samsung galaxy nexus


  • Nexus ninjas return in retro game, give you the skills to perform your own epic unboxing

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Tiny box destroying shinobi? Old hat. Fourth wall obliterating martial masters? Passe. The future of ninjitsu based phone unboxings will be found in the past: Google's gone 8-bit. Continuing in its tradition of out doing every possible Nexus unboxing the internet could ever hope to bear, El Goog has crafted a retro beat-'em-up game that puts you in the Nexus ninja's mask. Your mission? Secure and unbox the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The game is playable directly on YouTube, but is also available in the Android Market under the title Clash of The Nexus Ninjas -- in case you've already performed your own unboxing. If you haven't? Hit the source link below to begin your training.

  • Verizon Galaxy Nexus car dock lacks three-pin connection of its HSPA twin, requires manual micro-USB connection

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    While Verizon customers are happily lording it over their HSPA-bound counterparts with those LTE speeds, they may be less happy to hear about the lower-grade car dock they've been saddled with. Setting you back $40, the dock is a protective bracket for your phone that attaches to your windscreen with a suction cup. However, the GSM version includes the Galaxy Nexus' three-pin contacts, with micro-USB and mic ports built into the dock, meaning there's no need to constantly plug and unplug -- unlike the US model. Take a judicious look at the two images above; on the right is the predominantly hollow Verizon-branded car dock, while the similarly-shaped (but internally different) dock on the left is the UK's official Galaxy Nexus version. Why the difference? It's a transatlantic mystery to us. [Thanks Brian]

  • Galaxy Nexus gets unofficial Google Wallet, leaves rooters feeling flush (update: now root-free)

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    While it may have arrived with the Nexus name, Google's latest flagship has appeared without Wallet functionality, despite the inclusion of NFC hardware. Fortunately, it hasn't taken long for a few eager Android tinkerers to get it working on the LTE model. There's still a few hiccups and bugs and the phone needs to be rooted and unlocked, so consider yourself forewarned: you're on your own if it bricks. Still, it works -- user Mike Beauchamp was able to add extra funds to his account and make his first NFC McDonalds purchase. His video demonstration awaits after the break, Nexus-toting risk-takers can find a full step-by-step guide at the Google Plus link below. Update: We talked too soon. Those that fear the uncertain future of a rooted handset now have a workaround. An APK is now up for grabs at XDA-Developers that will furnish your new favorite smartphone with Google Wallet goodness, hack-free. Non-US residents, however, still appear to be locked out from adding funds to their account. Let us know how it goes in the comments below. [Thanks all]

  • Galaxy Nexus users reporting touchscreen trouble, lower scores in multitouch games (video)

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Looks like the honeymoon is ending a little early for some Galaxy Nexus users -- a pair of RootzWiki threads say that the device is struggling to maintain multitouch in some situations. Apparently the bug is repeatable, booting up a multitouch game like Gun Brothers or Shadow Gun will put the lower right hand portion of the smartphone's touchscreen in a finicky mood. We gave the glitch a go on a couple of different handsets, and were indeed thwarted by the touchscreen's tantrum. Turning the Nexus' screen on and off seems to fix the problem -- at least until you jump into your next game -- and the bug only seems to appear when the device is in landscape mode. This is likely a software bug, but until it's fixed, we'll just have to take it one touch at a time. Don't have a Nexus? See the glitch in action after the break. [Thanks, Jim]

  • Swype won't initially be available on Ice Cream Sandwich, but it's in the works

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Swipers won't be swiping on Ice Cream Sandwich... at least, not for a while. Swype tweeted the above message, indicating that the third-party keyboard company has its work cut out for it. It appears that Android changed things up this time around, including the way it reports screen resolution -- a crucial element to a keyboard, which naturally would cause a company like Swype a little bit of grief. No timeframe for availability has been set, but don't panic if you have to stick with the stock 'board on your brand new Galaxy Nexus for a spell.

  • Galaxy Nexus for Verizon LTE unboxing and speed test (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    After weeks of waiting, rumoured launches and even a few accidental sales, the elusive Verizon Wireless Galaxy Nexus is finally here. We dropped by a New York City retail store to try out Google's first Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone in the flesh, before bringing one home for a proper unboxing and LTE performance test. As expected, the production version that we finally got our hands on today is virtually identical to the sample that popped up at the Samsung Experience earlier this month, but with one major exception: there's a Micro SIM installed, letting us try out core functionality, such as placing phone calls and accessing data without a WiFi network in range.The Verizon Nexus arrived with Android 4.0.1 pre-installed, but prompted us to update to 4.0.2 just a few minutes after we added a Google account. It is noticeably thicker and heavier than its HSPA+ counterpart, but this thing is fast when it comes to transfer speeds -- not quite as speedy as we've seen with some LTE devices on AT&T's budding 4G network, but it's definitely in line with competing handsets from Verizon, and the MiFi we used for a comparison speed test. Our salesperson wasn't willing to let us leave without first confirming that the phone was in fact working, so he had the honor of first peeling back the phone's plastic cover. Ready to check it out? Roll up your sleeves and join us after the break for our unboxing and speed test.%Gallery-141918%%Gallery-141932%

  • Poll: Are you getting a Verizon Galaxy Nexus?

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    A Nexus phone on Verizon? We've heard that one before and it didn't end too well. Yet somehow, after all these years, Google's pure Android juggernaut has finally managed to broach the Big Red velvet rope, landing its LTE innards online and in-stores for over-eager mobile diehards today. But this much-anticipated Ice Cream Sandwich flagship launch hasn't been without its hiccups, delays and disappointments (backplate branding and bloatware, anyone?). So, the burning question we have to ask is: Will you or won't you? Hop on past the break to toss in your two cents. Sound off. 1, 2...

  • Verizon to begin selling Galaxy Nexus tomorrow for $300

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Get the conga line going, folks, because Verizon's finally come out of its non-committal shell and announced that its version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, as expected, can be purchased in stores and online starting tomorrow for $300 with a new two-year commitment. If you go through the official site to grab your copy, you may want to stay up late tonight -- they'll be ready to go at 1AM ET. %Gallery-141830%

  • Verizon posts Galaxy Nexus simulator, doesn't cap your virtual data

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Want to be an Ice Cream Sandwich champ before you even have a Galaxy Nexus in hand? Big Red's just opened the e-freezer, launching its Samsung Galaxy Nexus support simulator, complete with programed hands-on tutorials for navigating menus, launching apps, taking beautiful food pictures with creamy bokeh and browsing various single-page Verizon sites. The tutorial isn't a full sim in the traditional sense -- it's merely a microsite with static pages and limited animations -- but it's the closest many of us will get to playing with the real thing; until tomorrow, at least. Clear your schedule for the next five minutes, and hit up the source link for the smoothest smartphone experience you're likely to ever have.[Thanks, Zedster]

  • Verizon Galaxy Nexus extended battery makes blurrycam debut, shows off its hump

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    LTE's dirty secret is also an open one -- it's a juice hog. So, if you're planning on snatching up a Big Red-branded Samsung Galaxy Nexus, you'll probably want to leapfrog that stock 1,850mAh battery for an extended one. Good thing, then, that Mr. Blurrycam stopped by Droid Life to give prospective owners a cure for what's about to ail them. The heftier battery only ups the ante to 2100mAh -- a far cry from the Droid Bionic's 2760mAh -- but, hey, it's better than the alternative. And for the style-obsessed mobile maven, it appears that de rigeur unsightly hump is less severe than you'd expect. You can check it out in the video after the break or in-store -- whenever that is.

  • Verizon's Galaxy Nexus hitting Costco on December 15? (update: VZW stores too)

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    That elusive Samsung Galaxy Nexus is still heading to Verizon, believe it or not, and we may actually be nearing the end of our frustrating quest to get our hands on one. While we're still waiting for an official announcement from Big Red itself, the inaugural Ice Cream Sandwich device has shown up in Costco's internal pricing guides with a starting date of December 15th -- a mere two days away. It's priced at $290 with a two-year commitment, which is exactly the same as what we'd originally heard a month ago. Keep in mind that since Costco is an authorized retailer for Verizon, its release date may vary from the official website and corporate-owned stores; that said, we're sure hoping we can waltz into a store somewhere -- anywhere -- and pick one up this Thursday. [Thanks, Anonymous] Update: Thanks to another anonymous tipster, who sent us a screenshot from an internal VZW store computer, it looks like Big Red will be rolling out the Galaxy Nexus on the 15th, too. Not only that, but the alabaster Droid RAZR will land on the same day. Proof's in the photo after the break.

  • Galaxy Nexus available now on Bell and Virgin Mobile Canada for $160 on contract

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Call out the Royal Canadian Mounted Police guard, the Galaxy Nexus is ready to grace the northest of North American mitts. That Ice Cream Sandwich flagship is now up for order on Bell and Virgin Mobile at $160 with a three-year commitment and $650 for the contract-averse. We've already crowned this Google/Sammy lovechild as king of the Android heap, but of course the real litmus test is whether or not it wins over your hard-earned dollars. If you need a refresher (or an extra persuasive boost), you can check out our exhaustive software review. Otherwise, we'd advise you unlace those hockey skates, set those curling rocks aside and hit up the source with your credit cards at the ready.

  • Galaxy Nexus lands in Verizon stores December 9th, Droid 4 on the 8th (update: Nexus delayed)

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    We know you've been impatiently awaiting its arrival, but fear not Android fans -- the Verizon version of the Galaxy Nexus is almost here... we think. A tipster sent in a shot of an internal VZW email outlining the next few weeks of launches and in-store displays. Chief amongst those is the December 8th arrival of banners, signs and other marketing materials for the world's first ICS handset. Our source reports that posters and all the relevant merch will be rolled out after close of business and the Nexus will officially go on sale December 9th. As a bonus, this also seems to confirm that the Droid 4 will be launching this Thursday. So, if you're fine with Gingerbread and have a thing for QWERTY keyboards December 8th could still be the day all your dreams come true. The rest of us will just have to wait just an extra 24 hours. [Thanks, anonymous] Update: Bad news, folks, it looks like you Big Red fans won't be getting Google's new superphone on the 9th, and unfortunately there's no word when the VZW Nexus will land. See for yourself in the screenshot after the break.

  • Verizon's Galaxy Nexus won't support Google Wallet, reports claim (update: Verizon responds twice)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    The Verizon-branded Galaxy Nexus can do a lot of things, but one thing it apparently won't offer is Google Wallet. According to Computer World, Google has confirmed that Samsung's latest flagship handset won't support its mobile payment app, largely because Verizon doesn't want it to. An earlier report from 9to5Google speculates that Big Red may have chosen to block Google Wallet because of Isis -- a competing mobile payment system that Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have already invested in. Despite the absence of Wallet, however, both Computer World and 9to5Google insist that VZW's Galaxy Nexus will still be a "pure Google phone," insofar as it will receive software updates directly from Google, rather than the carrier. We've reached out to both Google and Verizon for comment, and will update this post as soon as we hear back. Update: Verizon responds to the brouhaha with the following statement. We're working to provide expanded services that will provide the best security and user experience in the market around m-commerce. We expect to provide access to an open wallet when those goals are achieved. Update 2: Responding to accusations that the carrier would block the Google Wallet app, Verizon says it's not that simple. Recent reports that Verizon is blocking Google Wallet on our devices are false. Verizon does not block applications. Google Wallet is different from other widely-available m-commerce services. Google Wallet does not simply access the operating system and basic hardware of our phones like thousands of other applications. Instead, in order to work as architected by Google, Google Wallet needs to be integrated into a new, secure and proprietary hardware element in our phones. We are continuing our commercial discussions with Google on this issue.

  • WSJ: Verizon Galaxy Nexus to sell for $299.99 on two-year contract

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    It might not come as too much of a surprise given other recent high-end smartphones, but The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that Verizon's version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will sell for $299.99 on the usual two-year contract. That word reportedly comes from people familiar with the matter, who unfortunately didn't get any more specific than "this month" when it came to a release date. [Thanks, Spencer]

  • Verizon Galaxy Nexus purportedly pictured in retail packaging

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We've already seen one Verizon Galaxy Nexus turn up at the Samsung Experience store in New York, and now some images of another unit have surfaced on the XDA forums showing the smartphone in what's purported to be retail packaging. This could well be another demo unit given the plain white box, but the red interior and other materials inside suggest that this could well be the real deal, and that a launch is presumably imminent. As for an official date? Verizon is still only saying "soon."[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus for Verizon LTE hands-on (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    New Yorkers got a sneak peek at the Verizon LTE flavor of the Galaxy Nexus at the Samsung Experience in Columbus Circle today, and we dropped by to spend a few minutes with the Ice Cream Sandwich handset in the Manhattan showroom. Samsung had just four pre-production Nexus models on hand, which were running Android 4.0.1 -- not the final 4.1 version we're expecting to see shortly, with a baseband update in tow. None of the samples included SIM cards, so we were only able to test them using the built-in WiFi module. A security alarm sounded when we attempted to remove the back cover to install a SIM, though the battery was also superglued in place, further inhibiting our access.We did take the unit for a speed test spin using our Verizon LTE MiFi, and achieved download speeds ranging from 5000-7000kbps and upload speeds of 300-2000kbps when connected to LTE over WiFi. These results don't represent what you'll see with the built-in module, but considering there was no way to get these running on the Verizon network, connectivity was limited to the MiFi and in-house WiFi. Still, this is your best shot at getting your hands on a device ahead of Verizon's official launch, so if you happen to be anywhere near NYC, head on down to the Samsung Experience to get your Nexus fix. Or hop past the break for our hands-on video.%Gallery-140993%

  • Verizon apps crash the Galaxy Nexus party, are quickly shown the door

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    The 4G-flavored Galaxy Nexus has been spotted by the gadget paparazzi yet again. This time, attention was focused on what the Verizon branding will add in the way of obligatory software detritus. Fortunately, these photos prove that the ICS-minted phone should be able to shrug off most of these annoyances. In the shot above, the Verizon Backup Assistant app's disable button is all lit up, beckoning to be forever removed from your visible app list. Check out a full gallery of the Big Red bloat at the source below.

  • Official Galaxy Nexus dock accessories play pre-order, CarDock and HDMI included (video)

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    If holding one of the most pimpin' phones on the planet isn't enough to properly distinguish you from the pack, then it's time to accessorize that slab, ya dig? Four Samsung dock connectors for the Galaxy Nexus have entered pre-order phase, which include the standard horizontal station, a vertical option for HDMI, a CarDock that can be oriented in either direction, along with a simpler one that's used to charge an additional battery. The biggies each retail for £50, whereas the charger is going for £15. No word on actual ship dates, but you'll find videos for each item after the break. [Thanks, Denny] %Gallery-140966%

  • Verizon's Galaxy Nexus updated to Android 4.1.0, finally ready to dance?

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    A lucky human known as "Bradgog" posted the above screenshot to a thread on My Droid World last night, ostensibly heralding the arrival of Android 4.1 on Verizon's Samsung Galaxy Nexus. As you can see in the image (purportedly taken on Verizon's 3G network), the firmware update appears to bring a new baseband radio to the handset, which, in turn, may explain the delay in bringing the device to Big Red's stable. It's hard to say for sure, though we should have a clearer idea any day now.