

  • New vid shows off SWTOR's gunship

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Here's a new Star Wars: The Old Republic Galactic Starfighter video designed to get your space PvP juices flowing. Space PvP juices? Yeah, I guess that's the best I can do on this one, sorry. Anyway, the gunship is the star of this particular show. The one-minute clip shows it in action and it also shows off some of the available customization options. Gunships are designed to be "heavy hitters" and they also feature the ability to snipe enemy ships from long range. See for yourself after the cut.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Entering the SWTOR Kuati Drive Yards

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    You all remember the very first scene from Star Wars. A tiny ship carrying very important cargo was fleeing an imposing mammoth of a battle cruiser. The gigantic ship eventually swallows up the smaller one. We eventually learn that the Empire owns fleets of these Star Destroyers, but we never learn where they all came from. In the Expanded Universe, we find out that the Empire-loyal planet of Kuat manufactures these behemoths in the Kuati Drive Yards. ​ During the time of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we really haven't heard much about this planet or its starship manufacturing. We know that Grand Moff Vaiken created the first dreadnaughts the Sith Empire uses now on Dromund Kaas. We could only assume that Kuat was a member of the Galactic Republic. And we had no indication whether the Drive Yards existed at all until the latest expansion and the flashpoints that hit the SWTOR test center this week.

  • The Soapbox: Launching with a subscription is still a good idea

    Matthew Gollschewski
    Matthew Gollschewski

    The massively multiplayer online game industry is constantly changing, but one thing about it never will so long as capitalism stands: MMOs have ongoing costs, and those costs are passed on to the end user. Exactly how they're passed on is one of the things that has been changing, but new methods don't mean old methods don't have their place. New isn't good because it's new. New is good because it can provide solutions to old problems. When an old method is seen as the source of a problem actually caused by something unrelated, shoving a new method in there can just create new problems. So why all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over games trying out a subscription before they move onto other models? And why all the wailing and gnashing of teeth in retaliation to this opinion?

  • SWTOR's rakghoul event starting... soonish?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Do you like space werewolves? Do you like Star Wars? If you answered yes to both of those questions, may I recommend some Dark Horse comics and an old BioWare RPG called Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. You've probably heard of it. If not, surely you've heard of its distant MMO cousin Star Wars: The Old Republic. The latter also features space werewolves rakghouls, and according to a brief community team blurb on the SWTOR forums, the title's recurring rakghoul event is coming soon. BioWare's Courtney Woods wrote earlier this morning that "strange animal attacks have been reported by soldiers serving on Alderaan. An investigation is currently underway." There are a couple of other in-character postings in this thread, but there's no firm date for the event just yet.

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic uploads patch 2.6 to test servers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Do you like bombs? Do you like team-based deathmatches? Do you like exploring shipyards with randomized combat encounters? Do you like slow walks on the beach with a martini in one hand? Star Wars: The Old Republic's patch 2.6 probably won't help you with that last one, but it will give you plenty to like in the first three categories. And it's available on the test realm right now for anyone who wants to take it for a spin. Patch 2.6 adds in bombers for the Galactic Starfighter expansion so that everyone can enjoy dropping fields of explosive death. It also adds in team-based deathmatches for PvP and the new Kuat Drive Yard, with the former being exactly what it says on the tin and the latter pitting champions of the Empire and the Republic against randomized encounters. Take a look at the official announcement for details on how to use the test realm, and feel free to keep hoping for that slow-beach-walk patch.

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic highlights bomb(er) ships

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Bombers are not the sort of ships that dart hither and yon in Star Wars: The Old Republic. They don't skitter about in elaborate dogfights. No, they are the ships that approach their targets, use heavy shields to weather some incoming fire, and then watch as a field of mines explodes around all those ships with the darting and the skittering. The latest development blog on the official site discusses more about how bombers play in Galactic Starfighter. Various mines are available to bombers, ranging from straightforward damage mines to shield-and-power draining Ion Mines to seek-and-destroy Seeker Mines. Bombers can also field stationary Drones for both offensive and defensive purposes, with Sentry Drones taking shots at enemy ships and Repair Drones fixing up the hull of allied craft. Take a look at the full entry for more details, especially if you think you're the sort of player who might want to drop a bomb on someone.

  • MMO Mechanics: Lowering the barriers to entry

    Tina Lauro
    Tina Lauro

    In the increasingly competitive MMO genre, games have to do all they can to keep you as a customer. MMOs have traditionally been quite difficult games to really get into since they typically require a considerable time and money investment and we tend to play them for stretches of several months to years at a time. The gameplay in MMOs is inherently social by nature, forcing you to relate to others, and there are some even more fundamental barriers that get in the way of new players signing up. I'm sure we've all enthused and rambled to our friends in the hope that they might check out our most recent gaming crush, only to see a repulsed look on their faces when they realise it's an MMO. The classic subscription model is a substantial paywall for the average gamer, and this is what has traditionally kept MMOs niche. The early game can be daunting to those who aren't familiar with the genre, and developers pour a lot of effort into easing newcomers into that gameplay. In this week's MMO Mechanics, I'm going to look at how some MMOs manage to break down these barriers through the use of clever mechanics in order to open up MMO gaming to more people than ever before.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars: The Old Republic predictions for 2014

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Knowing my luck, when I finish writing this, the marketing team for Star Wars: The Old Republic will release a huge announcement about 2014 that no one saw coming. And it wouldn't be hard for BioWare to release something unknown to the community at large because it's said next to zero about what we should expect for 2014. Normally, BioWare promotes the upcoming features to death. We knew about the Cathar coming at least a year before they actually hit the live servers. Players and fans (and enemies) of SWTOR have speculated wildly as to why the developers have remained silent on the subject, my favorite being that BioWare has run out of content to produce, which kind of reneges on the 10-year plan it touted before launch. Whether or not BioWare has new content in the works, we do know a few things that will be coming, and we also have some super-secret things we can speculate on thanks to some intrepid SWTOR fans. So let's talk about what we do know, what we don't know, and what we think will happen.

  • SWTOR's 2.6 patch adding new ships, boosting Operative/Scoundrel DPS

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    BioWare community manager Eric Musco took to Star Wars: The Old Republic's forums earlier today to deliver a preview of the game's next major patch. The 2.6 update will unlock the Galactic Starfighter expansion for F2P players as well as introduce a new gunship variant and two new bomber variants. The patch will also feature "a few class changes" including significant DPS boosts for Operatives/Scoundrels. You can read the full post on the SWTOR boards.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: The rest of SWTOR's year-end report

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    The end of the year is nigh, and as I promised, I will give you my final thoughts on Star Wars: The Old Republic and its achievements for 2013. I wanted my assessment to be based on something other than squishy feelings. Of course, opinions are extremely subjective, but that doesn't mean they cannot be based on something a bit more substantial. In July, I created a mid-term report card for SWTOR using Dr. Richard Battle's studies as the starting point. Bartle's study allowed me to step out of my normal playstyle and observe the game from the standpoint of different types of MMO players. Some players find discovery and exploration to be the most important part of an MMO. Others want to achieve the highest scores or defeat the biggest bosses. Some want to prove that they are better than other players in direct combat, and yet other players want to use the game as an interactive chatroom or work with a group to achieve a goal. Few people fall neatly into one category or other, but nearly everyone will have a dominant motivation. A couple of weeks ago, I graded the game based on the perspective of Bartle's Killer type, giving SWTOR a C- in the category. Because of Galactic Starfighter and 4v4 arenas, I raised the grade from the F I gave it during the mid-term report. I gave the game an A- for Achievers, B for Explorers, and C for the Socializer earlier this year. Has SWTOR been able to raise its grade in these other categories?

  • Hyperspace Beacon: 'Twas the night before Sithmas and all through SWTOR...

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    If you've not been in game since last week, then you don't know about the snow problem that Carrick and Vaiken station have had since the Master of Ceremonies stopped by Star Wars: The Old Republic. Everyone, for no good reason at all, has been pelting each other with snowballs. They all think they are special snowflakes or something -- something I knew I was before this event began. But perhaps I should start at the beginning. The Life Day event actually started when the Cartel Market began selling Life-Day-related items on the week of the 10th. The items were the exact same items that were on sale last year. Many people, including me, were concerned that the whole event (if you could call it that) would be a complete recycle of last year's. Of course, we had the tensile bomb, the Life Day orb, the Life Day robes, and everyone's favorites, the festive snow-blowing speeder. (That was sarcasm, in case it didn't come through the text.) Fortunately, this year's SWTOR Life Day festivities didn't end there.

  • Massively's winter holidays MMO roundup

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The holidays are here! That means the hustle and bustle of the season is in full swing, with gifts to get, treats to taste, deals to nab, and plenty of festivities to partake in -- and that's just in the MMOverse! Yes folks, there's a plethora of holiday celebrations out there -- so many, in fact, that it can be hard to keep track of them all, let alone participate to them! If you're trying to catch everything in your favorite games, we're here to help. We've got a round up of the various winter celebrations across the gaming sphere all bundled together right here for you. If something catches your eye, hop in and join in the festivities!

  • SWTOR gives Galactic Starfighter crew member bios

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Whether you fight for the Republic or the Empire as a space jockey, you're going to need a good crew member at your side in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter. BioWare's lined up two pages detailing the bios of eight crew members you can pick up for your adventures. The Empire crew members include Aven Geth, a human shield tech; MZ-12, a proud astromech; Salana Rok, a Chiss underworld enforcer; and Writch Hurley, a talented if incomprehensible engineer. Over on the Republic side, there's Kendra Novar, a good-hearted slicer; B-3G9, a mixed-up protocol droid; Oro Wogawa, an Ithorian engineering wiz; and Ashy, a Rattataki with a hair trigger. Check out their full bios and let us know which crew member you prefer!

  • SWTOR on its second anniversary: Winning an uphill battle

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    At the beginning of the year, Star Wars: The Old Republic was struggling to find its place in the MMO world. As you are likely aware, 2012 was a rough year for SWTOR, but because of the free-to-play launch in November, the tide began to turn, at least financially. Players began flooding back to the game because BioWare tore down the paywall, but that was really the beginning of battle. If SWTOR really wanted to see success, it was going to have to keep those players around. Thus began the uphill battle of making the game successful in 2013. The game began the year with a few flops, and although not everyone was completely satisfied with all the decisions this year, SWTOR certainly upped its game. The game we saw at the end of 2012 morphed into something different and more satisfying by the end of this year. It started with the reopening of the western shelf on Ilum, continued to the launch of the game's first expansion, and ended with a second expansion.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: The SWTOR year-end report on PvP

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    In July, I took the famous Bartle Test and pitted it against the state of Star Wars: The Old Republic at the time. The test, based on the research of Dr. Richard Bartle, measures the types of activities within an MMO that players find fun. Of course, there is plenty of crossover, and very few people fit neatly into one category, but I believe that if an MMO hits all the categories well, it will be highly successful, at least from a player's point of view. In the research, player motivation is divided into four categories: Achiever, Explorer, Killer, and Socializer. I have never been a fan of the term Killer as used to describe the type of player who likes to compete directly with other players, but then, I didn't earn a PhD from the University of Essex, either. The Killer category has always been described as more than someone who likes to PvP in the sense that most MMOs provide PvP. A Killer likes to compete, plain and simple. He wants his skills pitted against the skills of other players, and he wants to be recognized for it. In SWTOR, many Killer-types will hang out on the steps of the Sith Academy on Korriban dueling, partially because they find dueling enjoyable, but also because it is in sight of many other players. (That's where recognition comes in.) In July, I gave SWTOR very poor marks in the Killer category. I wrote, "Later this year, BioWare plans on introducing a content specifically focused on PvP, but given the team's track record, I have my concerns," and then I gave the team an F in this category. Has BioWare been able to raise that grade? And how have things changed since mid-year?

  • Here's the skinny on SWTOR's Life Day seasonal event

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Looking for info about Star Wars: The Old Republic's Life Day seasonal event? Look no further than the latest BioWare dev blog. It's got all the details on the "tawdry and potentially dangerous" festivities that encourage "activities unbecoming of an Imperial citizen, including but not limited to dancing in inclement weather, singing unpatriotic carols, [and engaging in] non-violent physical contact with wookiees."

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic reveals second anniversary rewards

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The 20th of this month marks the two-year anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and BioWare is bestowing upon players a couple of gifts to celebrate the occasion. On December 17th, players who have an active Star Wars: The Old Republic account created on or before December 16th, 2013, will receive a pair of exclusive paint jobs (one for the Empire and one for the Republic) for their Galactic Starfighter ships plus faction-specific fireworks that players can set off for an impromptu pyrotechnics show. While all players with an active account will receive these rewards, the paint jobs can be used only if you have access to the Galactic Starfighter expansion. While subscribers gained access to the feature earlier this month, Preffered Status players will have to wait until January 14, 2014, and Free-to-Play members will gain access on February 4th, 2014. For the full details on the anniversary rewards or to sign up for an account, head over to the Star Wars: The Old Republic official site.

  • Dungeon Tours: Wish you were here!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Synergy? We've got synergy! Welcome to the unveiling of Dungeon Tours, a new multimedia miniseries playing out on both the Massively blog and Massively TV. What is Dungeon Tours, you ask? It's a tour. Of a dungeon. Many tours, in fact, of many dungeons. We're sneaky like that. But there's a method behind this particular madness. Have you ever wanted to see and experience every dungeon and instance in a game? Maybe you're interested in getting a sneak peek at what content is in store for you as you advance in a title you already enjoy, or maybe you want to see what you have missed. It could be that you'd like to get a feel for a game before jumping in yourself. And whether or not you ever have any intention of ever playing a game yourself, you're probably curious about what goes on behind those closed doors! This miniseries is your key to those doors.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Leveling to max in SWTOR in less than a day

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Periodically, the producers at BioWare will throw players a gift of double XP for a weekend in Star Wars: The Old Republic, or in the case of last July, three weekends. Over the American Thanksgiving holiday, SWTOR did it again, and I decided that I was going to take full advantage of it. Laura Williams, Lee Snyder, and I leveled five characters to level 50 in about 18 hours over that weekend, and today, I'm going to tell you how we did it. Laura mentioned reading a post on the official forums about two guys who leveled their characters over the July double-XP weekend in 23 hours of gameplay. Being the competitive player that she is, Laura had to beat that record. When I heard this, I knew I had to jump on board. There were some Republic classes that I had not played through yet, and I needed my fourth class buff. When I agreed to run with her over Thanksgiving, Lee joined in, too.

  • BioWare devs streaming SWTOR's Galactic Starfighter on Dec. 6

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're curious about Galactic Starfighter but you're not inclined to pay a Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription to access it before 2014, you might want to check out BioWare's Twitch channel on Friday, December 6th at 5:00 p.m. EDT. The announcement post bills the event as "three hours of intense free-flight dogfighting in space," and as a bonus it will be hosted and commented upon by developers.