
New PSN user agreement makes it harder to sue Sony: class actions out (sort of), arbitrations in

Hmmm, wonder what brought this on? Sony's gone and changed the lingo in its PSN user agreement to require binding arbitration to settle any future disputes -- making it much harder for disgruntled customers to get their day in court. Want to keep your right to sue? You can opt out of the arbitration requirement by sending a letter to Sony's lawyers saying you'll be keeping your courtroom entry card, thank you very much. Additionally, the change won't affect class-action litigation started by August 20th of this year. That means people whose privacy was compromised in the great PSN outage of 2011 that already filed suit needn't be concerned. For the rest of you, we'd advise breaking out the pen and paper ASAP if you wanna keep the halls of justice open for future complaints.

[Image from photosync/Shutterstock]