

  • Samsung Focus S wanders through FCC en route to AT&T

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Charts, diagrams, charts, measurements, and more charts. This summation of nearly every document that passes through the FCC sounds only slightly more fun than staring at the Matrix all day, yet we still find ourselves a bit giddy when seeing highly anticipated phones take their turn getting the Federal nod of approval. And so it is with the Samsung i937, which is most likely the Focus S -- one of three tantalizing Windows Phone choices aimed at reaching stores "this fall." It's about what we'd expect, really: aside from sporting the usual AT&T frequencies, there's not much more that we can discern from the pages and pages of numbers and colorful pictures that depict phone radiation. Exciting stuff, we know, but Windows Phone 7.5 is at least one step closer to being in the clutches of our lonely mitts.

  • Ballmer: Windows Phones aren't selling very well, but we're not worried

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Microsoft's Steve Ballmer was his usual frank self when he met financial analysts yesterday, admitting that the world isn't yet as keen on Windows Phone as he'd hoped. To be precise, AllThingsD reported him as saying: "We haven't sold quite as many as I would have liked in the first year." His cunning plan? Well, that's easy: make it all Nokia's problem. Or, as he put it: "With Nokia we have a dedicated hardware partner that is all-in on Windows Phones." Indeed, the Finnish manufacturer has now staked far more than Microsoft on the success of this "third ecosystem" and, if its imminent Mango handsets fail to turn things around, we may eventually see Stephen Elop standing behind that silent cash register.

  • Sprint launches Drive First Android app to curb texting and driving, keep chatty teens at bay

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Are you concerned that your talky teenager is trying to keep up on the high school gossip whilst behind the wheel? Or are you a more experienced driver looking to get rid of the temptation to update your status at 65 MPH? Sprint's got you covered with Drive First. The app, announced by CEO Dan Hesse at CTIA in March, will lock up your phone when it detects you're in a moving vehicle; calls will be automatically redirected to voicemail and incoming texts can get automatically replied to with a customized message. The service costs $2 / month per phone after a 15-day trial, and unfortunately only is available for Android devices, though BlackBerry and Windows Phone support has been promised in the near future as well. We'd say the more the merrier -- for parents, that is. Head below for the full press release.

  • AT&T announces Windows Phone Mango lineup coming this fall, existing devices to be updated

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    In the first of what we expect to be many announcements related to Windows Phone Mango devices, AT&T stepped up to the plate this morning by unveiling three new "4G" handsets that use the latest version of Microsoft's OS: the HTC Titan, Samsung Focus S and Focus Flash. We already know quite a bit about the Titan, but details on Sammy's selections are slim for now -- images aren't even available for either phone, though it's likely we've seen at least one of them before. In addition, the carrier's also planning to update its entire existing lineup with Windows Phone 7.5. As for the fall lineup, there doesn't seem to be a slacker in the bunch. The Focus S will have a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, 1.4GHz CPU and an 8 megapixel rear camera that accompanies a 1.3 megapixel front-facing cam for video chat. Also bearing Mango is the Samsung Focus Flash, considered the lower-end offering by Sammy, which still brandishes a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED screen -- no Plus involved on this one -- as well as a 1.4GHz CPU and 5 megapixel rear shooter and front-facing camera that for now has no specified resolution. Each of the phones are expected to arrive in the fourth quarter, and the existing lineup should be on the receiving end of the update sometime "this fall." This is just the beginning of the impending flood, so we can't wait to see what else is around the corner.

  • Refresh Roundup: week of September 5, 2011

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging to get updated. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refreshes, bug fixes, custom ROMs and anything in between, and so many of them are floating around that it's easy for a sizable chunk to get lost in the mix. To make sure they don't escape without notice, we've gathered every possible update, hack, and other miscellaneous tomfoolery from the last week and crammed them into one convenient roundup. If you find something available for your device, please give us a shout at tips at engadget dawt com and let us know. Enjoy! Official Android updates Verizon was spitting out new refreshes left and right this week, as we saw Gingerbread begin to roll out as OTA downloads on the Motorola Droid 3, HTC Droid Incredible, and -- get this -- even the Motorola Droid 2 R2-D2 edition. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] Interestingly enough, Android 2.3 for the Droid 2 Global was already getting pushed out, but was pulled just a couple days later after a Microsoft Exchange encryption issue was discovered. We've been told the updates will resume "soon." [via Droid-Life] Finally, Verizon also pushed out one other software upgrade -- this time on its 4510L LTE MiFi. (Thanks, Matt) HTC continues to expand its bootloader unlock tool to more phones, region by region. This week the company enabled support for the EVO 3D in Canada and Europe. [via Phandroid] Unofficial Android updates / custom ROMs / misc hackery The Motorola Droid 3 and Droid X both now have access to an SBF -- System Boot File -- to act as a safeguard for anyone who manages to brick their phones. [via Droid-Life (1) and (2)] Recently we heard about the Honeycomb ROM for the HTC Flyer getting leaked by MoDaCo, but no screenshots were available at the time. This week, however, someone successfully grabbed a few images to share with the world (shown in the above image). The ROM appears to run on Android 3.2 with HTC Sense 1.1 for tablets as the featured UI. [via AndroidBugle -- thanks, Dennis] Let's talk a little more about leaked Sense ROMs. We've already seen Sense 3.5 working on the Desire HD, and now we have another device to add to the list: the EVO 4G. [via XDA] The first kernel for unlocked bootloaders on the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 is now waiting for your download, so head over to the link for instructions. [via XDA] If you've been waiting and hoping for CyanogenMod 7 on your HTC Sensation or EVO 3D so you can shed the Sense UI, that time may be very close at hand. According to a member of the CyanogenMod team, an early alpha build for both devices may be available by the end of this weekend, so keep an eye out. [via Phandroid] Other platforms Two new unofficial ROMs -- one for Windows Phone Mango and another for NoDo --are now available for the Samsung Omnia 7. The Mango ROM improves the device's radio, camera drivers and motion sensors, in addition to a few other enhancements. [via WPCentral] Refreshes already covered this week Vizio rolls out Tablet software update, promises performance boosts aplenty

  • Tango video calling en route to Windows Phone Mango?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Good news, folks -- Tango is about to reach Windows Phone. No, not that Tango. We're referring to the video calling service that's already popular on iOS and Android devices, but has had absolutely no presence on Microsoft's platform at all. Of course, there's a blatantly obvious reason for that: the OS didn't support front-facing cameras until Mango came along. At this week's unveiling of HTC's first WP7.5 devices, someone perusing the Radar's software happened across a Tango app in the Start menu, indicating users will have more video chatting options to choose from than just Skype. Better yet, it appears to offer cross-platform compatibility to ensure you can see your Android-toting pals and your iPhone-equipped in-laws up close and personal. We're ecstatic to see the feature finally ready to go with Mango's debut, but unfortunately it's only a matter of time before the name confusion settles in.

  • HTC Titan and Radar WP7 Mango phones revealed, we go hands-on

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    HTC just threw two new Windows Phone handsets down on the table and politely requested that we be impressed. The high-end Titan (previously leaked as the 'Eternity') is indeed an awe-inspiring brute, wielding a 4.7-inch SLCD display, 8MP rear camera and 1.3MP front-facing snapper to take full advantage of Mango's newfangled Skype integration. Its over-sized guts include a single-core 1.5GHz processor, 512MB of RAM and up to 16GB of fixed flash storage. Meanwhile, the Radar (which also recently leaked out as the 'Omega') comes significantly less pumped in order to meet a lower price point and -- we suppose -- the expectations of a more mainstream audience. It can be seen as an updated Trophy, with similar weight and dimensions, plus the same 3.8-inch LCD, 1GHz processor clock speed, 5MP rear camera resolution, RAM and maximum 8GB fixed storage. The key upgrades involve the cameras: HTC says it has an improved 28mm wide-angle lens on the rear, plus of course there's the front-facer, which is unfortunately only VGA. Although HTC intends to update its existing WP7 range to Mango starting in mid September, the Titan and Radar will be the company's first innately Mango-fied devices when they arrive in early October. What do we make of them? By all means, click past the break to find out. %Gallery-132157% %Gallery-132160%

  • HTC pushes a Windows Phone through FCC, Mango launch close at hand?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Phones approved by the FCC are seldom so upfront about the OS they run on, but HTC decided to go against the status quo in its latest filing to the government agency. A quick perusal of the FCC filings show a handset tested for 850 / 1900 GSM -- standard 2G bands for AT&T and T-Mobile -- and no WCDMA frequencies in the US. There's one detail in the docs, however, that stands out like a sore thumb: this device, the HTC PI39110, is listed as a Windows Phone. What's more, the paperwork also mentions the inclusion of a "WiFi hotspot," which likely is the mobile hotspot feature confirmed to be supported by Mango. HTC hasn't announced any devices that run on the updated OS yet, but this particular gem could very well be the long-rumored Eternity. While it probably won't make its way to the US, this is at least a solid indicator that Windows Phone 7.5 is coming soon to more parts of the globe.

  • Windows Phone 7 Mango will play nicer with Macs, update your Connector app now

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Windows Phone 7.5 will be wearing more Mac-friendly pajamas when it comes. Microsoft's Connector app just got updated to Version 2.0 and it enables both Marketplace support and ringtone transfers for Mango-equipped handsets. It also packs some other improvements which already work with WP 7.0, including drag-and-drop file importing from the Browse Device window, better backup and restore operations, and full sync and import support for Apple Aperture software. Connector 2.0 is ready and waiting at the App Store and Mango should poke its head around the mountain any day.

  • ComScore calls Android top dog, Apple pulls further ahead of RIM

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    According to ComScore, out of the 82.2 million people in the US with a smartphone (up ten percent from last quarter), Android came in first as the biggest platform yet again, capturing a whopping 41.8 percent of the market like a boss. In a not-so-close second, Apple was able to snag 27 percent, followed by RIM in the third place spot with 21.7 percent -- down 4 percentage points from last quarter. Pulling up the rear is Microsoft with 5.7 percent, and lastly Symbian with a grim 1.9 percent -- both down when compared to the previous three months. As far as US hardware manufacturers goes, Samsung is still on top with 25.5 percent of the market, while LG got 20.9 percent and finally Motorola with 14.1 percent, down 1.5 percentage points from before. Apple was able to snag some standing in the OEM space with a 9.5 percent share, while BlackBerry-maker RIM only captured 7.6 percent. As the battle wages on, looks like Androids, iPhones, and BlackBerrys (oh my) are still on top -- at least for this quarter. Check out the PR after the break for the full scorecard.

  • Refresh Roundup: week of August 22, 2011

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Your smartphone and / or tablet is just begging to get updated. From time to time, these mobile devices are blessed with maintenance refreshes, bug fixes, custom ROMs and anything in between, and so many of them are floating around that it's easy for a sizable chunk to get lost in the mix. To make sure they don't escape without notice, we've gathered every possible update, hack, and other miscellaneous tomfoolery from the last week and crammed them into one convenient roundup. If you find something available for your device, please give us a shout at tips at engadget dawt com and let us know. Enjoy! Official Android Updates Motorola's Photon 4G was the recipient of a minor over-the-air firmware revamp that offers improvements to responsiveness and voice calls, and offers more bug fixes and other enhancements. [via PhoneArena] Want another bug fix update? The HTC EVO 3D is the next contestant, rolling out its second OTA refresh in as many weeks. This time it appears that a new "Corporate 4G" widget and a new radio have been added. [via AndroidCentral] Gingerbread 2.3.4 is now rolling out to Bell's Motorola Atrix 4G OTA. [via MobileSyrup] Now that its official Gingerbread support page has gone live, Verizon's Motorola Droid 2 will likely be receiving Android 2.3 in the very near future. [via AndroidCentral] Sasktel's HTC Incredible S is now the beneficiary of Android 2.3.3 in an OTA install. [via MobileSyrup] Unofficial Android updates / custom ROMs / misc hackery Remember that Gingerbread update the HTC Droid Incredible was supposed to get? The official version's been leaked out and is awaiting your download. Just remember the follow the directions and back up your device before proceeding. [via AndroidPolice] Speaking of leaked versions of Gingerbread, the Droid 2 Global has one now. More info can be found here. [via Droid-Life] The Motorola Droid 3's been successfully rooted. As it turns out, there may be a couple different methods to do so, so check out the link to learn how to do it. [via XDA and AndroidCentral] An official build of Android 2.3.4 for the Samsung Captivate has been leaked to XDA. [via Phandroid] Other platforms The Nokia N8 was recently blessed with Symbian Anna, but a few camera-related upgrades were left out. No need to fear, as an "experimental" update is now being offered, which adds continuous auto-focus and tweaks the UI to allow for faster access to the camera -- among other improvements, such as a boost to 30fps. Check out the change log here. [via ZOMGitsCJ] Given last week's news about webOS, we were concerned the newly-launched Pre3 would be DOA, with no promise of future updates. HP's proving this isn't the case, however, as the device got a minor update that brought the phone's help center live and fixed a few bugs along the way. [via PreCentral and PhoneArena] Research in Motion released an upgrade to its Tablet OS for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Unfortunately, it's not the 2.0 version we saw leaked screenshots of earlier this week, but it still brings a nice feature to the tablet: differential updates. This means that in future OS refreshes, only the affected sections will be changed. In addition, the new version, dubbed, will improve WiFi connectivity via WEP and enhancements to BlackBerry Bridge. [via RIM] WP7Mod showed a video of the HTC HD2 booting up with Windows Phone Mango's RTM build installed. We've been told that it's almost ready for any daring souls interested in a new challenge for their Windows Mobile device. [via WMPowerUser]

  • HTC Omega blessed with renders, revealing its front-facing camera

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    HTC's decided to throw a similar get-together to rival the kickin' shindig we had tonight, which hopefully means the company will show off the latest and greatest phones soon to grace its lineup. One such phone that's been seeing a lot of talk lately is the Omega, rumored to be one of Peter Chou's upcoming Windows Phones. Unfortunately, it's just been a faceless name on paper -- until now. Pocketnow got its hands on a rather well-detailed render of the Mango device, which shows off HTC's traditional two-toned design (this time in white and gray) and a front-facing camera. While the latter feature isn't new to the industry by any stretch of the imagination, it backs up Microsoft's confirmation Wednesday that Mango will indeed support it. Anyone up for some sweet Skype video calling?

  • Android still king of the US smartphone hill, Motorola facing a market nosedive

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    In other obvious news, Android and iOS continue to sit pretty atop the US smartphone market, according to a recent NPD study. The current titans of the mobile industry both saw their pieces of the OS pie increase in Q2 of 2011, putting Andy Rubin's green robot in the lead with 52 percent and Apple at 29 percent. Newly adopted webOS, and Microsoft's WP7 and Windows Mobile all managed to cling to their respective 5 percent shares with no yearly change, leaving only BlackBerry OS to experience an 11 percent decline. But the real meat and potatoes of the report focuses on Google's soon-to-be in-house partner: Motorola. Despite the rosy picture painted by recent acquisition talks, the company appears to be facing tough competition from Android OEM rivals, and the wireless market as a whole. In regard to overall mobile phone share (read: dumbphones, et al.) and smartphone-only, Moto saw a 3 percent year-to-year decline, with its biggest loss coming from Android unit sales -- a 50 percent drop to 22 percent of the market. Will the rosy glow of Mountain View "help inspire new paths to differentiation" for Moto, or are we just looking at a repeat of the "RAZR era?" While you ponder these pressing questions, head past the break to read the full report.

  • Acer M310 Windows Phone said to have HDMI-out, 8GB storage

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    We first heard about the existence of the Acer M310 Windows Phone last week, but literally no information was given besides the fact that two test units were discovered on a developer's traffic sheet. How about a few more shreds of meat to chew on? According to WindowsPhoneNZ, the Mango device was sighted at TechEd New Zealand with HDMI-out support. We may be seeing this feature across a large variety of Windows Phones coming out this fall, as the HTC Eternity has been rumored to include video output via HDMI as well. The observer claims the M310 has a "black shiny look" and "bevelled edges," has a similar appearance to the Acer W4 (shown in the above image), and includes DLNA support over WiFi. The handset was also seen snuggling up to Asus' entry into the Windows Phone market, which was said to have a matte black finish and may have a front-facing camera. Certainly, if these factoids are correct, this fall's Mango lineup looks to be laden with all kinds of hidden gems we haven't seen on Microsoft's OS yet.

  • Netduino and WP7 used to remotely control sprinkler system, show off Microsoft's DIY credentials

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Arduino, Android and the iPhone usually get all the DIY love, but Mike Linnen, he has taken the road less traveled by -- turning to Windows Phone 7, Azure and a Netduino Plus to get his home hacking on. The .NET-powered microcontroller is the heart of Linnen's new sprinkler system which can be scheduled to turn on and off automatically or manually triggered remotely from his WP7 handset. The system also monitors weather forecasts and, if the chance of rain is above 39-percent, any sprinkler activity for the day is canceled to avoid over watering the grass and plants. It's all pretty neat, and there's some DOS command line action thrown in for good measure. Check out the lengthy demo video after the break, and hit up the source for more detail and the necessary code to set up your own.

  • Microsoft woos webOS developers with free phones, training

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    WebOS developers may not have had much good news in the past few days (apart from a slew of new TouchPad owners looking for apps), but they are at least getting some attention. That includes a message from Microsoft's Senior Director of Windows Phone 7 Development, Brandon Watson, who offered free phones to published webOS developers on Friday, plus all the necessary tools and training to get them started with Windows Phone. Judging from his tweets since, the response has been fairly overwhelming -- Watson says he's received close to 600 emails from webOS devs as of Sunday evening.

  • Fujitsu IS12T Mango phone ready to launch August 25th, already accepting preorders

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    When we first learned of the Fujitsu IS12T, the world's first handset sporting Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango," it was rumored to be showing up in the second half of August. Our hopes were crushed, however, when the company officially stated that it should be available the following month "or beyond." Sure, a September launch would still be on right on time (given Microsoft's intent of releasing the update this fall), but wouldn't it be nice to see something come out ahead of schedule? Chin up, folks -- the Au KDDI store in Nishi-Kasai tweeted that the IS12T will be released this coming Thursday and is already accepting preorders. And there's more to the story: even though Nanopho reports that multiple locations are busy taking reservations, Au's official site is still sticking to its guns about the phone's September release. Given the tug-of-war taking place between the stores and their corporate boss, next week may turn out to be quite interesting. Update: Microsoft has now confirmed to us that there will indeed be a launch event in Japan on August 25th.

  • Mobile Miscellany: week of August 15, 2011

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    This week was packed with news on the mobile front, so it was easy to miss a few stories here and there. Here's some of the other stuff that happened in the wide world of wireless for the week of August 15, 2011: Vodafone's very own budget-friendly Facebook Phone, the Vodafone 555, is now on sale. £62.50 is all it will take to get the non-touchscreen featurephone in your fingertips. [via SlashGear] A spec sheet and screenshots of the Sony Ericsson Nozumi leaked this week. The handset will likely feature a 1.4GHz single-core Qualcomm S2 CPU, Adreno 205 GPU, and 4.3-inch display with 1280 x 720 resolution. Interestingly enough, the phone is rumored to require a micro SIM, much like the iPhone 4. [via XperiaBlog] US Cellular launched two new Android devices for its prepaid lineup, the Samsung Gem and HTC Merge. The Gem offers a 3.2-inch WVGA display, 800MHz CPU, and Android 2.2 for $140, while the Merge is a global-capable QWERTY slider with a 3.8-inch display, Android 2.2, and more for $300. [via US Cellular] Immediately following Google's acquisition of Motorola, discussion centered around the possibility of the latter company becoming the preferred OEM for Android -- a privilege that would, in theory, include designing and producing the next Nexus. Andy Rubin, the head honcho for the open-source OS, put such rumors to bed by offering more insight on the approval process for upcoming Nexus phones, and insisted that HelloMoto will continue to be treated the same as every other OEM; it will have to bid for the job just like every other company does. [via AndroidCentral] The Huawei Blaze, a budget Android handset that runs on Gingerbread, may arrive in the UK as early as September. The Blaze would mark the first time we've seen the company offer a phone under its own branding in the UK. [via CNet] Shocked to hear the Kyocera Echo isn't selling as well as the company had hoped? Yeah, neither are we. Nonetheless, in the hopes of sparking sales, it's started offering twelve premium games for free to the first 10,000 downloads as part of its "summer of free apps" campaign. Good luck with that. [via Electronista] With all of the buzz rightfully centered around Nokia and its quest for Windows Phone dominance, how bright does Vertu's future look? If Eldar Murtazin is to believed, Espoo's luxury phone branch will also be on the receiving end of WP7 devices. The main difference with Vertu's version compared to the rest of Nokia's lineup? It'll most likely be covered with gold and diamonds. [via WMPowerUser] The Samsung Galaxy Q, another name for the Gravity Smart, is now available on Rogers. The device is geared toward the lower end, so it may not be the most lustworthy letter in the Samsung Galaxy alphabet. [via MobileSyrup]

  • We're In ushers Bing into the location-based social networking game

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Are you one of the few out there who thought Latitude was, like, totally awesome, but your heart lies with the boys at Redmond? Well, rejoice Bing fans, because We're In is the location-based social network you've been waiting for. At its most basic, the app lets you share your location with friends, find contacts on a map, and update your status -- great for seeing who is around and organizing outings. But, We're In has one unique feature that's actually quite ingenious, location sharing is time limited. You choose who to share GPS data with and for how long. Once the invite expires -- poof! No more tracking. A few more details and the download link can be found at the source.

  • Nokia 800 and Acer M310 caught on Windows Phone dev's stats, likely in testing

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    The fact that Nokia and Acer are busily preparing Windows Phones is no secret, but Sea Ray and W4 may not be the manufacturers' only projects. Elbert Perez, a Windows Phone game developer with a keen eye for statistics, was looking through a list of the various devices that run his games, and a couple gems stood out -- the Nokia 800 and Acer M310. The plot thickens when realizing that these names have never been seen before. Sadly, such a revelation prompts more questions than answers: are these completely new phones, or just the Sea Ray and W4 with new names? If testers are playing games on them, can we assume these are close to production? But don't forget the lingering question that won't ever be answered: are they winning the game?