
  • Know Your Lore: Grim Batol

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft. Grim Batol was founded by Wildhammer dwarves seeking to escape the legacy of the war that tore dwarf society apart. Led by Khadros, their thane, they marched north from Ironforge (originally the home of all dwarves, from Dark Irons to Bronzebeards to Wildhammers) after the death of King Anvilmar and the civil war that pitted the three main clans of their people against one another. Having lost the war, the Wildhammers chose to build a new, grand home for themselves in the mountains between the Wetlands and the Highlands. And it was grand indeed, for a time. In terms of pure architectural splendor, Grim Batol threatens both Ironforge and the massive constructions of the Dark Irons inside the Blackrock Mountain. The Wildhammers did not dwell on their loss to the Bronzebeards. If making a new life for themselves in Grim Batol and the Highlands was hard, it was also exciting and a new challenge to be overcome, a new way of life to meet head on and overcome. Sadly, from these auspicious beginnings disaster would pile upon disaster. Armies would invade, fell sorceries would be unleashed, and in the end, the Wildhammers would abandon their once-great home. It did not rest quietly.

  • Best of CES 2011


    Maybe, just maybe, you've noticed that Engadget relocated this past week to the City of Sin for CES 2011. Oh yes, we set up camp in a double-wide trailer, liveblogged our hearts out, combed the show floor, and worked our rear ends off to bring you more gadget news than you ever thought possible. It's true, we've written over 720 posts (40 or so about tablets alone!), shot more than 180 videos, and brought you over 350 photo galleries in the last seven days. That's a ton of technology news and products, but naturally, only certain ones have been able to rise above the rest and stick out in our scary collective hive-mind. With that said, we've complied our annual best of list for you, so hit the break and feast your eyes on what are bound to be some of the best products of the new year.

  • Working RED Scarlet appears at our trailer, we go hands-on! (video)

    Chad Mumm
    Chad Mumm

    Last year at CES, we had a surprise visit from RED's Ted Schilowitz showing off their non-functioning RED Scarlet prototype. Ted just stopped by our trailer again, this time with a working version and it's a seriously impressive piece of hardware. We grabbed a camera and sat down with Ted for an in-depth hands-on, so head on past the break for the exclusive video and some details! %Gallery-113292%

  • The world's first shipped RED EPIC gets stolen in home break-in (update: $100k reward now offered!)

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Remember just earlier this month when OffHollywood studio head Mark Pederson became the first man to own a RED EPIC? Well, now his $58,000 über camera is gone. According to REDUSER forums, the EPIC was heisted last night along with some cash from Pederson's chalet in France while he and his family were sleeping. Pederson shares on the forum that "there was a forced entry through the front door. The thieves actually entered the master bedroom while my in-laws were sleeping, and standing a foot from their bed - emptied wallet and purse. There were 6 children and 8 adults sleeping in the house." That's a scary caper worthy of a Hollywood script for sure, but thankfully no one was hurt. Here's hoping the movie-like storyline continues now with law enforcement gumshoes actually cracking the case. In the meantime, maybe Peter Jackson can lend Pederson one of his 30 RED EPICs until his own baby returns. Update: We just got word that RED honcho Jim Jannard is offering $100,000 to anyone who can provide information leading to the recovery of the device and a conviction of the thieves. In his words (from the RED forums): "We are now offering $100,000 for the safe return of EPIC #00006 and the rest of the system including the media with Mark's files... and the arrest and conviction of those that broke into Mark's chalet in France. We will ONLY pay this amount if there is an arrest and conviction of the parties as we are not interested to be ransomed by thieves." Now that is seriously putting your money where your mouth is! [Thanks, Derek and Cory]

  • First hand-machined RED EPIC ships, gets lovingly toyed with (update)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    This RED EPIC belongs to Mark Pederson -- the head of studio OffHollywood -- who was apparently the very first one to drop $58,000 for the pre-production 5K camera, not to mention the first to lay down money for the original one. In case you've arranged to find yourself with a similarly jawdropping Christmas present in the mail, you can find pictures of what to expect at our source links below. The links will also do quite nicely if you haven't experienced that feeling called "jealousy" in a while and would like a refresher course. Update: OffHollywood is shooting up a storm with the EPIC-M right now, and you'll find more gorgeous pics and impressions at REDUSER and their Twitter account. [Thanks, Charlie and Patrick]

  • RED Scarlet fixed lens camera shown in public (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It may never ship at a price point we peons can stomach, but we're no less thrilled to see RED's fixed lens Scarlet being handled by a mere mortal on video. One Tonaci Tran was fortunate enough to brush into Jarred Land at a 3D workshop, and he just so happened to have a fully functional Scarlet on his person. Tori noted that the unit was a touch lighter than the Epic, and the top-mounted 5-inch touchscreen was obviously rather captivating. We'd bother going on (and on), but chances are you've already clicked through to catch the video. And if not... why? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Motorola's new logo: it's red

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Been wondering about what impact Motorola's January split into two distinct entities will have on your humble consumption of consumer electronics? Well, after attending Moto's big Christmas do in London, we seem to have uncovered one of the biggies: the Droid maker is switching to a crimson new brand identity from the start of the new year. They won't tell us much more than that, but we can only surmise that the slight chromatic deviation will be in an effort to distinguish between the Mobility arm, which will make all the pocketable things we know and love, and the Solutions group in charge of the less glamorous business hardware. We're sure there'll be some reshuffling of middle management and other structural reorganizations taking place, but we've got the big story right here: the stationery, it is a-changing.

  • Spider-Man reboot is being shot in RED EPIC 3D, has John Schwartzman all kinds of excited

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You know that untitled Spider-man project that's set to revitalize the franchise at some point in 2012? Yeah, that's being shot in 3D (not news) using 3ality rigs and RED EPIC cameras (superhotawesome news). Peter Jackson already scooped up 30 EPICs to help him shoot his next big venture, The Hobbit, in 3D, but he's been beaten to the digital cinematography punch by the producers of the next Spidey flick, who have cornered a quartet of the cameras and actually started shooting with them on set yesterday. John Schwartzman, the dude responsible for filming the whole thing, has been extolling the virtues of using such fancy gear over on the RED forums, which is also where he promises his crew will be making further comments detailing the user experience. In slightly less thrilling RED news, the Scarlet S35 is being renamed to the EPIC Lite and will suffer the upheaval of having its features and price changed -- hit the links below for more. [Thanks, Anthony]

  • Peter Jackson nabs thirty RED EPIC cameras to film The Hobbit, tempt you to blow your savings

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    We're still slightly bummed that Peter Jackson never made Halo, but this should patch things up a tad -- the Lord of the Rings director will film The Hobbit in 3D entirely on thirty hand-machined RED EPIC cameras, starting early next year. That's the news straight from RED founder Jim Jannard, but that's not all, as a limited number of pre-production EPIC packages will be available to early adopters as well. $58,000 buys your deep-pocketed budding director a machined EPIC-M body, titanium PL mount, Bomb EVF and 5-inch touchscreen LCD, a REDmote, a four-pack of batteries, a charger and a solid state storage module with a four-pack of 128GB SSDs. Jannard expects to hand-assemble that first batch of 5K imagers in December or January, start the real assembly lines a month after that, and hopefully have widespread availability by NAB in April, though he's not making any promises there. That's how RED rolls. PR after the break. [Thanks, Patrick]

  • Dell US now offering Streak unlocked with Froyo, in Cherry Red

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We knew good and well that Android 2.2 was sneaking out and making itself active on Dell's unlocked Streak units, but now it seems that the backlog of older units has been cleared. That has made way for new stock over at Dell's US site, with a 16GB Carbon Black unlocked Streak going for $579.99 with Froyo from the factory; the 32GB model is listed at $678.99. Curiously, that 16GB model is $30 more than what the unlocked Android 1.6 model went for back in August. Also, we're left to assume that even the "unlocked" models will still be SIM-locked to AT&T, though Dell does play up the fact that unlocked Streaks can be used as a mobile hotspot for up to eight WiFi-enabled devices without ponying up extra to Ma Bell. In related news, the long-awaited Cherry Red Streak is also on sale in the US of A, but you'll have to flip to page two down in the source link in order to find the 32GB and unlocked variants. Good luck wading through the options, champ. [Thanks, Jar Jar Binks]

  • Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: Video Cameras

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Welcome to the Engadget Holiday Gift Guide! The team here is well aware of the heartbreaking difficulties of the seasonal shopping experience, and we want to help you sort through the trash and come up with the treasures this year. Below is today's bevy of hand curated picks, and you can head back to the Gift Guide hub to see the rest of the product guides as they're added throughout the holiday season. Photos make great mementos for important moments, but a picture of your kid taking her first step or writing his first blog post isn't quite as meaningful as a full-motion video of the event in question. That's why a video recorder of some sort is a must-have, and while your average compact camera is capturing better footage than ever, sometimes you need something a little more dedicated. That's when you need a camcorder, and this year we even have a bunch of 3D models to choose from. Which ones are right for you and for your budget? Click on through to find out.

  • Sony sees RED with PMW-F3 camera, we go hands-on with the $16k "indie" (video)

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    In the wild, wild world of film production it's sometimes tough to separate the consumers from the prosumers from the independent filmmakers from the big studios -- especially when more affordable technology makes it easier and easier for one class to imitate the other. Sony's latest 35mm CMOS imager video camera is an attempt to cover lost ground in the "indie" realm of requisite low-budget and desired high production value, a market dominated by the RED One, and to some extent Canon's 5D Mark II and 7D, for the past couple years. Sony's PMW-F3 -- shipping in February -- is a considerable step up from the earlier EX3. The most obvious change is the inclusion of the new Exmor Super 35 CMOS sensor and interchangeable lens mounts, facilitating shallow depth of field with a fairly impressive dynamic range. But at the price of a semester's worth of film school, will this offering hold its own in the field? Read on for our full impressions -- including all the gory details -- and video of our brief encounter with the new shooter.

  • BlackBerry Torch now burns in red and white hues at AT&T stores

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Right on schedule, a day before Windows Phone 7 hits its stores in force, AT&T is letting a couple of new BlackBerry Torch SKUs out to play. They're basic repaint jobs, described by the carrier as Sunset Red and Pure White, the latter of which almost lives up to its name by including a white keyboard but falters by sticking to the noir optical pad. Pricing is set at $499 if you never want to see AT&T again after purchasing one or $99 if you can commit to a two-year relationship. Same as with the "Charcoal" Torch. [Thanks, Matthew]

  • BlackBerry Torch coming to AT&T in two fresh colors next month

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Allow us to clarify, the colors are "fresh" as in "new," not as in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." Don't get us wrong, though: white almost always looks fresh (in the Fresh Prince sense) on a phone, and the Torch seems to be no exception -- partly thanks to the matching white keyboard. As expected, it'll be coming in red and white and will be available on November 7 (a day before the HTC Surround and Samsung Focus, interestingly) at the same time as a sweet new promotion that'll allow folks to buy any two accessories from AT&T and get a third one of equal or lesser value for free. Don't violate any fire codes stuffing yourselves into your local stores, alright? Follow the break for the press release.

  • Nintendo Wii Remote Plus is just $39, gets included in shiny new red bundle

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We've been waiting for it to get more official in more places, and Nintendo's finally spilling the beans on the American release for its Wii Remote Plus. As you'll surely know, the controller takes that unsightly MotionPlus attachment and bundles it right into an otherwise stock looking Wiimote, and will do so at a very fair price of $39.99. That new model will also be included in a new Wii bundle, in which the little console is so charmed by its new controller that it's blushed into a bright crimson (again). Or maybe it's the included copy of New Super Mario Bros. Regardless, that'll be $199, and that new, 25th Anniversary red DSi XL bundle Nintendo announced last month is official too, costing $179. All three launch in just a couple weeks, on November 7, so get ready to ditch those dongles. %Gallery-105661%

  • Nintendo Wii turns red with glee for Super Mario's 25th anniversarii

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    First of all, put away those credit cards, American readers, this is so far a Japan-only affair. Nintendo's celebrations of Mario's 25th birthday are extending beyond custom DSi and DSi LL consoles to a repainted Wii machine and a pretty sweet bundle to go with it. The sporty red number above includes one of the newfangled Wii Remote Plus controllers -- which can do MotionPlus tracking without the additional appendage -- along with a similarly rouged-up nunchuck, and, perhaps best of all, a preinstalled copy of Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Edition. That's still the game you know and love, but it now comes with bricks embellished with the number 25 on the front. You'll catch a screenshot after the break, while the Japanese audience can expect the tasty bundle to drop on November 11 for ¥20,000 ($241). Hey, if you really want it that bad, you've got a whole month to figure out an import strategy.

  • RED founder Jim Jannard calls prosumer Scarlet 'a mistake'

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Perhaps it should be no surprise, considering the heartbreaking delays (and $1,000 price bump) the Scarlet has already endured, but it looks like the project is undergoing a major shift in focus -- namely, it will no longer be targeted towards prosumers. EOS HD quotes RED founder Jim Jannard thusly: The concept of RED was to build a camera with as much capability as possible... for the professional market. Then we thought we could extend it down a bit to the prosumer level. Apparently, that was a mistake. He also says that "plenty of companies [are] dedicated to selling prosumer (short for 'almost right') cameras. We aren't going to be one of them." And later, "we had no idea what we were doing... Nothing works like it is supposed to." Ouch. Although we respect the man's candor (if not his eyewear), it's hard to say exactly what this all means: is the Scarlet camera going to be scuttled completely (probably not), or merely priced out of consideration for the (well-heeled) consumer? Either way, you can officially consider us bummed out.

  • RED Scarlet gets HDRx capability, $1,000 price hike, and 'slight delay'

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Two bits of bad news, one bit of good, folks. First with the latter: RED is putting HDRx in its upcoming Scarlet camera. No, not quite the halo-inducing HDR you're probably thinking of, this is better. Got that? Good, now for the lesson in TANSTAAFL: the upgrade is going to add about $1,000 to the Scarlet's eventual price tag, and additionally, there'll be a "slight delay" in the program. Just hang in there, and maybe grip your Mysterium X a little tighter tonight. No, not that tight, you don't want to break it.

  • RED shows off some EPIC HDRx test footage

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    That's EPIC, mind you, not necessarily epic. Sure, Red's experiment in HDR video looks like it'll be a help to filmmakers that want the power / flexibility of RAW in post and some tools to war against motion blur, but so far they aren't showing any of that ultra-surreal HDR stuff we known so well from Flickr. What's that you say? You don't want all your videos to look like they're populated by radioactive creatures on a planet with a dying sun? You disappoint us, person. Go to your room. EPIC can shoot up to 18 stops of dynamic range in motion, with an "HDR" mode for in camera processing and an "HDRx" mode (seen here) for manipulation in post. Hit up the source link for the full res download and in-depth discussion about the tech, or hit below the fold for an embedded copy of the vid. [Thanks, Andrew F.]

  • RED One Mysterium X cameras now available for all

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Got a spare $25,000 burning a hole in your pocket and a passion for 4K resolution? Then you'll be pleased to know RED's next generation Mysterium X camera is now available to all potential buyers, after initially being released exclusively as an upgrade for RED One owners seven months ago. Just because the better low-light capturing goodness is more accessible though doesn't mean this bad boy will be gathering dust on the shelf. Instead, thanks to high demand, budding Neill Blomkamps will have to put down a 10 percent deposit to reserve one and should expect waits of roughly a week for it to arrive. If for some reason you were still hoping to snag the original Mysterium sensor that window is also now closed -- unless you're one of the few still waiting on a reserved model. As excited as we are though to see the new RED gear in action, we still wouldn't watch a sequel to Knowing filmed on it.