

  • Origins website hints at lofty sandbox goals

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    "Let's face it. MMO companies have found a cookie cutter formula," boasts the new Origins website. "It's time for something new." That something is a sandbox title shrouded in a fair bit of secrecy but bold enough to make some lofty claims as to its genre-changing design. The title is the brainchild of Burning Dog Media, a Canadian development firm founded by Michael Dunham and Dave Cruikshank. While specific gameplay details are left to our fertile imaginations, the newly revealed website does hint at a feature set downloaded directly from the minds of starving sandbox fans everywhere. No classes? Check. The ability to change the game world? Check. A conspicuous lack of scripted boss fights? Check. And would you believe mob AI that stalks players over a period of several days, waiting for the right time to attack? The world itself seems to be a mixture of fantasy and sci-fi, and the Origins website contains its share of screenshots, concept art, and bestiary info. [Thanks to James for the tip!]

  • Alter-Ego: A closer look at Update 2's troublesome trio

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    One of the best things about playing DC Universe Online, in my opinion, is the great deal of rich history there is for all the characters. There is also the fact that the iconic DC characters aren't just relegated to the shelves of your local comic book store. Even if you're not the biggest comic nerd on the face of the planet, you've undoubtedly seen at least a few of the iconic characters from the DC universe like Superman or Batman in cartoons on television or at the movies. With Update 2 now live in DC Universe Online, three more names have joined the ever-growing list of in-game characters who have crossed from popular culture into the online world. The Penguin and Two-Face are busy scheming over the future of Gotham, while Mister Mxyzptlk has taken to the streets of Metropolis to play his strange tricks. This week, I thought it would be fun to look a little deeper into the origin stories of the troublesome trio, as the same popular culture that makes these three characters recognizable may also cause some confusion when you run up against the in-game versions -- and their current motives. I should also note, lest the continuity fiends jump on me for it, that these origins are sourced directly from the DC Universe site.

  • Dead Space 2 'Origins' trailer examines Clarke's universe (Isaac, not Arthur)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This trailer, titled "Origins," is a galaxy-wide view of everything going on in the Dead Space franchise, from the recent sequel to the various animated films and recent novelization. We just have one question: Where exactly does Skate 3's Isaac Clarke fit in with all of this?

  • Updated: Win a City of Heroes Origins Booster Pack!

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    A few weeks ago, the City of Heroes team announced the upcoming Origins Booster Packs. The new capes and origins were "tentatively" set to arrive in the NCsoft store by November 3rd. It looks like that date was accurate, because the Origins Booster Packs are available as of today for $9.99 each. Nature, science, technology, magic, and mutant packs are for sale, but if your gaming fund is a little nonexistent at the moment, Massively's got you covered! We have Origins Booster Packs for 10 lucky Massively readers. It couldn't be easier to win; simply take a peek at our contest rules, then leave a comment here telling us which part of the pack is your favorite. We'll choose 10 winners at random from those who comment before 11:59 p.m. EDT on Friday, November 5th. But wait, there's more! Those of you who simply cannot wait until the drawing can pass the time by watching our Twitter page this afternoon and evening. Yes, that is a hint. Good luck! [UPDATED: All 10 winners have been chosen and emailed. Check those inboxes, and congratulations to the winners!]

  • New DC Universe Online Inside the Studio video answers more questions

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    One of the things we love about DC Universe Online is the way Game Director Chris Cao and Creative Director Jens Andersen take time out of their undoubtedly busy schedules to answer questions that come in on the DC Universe Online Facebook page. The newest update to their Inside the Studio videos offers up another pile of questions asked by the community, with some amusing results. From starting areas (Metropolis for metahumans, Gotham for technophiles, China Town for magical-origin characters), to the availability of regular street clothes (short answer: yes), and even questions about anthropomorphic animal heads, Cao and Andersen cover some really interesting ground. Pop by the DC Universe Online Facebook page to check out the full video -- and be sure to leave your questions for the developers while you're there!

  • Chris Cao talks mentors and progression in DC Universe

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    SOE's Chris Cao has checked in with Gamespot via a video interview that details several different aspects of the upcoming DC Universe Online superhero action MMORPG. Right off the bat, the goal is to immerse the players in the rich history of the license by choosing an established DC Comics superhero as a mentor during character creation. Meta-based heroes might follow Superman, for example, while tech-based players will initially look up to Bruce Wayne's caped crusader alter-ego. Cao also talks a bit about the game's progression. Every even level you'll advance your powers, first by choosing a base power like fire and then expanding on it as you level. Initially you'll be setting people on fire, then detonating anything that's on fire, followed by the ability to spread fire. "Every other level you'll get to choose more of those types of abilities," Cao says. Every odd level you'll choose skills, which are based on your weapon or your movement style. Skills basically give you combos, whereas powers give you the iconic, superhero-ish abilities you've come to expect in a comic-inspired game. Check out the video, and the extensive gameplay footage, after the cut.

  • MMOrigins: MUD on the tires

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Welcome to MMOrigins, a new weekly series here at Massively where we take a look at what makes us who we are as MMO gamers. Much in the style of our Redefining MMOs series, several members of the Massively team will have their chance to take a look back at their influences, favorite classic games and what got them to where they are today. Then, as we've done before, we'll ask you to compile your own blog posts on the same topic and we'll showcase it for the finale. So I thought I would kick this new series off with my own influences and origins in gaming and what molded my current enjoyment of MMOs. As anyone who grew up in the 1980s might know, the dawn of personal computer video gaming was an exciting time. With inexpensive hardware such as the Atari 2600 and the Commodore 64 and 128, you didn't have to always get your mom to drive you to the arcade to play some good games.

  • Dark Age of Camelot Grab Bag touches on Origins server issue

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Just a few days ago we wondered aloud about the absence of the 'Origins' server for Dark Age of Camelot. We linked to a post on MMO Champions that talked about the history of the Origins server (a promised new server returning to the old days of DAoC), but the big question was 'where is it'? While the server was promised months ago and the playerbase seemed very much in favor of the new/old mix, Mythic has been tight-lipped about the possibility of late. Thankfully the recent interest seems to have reminded the developers of that discussion.This week's edition of the Dark Age of Camelot Grab Bag touched directly on the Origins server ... though perhaps not as informatively as we would have liked. CM Joanne Laroche offered: "I know that many of you are eager to know what the status of the Origins server is and can't wait for an update. I just wanted to let you know that while there isn't any information to share with you right now, I'm pleased to say that there will be in the weeks ahead. As always keep an eye the Herald for the latest news." So, hopefully more news soon on this front. Read through to the Grab Bag as a whole for additional details on everything from Dragonsworn armor to crafting. Forsooth!

  • So what ever happened to DAoC's Origins server?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    In June of last year, Mythic made an announcement regarding a new server that would be created to reinstate the way Dark Age of Camelot was played around 2001-2002. This new "Origins" server would not exactly replicate the game as it was back then, as it would also incorporate improvements made since then, such as housing, horses, the market explorer, UI changes and more.Well, the problem arises when we realize that players haven't really heard much about it since then. There was a poll asking players to vote on the idea, an announcement predicting an August/September 2008 launch date, and then another announcement changing a launch date to 'when it's ready'. Now players are getting a bit restless, as it's been six months since that last announcement, with no other news. Speculation has even stemmed from the recent cuts at Mythic, and the fact that most of the company's attentions seems to be with Warhammer Online. So is the Origins idea being scrapped? Is it simply on the backburner as Mythic deals with more pressing issues? We'll be sure to keep you up-to-date on any news we hear regarding this story.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: More on phasing and starter zones

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to Ask a Beta Tester on this Maintenance Day Tuesday. Let's get started right away with webrunner's question... Have you seen any interesting/fun usable gear with cool procs or use abilities, or is it just stats, stats, stats till the Tauren come home?There are plenty of trinkets with this sort of thing, but not weapons or robes or anything like that. Trinkets are much more common as quest rewards in Wrath than they were before, and you get a pretty wide range of effects. On weapons, it's all stats of various flavors.

  • Raph Koster on the Metaplace idea

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    After a recent question from a Metaplace forum member last month, Raph Koster decided to sit down and explain to us just where exactly the idea for Metaplace was born and how it has evolved into what it is today. He begins by explaining his MUD roots and how much that influenced him in the multiplayer online space. He explains that he'd had ideas for web-based sandbox worlds ever since then and had frequently toyed with the idea to create his vision, but finances and other limitations restricted that. Now that he has the resources, this vision he's had for so long can finally be put into action with a team of professionals, instead of just him working on it in his spare bedroom. It's an inspiring little story and certainly worth a read if you're interested in Raph's work or the potential future of MMOs in general.

  • Back to the beginning with Dragon Ball: Origins

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    If you've been admiring the footage of Dragon Ball DS, then perk up: it's headed outside Japan this winter. According to a press release from Atari, the game will hit U.S. shelves in November under the title Dragon Ball: Origins, with Europe to follow in December. We expect a few people will peeking under a certain skirt around the holidays. We've got new screens, too! Check 'em out below. Look now and get bonus character portraits, just because we care.%Gallery-28185%

  • New artwork from Champions Online reveals character origins

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    Cryptic Studios continues to reveal more of the world of Champions Online and tease us all with intriguing story elements for its more prominent superbeings. Included in this new series of images are comic book-style, wordless origin stories of Defender, Doctor Destroyer, Ironclad, Justiciar, and Menton. The sheer amount of information Cryptic is willing to share with its fans is heartening, especially since it's likely that we won't even see the launch until next year. Expect more content to come, including video of Jack Emmert discussing the Champions IP and how it differs from City of Heroes.%Gallery-17946%

  • DAoC turns old school with their new Origins server

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    After some recent hints distributed throughout the community, and a poll asking players their opinion on the matter, EA Mythic has decided to go ahead with their newest Origins project. This will introduce players to a blast from the past on a separate "Old Frontiers" server that will use the original rulesets from when the game first launched. Of course, certain game improvements will stay, so it won't be exactly as it was back then, but they're trying this out to see how well it is received by the community.If you have any questions about how this will work exactly, there are some comprehensive resources posted in FAQ form, and on several forums. Plus, the team will be participating in a live IRC Q&A on Wednesday, June 4th and Thursday, June 5th. One will be held at 6:30 pm EDT for the benefit of their East Coast players, and the other will be held at 9:30 pm EDT for the West Coast players.

  • Warhammer Online tours America, unites people

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    It's not stating the situation too excessively to remark that people are excited about this game. Many are anticipating it with the same fervor mustered by religious zealots. Some use the phrase 'WoW Killer'. And all of this without even having played the thing at all.Well, there's news that might mitigate that last little bit: If you can't wait for the eventual open beta download, you can play WAR at a few events across the country! The list of events, with locations and dates, after the jump!

  • Joystiq interview: Silent Hill: Origin's Akira Yamaoka

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Not quite as terrifying as the titles he's been working on, Akira Yamaoka sat down with us during E For All to give us a teensy bit of information about the upcoming Silent Hill: Origins, and what it took to bring the game to the PlayStation Portable. While he didn't tell us the secret to being scary on a much smaller screen, we imagine it'll mean a lot of OMG IN YOUR FACE moments and spooky noises. Perhaps they'll even tell people this is a game better enjoyed with headphones.Check out the brief interview after the break.%Gallery-8799%