
  • Microsoft patents contextual ads in e-books, whether we like it or not

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We have ad-supported e-reading today, but the ads always sit on the periphery at most. That makes us more than slightly nervous about a newly-granted Microsoft patent for contextual e-book ads. The development would make the pitch based on not just targeted pages but the nature of the book in question: a sci-fi novel might try to sell lightsabers, and characters themselves might slip into the ads themselves if there's a fit. Promos could be either generated on the spot or remain static. Before anyone mourns the end of unspoiled literature, just remember that having a patent isn't the same as using it -- Microsoft doesn't have its own dedicated reading app anymore, let alone any warning signs that it's about to pepper our digital libraries with marketing. If the Newco partnership results in copies of War and Peace bombarded with Black Ops II ads, though, we'll know where to place the blame.

  • Kinect goes mobile, gets movie editing in Microsoft patent filings

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    For all Kinect does, it's got some pretty glaring flaws. For one, it's bound by that silly USB cable to the back of the Xbox 360. Good thinking, Microsoft!Thankfully, Microsoft also finds Kinect's tethered nature troubling, and is working on a mobile solution. The company filed a patent application this week that allows a Kinect-esque device (though the word "Kinect" is never directly used ... come on) to capture and update "parameters which specify how the mobile depth camera has moved." In other words, it's a Kinect that can – in real time, at 20 frames per second – reestablish where it's being positioned in a room. Neat! We can already see the possibilities for motion control and ... uh ... maybe augmented reality stuff?Beyond mobile Kinecting, Microsoft is also interested in movie editing, filing for a "living room movie creation" patent as well. And given that the Kinect is Microsoft's primary living room camera connected to a computer, this one sounds like it applies there as well. The filing says "movies can be directed, captured, and edited using a system that includes a depth camera," and that various real life objects can be implemented "as virtual props." Said filming system also allows for editing after shooting, should your living room movie not come out perfect in the first take.

  • Microsoft patent applications take Kinect into mobile cameras, movie-making

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Microsoft has never been shy about its ambitions for Kinect's depth sensing abilities. A pair of patent applications, however, show that its hopes and dreams are taking a more Hollywood turn. One patent has the depth camera going portable: a "mobile environment sensor" determines its trajectory through a room and generates a depth map as it goes, whether it's using a Kinect-style infrared sensor or stereoscopic cameras. If the visual mapping isn't enough, the would-be camera relies on a motion sensor like an accelerometer to better judge its position as it's jostled around. Microsoft doesn't want to suggest what kind of device (if any) might use the patent for its camera, but it's not ruling out anything from smartphones through to traditional PCs. The second patent filing uses the Kinect already in the house for that directorial debut you've always been putting off. Hand gestures control the movie editing, but the depth camera both generates a model of the environment and creates 3D props out of real objects. Motion capture, naturally, lets the humans in the scene pursue their own short-lived acting careers. We haven't seen any immediate signs that Microsoft is planning to use this or the mobile sensor patent filing in the real world, although both are closer to reality than some of the flights of fancy that pass by the USPTO -- the movie editor has all the hallmarks of a potential Dashboard update or Kinect Fun Labs project.

  • Apple seeks patent for Smart Cover with embedded secondary display

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    According to a patent application made public by the USPTO this morning (and originally filed a year ago), Apple believes it's possible to build a flexible display into an iPad cover in order to "greatly enhance" the functionality of the tablet itself. Taking power and data from a dedicated connector on the side of the slate, at least one segment of the name-deserving Smart Cover could be used to augment the main display with space for extra icons, or operate as a separate media control interface, or simply display notifications. Drawings collected in the gallery below also hint at using the entire inner surface of the cover as a keyboard (ala Microsoft Surface) or as a drawing area. As with all patent applications, there's nothing to say such an idea will ever see Californian sunlight, but it'd be crying shame if it didn't.%Gallery-161615%

  • Apple patents iOS 5's exposure metering based on face detection, keeps friends in full view

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Many photographers will tell you that their least favorite shooting situation involves a portrait with the sun to the subject's back: there's a good chance the shot ends up an unintentional silhouette study unless the shooter meters just perfectly from that grinning face. Apple has just been granted a patent for the metering technique that takes all the guesswork out of those human-focused shots on an iOS 5 device like the iPhone 4S or new iPad. As it's designed, the invention finds faces in the scene and adjusts the camera exposure to keep them all well-lit, even if they're fidgety enough to move at the last second. Group shots are just as much of a breeze, with the software using head proximity and other factors to pick either a main face as the metering target (such as a person standing in front of a crowd) or an average if there's enough people posing for a close-up. You can explore the full details at the source. Camera-toting rivals, however, will have to explore alternative ideas.

  • Apple patents NFC tech for controlling gadgets with iThings

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Apple has been issued a patent (this one) that outlines virtually every conceivable way in which an iProduct equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) could wirelessly interface and control a similarly NFC-equipped gadget, doodad or whatsit.Many examples are given in the documentation -- everything from using your iPhone to control your house's thermostat to its automated sprinkler system -- but we're mostly interested in its applications as a gaming interface, of which two main methods are shown.First, figure 44 shows how an iPhone can be linked with a familiar looking NFC-equipped controller by tapping the two devices together. Once paired, the iPhone can then be used to play the game rather than the controller itself, via on-screen controls. The phone recognizes the game being played (in this case, Prince of Persia) and displays three controller layout options: Classic, Custom or Game Developer Recommended. Selecting one of the three options causes a button layout to appear on the screen.In the other gaming-centric example given, the iPhone is shown skipping the controller and interfacing directly with a gaming console via infrared, wireless internet or NFC. If NFC is present, tapping the iDevice to the console initiates the link; alternatively an RFID tag or QR code may be substituted to establish the connection.For the system to be functional, everyone involved in every step of each device and piece of software will need to be on board. Console manufacturers will have to put NFC chips in their wares, game developers will have to code iOS device support into their products, and Apple themselves will have to release a version of iOS that actually does all this stuff. %Gallery-161202%

  • Apple patent application could make you Master and Commander of the iHome

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Apple wants to be master of the house -- yours, in particular. At least that's the vision put forth by this latest patent application, filed back in March of this year, that would give iOS-wielding homeowners control of virtually all Cupertino-sanctioned gadgetry within the confines of domesticity. It's really as basic as that, given that the doc clearly outlines a method for discovering, selecting and operating a multitude of tech from a handheld device (insert your iGadget of choice here) over WiFi. Could this connected (and likely, Siri-voiced) home network in the making streamline remote manipulation of everyday household items, like setting refrigerators to make ice from the comfort of your couch, DVRs to record while you work in the garage or thermostats to lower as you laze about under the bedsheets? As always, only time and the combined ingenuity of designers and engineers hiding out in R&D bunkers somewhere beneath One Infinite Loop will tell.

  • Pair of Apple patent applications set the stage for hearing aid-based social network

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    If ever there were a purgatory for ideas, it'd be the USPTO's patent application database. That land of legal limbo plays host to a multitude of tech entries both bizarre and straightforward, much of which will never see the light of day. So, it's with a keen eye for the curious that we've stumbled upon this pair of filings submitted by Apple back in January of 2011 outlining a new social network specifically for hearing aids. Yes, you read that right, but its function isn't actually as obvious as you'd imagine. According to the claims, hearing aids worn by at least two users will work in tandem with a personal computing device to identify user identities, establish a communication link and then swap profiles -- not a list of likes and dislikes, but dynamic audio settings. It appears users will be able to update the sound processing on their respective devices to adjust for ambient noise and hone in on a specific sources. So, basically, it's the Cupertino version of Superhuman hearing. It certainly lends a whole new meaning to, "Can you hear me now?" Eh?

  • RIM applies for patent on detecting emotion in messaging, wants you chilled while you BBM

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Ever get the shakes sending out an angry text message? You'd better be careful if you buy a BlackBerry in the future, as RIM is trying for a patent that would telegraph all that wrath to the recipient on the other end. The technique uses a myriad of sensors, like an accelerometer, front camera or pressure sensor, to gauge just how emotional a smartphone owner might be and convey that through livelier messaging styles. Get flustered and that BlackBerry Messenger font gets big, bold and red; mellow out with a smile, and the conversation text becomes almost cuddly. Whether or not the patent is granted, let alone used, is very much an unknown. We have a hunch that RIM would rather not make BlackBerry users keep a poker face.

  • RIM gets patent for logic-based text prediction, BlackBerry 10 keyboard now preserved for the ages (update: not so ambitious)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    For those of us who aren't fans of swipe gestures, the highlight of BlackBerry 10 is undoubtedly a unique keyboard that's often a step ahead of its user. It's a good thing for this last camp that RIM was just granted the final version of a related patent for logic-based text prediction. Instead of simply hunting for typos, the patented keyboard guesses the next word based either on the context of the words around it or on other criteria, like common expressions. About the only time the technique doesn't predict words is for passwords -- RIM would rather not be that clever. While there looks to be a few differences in the practical implementation of the patent as we've seen it in a pre-release BlackBerry 10, theory and reality are close enough that RIM won't be worried about anyone else poaching its seemingly mind-reading technology anytime soon. Update: We've dug deeper, and it's more focused on simple frequency logic and auto-complete shortcuts (think "ttyl" generating "talk to you later") rather than anything too complex. BlackBerry 10 isn't so secure, then, although these are still quite important typing techniques.

  • RIM patent uses motion, CAPTCHAs to stop texting while driving, shows a fine appreciation of irony

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    More and more people understand that texting while driving is a bad idea, but RIM has just been granted a patent that would have smartphones step in before things get out of hand. Going beyond just filtering inbound messages like some motion-based lockdown apps, the BlackBerry maker's invention also turns off the creation of any outbound messages as long as the phone is moving within a given speed range. The override for the lock is the dictionary definition of ironic, however: the technique makes owners type out the answer to a CAPTCHA challenge onscreen, encouraging the very problem it's meant to stop. As much as we could still see the hassle being enough to deter some messaging-addicted drivers, we have a hunch that the miniscule hurdle is a primary reason why the 2009-era patent hasn't found its way into a shipping BlackBerry. Maybe RIM should have chronic texters solve a Rubik's Cube instead.

  • Apple granted patent for accelerometer-aided theft-detection system

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Despite the added risk brought on by Apple's Find My iPhone feature, the iOS handset remains a frequent target for smartphone thieves, thanks to the device's resale value and compatibility with networks around the world. There's not much you can do to deter sticky fingers short of keeping your iPhone or MacBook in view at all times, but the issue does appear to have crossed the desks of Apple's design team, which was just granted patent number 8,217,792 for a sophisticated anti-theft scheme. The acceleration-based system would detect a "known theft condition" based on acceleration characteristics, sounding an alarm and disabling the device. The smartphone or laptop would ignore vibrations from passing cars or those caused by items being dropped onto a nearby surface, instead focusing on undisclosed scenarios that likely involve direct movement. The device owner would use a GUI to configure and disable the system, at which point the handset or computer would return to its pre-disturbed mode. Overall, it sounds like a fairly straightforward hardware/software solution, with the added benefit of a technique to filter out regular motion in an attempt to reduce the number of false alarms. You'll find the full patent at the source link below.

  • Apple still trying for water damage indicator patent, drop-prone device owners twitch (update: granted)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple has already sought to patent some elaborate water damage detection methods, but it's also a fan of the classics. That must be why it's still attempting to patent a water detection method that it's been seeking since December 2006, just a month before the iPhone went public. The concept is a simple one that you'll find in many iPhones (and other iOS devices) so far: water-reactive, color-changing tape positioned in a device such that the Genius Bar staffer can see that your device took a dive in the swimming pool without having to tear the phone open. Mercifully, the patent factors in a membrane to prevent an overly humid day from triggering a false positive. There's still no immediate clue as to whether or not Apple will receive the patent, which strikes us as odd for a technology that's been used in the field for so long -- not that the company has needed the USPTO's blessing to void the warranty (or offer a rare free replacement) for more than a few waterlogged iPhones over the past five years. Update: After a little fine-tooth comb inspection, we've found that this is the long-awaited granting itself, not just a continuation. Apple will be happy, although others trying to use a similar water detection system will be turning red... for reasons besides getting wet.

  • Sony patents exercise music system that adjusts music to your work-out tempo

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    While our bodies approach beach-readiness for the summer, Sony's unveiled plans to tinker with your gym playlist in the future. According to a patent granted today, the electronics manufacturer aims to closely tie the tempo of your music to your own physical exertions. It'll do this by using a nefarious-sounding (but ultimately vague) "exercise information analyzing circuit" that will pick up on tempo differences between the user and their favorite Pendulum tracks. It will then change the "music data" for something a little more fitting for your 10-minute trudge at 10 percent incline. The patent's sketches include the idea of personalized profiles for users, and displaying what you got done at the end of the session, broken down by tempo and duration. The technology could end up in PMPs or phones, although we reckon the latter has more legs. Give your legalese its own workout and peruse the laborious wording of another patent filing at the source below.

  • Microsoft patent imagines headphones as accessory docking motherships

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    If it never occurred to you to plug all kinds of peripherals into your ear cans -- including the media player making the sound -- a new patent from Redmond's brain trust might give you pause. The headphones are shown as a catch-all, with receiving spaces for snapping in devices like rechargeable battery packs, storage, Bluetooth or WiFi reception modules and media players -- such as the Zune-like one sketched in above. The headset could also have controls to operate those peripherals, as well as an optional boom mic and USB ports, according to the document. All this is claimed to allow for numerous configurations, letting you pimp your headset to fit your own needs, and interface with games, movies or music in various ways. If they ever get to market, you might start thinking of humble headphones as full-blown entertainment centers instead of mere accessories.

  • Google patent filing would identify faces in videos, spot the You in YouTube

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Face detection is a common sight in still photography, but it's a rarity in video outside of certain research projects. Google may be keen to take some of the mystery out of those clips through a just-published patent application: its technique uses video frames to generate clusters of face representations that are attached to a given person. By knowing what a subject looks like from various angles, Google could then attach a name to a face whenever it shows up in a clip, even at different angles and in strange lighting conditions. The most obvious purpose would be to give YouTube viewers a Flickr-like option to tag people in videos, but it could also be used to spot people in augmented reality apps and get their details -- imagine never being at a loss for information about a new friend as long as you're wearing Project Glass. As a patent, it's not a definitive roadmap for where Google is going with any of its properties, but it could be a clue as to the search giant's thinking. Don't be surprised if YouTube can eventually prove that a Google+ friend really did streak across the stage at a concert.

  • Google+ patent app details myFaves-like carrier contacts integration with social network circles

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    With more carriers pushing unlimited calling plans, we can't say there's necessarily a need for the friends and family features of yesteryear on this side of the Atlantic, but plenty of networks beyond the good ole US of A are a bit more stingy when it comes to tallying talk time. The latest Google patent application to be published was filed last December and covers exactly this type of scenario, suggesting that the Google+ profile of the future could include an option to create a "Telco Co. Preferred Calling" circle, which would theoretically enable free calling between yourself and a small group of friends. According to the application, semi-public information, such as a telephone number, would be shared between Google and a registered service provider, and you would maintain discount calling relationships from within Google+, adding and dropping callers to and from your online contacts list. You could also dictate custom rules, such as ringtones for contacts in specific groups, or create carrier-branded circles that are populated with your friends on the same network, making it easier to determine whether or not you'll be billed for calls to a particular user. Like all patent applications, there's no guarantee that Google's submission with come to fruition, but if you're feeling optimistic, you can hit up the source link below for all the legalese.

  • Microsoft patents recording device to curb shortened attention spans

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Time was, secretaries executive assistants were tasked with the chore of summing up a meeting's minutes so the less focused suits could play catch-up afterwards. Not so with this vision of the automated boardroom as put forth by a newly awarded Microsoft patent. Filed back in February of 2006, the doc outlines a computer-based method for recording live audio and video (including presentation slides), a system of monitoring a user's computer activity and tracking moments of attention loss. Sounds like Redmond's crafting an enterprise version of "gotcha!," but it's not so sinister. The proposed recorder would actually make recommendations based on the moments your focus drifted off, replete with full A/V playback and even the ability to hone in and amplify an individual speaker's voice. It's easy to see how this theoretic tech could wind up worming its way out of concrete towers and integrating into classrooms of the future (and even homes). For now, content yourself with the full-on legalese available at the source link below.

  • Sony patent filing for glasses would share data face to face, carry more than a hint of Project Glass

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Google might not realize it, but Project Glass isn't alone in the patent race these days. Sony has quietly applied for a patent on a familiar-looking smart glasses system whose advantage over Mountain View would be an emphasis on things in twos. Eyepieces are the most obvious, but Sony is also keen on sharing data between two friends: transmitters on a pair of glasses would send personal info through a likely very uncomfortable glance at someone else with the same eyewear. If your friends are more than a little weirded out from sharing by staring, the proposed glasses could still pick up information from visual tags on posters, products and virtually anything else. There's even the obligatory connection to a watch for sharing data with the rest of the world. Whether or not the patent leads to Sony head-mounted technology more advanced than a personal 3D TV is still up in the air, especially with Google currently hogging the spotlight... not that existing, more conservative designs have ever stopped Sony from rolling out wild concepts before.

  • Samsung files patents for robot that mimics human walking and breathing, ratchets up the creepy factor

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As much as Samsung is big on robots, it hasn't gone all-out on the idea until a just-published quartet of patent applications. The filings have a robot more directly mimicking a human walk and adjusting the scale to get the appropriate speed without the unnatural, perpetually bent gait of certain peers. To safely get from point A to point B, any path is chopped up into a series of walking motions, and the robot constantly checks against its center of gravity to stay upright as it walks uphill or down. All very clever, but we'd say Samsung is almost too fond of the uncanny valley: one patent has rotating joints coordinate to simulate the chest heaves of human breathing. We don't know if the company will ever put the patents to use; these could be just feverish dreams of one-upping Honda's ASIMO at its own game. But if it does, we could be looking at Samsung-made androids designed like humans rather than for them.