

  • One Shots: A light to guide the way

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Because of the changes recently made to the death penalty in Allods Online, some players are giving this interesting MMO that we don't often see on One Shots another chance. Today's sunny Allods Online screenshot comes to us from Hazael, who captured a great shot of the sunlight beaming through the city. Hazael writes in to tell us a bit more about the picturesque setting: "It is sunset in the Empire city of Nezebgrad. Sometimes I just like to stare off at the environment; it is so soothing and beautiful." Next week we'll be introducing theme weeks to One Shots, kicking things off in the most logical place: starting zones! If you'd like to help us out with One Shots, then send a screenshot of what you think is the best starting zone in any game to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the thanks! %Gallery-112285%

  • Allods Online launching April 26th

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    We'll forgive you if you did a double-take at the headline proclaiming an impending Allods Online launch, because frankly we did the same thing. While it seems like the free-to-play sci-fi/fantasy hybrid has been around forever, it has in fact been in an open beta period since February of 2010. All that is about to change on April 26th, as Gala-Net has announced the title's official release coinciding with the 2.0.02: Astral Odyssey patch. So while the game has been in the public eye long enough to provoke a controversy, resolve another one, and generally make itself at home amidst the collective free-to-play psyche, it's all been something of a gigantic warm-up. The Astral Odyssey update is bringing a lot of new content to the table, including a level cap increase (47), two high-level zones (Kirah and the Isle of Revelation), and two new gear systems (refining and draconic relics). Six new allods are coming as well, and you can read all about the officially official release patch at the game's website. [Update: The EU version will be launching May 11th]

  • One Shots: Flying high again

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    When it comes to fun ways of getting around, the astral ships in Allods Online are pretty cool. How many ships do you know that travel by floating via magic? Today's deck-side scene from an Allods Online astral ship comes to us from Dreadblood, who can't wait to get started on his next adventure. He writes in: "The brave yet very jittery Orc Paladin preps up for a world of hurt, pain, and a whole lot of ganking, as my character heads out to the unknown in dangerous Holy Lands. VERY EXCITED!" One Shots is all about featuring the things that players are doing -- but we need you to send in your screenshots! Otherwise, we get stuck digging through our own screenshot folders. If you'd like to help us out, snap a screenshot while you're gaming this weekend and email it in to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post the image out here and give you the credit for sending it in. %Gallery-112285%

  • GDC 2011: Allods Online orders a mega-patch with a launch on the side

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's utterly bizarre to consider that Allods Online, for as long as it's been out and playable by the masses, has yet to leave the boundaries of open beta. As we mentioned yesterday, this is about to change, as gPotato announced that the next patch would finally bring the title to an official release. And what a patch this is! Allods players will feast upon a gourmet meal with all the fixins, including a rise in the level cap from 42 to 47. This means that the talent grids are getting bigger as a result, so expect new skills and abilities across the board. Players will receive a talent point reset to let them rebuild their characters if so desired. Check out 16 brand-new screenshots of the patch below, and hit the jump for an in-depth look at Allods' growth and illuminating videos! %Gallery-91331%

  • GDC 2011: Allods Online backs off on death penalties

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Big news from our GDC 2011 team! gPotato has confirmed that it is working furiously toward finally launching Allods Online out of the perpetual beta state that so many free-to-play games seem to be stuck in. It's due to fully launch at some point this spring. However, that's not all. Apparently, the devs have been listening to the community's ongoing complaints about the death penalties and are taking a major step: They're making holy charms completely free in the cash shop, as of just a little while ago. Furthermore, the word is that the change is going to be permanent! While this only affects the gPotato version of the game, we're certain the community will find this an incredibly welcome change. The idea of having to purchase items from the cash shop to defray the costs of death has never sat particularly well with Western gamers. Allods Online may be a highly polished and fun free-to-play game, but when any game nudges you to spend money just to remove curses applied as a result of your inevitable in-game death, it quickly loses its charm. Whether or not we'll see any additional items drop in price before launch, we don't know. Still, this is a great day for Allods Online players -- as well as for those who wanted to play the game but left because the "death penalty=cash shop purchase" concept was distasteful. Look for more from our talk with gPotato at GDC 2011 soon!

  • Allods Online poster contest offers in-game rewards

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Everyone knows that the internet was created for two things. One is Lolcats, and the other is... not what your dirty mind was assuming. No, in fact, the second grand purpose for the series of tubes is to allow the mass dissemination of bazillions of those black-bordered (de)motivational posters. To that end, gPotato is conscripting its Allods Online fanbase to add some more to the mix. A new Allods contest requires players of the F2P fantasy title to snap an in-game screenshot (sans the UI, of course) and paste the image into a black box using a graphics editor. Add a bit of humorous white text and you've got yourself an entry that could win you a large incense kit, a chest of costumes, a fashionista's trunk, five stamina elixirs, and five luck elixirs. Entries are due by Friday, March 4th, and you can submit them -- as well as learn more about the contest -- via the official Allods forums.

  • Allods Online "more free-to-play than ever" with new patch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    How free is free-to-play? That depends on the game, and in the case of Allods Online, free just got a bit freer. gPotato Europe announced in a press release this morning that today's patch, an update to Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor, will make the game "more free-to-play than ever." Players may now complete daily quests that offer selected premium rewards including double XP over time bonuses, items that negate death penalties, and buff trinkets that grant up to 24 hours of increased character power. Additionally, every Allods character will receive a free gift, so check your in-game mailbox within the next 30 days. Volume 2: Rise of the Gorluxor features a lengthy list of improvements including the Dream Factory (a new level 20 zone) as well as class tweaks and bug fixes. Be sure and take a look at the full patch notes on the official site.

  • One Shots: So intense

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    If there's one thing we geeks know and love, it's pop culture viral internet memes. From jokes about lolcats to autotuned news and Sesame Street doing Old Spice, we geeks love all manner of silliness. And while I'm also likely to try to inject that into One Shots, every so often someone does it for me, as with today's contributor, Allgoodnow, who sent this image of Allods Online in to us. Taken in the Twilight Forest in Evermeet Isle on the Tensess server, Allgoodnow explains his chance encounter with this view: "A simple cleric goes about his nightly questing routines only to (somewhat accidentally) look up at the night sky. Astonished by what he sees (double lens flare all the way! What does it mean?!), he stops and pauses for a brief instant to fix upon his minds eye this image of astonishing beauty before continuing upon his quest." We love pop-culture references. It's like peanut butter and chocolate. If you'd like to add your own spin on a One Shots, we'd love to see it. Just email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for linking the meme with the screenshot! %Gallery-85937%

  • Exclusive Allods Online IRC Q&A: Darren Allarde and Shelby Goad take on your questions

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Last week we were able to get Darren "CHOMP" Allarde, associate producer of Allods Online, and Shelby "Miss_Sadie" Goad, the Allods Online community manager, from gPotato into our chat room and into the hotseat. The topic: Allods Online and their latest patch, Revelations of Gipat! Our editors fielded questions from the chat room audience, and you put the Allods associate producer and community manager to the test! But, for those of you who didn't make it, never fear! We've got the entire interview right here for your viewing pleasure, with witty banter and all! So if you're an Allods fan or just want to find out what they've been doing with their game, hit the continue reading button and get ready for our Allods Online live community Q&A transcript! And don't forget to join us tomorrow to play with Darren, Shelby and more of the gPotato team in Allods itself!

  • Revelations of Gipat goes live for Allods Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." While it would be more than three-quarters of a century after that when Allods Online was released, he certainly could have been referring to the Fear of Death penalty that caused quite a bit of fear and rage among players. But that tortured analogy no longer applies, as today sees the release of the newest patch for the game, Revelations of Gipat, which removes Fear of Death for good and puts a new death penalty into place. For many of the game's players, removing the unnecessarily cash-shop-based penalty would be enough to make the patch laudable. But as was revealed when the team released the patch notes last week, the update also sees the addition of a new zone, a raise in level cap, and new content for everyone to enjoy. After the marathon maintenance session, Allods Online is live again and ready for play -- it's worth checking out, even if the size of the patch might scare you off. You can also check out our gallery, showing off some of the new content players can expect as well as mounts. %Gallery-97106%

  • Allods Online previews the next big patch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The next big patch for Allods Online is due to hit the live servers on July 7th, and it's bringing a slew of changes along with it. We've heard rumbles about several of them, including the removal of the Fear of Death effect (along with the associated cash shop awkwardness) and a few player-presented suggestions. Still, it's good to know the full extent of what's coming around the bend, which is why the team behind the game has published both a full list of the patch changes as well as an FAQ regarding some of the larger switches. A few of the changes are a bit baffling -- the game now supports addons, but the documentation being released is still in untranslated Russian. Several additions are also subtle but welcomed, such as changes to the patronage system to remove the option for accelerating the process via the cash shop. There seems to be a general path toward taking the absolute necessity out of the cash shop, so if you were still feeling burned by the original cash shop woes, it might be worth the time to take a look at the new patch notes for Allods Online and see if there's something to spark your interest. (Or you could just take a dip with the Massively team to get into the action again.)

  • Mounts coming to Allods Online with Revelations of Gipat

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Allods Online players! Are you tired of trudging around the world, wearing out your feet? Well, it appears that the anticipated mount patch from Astrum Nival is finally coming to the US gPotato servers late this June. That's right -- with patch 1.1.0, also known as Revelations of Gipat -- players will finally get a chance to ride around the world in style on one of two new mounts. Players who call the Empire home will be able to get their hands on a dark Xadaganian Steed warhorse, while Legion players will land the above-pictured Kanian Runner. Both mounts will be attainable for Allods Online players via an in-game quest at level 21. Of course, if you're impatient for a mount, you'll also be able to pick one up through the cash shop. The new patch will also introduce the allod of Gipat with over 150 new quests for players to check out, numerous bug fixes, a level cap increase, and some "major changes to existing game mechanics." As we haven't seen the full US patch notes yet, we'll have to wait and see just how those shake out. In the meantime, we have a shiny new video of the upcoming mounts for you behind the break, and a handful of new mount screens tucked lovingly into the gallery below. %Gallery-91331%

  • Allods releases Patch 06: Edge of the Astral

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    When it comes to free-to-play games, one of the ones that draws a ton of attention is Allods Online. Today, gPotato has released the newest patch -- Patch 06: Edge of the Astral -- to the servers. As such, players will have a chance to get their hands on all that new content and find out how the tweaks and modifications will affect them. If you haven't checked Allods Online out recently, this patch brings in new raid content where players will face off against War'kaz the Mindreaver, a massive Astral demon who now lurks in Gorluxor's Tower. Of course, if the idea of raiding isn't really your thing, there is also The Arena of Death in Yazes Shard -- a PvP arena that will allow players to pit their skills against each other for bonus Combat Glory. There are also adorably evil customizable goblin pets like the two seen above if neither of those areas appeal. As to the bug fixes, tweaks, and other game improvements -- there's an enormous list. Some of the ones that immediately caught our eyes were splitting items in stacks, a hotkey for whispers, and more. This patch also holds more changes to the Fear of Death mechanic -- namely the removal of priest rez avoiding FoD -- but we suspect that change is not among the ones welcomed by players. Be sure to pop over to the Allods Online forums on gPotato's site for the full patch notes.

  • Full notes available for upcoming Allods Online patch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    When the announcement first came regarding the massive Allods Online patch, it was exciting news for a game that kind of needed the boost. Now that the full patch notes for Patch 06: Edge of the Astral are available, the whole operation looks better than ever. The two largest additions, a free-for-all arena in Yasez Shard and the astral demon War'kaz the Mindreaver, are almost overshadowed by a long list of balance tweaks and bugfixes that encompass nearly every part of the game. The patch notes, which are both exhaustive and long, cover everything in the coming patch. Some of the changes are simply quality of life fixes, such as the addition of an auto-AFK feature or the ability to use a hotkey for replying to whispers. Others are meant to improve the experience of players with Astral Ships, including new training quests to give a feel for how they work on the ground. (Well, in astral space.) And, of course, there are the aforementioned marquee features to allow for open PvP and the thorough reaving of minds. If you play Allods Online or are still considering it, take a look at the full patch notes to see what's coming around the bend.

  • Allods Online introduces developer diary

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's been about a month since we heard anything from Allods Online, and even longer since we heard anything that didn't include the words "cash" and "shop."That's been remedied thanks to the addition of a brand new developer diary, and the first entry was posted late last night. Associate Producer Darren "CHOMP" Allarde kicked off the diary with "What does the Allods Team do," a look at the day-to-day routine of the team and their communication with players. Additionally, there's a clear explanation of exactly who Gala-Net is and what they do, versus who Astrum Nival is and what they do: "We don't fix bugs, we report them. We don't program and work on new in-game features, we hear what you have to say, tally it up, and communicate to Astrum Nival the feedback that makes sense for the game in our region." The developer diary is off to a good start, giving some important background information about who does what. For the full entry, take a look at the official site.

  • Free for All: The first sample is free

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    There is a common myth floating around the MMOsphere, and I will have to admit that I have done my part in spreading it. It's one of those half-truths that can be used on either side of the free-to-play debate, and could help or hinder the spread of high quality free to play titles. That myth? That free-to-play games are free. They are not, essentially, as is nothing in life. Someone has to pay at some point; either at the point of creation, the point of making a character or at the point of paying the electricity bills. Also the price to make the games keeps going up more, the last quality game driving up the stakes for the next. Free-to-play is steadily shaking off the stereotype of cheap and grindy, but soon enough they will face the same issues that subscription model games face. Being free does not mean costing nothing, even though many of us blissfully log in night after night without paying a dime.

  • One Shots: Come sail away

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    It's been a long time (if ever) since there has been a free-to-play game that has caused quite as much uproar as Allods Online has. From item shop pricing to death mechanics, there are a lot of players who think this game has real potential. The one thing that many really seem to like about Allods Online is the colorful, interesting locales you can visit in the game, such as this screenshot of a port sent in to us by Pedro. He writes in: In this screenshot i wanted to show the view from the port of the capital city allod, which is the name of the floating islands in the game. There are tons of interesting sights out there in MMO land, but we need you to make One Shots happen. So while you're out playing today, why not grab a screenshot of something interesting for us! Then all you have to do is email it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit. %Gallery-85937%

  • Gala-Net releases Allods trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Free-to-play publisher Gala-Net has released the official trailer for Allods Online, the company's newest MMORPG. Allods launched late last month amid a firestorm of controversy and fan outcry regarding high cash shop prices. The title, which features player-crewed flying ships and a soundtrack by renowned video game composer Mark Morgan (Fallout, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment), was developed by Russian game maker Astrum Nival and is the largest video game project in the country's history. Check out the embedded trailer after the jump, and get a glimpse of Allod's motion-captured animations as well as its PVE combat and visual design. The trailer is also available on YouTube and the Allods Facebook fan page.

  • Allods announces cash shop price reduction

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The last week and a half has been a wild ride for Allods Online on both the player side and the developer side. On February 19th, Allods Online debuted their cash shop, and the prices were universally considered unreasonable. (Unreasonable was putting it mildly, according to popular opinion.) Many players at first assumed there was a mistake and waited anxiously for the correct prices to be added. Word quickly came down that the prices were indeed correct, and the games were on. Angry players either left the game entirely or stuck around to protest. Eventually, the Allods Online team acknowledged that the pricing decision was a bad one and announced they'd be changing the prices soon. They have now released what we've all been waiting for: the updated price list. Follow along after the cut and take a look at the new (and certainly improved) prices for the Allods Online cash shop.

  • Allods Online announces changes to cash shop pricing

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    When Allods Online soft-launched on February 16th, it had proven just how much buzz a free-to-play game could generate in a short span of time. Three days later, it proved how quickly a game's reputation could plummet, as the release of the cash shop prices sent most players into a paroxysm of rage. The official statements (and interviews) were seen as amounting to "well, it's our game so pay up," and the crowd was quickly turning around and heading for the hills. So an age-old strategy has been employed: the powers that be are reversing their position The official announcement doesn't give any details, but it makes it clear that the community outrage has been heard, and the cash shop prices will be revised sometime this week. The structuring has been changed to make "participation in this element of the game" less onerous, and no doubt to try and reverse some of the animosity leveled against Astrum Nival and gPotato in recent days. It remains to be seen whether or not the turnaround will mollify players or if the changes will be too little too late, but it's good to see that the voice of the players has been heard all through Allods Online.