacific launch time, it was a mad scramble trying to get an early-shipped device. Outages were so bad that some people started hearing imaginary Mandarin audio tracks floating through their heads. I quickly found out, as did many others, that the iOS-based Apple store app offered the best chance for a pre-order. I hopped in, fully intending to pick up a mid-range 64 GB Space Gray iPhone 6 Plus unit. This is what I call the "accountant's special", as it offers the best mix of subdued coloring and storage value. Apparently, nearly every one else in the Internets hoped to pick up exactly that model since it showed "not available" from the moment I finally got past the AT&T upgrade screen. In fact, the only model I could order with a quick ship date was the 128GB Gold. I'm not terribly against the whole 128GB storage as I can basically put every bit of data I own on my phone along with the gross domestic data product of several small countries but the gold color, well, I'd like to think that I have, er, had, standards. Ever since the gold iPhone 5s debuted, its taste level has been subject to debate. Caught between "shameful bling" and "understated elegance", there fewer people who can figuratively carry it off than people who literally carry it in their purse or pocket. I know for sure that I'm not one of them. Sure, I'm trying to make the best of things -- I'm calling it "Fawkes" after the phoenix in Harry Potter, although I was tempted with "Deputy Parrish" for the ambiguously phoenix-y character on Teen Wolf -- but to me, gold color has always been something that happens to other people. People who live in Florida. Who have fabulous houses. Who drive nice cars and drink champagne. People to whom "lamé" is a metallic fabric and not an MP3 encoder. Steve Sande tells me that he's about to sell his gold iPhone 5s to Gazelle, adding "I've hidden it in a Mophie case for a year". What do you think of the gold iPhone? Cast your vote in this poll and then drop a comment about how your pre-order went. What model and color did you go for? And when do you expect it to arrive or be ready for pickup? %Poll-89389%

  • Barely Related: Hello Kitty is not a cat and other nonsense

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Deep breaths, everyone. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Terminator Genisomething, Star Wars world

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    We're leaving on a jet plane and we're definitely, 100 percent sure when we'll be back – right after Gamescom. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Harry Potter in his 30s, Seth Rogen's war

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Oh, yes, Friday. Oh. Yes. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Reading Rainbow makes big bucks

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Are you ready, weekend? Because we're coming for you. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Doctor Who airs in August, Wright exits Ant-Man

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Deep breaths, everyone. The week is almost done. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Barely Related: Affleck's tiny Batman ears, tons of TV

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Some weeks are more hectic than others for no apparent reason – and that just makes the weekend so much sweeter. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • The World of Magic aims to take over for the Harry Potter MMO

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Last week, we heard news that the Harry Potter MMO was put on hold by Warner Bros. while they decided "if the production would be a good investment or not." But the development team at Bio-Hazard Entertainment decided to show WB what they're made of with a side project named The World of Magic. TWoM doesn't look to be a direct Harry Potter game, but instead an MMO inspired by the IP. "We think that this MMO will be exactly what you guys wanted and more!" a dev blog states. "Our new site is will soon give you more info, images, videos, and options that will allow you to see how similar it will be to HP. It has broken our hearts that HP is on hold but maybe this gives us the opportunity to show WB that our new company can do it and not matter what obstacles get in our way, we can overcome them!" While further details aren't available at this time, the project's new website already has 600 members and plenty of gallery images to get any Harry Potter fan excited. [Thanks to Viturino for the tip!]

  • The Harry Potter Online project appears to be on hold

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Well, that was fast, if inevitable. A tipster named Mike let us know that according to an email blast just sent out to fans, developer Bio-Hazard Entertainment is putting the unauthorized-but-hopeful Harry Potter Online MMO on hold indefinitely. Statements on the official site seem to confirm the halt to the project, albeit obliquely: It hurts us all:( our hearts are broken and torn. Bio-Hazard Entertainment and all its team love every single one of you loyal wizards and thank you for everything you have done. Sometimes people just like to ruin things for others. As loyal HP fans we all stand strong and united! Please remember here at BHE we love you all and you are the greatest fans we could have asked for! BHE site coming soon so you can join us in all our productions! [...] The team is discussing using what they have made and making their own MMO based off of what you guys have suggested, except not HP related. But lets all unite together and show WB that this is needed! WIZARDS UNITE! [Thanks, Mike!]

  • Jukebox Heroes: Top 40 MMO themes, #30-21

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We're back with our second part of our Top 40 MMO main themes countdown, this time digging into the middle of the pack. To repeat my self-imposed rules for this list: I limited myself to just one theme from a particular title, even if there were multiple themes in a game. Entries had to be a main theme or the closest equivalent of that; they had to be from MMOs, not from MOBAs; and I had to divorce my weighting of the track itself from the popularity of and my experience with that game. So there were no points added or subtracted based on my love of the game; I'm counting down the best music, period. If you missed the first part, check out themes #40-31. Otherwise, hit that continue button and get listening already!

  • Harry Potter Online in limited production

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With a hot IP, a devoted fan-base, and a fantastical world begging to be explored further, a Harry Potter MMO has been on many gamers' "most wanted" lists for years now. We just got word that Harry Potter Online is indeed in production, although this comes with a serious caveat. The production website for Harry Potter Online is up and running with forums, a gallery, and some basic information about the game. However, it looks as though developer Bio-Hazard Entertainment has yet to receive the full go-ahead from Warner Bros.: "Seeing that it could be a really great business plan, a license was given that would allow the company to begin production on the MMO up until beta. Once beta was hit it would then be decided [by Warner Bros.] if the production would be a good investment or not." The proposed Harry Potter Online would allow players to choose to attend one of three schools of magic, take on roles like Aurors and Lamorians, and become masters of various professions such as potions and herbalism. And yes, if you were wondering, there will be Quidditch. The developers said that a promotional video, trailer, and live interview will be coming soon. You can see some of the game's concept art and hear the devs talking about the game in a video after the break. [Thanks to Cherie for the tip!]

  • 3D Systems buys company behind Star Wars, Hobbit and Harry Potter models

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Listen, as excited as I was to be turned into a Star Trek character, my heart has always belonged in a galaxy far, far away. So, naturally, I'm a bit excited by this morning's news that the latest company to be vacuumed up by 3D Systems is a modeling / toy design firm Gentle Giant, which has a pretty solid pedigree of high profile partnerships, including Star Wars. And while the companies haven't announced specific plans post-acquisition, I'm already pretty pumped imagining just what I would look like in a block of carbonite. Here's the official line on the deal, 3DS plans to immediately leverage Gentle Giant Studios technology and vast library of digital content into its consumer platform and extend its existing brand relationships to further the reach of 3D scanning, modeling and printing for entertainment, toys, collectibles, action figures in conjunction with numerous blockbuster films and evergreen licensed properties. Sounds promising enough. Also on the list of GG's intellectual property partners are The Hobbit, Marvel / Disney, The Walking Dead and Harry Potter. On second thought, my head on Wolverine's body sounds pretty appealing too - the adamantium claws would certainly come in handy next week at CES...

  • Wonderbook gets more Harry Potter, dinosaurs, detectives on Nov. 12

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    We'll explain the header image in a moment. Wonderbook's library is expanding three times its current size on November 12, adding Book of Potions, Walking with Dinosaurs and Diggs Nightcrawler. The first and only Wonderbook game, Book of Spells, launched in December – even though it takes place in a Harry Potter universe designed for younger players, we had a blast crafting charms. Book of Potions also stems from Harry Potter's Wizarding World, complete with a new character written by JK Rowling and a Potions Championship tournament. Book of Potions links up to Pottermore accounts, just as Book of Spells did. It will be available in a bundle with the Wonderbook peripheral for $30. There's no mention of a download or game-only option. Diggs Nightcrawler was announced with Wonderbook at E3 2012, and it stars a cartoonish bookworm detective. It is listed for $15, download only. Walking with Dinosaurs is a partnership with BBC Worldwide, available as a bundle with Wonderbook or as a download. As for our choice of header image: Who would be better at mixing up potions than Walter White and Jesse Pinkman of Breaking Bad? We can see it now. Book of Potions, bitch.

  • Leaderboard: Which of these IPs would make the best MMO?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Let's talk about IP-based MMOs. There are a few currently available. There are a couple that are no longer available. There are probably some that I'm forgetting. The point I'm getting to, though, is that there are some fairly well-known IPs that haven't crossed over to the land of kill-10-rats, faction grinds, and endless character progression. Maybe your favorite IP has already been made into an MMO. Maybe it hasn't. Maybe you hate the idea of IPs or IP-based MMOs in general. Regardless, you should click past the cut and participate in this week's poll. Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • Harry Potter author's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' seeks out a video game

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Warner Bros. is poised to launch a video game adaptation of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the first film written by Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Fantastic Beasts takes place in Rowling's wizarding world but it's separate from the Harry Potter series, set 70 years before Harry's story begins. Instead, it tells the tale of Newt Scamander, the author of Fantastic Beasts, the classic Care of Magical Creatures textbook used at Hogwarts. Fantastic Beasts is the beginning of a new film series in the wizarding world. "Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt," Rowling says. "As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know, I liked him so much that I even married his grandson, Rolf, to one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter series, Luna Lovegood. As I considered Warners' proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn't dislodge. That is how I ended up pitching my own idea for a film to Warner Bros." Fantastic Beasts will be translated into a video game, as well as an expanded online presence at Pottermore and in consumer products. For those not afraid of a little studying, Fantastic Beasts is available for purchase at most bookstores and online. Other Harry Potter companion books, Quidditch through the Ages and The Tales of Beedle the Bard, are also for sale, for the Granger types among us.

  • The Perfect Ten: Franchises that would make great MMOs

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Any MMO player worth his or her salt has a binder full of ideas for games, usually based on a favorite book, television, or movie franchise. We've talked about it before. We've discussed whether or not it's a good idea to even have IP-driven MMOs. But you know what we've never done? We've never consulted me. I'm hurt, to be honest. I know that I'm just one of millions of MMO players, but I have a binder too! It's a vintage Trapper Keeper with a wizard on the cover who is dashing among abstract geometric shapes. My mom thought it was cool and my friends think it's totally rad. Inside are the secrets to hit MMOs that studios are just too scared to make but would be bigger than World of Warcraft if someone would just take the chance. I know it. Today I'm going to open up that binder and shove my ideas in your face. And then, knowing how these things go, I will raise up every geek voice against my picks in the comments section. Bring it on. My wizard can handle all of you.

  • Daily Update for May 17, 2013

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    It's the TUAW Daily Update, your source for Apple news in a convenient audio format. You'll get all the top Apple stories of the day in three to five minutes for a quick review of what's happening in the Apple world. You can listen to today's Apple stories by clicking the inline player (requires Flash) or the non-Flash link below. To subscribe to the podcast for daily listening through iTunes, click here. No Flash? Click here to listen. Subscribe via RSS