

  • Elon Musk arrives at the tenth Breakthrough Prize Ceremony on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

    Elon Musk sued for alleged sexual harassment and retaliation by former SpaceX engineers

    Will Shanklin
    Will Shanklin

    Eight former SpaceX engineers filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk on Wednesday, accusing the CEO of sexual harassment and retaliation. The same group of fired employees have also filed complaints with the NLRB about SpaceX’s alleged retaliation.

  • A person is silhouetted against a logo sign of the Apple Store in the Grand Central Terminal in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York, U.S., January 4, 2022.  REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

    Report: Apple retaliated against women who complained about misconduct

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Apple has shown apathy toward women who complained about misconduct and even retaliated against them, according to a report.

  • Workers return to the Google offices after walking out as part of a global protest over workplace issues, in London, Britain, November 1, 2018. REUTERS/Toby Melville

    Labor agency alleges Google illegally fired two workers who tried to organize

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Another employee said she was let go this week over an email to colleagues.

  • warehouse

    US senators ask Amazon why it keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    A group of nine senators, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, want to know why Amazon keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers.

  • 400tmax via Getty Images

    Google accused of firing another worker in union-busting drive

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Google stands accused of firing a fifth employee who was suspected of attempting to organize a labor union at the search giant. Kathryn Spiers, who worked on the Chrome security team, says that she was fired for adding a pop-up to an internal browser telling colleagues about their labor rights. Spiers says that the company has "overreacted in an egregious, illegal and discriminatory manner."


    US labor board will investigate Google's recent firings

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has launched another investigation into Google. This time, the NLRB is investigating whether Google violated federal labor laws when it fired four employees late last month. The investigation will determine if Google discouraged employees from engaging in union activity, an NLRB spokesperson told CNBC.


    Fired Google employees will file federal labor charges against the company

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Four Google employees fired last week say they were let go for engaging in protected labor organizing, and that they plan to fight back. In a letter shared today, they say they're filing unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

  • REUTERS/Paresh Dave

    Google fires employee activist amid protests

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Google has fired at least one of the employees accusing it of retaliating against workplace organizers. Rebecca Rivers has confirmed that she's been fired as part of a larger move that terminated four employees. In a memo obtained by Bloomberg, the company's Security and Investigations Team claimed that the four had committed "clear and repeated violations" of data security policies, and that they hadn't just glanced at calendars or files during work as had been claimed before.

  • Drew Angerer / Getty Images

    Google employees still face retaliation for reporting workplace issues

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    It's been nearly a year since 20,000 Google employees held a walkout to protest the company's handling of sexual harassment and misconduct. While Google promised to make changes, employees have since charged the company with having a "retaliation culture." Today, Recode reports that a dozen current and former Google employees are still afraid to report workplace issues.


    Google Walkout leader leaves the company over alleged retaliation

    AJ Dellinger
    AJ Dellinger

    One of the leading organizers of last year's mass walkout of Google employees protesting the company's handling of sexual harassment cases has left the company, according to The Guardian. Claire Stapleton, a marketing manager who spent 12 years at Google and YouTube, resigned over alleged retaliation carried out against her by the company.


    Google employees will sit-in to protest retaliation culture

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Google employees will hold a sit-in tomorrow at 11am to protest what they call a "culture of retaliation." The group Google Walkout For Real Change announced the event on Twitter, saying they've encountered everything from being told to take sick leave when they're not sick to losing reports as punishment for actions Google doesn't approve.

  • AP Photo/Eric Risberg

    Google staff share claims of company retaliation in town hall meeting

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As promised, Google employees who led the large-scale walkouts in November have held a town hall meeting to share more allegations of a retaliatory culture at the company. Bloomberg understands that Claire Stapleton and Meredith Whittaker provided "more than a dozen" additional stories of reprisals at the gathering, which gave participants a chance to offer input. Details of those extra stories weren't available as we wrote this, but Stapleton described the tales in company email as evidence of "systemic issues" that wouldn't be addressed without collective action.


    Google Walkout leaders accuse company of retaliation culture

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Two of the seven Google employees who organized a massive walkout last November say they've since faced retaliation. After leading the protest, which sought to change Google's handling of sexual misconduct, Meredith Whittaker says she was told her role would be "changed dramatically." Claire Stapleton was told she would be demoted. The two claim they're not alone, and they plan to gather more stories and strategize with colleagues.

  • Mass Effect 3 multiplayer gets free 'Retaliation' DLC next week

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Mass Effect 3's multiplayer suite will be bolstered by a new enemy race and unlockables. The "Retaliation" DLC pack will be free to all Mass Effect 3 owners when it launches next week on October 9 – PS3 owners in Europe will have to wait an extra day, October 10.Retaliation adds the Collectors as a new enemy faction to face off against and new unlockable kits: the Turian Havoc Soldier and Turian Ghost Infiltrator. You'll also be able to unlock new Collector weapons and outfit them with new upgrades, plus BioWare is adding new "hazard" versions of existing maps to Mass Effect 3's multiplayer – certain environmental dangers like sandstorms and lightning will now challenge players in addition to the enemy.Finally, "Retaliation" adds a new challenge system to multiplayer, a database that chronicles your performance across multiplayer and awards "challenge points" for reaching certain milestones in multiplayer. Players can spend these "challenge points" on new titles and banners to customize their character profile.%Gallery-167509%

  • Crysis 2 getting 'Retaliation' DLC on May 17

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    The cybernetic suits of Crysis 2 will soon leap, slide, shoot, and ground-stomp each other in four new DLC maps: "Park Avenue, Transit, Shipyard, and Compound." They're set to drop on May 17 as the "Retaliation" map pack. The add-on is coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, though its availability on PS3 is dependent on whether or not PSN is back up by next week. No price is given in the announcement, nor the trailer, so we'll try to find out for you. Update: An EA rep confirmed with Joystiq a price of 800 MS Points/$9.99 for the DLC.%Gallery-123192%

  • Patent spar between ZTE, Ericsson escalates to courtroom showdown

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Like nostrils, tensions are flaring between two powerhouses in the wireless industry. Ericsson and ZTE have chosen to trade off the role of both plaintiff and defendant, since each company is suing the other for several patent infringements. It's hard to say who the guilty party really is -- with the number of accusations flying around, it's possible everyone is at fault somehow. All we know is that Ericsson challenged its rival company to a throwdown once attempts to reach a licensing agreement failed two weeks ago. ZTE accepted the challenge and raised the stakes by filing a lawsuit of its own. It's not exactly clear what got the quarelling pair's feathers all ruffled, though it reportedly involves 4G / WCDMA / GSM network technology employed in each other's handsets. That sure narrows it down, doesn't it? At least we have a good idea of what's up for grabs: as is oftentimes the case in these types of tumultuous proceedings, the loser has to stop selling the products and services in question and fork over some cash for damages caused to the winner. Why oh why can't we all just get along? [Thanks, Alex]

  • Retaliation battlegroup down again

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    For the second Tuesday in a row around the same time (9:00-9:30 pm EST-ish), the US Retaliation battlegroup has crashed. Blizzard has confirmed that it's performing urgent maintenance on the hardware of the affected realms, and they'll provide an update at 11:00 PM EST/8:00 PM PST. Hmmm. Makes you wonder if whatever caused last week's crash was accidentally rolled back during server maintenance earlier today.The following are the affected realms: Area 52, Auchindoun, Azuremyst, Blade's Edge, Blood Furnace, Coilfang, Dawnbringer, Exodar, Fizzcrank, Galakrond, Ghostlands, Grizzly Hills, Shattered Halls, Terokkar, The Scryers, The Underbog, Velen, and Zangarmarsh. My guild's on Retaliation and has consequently found itself without something to raid for the second Tuesday running. Last week their solution was to take off to Mug'thol and do a level 1 Hogger raid, complete with designated tanks and healers, damage meters, and -- to top things off -- a bonafide ninja looter of the Malachite drop. Our server might be down, but our hallowed traditions remain.

  • New US realm tomorrow morning

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    They've already opened a new realm for transfers, but Bornakk just let us know that a brand new US realm will be open for character creation tomorrow morning (Pacific time). I assume he specified Pacific time so they're not held to opening before noon Eastern, which would be pretty early for those west-coast dwellers. The vitals on the new realm: Name: Grizzly Hills Type: PvE (normal) Time Zone: Pacific Eastern Battlegroup: Retaliation AQ gates closed, closed to transfers for 3 months. I have to say, though, it would take quite a reroll locust to start over from scratch tomorrow, when the rest of us are leveling Death Knights or enjoying Northrend. Who's going to go check it out?

  • Warriors will be cooling down faster in Northrend

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Which, I suppose, makes sense. It's cold up there. If you've been playing a warrior for a long time, you've probably gotten used to the way your three big class abilities work. Presently, Shield Wall, Retaliation and Recklessness are linked abilities with a shared 30 minute cooldown. This means if you use one of them you can't use any of the other two in addition to the one you used for half an hour. Not only has this restriction kept warriors from using any of their big cooldowns in Arenas, it also serves as an inhibitor in raiding and soloing and questing. You don't pop Shield Wall unless you're absolutely sure you're going to die, because then you won't have it for possibly two or three boss attempts. This will no longer be the case in Wrath. In a move that simultaneously nerfs and buffs these long-standing warrior abilities, the base effect of each has been reduced but their cooldown shortened to 5 minutes. The tooltips of each ability spell it out now. The duration of each has dropped to about 12 seconds (not a huge deal), Recklessness has lost its fear breaking ability, Shield Wall only reduces incoming damage by 50%, and Retaliation only hits 20 attacks now. Yes, these are all nerfs. But the upside of a 5 minute duration makes them far more friendly for use. You can pop shield wall on trash if needed and still have it for a boss. A fury warrior can use reck secure in the knowledge that he'll most likely have it back up by the time the boss hits execute range. And retaliation might even be viable for multi-mob tanking now! A little stance dancing and you don't have to fret that shield wall is gone for half an hour.To me, this is an awesome change. It makes those abilities less restricted and thus, makes me more willing to use them.