

  • Joystiq Streams: Once more, with feeling

    Ladies and gentlemen it's time/for all the good that's in you to shine/for all the lights to lose their shade/for all the hate that's in you to fade. Ladies and gentlemen it's time/for the maracas and the tambourines/to play them until they break or until day break/don't hide anymore its time to be seen. So: here we are. One more Joystiq Streams before we all become something else, something grand, something new. We'll have almost the entire crew on, most playing, for a little bit of the old Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. It all happens on at 3:00PM EST. Be there. [Images: Nintendo]

  • Joystiq Streams: Never stop not starving in Don't Starve Together

    The last time we played Don't Starve Together, everything went super well. We all survived and built happy homes in the woods, raising beefalo and generally keeping everything awesome forever all the time! No turkeys haunted our dreams and the eats were bountiful. Always bountiful. No wait. That's not what happened. Everything was set on fire. Alexander screamed while Anthony cackled maniacally and Sinan held his face firmly in his palm. It was glory incarnate. Might as well do it again! Starting at 4:00PM EST on, we'll be streaming Don't Starve Together. Myriad members of the Joystiq crew will be hanging out, so come on down to talk with us. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM, come rain or shine. Feel free to follow us on Twitch to catch when those random other streams fire up in the wee hours. [Images: Klei]

  • Joystiq Streams: Resident Evil HD bites back plus free PS4/PC copies!

    A whole lot of superstars in this game here tonight, but I want you all to know one thing: This is Resident Evil in high definition. Whose blood? Chris' blood. I said whose blood? Chris' blood! Y'all know what time it is! While the impossible dream of a Resident Evil soundtracked entirely by classic Run DMC cuts remains elusive, the HD remaster of Capcom's Gamecube classic is a sweet, sweet reality this week. After 13 years restricted to Nintendo's SD consoles, the hardest, prettiest version of the survival horror game is finally playable on more modern machines. How does it stack up? Do the new controls make it too easy? Is this indeed Chris' blood and will we ever discover the ingredients in a Jill sandwich? Join us and find out. We're streaming Resident Evil on PC starting at 4:00PM EST on This will be a New Game+ run so some fresh costumes will be on display as well. Plus: we're giving away a few copies of the game on PC and PS4. Join us! broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST. It's Wednesday, you say? That's right! We stream all the time at random times so follow us on Twitch to never miss a show.

    Joystiq Staff
  • Joystiq Streams: Sex, lies, You Don't Know Jack, and free PS4/XB1 games

    Something happens to people when they play anything made by Jackbox Games. You Don't Know Jack, Fibbage, Lie Swatter; these games bring out a cackling darkness that is both frightening and impossible to resist. Do friendships end because of the vicious yelling at the end of a round of You Don't Know Jack? Certainly, but just as many new alliances and unbreakable bonds are formed thanks to suppository jokes, deceit, and wordplay. If you've ever wanted to see the Joystiq staff destroy each other with language while also winning some free PlayStation 4 and Xbox One games, here's your chance. Starting at 4:00PM EST on, we'll be streaming select games from the Jackbox Party Pack. A murder of Joystiq editors will play alongside Jackbox's own Steve Heinrich, one of the creators and head writers on You Don't Know Jack. We'll also be doling out download codes for the Jackbox Party Pack on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST, but we stream other times as well so make sure to follow us on Twitch. [Images: Jackbox Games]

    Joystiq Staff
  • Joystiq Streams: JumpJet Rex wrecks us with platforming swagger

    Dinosaurs are inherently awesome, but history has proven that adding certain things to dinosaurs tends to make them way more awesome. Skateboards make dinosaurs more awesome, particularly when they come with a guitar. Pairing dinosaurs up with bipedal, vulpine space pilots? Super awesome. TreeFortress Games' platformer JumpJet Rex, currently in Early Access on Steam, postulates that a run-and-jump space adventure will rule provided it stars a dinosaur wearing jetpack boots. Joystiq is intrigued to see if they are correct. Starting at 4:00PM EST on, we'll be playing a heaping spoonful of JumpJet Rex. If you too love dinosaurs doing awesome things, feel free to join us. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST. We also broadcast at odd times throughout the week so follow us on Twitch to know when we go live. [Images: TreeFortress Games]

  • Joystiq Streams: Virtual interplanetary with Elite: Dangerous on Oculus Rift

    Admit it: You want to see a grown man shake his head back and forth, talking out loud to no one, pretending to fly a spaceship. The fact that you also want to see Elite: Dangerous, the long-in-development sequel to David Braben's foundational open world space simulator, is just icing on the cake. Sure you'll get to see what it's like to duke it out in tense spaceship dogfights. But what really matters is that you'll see Xav de Matos (@Xav), bobbing his head back and forth to an invisible rhythm like he's listening to some phantom TLC album, playing the game on an Oculus Rift. We'll be streaming Elite: Dangerous via Oculus Rift starting at 4:00PM EST on Come down to the chat and ask Xav how it feels to be a totally real spaceman. Don't worry, Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello) will be on hand to make sure Xav can at least hear your questions. If you like seeing grownups pretend to be space pilots, follow us on Twitch. This is kind of our thing. If you want to know precisely when to tune in, broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday like clockwork, but following us is the best way to know when we go live. [Images: Frontier Developments]

  • Joystiq Streams: Free to be Super Mario Galaxy 2 for me and Wii U

    After more than two years of wondering when Nintendo would finally do the obvious thing, embrace modernity, and allow games for the Wii be downloaded directly from the Internet into the Wii U, it delivered. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Punch-Out!!, and Metroid Prime Trilogy are the very first Wii games downloadable from the eShop. The latter two won't be available until later this month, but since Joystiq never turns down an opportunity to explore mini-planetoids and options for force-feeding dinosaurs hot peppers, we're going to check out Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Joystiq Streams. Our understanding is that these releases haven't been changed in any significant way, but Nintendo's digital releases always include odd quirks. For example, who expected the Virtual Console version of Metroid Fusion to include a full color reproduction of the instruction manual? We'll see what secrets may be hidden in Galaxy 2. Tune into at 4:00PM EST to check out how the downloadable Wii games feel on the machine. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM, but when we get the itch to stream, we do it! So follow us on Twitch to know when we go live. [Images: Nintendo]

  • Joystiq Streams: Evolve rematch pits Joystiq against Team Eggs

    The last time Joystiq played Evolve, it didn't go very well. We had plenty of fun hunting each other down, leveling up the respective hunter classes, and trying to be a good and proper monster. It's just that we weren't very good. Eggs defeated us. Eggs! Defeat at the hands of a gradually growing beast is one thing, but crumbling in the face of unborn beasts is too ignoble a fate for Joystiq. So we're getting back in there. Those eggs won't even know what hit them. Starting at 4:00PM EST on, we'll be streaming Evolve. Anyone curious to see how the multiple character classes change as you level up early in the game should swing by for a detailed look. Anyone that rooted for the eggs last time: Place your bets. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST, but we stream on the regular at other times so make sure to follow us on Twitch. [Images: 2K Games]

    Joystiq Staff
  • Super Joystiq Podcast Live: Best of 2014 [Update: Watch the replay!]

    Starting at 3:30PM EST right here and on Twitch, it's JOYSTIQ DOME! Ten games enter! Ten games get robustly examined while 13 editors jaw at one another before examining the year 2014 in detail! Yes, it's the Super Joystiq Podcast Live! Thrill as Ludwig Kietzmann tries to defend Watch Dogs. Swoon as Susan Arendt and Anthony John Agnello defend Lightning Returns with the fury of a thousand burning suns. Chortle as Alexander Sliwinski tries to resist playing Hearthstone. Jess Conditt talks Walking Dead, Danny Cowan digs Shovel Knight, Earnest Cavalli loves Sunset Overdrive, Sam Prell digs into Dragon Age: Inquisition, Richard Mitchell bets on Bayonetta, Xav de Matos feels Far Cry 4, Sinan Kubba delights in Dark Souls 2, Mike Suszek survives Desert Golfing, and Thomas Schulenberg gives Super Smash Bros. for Wii U a what for all over again. And that's just how it starts. Tune in right here and on at 3:30PM EST for a live, all staff round table discussion on the best games of 2014, our personal favorites, and a look back on the gaming year that was. [Images: WBIE]

    Joystiq Staff
  • Joystiq Streams: Who watches the Watch Dogs Wii U? You do!

    We've been threatening to do it for almost two months. Everyone said we were just making empty threats. "Oh, Joystiq is all talk," they said, "what with their boasts about streaming odd ports of big budget duds on a peculiar Nintendo console! Why would they ever stream Watch Dogs on Wii U? Who would even watch such a thing?" Joystiq would watch such a thing. Come! Join us as we discover just how Ubisoft's hacker action game stacks up on the old GamePad. We'll be streaming Watch Dogs for Wii U starting at 4:00PM EST on Our own Xav de Matos (@Xav) will be the canary in the proverbial coal mine. Mike Suszek (@mikesuszek) will provide much needed moral support and hang out in the chat. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST. Sometimes we get squirrelly and stream stuff out of the blue, so if you want to catch us at those times make sure to follow us on Twitch. [Images: Ubisoft, Nintendo]

  • Joystiq Streams: Badass British Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Speedrun

    What are you looking at, you blue freak? Wagging your finger at us like you're all that. Think we're impressed that you hang out with a fox with two tails? Well... we are! That's super cool! But the fact that your eyes sort of connect into a single giant eye is gross! And why are you blue? That is not a natural color for hedgehogs, man. Get that checked out. How about we check it out for you! We'll check it out so fast, you won't even know what happened. We'll take what's arguably your most beloved game, Sonic, and we'll beat it in two hours or die trying. Okay, fine, no one's going to die. But Sinan Kubba (@SinanKubba), Joystiq's ferocious UK editor, is still going to try and defeat Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in roughly two hours starting at 3:00PM EST on broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST, come rain or shine, but we stream all the time. If you want to make sure you catch us when we go live, follow us on Twitch.

  • Joystiq Streams: Co-op forever in Don't Starve Together

    Joystiq has issues with not starving. It all started with those accursed turkeys when Don't Starve hit PS4 in January. Things got even worse when we tackled Reign of Giants with Klei's own Seth Rosen in June. This time? This time's going to be different. We won't starve now that we're together. Stay close, dear friends, when the dark and the turkeys and the beefalos come. We'll get through this. We're rocking an extra large stream of Don't Starve Together on starting at 2:30PM EST. The game's old hat for Alexander Sliwinski (@Sliwinski) but this will be the very first time Sinan Kubba (@SinanKubba) has played. Will Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello) finally have his revenge? Maybe! broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM but we regularly stream at odd hours, giving goodies away and being weird, so follow us on Twitch to catch us when we go live. [Images: Klei]

  • Joystiq Streams: Far Cry 4 for four straight hours

    There are only 2.5 days of 2014 left! How are we going to knock everything off our annual bucket list in less than 72 hours! There was so much left to do. Visiting a new country. Climbing a mountain near Everest without having to actually climb Everest. Tricking a honey badger into fighting an eagle. Jumping a jeep off of an exceptionally miffed elephant. Wait a second... we can probably knock all of these off in a single afternoon. To Far Cry 4! Joystiq's going to live it up Kyrat style today with four hours of Far Cry 4 starting at 1:00PM EST on Tune in at the beginning to check out the very beginning of the game before we take a break and restart past the halfway mark of the campaign. regularly broadcasts at 4:00PM EST every Tuesday and Thursday. Want to catch all our streams like this weirdo Far Cry 4 expedition? Follow us on Twitch. [Images: Ubisoft]

  • Joystiq Streams: Halo 5 beta, live and uncut

    Halo is on the brain this December. We're chock full of conflicting emotions about Master Chief, personable AI, and the many ancient technology entanglements they find themselves snared in. Revisiting all of Chief's tales in the Master Chief Collection reminded us just how awesome Halo campaigns can be. That said, the plague of matchmaking problems in that anthology caused some serious negative connotations to attach themselves to Halo multiplayer in our brains. What we need is a palate cleanser! A view of the future, not the past. The Halo 5: Guardians beta will be our virtual sorbet. We're streaming Halo 5: Guardians on starting at 4:00PM EST. Iron sights? Crazy dash moves? We'll see what 343's cooked up. You can come on by and hang with us while we do it. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST, but we stream at unusual times as we're doing today, so make sure to follow us on Twitch to catch all our streams. [Images: Microsoft]

  • Joystiq Streams: See my KOR-FX vest, best for making games feel weird

    See my vest/see my vest/as we strap a KOR-FX Acousto-Haptic Video Gaming Vest to our chest/Feel this peripheral/it ain't medicinal/it just makes games less ephemeral/Oh please, won't you see my vest! Ahem. Today on Joystiq Streams, something different! Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM) received a KOR-FX Acousto-Haptic Video Gaming Vest in the mail. Like having a sub-woofer strapped to your torso, the vest is intended to simulate the physicality of your character in a video game. This can range from the whimsical (feel the impact of landing a crazy jump in Sunset Overdrive) to the deeply macabre (feel yourself get shot in Call of Duty. Yeesh). Starting at 4:00PM EST on, Richard is going to play a variety of PlayStation 4 games using the vest. What happens when you're caught in Alien: Isolation? How about when you interrogate an Uruk in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor? We'll find out live. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST like clockwork, but if you want to catch every stream we do, vest or non-vest related, make sure to follow us on Twitch. [Images: 20th Century Fox/KOR-FX]

  • Joystiq Streams: Silent night, Dying Light

    Do not go gentle into that zombie fight/shambling corpses should burn and rave at close of day/Rage, rage against the hordes of Dying Light. Techland has been working on the zombie apocalypse train for years now, determined to make the best possible open world overrun with stumbling undead freaks they possibly can. What started as a third Dead Island game became something else entirely when they realized just how big and parkour-ready a world they were building. When Dying Light became its own beast, though, Techland was forced to delay it nearly a full year. While the game's still not done, Joystiq does have its hands on a preview version of the game, and we're ready to rage against the dying. Or the dead, as the case may be. is broadcasting Dying Light live at 4:00PM EST. Xav de Matos (@Xav) will be playing while Susan Arendt (@SusanArendt) and Anthony John Agnello (@AJohnAgnello) hang in the chat. broadcasts live every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST. Starting this week, though, Joystiq will be streaming at all hours, revisiting the games of 2014. Follow us on Twitch to catch us whenever we go live. [Images: WBIE]

  • Joystiq Streams: Chaos Reborn, Julian Gollop Grudge Match Round 2

    Nine months have passed since X-COM creator Julian Gollop swung by Joystiq Streams to play a prototype version of Chaos Reborn, his new versus strategy game. Much has changed! For starters, the game no longer looks like a crazy Tron-ified tabletop RPG session, all black backgrounds and neon beasts. The game hit Steam Early Access this week and it looks full, with rich art and refined multiplayer action. Of course, Alexander Sliwinski (@Sliwinski) has also become a more cunning opponent in the intervening months! Time for a rematch. Join Joystiq as Gollop and Sliwinski face off once more. We'll be streaming matches of Chaos Reborn on starting at 4:00PM EST. Come by the chat to ask Julian (@Julian_Gollop) your burning questions about the careful art of strategy game design. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST. Next week, we'll be streaming at all kinds of hours to get in our last licks on 2014's game library so follow us on Twitch to know when we'll be live. [Images: Snapshot Games]

  • Joystiq Streams: Finding our Destiny in the Dark Below

    How far we have come since Dinklage first found us in the wreckage of Russia! We have rolled and re-rolled our characters, we have raided with friends and unlikely allies. We have kitted ourselves out with the tightest loot there ever was, and discovered Loot Caves that passed into legend as quickly as they were discovered. The first days of Destiny are long gone. Now it's time for the Dark Below. Join Joystiq as seasoned players Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM), Earnest Cavalli and Alexander Sliwinski (@Sliwinski) return to humanity's post-Space-Ball future to check out Destiny's first expansion. The action begins at 3:00PM EST on broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST like clockwork, but if you want to catch every extended, unusual, or unexpected stream, make sure to follow us on Twitch. [Images: Acitvision]

  • Joystiq Streams: Oneechanbara Z2 Chaos gets mossy, private on PS4

    PlayStation, you delightful little box, happy 20th birthday! May you live long enough for that insane old PlayStation 9 commercial to become reality. Looking back on two decades of machines, one thing rings true: PlayStation has never shied away from getting weird. From day one, PlayStations were hosting dadaist nightmares like Cosmic Race alongside mainstream bangers like Tekken. One of the most enduring founts of oddity was the D3's Simple 2000 series on Sony's consoles. To celebrate this aging milestone, we're going to treat our PlayStation 4 to some import strangeness sourced from Simple 2000: Oneechanbara Z2 Chaos. Bikinis, swords, monsters, moss; that's what we're playing. Join us for some Oneechanbara on at 4:00PM EST. If this is the kind of thing you're looking for in a stream, then please do follow us on Twitch. [Images: D3 Publisher]

  • Joystiq Streams: Raiding Lara Croft & The Temple of Osiris [Show's over!]

    It really hasn't been that long since we hung out with Lara Croft. Capital L, capital C Lara Croft! The shorts and blue tank top, quick to kick a tiger in the face Lara Croft. Still, adventures with her younger, white tank top-wearing self have dominated Lara time these past couple of years. No more! Now it's time to hang with gaming's favorite grave robber in Lara Croft and The Temple of Osiris! Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM), Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK) and Xav de Matos (@Xav) will dig into the Xbox One version of the game on today's Joystiq Streams. Tune into at 4:00PM EST for a look at Lara's debut on Xbox One and hang with the Joystiq crew. Dig the stream? Follow us on Twitch! [Images: Square-Enix]