

  • WRUP: three guesses edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, this is the day of the week when we usually ask what everyone will be playing, but the question seems a little hollow. As you can see above, we know what our own Dustin Burg will be playing (that's a picture from his own Bungie.net profile if you haven't guessed). We're going to take a wild guess that most of our readers will be making the same choice. Yes, of course, we're talking about Beautiful Katamari. Nah, just kidding. We're talking about Halo 3. Duh. Go play it. We know you want to.Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: let's count edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Boys and girls, today's edition of What Are You Playing is brought to you by the number 4. Can you count to 4? Sure, I knew you could. What special things can we learn about the number 4 today. Let's see. 4, as in the number of players allowed in Halo 3's online co-op. 4, as in the number of cases of beer and/or Red Bull and/or tacos you will need to fuel your upcoming Halo 3 binge. 4, as in the minimum number of days you'll need to call in "sick" in order to maximize your enjoyment of Halo 3. 4, as in the number of days left until the release of Halo 3. See, learning can be fun.Unfortunately, 4 is also the number of days that most of us won't be playing Halo 3. In other words, everyone but a select few (both sanctioned and unsanctioned by MS) will have to find something else to play over the weekend. So, what will you be playing this weekend, neighbor?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: getting board edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    And so it begins, the epic battle for video game skateboarding dominance. For the last several years, if you wanted to play a skateboarding title, you had but one choice: Tony Hawk. Now, EA enters the ring with its take on realistic skateboarding, aptly titled skate -- the game should finally be hitting shelves today. It just so happens that there is a demo out for Tony Hawk's Proving Ground as well. Now that you've got a chance, we suggest you give them both a go (you can always try out the skate demo if you're skittish about purchasing). The skateboard war has begun, and round one needs a winner.Still, skateboarding isn't for everyone (we can barely even stand up on one of the things), so we have to ask, as usual, what will you be playing this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: road to E3 edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This is it folks, the last Friday before the first kinder, gentler E3. For most, gaming plans will go unchanged. For a select few, a weekend full of travel means that portable gaming time is nigh. Still others will ditch games entirely, opting instead to obsessively watch trailers of games they want to see at E3. And yet others will madly play the prequels to upcoming E3 darlings, desperately willing them to magically blossom into the next iteration (no matter how hard we try, we can't get Halo 2 to morph into Halo 3). Yes, the weekend before E3 is something like Christmas Eve for gamers, and indications are high that we have been very nice this year.So, how will you whet your appetite for E3 this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: turn out the lights edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Despite this week's torrent of new releases, one game stands out from the pack. We are of course talking about the latest from Starbreeze, The Darkness. Yes, the verdict is in, and the critics are taking a shine to the gruesome first person shooter. We're also getting the thumbs up from our resident Achievement Whore, which is usually a good sign. That's not to say there aren't other great options this weekend either (Overlord comes to mind). Yes, it seems that Microsoft's year-long wallet-draining conspiracy is still in full force. We shudder at the thought of the upcoming holiday gaming season (which seems to be starting in August for crying out loud).Will you be delving into The Darkness this weekend, or do you have other plans?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: lazy summer edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Well, kiddies, it's officially summer now. It's time to look forward to heat, picnics, Hollywood schlock, and days by the pool. Of course, for gamers, there's no better way to beat the heat than to stay inside and play some games, right? Here's the best part, with the right video games you can simulate the Great Outdoors. For instance, have you ever wondered what all those bugs in the grass are doing all day? If Band of Bugs is a realistic indication (and we have no reason to think it isn't), they are constantly at war. See, video games can be a useful educational tool. So, what will you be learning playing this weekend?(Seriously though, why not go outdoors for old-fashioned analog entertainment?)Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: retro crap and Gears of War edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's time once again for us to ask our readers what they will be playing this weekend. Taking a cue from some of our Fancast listeners, we thought it would be fun to share our weekend playlists as well. Richard Mitchell: Lots of retro crap including Prince of Persia, Half-Life, and Marathon. Dustin Burg: Gears of War, some Gears of War, and if he gets bored, Gears of War. David Dreger: Shadowrun and some crappy arcade game just for achievements. How about you, what games will you be indulging in this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing? (WRUP archive)

  • WRUP: bye bye beta edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    360 fanboys, this is it. It's time to stock up on tacos, pizza, chips, soda, and whatever else you'll need to keep yourself glued to your Xbox 360. Yes, the end of the Halo 3 beta is nigh (this Sunday to be specific). The weeks have just flown by, haven't they? We've spent many hours owning n00bs and watching n00bs employ HAXX and CHEETZ to score kills on us. We've sampled new weapons (lolololololol) and tried out fancy new equipment. Many of us have even made it into unauthorized custom games. Whatever you like to do in the beta, this is your last shot. Will you go out in a blaze of ownage, or will you be owned yourself?Oh, and in case Halo isn't your thing, what will you be playing this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIXbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 beta leaderboardX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing?

  • WRUP: magical combat on wheels edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    What's this? An edition of WRUP that's not about the Halo 3 beta? Wha? That's right folks, there are actually some noteworthy new games out this week that may just pull you away from the beta. On one hand we have the simulation-heavy driving of Forza Motorsport 2, and on the other we have the unique magical combat of Shadowrun. We know for a fact that one of our writers has officially forsaken the Halo 3 beta for the team dynamics of Shadowrun. Will you do the same, or do you have even bolder plans for the weekend? The question, as always, is: what will you be playing this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIXbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 beta leaderboardX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing?

  • WRUP: hard work edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Yeah yeah, we know. We've been running Halo 3 beta themed WRUPs for the last two weeks. We're really sorry about that, but for the moment it's just the biggest thing out there in 360 land, and is likely to remain so until it's over. If you've been playing it much, you may have noticed that there are some serious Halo players out there. So serious, in fact, that they deserve to be called playas. As MTV's Stephen Totilo put it, beating them may require an amount of practice that "closely resembles work". But hey, that's the price of fun, right?Should you find yourself taking a break from the beta, we suggest you try out the flood of demos that have come out in the last several weeks. You've got Blacksite, Forza 2, DIRT, even Viva Piñata has come back to the Marketplace. Why not give one a spin?So, what will you be playing this weekend?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIXbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 beta leaderboardX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing?

  • WRUP: Man Cannon edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's Friday which means it is once again time to ask our beloved readers, "what are you playing?" This week, for many of you anyway, presents us with a simple answer. That answer is, of course, the Halo 3 beta. You can bet your booties that's what we'll be playing it. Oh yeah, we'll be playing the snot out of it. You hear us? The snot! How about the rest of you, what will you be playing this weekend? After all, we can't all be playing the beta.Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIXbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 beta leaderboardX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles DawsonWhat were you playing?

  • WRUP: lucky bastards edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's Friday, and typically that means we write about all the fabulous games we'll be playing. Being the courteous folk that we are, we also ask you, our beloved readers, what you'll be playing. This week, though, we're doing something a little different. This week, we're angry. Why? Because some of you (and even a member of our very own staff) will be playing the Halo 3 beta. Our grim overlords at Joystiq are also going to the special Halo 3 events in San Francisco and New York. Basically, we're surrounded by jerks.Have fun playing Halo 3 ... jerks.What will the rest of you non-jerks be playing?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX3F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles Dawson

  • WRUP: beta late than neva edition

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    So, the weekend is officially upon us, and at least in the Great White North, the forecast is wet and gloomy, which pretty much means sitting back in a Sumo lounge chair and gaming away. We'll probably try to get some final matches of Shadowrun in before the beta ends Monday night, rock out to Guitar Hero II, or go back to old favorites like Oblivion and Gears of War. But that's us. What of you, fellow fanboy, what are you going to be playing?Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIX360F Gamertags:Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAMDustin Burg -- SuperDunnersDavid Dreger -- Knuckles Dawson

  • What are you playing: Old School edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This is an interesting week. We are fast approaching the hectic holiday season, the PS3 finally launched today, and the Halo 3 hype train is at full steam. I was a little disappointed that my wild speculation about Bungie's Marathon coming to Arcade was wrong, so I decided to download it for PC. It is free, after all. It takes a tiny extra step to make it run on PC (it was originally a Mac title) but it's worth it for a piece of Halo history (does that hand in the screenshot look familiar?). If you're having trouble installing, go here.Back on 360, of course there is Gears, I'm still collecting gold bricks in Lego Star Wars II, and chasing after the "Bulletproof" Achievement in Contra. Frankly, winning with one credit is hard, but I won't be satisfied until I can do it in one life. How 'bout the rest of you? What are you playing this weekend? Hit me up if you want to play some Gears or the Vegas demo. (Any 360 fanboys brave enough to admit they're hoping to play Resistance?)Leaderboards (time for Mk. III?):Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIWhat were you playing (WRUP archive)

  • WRU Playing: Obvious edition [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We almost forgot it's Friday, and that can mean only one thing. That's right, it's time for another exciting edition of What Are You Playing! Of course, this may be the first week that I can guess what most of you are playing. Let's see, using only the powers of my mind, I'm going to guess you're playing Gears of War this weekend. Was I right? Was I close?All kidding aside, it might be more relevant to ask what people are playing besides Gears of War -- especially our European friends who have to wait another week for the game. So, are you rocking anything else? Any Project 8 or maybe a few achievement runs in Contra? For that matter, who picked up Viva Piñata? Leave a comment and tell us what you're playing this weekend. Don't forget to stop by one of our leaderboards for some friendly competition or co-op, too. Also, we've got a new feature for WRUP: What Were You Playing. Simply click the link below and you can browse our What Are You Playing archive. Go dig up your old comments and you'll always know what you were playing. Reminisce about your gaming past, courtesy of 360 Fanboy.Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. IIWhat Were You PlayingUpdate: Fixed the What Were You Playing link.

  • WRU Playing: More gold bricks edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Oh boy, I'm only just discovering the joys of Lego Star Wars II. This game, like, totally roxxorz my boxxorz. The compulsion to collect studs, minikits, and bricks is a powerful one, and I can no longer resist. Still, whenever I can manage to pull myself away from toothpick-sized plastic lightsabers, I'll probably be gunning for a few Achievements in UMK3 and maybe the more difficult time trial Achievements in Lumines Live. Oh, and with any luck, my copy of Phantasy Star Universe will show up today. I know the single player won't be Phantasy Star V, but hopefully it will scratch the itch.How 'bout the rest o' yas? Splinter Cell perhaps? DOOM? Marvel? Tell us what's going down this weekend. Hmmm ... I wonder what everyone will be playing next weekend. Hopefully something will emerge.

  • What are you playing: sneaky edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's time once again for that all important question, what are you playing? This week marks the release of Splinter Cell: Double Agent so, we imagine quite a few of you will be spending your weekend snapping necks and being all sneaky-like. Me, I've still got to wrap up Dead Rising, Lego Star Wars II is staring me in the face, and I have yet to crack into Enchanted Arms. And let's not forget that the Phantasy Star beta is still running. Oh, and that the Project 8 demo should hit today -- still not out as of this posting. On the Live Arcade front, there's Lumines and 3 more episodes of DOOM to clear up (on Ultra Violent difficulty, of course).Put simply, there's just too damned much to play. How 'bout you? What will you be playing this weekend?

  • X360F asks, what are you playing? (again)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Last week we asked what everyone was playing, and we got such a nice response, we've decided to do it again. In fact, let's just do it once a week, shall we? Of course, last week we asked on a Monday, when many of us don't have much time to game. So, this week we're asking on a Friday when you have time to enjoy the weekend.I'll go first. I just finished off Prey (I really enjoyed it) and now I'm getting full swing into Dead Rising (here's hoping it doesn't destroy my 360). I've got Enchanted Arms on the way from Gameznflix, and I'm really eager to try it out. On the enemy front -- in the Fanboy wars that is -- I'm enjoying Advance Wars DS on my ... um ... DS.How about you, oh so faithful readers (and Ken, I guess)? What are you playing this weekend?

  • 360 Fanboy asks, what are you playing?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Here at Xbox 360 Fanboy, we get so caught up in news about games that haven't even come out yet, we sometimes forget about all the games that are available right now. So, just as a change of pace, what's everyone playing right now?Currently spinning in my 360: Dead Rising, Prey, and the F.E.A.R. demo (you can read about that last one later today). On arcade, lots of Pac-Man (fiancées love it!), UNO (still the number one choice for Joystiq/Fanboy editorial meetings), and Street Fighter II (36 wins, 29 losses, thank you very much).That's what I'm rockin'. How about you?