

  • Eigenharp Alpha, Pico demo and mind-blowing concert (hands-on)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    Remember the Eigenharp Alpha and Pico that we broke news of last week? Sure you do, but we bet you still haven't a clue how those long, elegant sticks work. The forty employees at Eigenlabs probably heard us simultaneously scratching our heads so they kindly invited us to their London studio for a quick demo, and boy, those musical wands look great up close, not to mention their remarkable flexibility for user configuration as well. John Lambert, Founder and Chairman of Eigenlabs, managed to sneak out of his busy schedule to give us the lowdown on the Eigenharps. It all started in his Devon barn about eight years ago and over time the Alpha was groomed into a 132-key beast, followed by the recently-developed, self-explanatory Pico. The defining character of both Eigenharps lies in their "completely new sensor technology" consisting of pressure sensitive keys, that can do dual-axis vibrato (not dissimilar to string instruments), accompanied by strip controllers for applying filters or pitch bend, or anything at all depending on how you configure them on their Mac software suite (Windows-support due in January). Likewise with the breath pipe: once you've loaded your library and presets you can switch from a Kenny G to a Daft Punk at the simple click of a key. Heck, you can even configure the air pressure sensitivity as well if you're tickling for a soft mood, or just feeling lazy. And those funky LED lights, you ask? Well, they're actually indicators for the different modes you're in rather than just being pretty. Watch the walkthrough videos after the break and you'll get a better idea. %Gallery-75673%

  • Pocket steel drums aren't made of steel, aren't really drums (video)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    You'd be surprised how many requests we get for more gadgets that help our readers celebrate their love of the Caribbean culture and music. Luckily for us, the kids at Vat19 are now hawking a mini steel drum set that seems like it just might do the trick (that is, if the 'trick' can be 'done' by putting more red, yellow, and green-colored crap on your desk). By all accounts, this thing is pretty unexceptional -- it'll let you bang out an 8 note major scale, let you record your performance, and that's about it. Hell, it doesn't even really sound like steel drums! But the distributor did manage to get it to play Just A Friend by the incomparable Biz Markie -- and in our eyes, that's definitely worth a mention. All the same, we're rather have the Stylophone Beatbox. Yours for $18.95. Video after the break.[Via Engadget German]

  • Stylophone Beatbox made interesting, desirable by superstar Brett Domino (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The $25.50 Stylophone Beatbox doesn't look like much, and if it weren't for one Brett Domino and his partner in hip-hop crime Steven Peavis, we just might have continued about our lives without knowing of this thing's potential. Described as the ultimate street cred token for the average white boy, this diminutive box reacts to panel presses by dishing out the hottest beats this side of Compton. The result? An eclectic mix of melodic rap tunes, all beautifully re-rendered by Leeds' most handsome, talented and skilled resident. Hit the video after the break if you know what's good for ya, and feel free to fast forward to 1:33 before having your mind blown. Thug lyfe, y'all. [Via Gizmodo]

  • Eigenharp Pico and Alpha slowly remove shroud of mystery, gets stratospheric price tags

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We can almost say with certainty that neither the Eigenharp Pico nor Alpha will actually be remembered as the "most revolutionary instrument in 60 years," but that's not stopping creator Eigenlabs from keeping its hopes high. If you'll recall, these funky instruments were unveiled courtesy of an enigmatic YouTube clip early last month, and now the outfit is slowly dribbling out official details on its contributions to the musical realm. Neither instrument is being aimed at the bargain banger, with the Alpha going for £3,950 ($6,302) and the Pico for £349 ($557). Both of 'em sport keys, a breathe pipe, a so-called strip controller and their own native soundsets, though currently they'll interface only with Macs. If you're really interested in learning something new, you can surf on over to the outfit's website for a look at the specifications -- just bring the checkbook if you're easily tempted. Update: Looks the The Beeb snagged a little mouth-on time with it!

  • Mad Catz Rock Band Wireless Fender Telecaster 'Player's Edition' might just get Dylan to go electric

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    If you're really, really into fake guitar playing, Mad Catz newest 'Player's Edition' Fender Tele might be just the thing for you. It boasts four ways to kick yourself into Overdrive (traditional tilting, a backtuning button, a touch sensitive pickup over the strumming bar, and a sold-separately Electro Harmonix pedal), plus some new fast action Shredderz fret buttons. Of course, the real draw here is aesthetic, and they've definitely hit all the right notes, there. The Rock Band Telecaster is available now, and it's going to run you $109.99 -- but you can make that in busking tips, right?

  • Novation Launchpad speaks Ableton Live's language... on video!

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Look for a new slate of buttons to control Ableton Live? Even if you're shaking your head as if to signify "negative, Jim," you still owe it to yourself to peek the video in the read link. The newly announced Novation Launchpad is the self-proclaimed Ableton Live controller, with an 8 x 8 grid of do-anything keys, dedicated scene launch buttons and nearly limitless possibilities. It's up for order now from a variety of respected e-tailers, and based on the preview alone, we'd say it could very well be the best $199 you've ever spent. (This month.)

  • Band Hero's revamped drums coming in November bundle, very limited exclusive for Wii

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Guitar Hero drummers who wondered whatever happened to that revamped set we spied months ago can finally sleep more soundly at night, although while still probably tapping out "Sweating Bullets" in their dreams. The cats at IGN got some hands-on time with the new gear, and while there's no physical pics to show for it, they do report being happy with the overall design and its smaller, but still capable frame. The peripheral is reportedly due in a Band Hero Super Bundle for Nintendo Wii this November. It's a limited exclusive for the console, meaning the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 packages will include the standard Guitar Hero drums until "sometime later this year." That leaves at most seven weeks of lead time -- not too long, but in the precious time before Christmas, it's probably quite the coup.

  • Video: Mysterious Eigenharp offers blinkenlight sitar looks, chilled-out Moby grooves

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    There was a time when instruments were limited by their shapes, strings, valves. Today they're only limited by human creativity, and we'd have to say the folks at Eigenlabs certainly aren't lacking in that department -- they seem to have a bountiful supply of buttons and LEDs, too. Eigenlabs has given birth to the Eigenharp, an instrument that is still largely mysterious, but as you can see in the first video below it seems to allow musicians to loop samples, finger drum, and even play like an oboe. The second video shows off the thing's sequencer, a combination of features that could make this the perfect electronica accompaniment for your next sit-in. Exactly what else it can do remains to be seen, but we'll probably go ahead and wait for for the four-button Guitar Hero version.

  • Logitech tests the boundaries with overpriced wireless guitar and drums for Wii

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You'd never know that we're still pulling out of a recession if you took one glance at the music peripheral market. The Beatles: Rock Band bundle costs more than some game consoles, and Mad Catz is charging $300 for a genuine Fender Stratocaster that controls Rock Band on the Xbox 360. Now, Logitech is joining the whole "rob gamers blind" movement with the introduction of the Wireless Guitar Controller and Wireless Drum Controller for Nintendo's Wii. Both products are licensed for use with Guitar Hero, with the axe boasting a maple neck, rosewood fingerboard and metal frets. Heck, there's even a "noise dampening strum bar and fret buttons," not to mention a touch-sensitive slider on the fretboard. The skins look all too familiar, with a trio of drum pads and a pair of cymbals to go along with the stainless steel kick pedal and its fancy adjustable spring. Naturally, you'll need to snap a Wiimote into each before mashing play, and more importantly, you'll need to empty $199.99 and / or $229.99 (respectively) from your bank account before snagging 'em this October.[Via Joystiq]

  • Mad Catz ships $300 Fender Stratocaster Rock Band guitar, disgraces real musicians everywhere

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We always knew something like this was a realistic possibility, but we had high hopes that it'd never really come to fruition. Today, what little hope we had left in humanity has been thoroughly crushed, as the introduction of a guitar controller that costs far more than many actual guitars has occurred. In an effort to truly milk the sector for all it's worth, Mad Catz has begun to ship the sunburst-colored Rock Band Wireless Wooden Fender Stratocaster, which is a 1:1 replica of the iconic axe that is constructed from genuine Stratocaster wooden blanks. Heck, even the tuning keys and bridge are built from genuine Fender metal parts and fittings. There's also a wireless module designed to function with Microsoft's Xbox 360, and just so you know you're getting your money's worth, the $299.99 asking price also includes a Fender guitar strap and a headset socket for online play. So, who out there is brazen enough to admit that they're buying one (or two)?[Via OhGizmo]

  • Video: Moldover CD case rocks a light theremin, our socks

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    When a tip comes in touting video of another so-called YouTube "musical genius" it's hard to fight through the blasé glaze in which we find ourselves entombed. Still, one indifferent mouse-click later and we're treated to Moldover's Awesome Edition CD. The awesome part is the custom-designed circuit board that accompanies the CD and lists the tracks while doubling as a theremin instrument with headphone jack -- all in a standard-size jewel case. Hit the on button and start making 'music' by waving your hand in front of the light sensors. Sure it sounds a bit like you're squeezing air through a pinched balloon and it costs $50 ($10 for CD-only or $25 for a Pocket Edition), but hey, give this guy some credit for innovation. Check the video after the break, you will believe at the 1-minute mark.[Thanks, Rich DDT]

  • OpenChord allows actual guitars to play Guitar Hero, sound atrocious

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You've heard that saying "so close, yet so far away," right? This, folks, is why that very quote exists. The obviously brilliant team over at OpenChord has designed a system that enables an honest-to-goodness guitar to sync up with Nintendo's Wii in order to play Guitar Hero. You simply plug the Wiimote into the axe and use the bona fide strings and frets in place of those plastic buttons you're so used to using. The only problem? Guitar Hero wasn't designed for use with six strings and 22 to 24 frets, and man, does it show. Hop on past the break to have a listen, and yes, your dreams of actually taking advantage of this will be shattered. Bet on it.[Via Joystiq]

  • Logitech ups its skins game with the Guitar Hero Wireless Drum Controller

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Have your World Tour drums lost their bounce, or the ability to register each hit of your sweet, smooth licks? You're not alone our rhythmically majestic friend, and Logi's here to bring your groove back, introducing the pretend drum kit with the no-nonsense name: Wireless Drum Controller. It's a Sony-only affair at the moment, using a dongle to connect to the PS2 or PS3 sans-tether, and some high-quality components to deliver a good feel without the annoying "whack whack whack" cacophony when you're unleashing your inner Animal. Each pad and cymbal is individually adjustable and the whole kit folds completely flat, just like that treadmill you bought last January, tucked under your bed, and promptly forgot about. It costs almost as much, too: $229, or about $60 more than you can get the entire Band Kit for. Nobody ever said rockin' was cheap, baby, and if you have the funds these should be rolling into domestic stores in the next few weeks -- Euro drummers will need to wait a month.[Via Welt Online]

  • Bongo drum t-shirt: how did you ever live without one?

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We've seen and ridiculed music-playing clothes before, but that doesn't seem to have discouraged the makers of the electronic bongo drum t-shirt. This party-rocking piece of geek chic comes with four distinct sounds and can be had for the low low price of $49 plus shipping. Then you can pair it with your special edition Guitar Hero peripherals for the ultimate in instrument-free music creation.[Via OhGizmo!]

  • Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone ships this fall for $49.99

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Remember that microphone that we peeked just before Lips hit and (subsequently fell off) the scene? Microsoft has just announced that a standalone version will soon be available sans a tether, giving owners of the aforesaid title, Guitar Hero Metallica, Rock Band 2, Disney Sing It: High School Musical 3: Senior Year and The Beatles: Rock Band the ability to carry a tune in a bucket right in the comfort of their living room. Too bad it'll run you $49.99 when it ships in the fall, but who knows, maybe there's some sweet Sennheiser diaphragm in there that we're not aware of.[Via Joystiq]

  • Unearthed Circuits' Drone Machine could replace your Dalek band

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    If you like your music -- and we mean you really like your music -- with plenty of beeps and buzzes, the gang at Unearthed Circuits have a little something that'll be right up your proverbial alley (especially if your name is La Monte Young and that alley is in New York City, ca. 1963). The Drone Machine is a synth that allows you to control each of four oscillators via the joystick. It's got pitch knobs, photo-resistors, a strobe circuit, and a handful of effects, including: overdrive, fuzz, and a ring modulator. Ready to get your avante-noise band off the ground? You've been talking it up for years now. But first, check out the video of the thing in action after the break.

  • Line 6 and Planet Waves brings guitar and amp control to iPhone

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Apple's closing out the new application talk today at WWDC with a demo from Line 6 and Planet Waves, who have joined the Cupertino-based company in order to give your iPhone the ability to control your guitar and amplifier. Sadly, the wireless communication between the Line 6 Variax guitar and the iPhone on stage had some issues, though the folks assured us we could see more later on at Line 6's website. If this thing manages to function, it will also let you re-tune your six-string and change models on the fly. No word on price or availability just yet, but we'll let you know if either of those factoids appear.

  • Mad Catz's wireless Fender Rock Band bass to ship soon

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just when you'd given up all hope that Mad Catz would ever ship its Fender Precision Bass for Rock Band, in flies this. If you'll recall, said axe was originally introduced to the world in September of last year, and with a certain Beatles-inspired bass set to ship in the ninth month of this year, Mad Catz obviously felt the time was right to cease its dilly-dallying. According to company CEO Darren Richardson, the wireless Fender bass for Rock Band will ship "later this month," which should mean that it'll be hitting store shelves over the weekend. In related news, the company has inked a multi-year licensing agreement with Microsoft that will allow it to "manufacture, market and sell Xbox 360-branded wireless specialty videogame controllers." Fun for them, yeah?

  • Electro-Harmonix Overdrive pedal just became a Rock Band 2 necessity

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The avoirdupois of the world rests on your shoulders as you await the mind-numbing riffs of Painkiller. You wonder how you'll prevent yourself from engaging in overdrive prematurely as your locks bang to and fro. Then you look down and see EHX's Overdrive pedal a stone's throw from your left foot. Exhale.[Via Boing Boing]

  • The Bacterial Orchestra uses the iPhone to create "viral music"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is really wild: what you see above is an example of "viral music" -- it's part of an upcoming music festival that's taking place in Sweden, and it features a circle of iPhones that are both listening to and playing a very abstract kind of "music." Each one is picking up audio from its environment, then running it through a series of software filters to make it sound more musical, and finally playing it back in a rhythm. As each iPhone is picking up the tune from the other iPhones it's playing it back through the same filters, and so on and so forth. All while the software is "judging" each "cell" of sound, to see if it's interesting or loud enough or so forth, and cells will live or die based on that criteria -- in essence, a musical organism.Like I said, wild. That program is called the "Bacterial Orchestra -- Public Epidemic No. 1," and it sounds like the app will be available on the iPhone soon as well. Of course, you'll have to have a bunch of iPhones with the app in one place for it to work the way it's designed, but at least there's good video of it.