

  • AOL

    Tech Hunters: Bringing the Tamagotchi back to life

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    These days, Pokémon has the cute creature-based game market all sewn up, but back in the 90s it was a completely different affair. Phones still had some way to go towards being anywhere near smart, so it was up to tiny pocket devices like the Tamagotchi to keep little ones entertained. The Tamagotchi -- a portmanteau of the Japanese words for egg (tamago) and friend (tomodachi) -- was created by Bandai employee Aki Maita and formally introduced by the company back in 1996. The toy required kids (of all ages) to care for a virtual pet, allowing them to experience the responsibility of feeding, cleaning and maintaining the health of their cute digital companion. They pooped and they died when you forgot to feed them, but you were always safe in the knowledge that you could always start again. After huge success in Japan, the Tamagotchi went on to be sold in over 30 countries, shifting more than 76 million units. The brand grew to include books, clothing, movies, TV shows and a Nintendo video game, eclipsing the Beanie Baby fad at the time. Because the virtual pets came in dozens of different shells, collectors scour the globe and online marketplaces for the rarest models. Julia Hardy met with one superfan, Natalie, to find out more about the keychain craze and why the Tamagotchi is still so loved.

  • AFP/Getty Images

    When tech nostalgia goes too far

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    Nintendo had a bonafide smash on its hands with the NES Classic. And it looks like the SNES mini console will fly off of store shelves just as quickly. But it's not the only company looking to cash in on your nostalgia. Nowadays, there are reboots of TV shows like Twin Peaks and MST3K. Oh, and how about Netflix's Stranger Things, a series that's basically a love letter to the 80s? These are all examples of nostalgia products done right. But not everything we've seen in recent years has been as great as you would have hoped. Because, seriously, do you really want one of the Furbys pictured above watching you sleep? And who would be caught dead toting around a Tamagotchi in 2017? You know what, maybe that is you, and who are we to judge? But if you ask us, these 10 things probably took our retro obsession a little too far.

  • Bandai

    The classic Tamagotchi toy is back

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    You've already seen Nintendo revive the NES and Nokia reintroduce the 3310, so why not resurrect more '90s tech? Bandai certainly doesn't see a problem with it. The company has relaunched the classic Tamagotchi toy in near-original form to mark its 20th anniversary (November 1996 in Japan, May 1997 elsewhere). After years of constant iterations, you're back to simple black-and-white displays and the six initial characters. About the only change is the size -- these eggs are about half as large as the models you might have owned as a kid.

  • BuzzFeed's Apple Watch app is a needy virtual pet

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    When you install an Apple Watch companion app, you typically expect something that reflects the experience you get on your iPhone. News on your phone means news on your wrist, for instance. That's definitely not the case for BuzzFeed's app, though -- instead, you're treated to nothing less than a Tamagotchi-style virtual pet. Install it and you'll have to keep a gem-like critter happy by traveling, eating pizza, listening to music on its couch and otherwise hanging out. The experience will seem more than a little familiar if you had one of these digital pets as a kid (read: it may get annoying over time), but it's at least easier to deal with on a watch than it is hanging off your keychain. And let's face it, this is probably going to be more entertaining than scrolling through GIF-heavy list articles on a tiny screen.

  • The Virtual Menagerie: A look back at our techno pets

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Pets are great. But if you're too lazy, busy or overcome with allergies for the real thing, you have a host of digital alternatives. They've found homes on our computers, in addictive little eggs and even housed insemi-realistic representations of actual animals. Their souls may be entirely digital, but that hasn't stopped consumers from coddling and caring for these code-based creatures. Join us as we take a look at some of the digital, virtual and robotic pets that have captured our hearts over the years.

  • Hatchi turns your Pebble smartwatch into a virtual pet

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    For many of us who survived the '90s, virtual pets are but a distant memory. That said, the Tamagotchi just turned 17 and Bandai (its parent company) is still cranking out new pets, so apparently the digital species is far from extinct. It makes complete sense, then, that the concept would eventually make it to the Pebble; in fact, its black-and-white e-paper display should make virtual pets feel right at home. Developer Portable Pixels is celebrating Game Developers Conference (GDC) by launching Hatchi on the Pebble appstore sometime this week. Much like the Tamagotchi, you'll be responsible for feeding, cleaning, playing with and caring for your new Hatchi pet.

  • Tamagotchi celebrates its 17th birthday with new, more social virtual pets

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Here's a thought to make you feel old today: if the first batch of Tamagotchis were human, they'd be almost through with high school. In fact, the egg-shaped virtual pet has just turned 17 (17!), and to celebrate, Bandai is revamping the brand (again) and launching a new line called Tamagotchi Friends. While you still need to feed your virtual pet and pick up its digital poop, this modern-day remake comes with new characters to raise. Also, when two owners bump their Tamagotchi Friends against each other, their pets can go on play dates, and they can interact in-game. We wish Bandai added other modern features, like a full-color screen, but at least American aficionados can get units with a color background starting fall 2014. Those in Europe will have to make do with the black-and-white version upon launch in December 2013. For now, you can see more info and watch animated shorts on the official Tamagotchi Friends website, or practice your pet-rearing skills on Android.

  • Tamagotchi breathes new 'L.i.f.e.' into Android today

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    No, it's not your personal Tamagotchi – that poor critter is still a ghost haunting the silicon chip inside your keychain, locked away in a box somewhere in the attic of your childhood home. Today, a new Android app called Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. is available as a free ad-supported download, emulating all of the same functionality found in that digital creature craze of the 90s.Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. is only available on Android (running 2.3 and up) thus far, but developer Sync Beatz promises it's coming to Apple devices too, according to a report on Techland. Aside from taking care of a Tamagotchi, the app also has plenty of unlockables: wallpapers, new Tamagotchi, different cosmetic options for your shell and different backgrounds. There's also a mode in which you can directly interact with your Tamagotchi and play a game of rock, paper, scissors using touch-screen controls.

  • Tamagotchi celebrates its super sweet 16 with an Android app, Ferrari cake nowhere in sight

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    In celebration of 16 years of Tamagotchi, Namco Bandai has cooked up a new mobile app based on the brand's original virtual pet. Free to download from Google Play, this piece of '90s nostalgia has been re-imagined with new features like color, improved image resolution and Facebook sharing. Fancy new bells and whistles aside, you'll still need to feed and discipline your digital pet in order for it to thrive. So, if your device is running Android 2.3 or higher and you're ready to clean up some pixelated poop, head on over to the Play Store to download your household's newest edition.

  • Tamagotchi coming back as an iOS app

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Truth be told, I was just a little too old to land in the middle of the Tamagotchi craze: My childhood was more full of Trapper Keepers and Game Boys than the famous Japanese virtual pets. But of course I saw them all over the place back in the '90s, as did everyone, really. And now the original toy is returning on iOS, as an upcoming app called Tamagotchi l.i.f.e. Now, there already is an official Tamagotchi app on the App Store, but it's more of a remake, with newer graphics and a little more social spin. This new app is designed to look more like the old version, presumably, playing a little bit more off of the now-retro vibe of the old craze. It's supposed to be on the App Store soon, so we'll keep an eye out for it. In the meantime, as you might imagine, there's no shortage of virtual pets apps on the App Store, including the very Tamagotchi-like Pet Monster, and even a virtual puppy. But Tamagotchi is the original creature you could kill by not feeding it enough -- hopefully Namco Bandai nails the feel of the old toy with this new app. [via AppAdvice]

  • Windows Phone leaks new games, sounds like a personal problem

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    The Windows Phone is carrying on quietly with its existence, launching update 7.5 and recently letting slip a list of games coming to Xbox Live on Windows Phone, including Age of Zombies, Bullet Asylum, geoDefense Swarm and Tamagotchi. These titles are already available on Android and iOS devices, except for Bullet Asylum, which was announced for Windows Phone, Xbox 360 and PC last last year, and whose trailer you can watch above. In related Windows Phone news, Ska Studios' Z0MB1ES (on teh ph0ne) dropped for version 7.5 yesterday. For $2.99 it includes I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1, the ENDL3SS Z0MB1ES mode and a new title from Ska, Time Viking. Looks like it's time to change your "number of reasons to buy Windows Phone" to three.

  • Windows Phone getting four fresh Xbox Live gaming titles, optimized for Mango

    Andrew Munchbach
    Andrew Munchbach

    It looks like our friends over at Microsoft have outed a quartet of new Xbox Live games that will be delivered to the Windows Phone Marketplace in the not-too-distant future. Being billed as "optimized for the newest Windows Phone 7.5," the aforementioned -- and somewhat familiar -- titles include: Age of Zombies by Halfbrick, Bullet Asylum by UberGeekGames, geoDefense Swarm by Critical Thought, and Tamagotchi by Namco. Why are these touchscreen-tickling titles familiar, you ask? Three of the four have been proving their mettle on other mobile platforms. GeoDefense Swarm and Tamagotchi are currently available in the iOS App Store; Age of Zombies is available in both the Android Market and iOS App Store; and Bullet Asylum has been in the works for some time -- we were treated to a video preview last summer, which you'll find below. No word yet on release dates, but the foursome's mere presence on Microsoft's site makes us think that we won't have to wait all that long before initiating the download sequence.

  • Tamagotchi turns 15, wonders why you haven't fed it in a decade

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Remember that little Tamagotchi you promised to always love and care for? When was the last time you fed the thing? Twelve years ago? The little guy's probably starving. Bandai's line of pocket pets turns 15 today -- the first Tamagotchi on sale November 23rd, 1996, becoming a downright phenomenon that proceeded to baffle parents everywhere. Since then, the attention demanding key chains have spawned several video games, a TV series and an animated movie. So go, break your Tamagotchi out of shoebox it's been living in for the past decade and treat it to a birthday meal and a driver's permit.

  • Activision and Sega show off Wappy Dog dogbot / Nintendo DS game at Toy Fair 2011

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Toy Fair 2011 isn't quite as big a deal as say, CES or MWC, but it still has its fair share of nifty plaything gadgets. One jewel of the show is Sega's Wappy Dog toy that interfaces with Activision's Nintendo DS title of the same name. In what amounts to the logical evolutionary conclusion of the artist formerly known as Tamagotchi, Wappy Dog allows folks to communicate with their digital pets not only via the DS, but also by playing with and training their pooch's robotic doppelgänger. After playing with DS Wappy, the game automatically syncs up with the toy bot to keep it from developing multiple personality disorder. Though currently a prototype, the toy can dance (hopefully with a little more flava than its iDog cousin), whine, and bark in response to your child's interactions, and is slated for a release this fall at an unknown price point. No need to thank us for finding your next family pet.

  • The Virtual Whirl: Linden Lab short-lists viral poultry for humanitarian prize

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    In just a few more days, the winner of the second annual Linden Prize is going to be revealed, and the ten finalists have been announced. The stated criteria for the Linden prize are projects that "[elevate] the human condition through using Second Life," and "that improve the way people work, learn, and communicate in their daily lives outside of the virtual world." Therefore, I feel it only natural that I was rather astonished to see sionChicken/sionCorn in among the finalists, since it apparently does neither of these things.

  • WeMade Entertainment releases Digimon MMO trailer

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Remember Digimon, the little digital pet that emerged during the Tamagotchi craze in the 90s? The fad faded, like they tend to do, but the Digimon franchise stuck around in the form of books, toys, a trading card game, and now an MMO. Yep. WeMade Entertainment launched a teaser site and trailer video for Digimon Battle yesterday. Both are short on details, but open beta registration details are promised "soon", and the company has jumped into the social media arena with both feet. There are updates a-plenty on their Twitter page, announcements and links on their Facebook page, artwork on the teaser site, and the aforementioned brand new teaser trailer. WeMade has stated that they are planning to release the game in March, so the expected open beta will be brief, and presumably soon. We'll keep an eye out for details, and in the meantime check after the jump for the trailer.

  • Tamagotchi renamed TamaTown Tama-Go, no change in amount of attention it requires

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    That's right, grab the tissues and take some time to mourn the death of the Tamagotchi as we knew it. The guys at Bandai have gone and totally revamped the beloved virtual pet, giving it the new name of TamaTown Tama-Go to match that of the already existing Tamatown.com virtual world. Though there have been very minimal changes to the purpose of the toy -- you still have to remember to keep your little character well fed and rested -- the $20 pocketable keychain has morphed into an Easter egg shaped device with a slightly larger and higher contrast four-grayscale display. Why make a portable device larger than before? Well to accommodate attachable collectible figures, of course! Obviously sold separately, the $7 TamaTown figures attach to the top of the Tama-Go and are preloaded with two character specific games and goods. We understand that these sorts of changes are better processed in images (and dreams), so hit the gallery below for more miniscule figures than you can (probably) handle. %Gallery-85485%

  • Bandai rolls out new Tamagotchi Music Star designs, earplugs not included

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Bandai's been busy in their genius labs brewing up some "high tech" amusement, and they have the newly announced Tamagotchi Music Stars to show for it. You've probably been dying to create a digital diva or virtuoso all your own, and now you can, with six different options such as Glam Rock, Techno Sound, and Rising Star to choose from. Your character gets to join a band, go through hours of practice, auditions and rehearsals before making it big. Sound exhausting? Well fame comes at a price, kid. No word yet on price or availability, but you can check out their site for lots of info and a few shots of the designs. Oh: and rock on.Update: We just got word from the company that the Music Stars will retail for $14.99

  • New iPod game: Tamagotchi

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    This week, Apple added a new game for the iPod nano and iPod classic. Tamagotchi: 'Round the World allows you to take care of a small pet, which you raise from birth. There are four pets to choose from, interactive environmental items, 6 mini games, and three activities to play with your pets. Tamagotchi was created by Namco, which has other iPod games on the iTunes Store. This game is compatible with iPod nano (3rd & 4th Generations), iPod classic, and iPod 5th Generation (with video). It is available from the iTunes store for $4.99; a demo video is available. Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • Tamagotchi Connection: Cuteness Shop 3

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're well aware that the Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop series is a success despite its quality. The two entries in the series have received middling reviews that belie their enormous sales. We know that we're not the intended audience for the minigame collections based on Bandai's virtual pet toys.But we can't help but be temporarily rendered incapable of rational decision-making by the aggressive, highly concentrated cuteness contained in every piece of media related to this series. We've got three new videos of the latest game, Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3, and we've added a bunch of screens to our gallery. We just want to squeeze them.%Gallery-12928%