

  • WRUP: Cake or pie edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! This week in addition to the eternal question of what everyone is playing this weekend, we've asked the staff the almost-as-eternal question of cake or pie or death? It's been a battle royale in The Queue this week with Anne declaring her love for pie and Adam followed up with a cake versus pie poll in which cake maintains a solid lead. So today, we ask our writers. Their thoughts on the best bakery confections along with what they're playing for the weekend after the break.

  • WRUP: Drama dodgers edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! There's been a hot-topic issue or two this week, and for today's WRUP we're going to skip the drama and ask everyone a simple question that has no wrong answers: %Poll-49324% Answers from the team -- and what they're playing this weekend -- after the break.

  • WRUP: Another week, another weekend

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Another weekend means it's time for another edition of WRUP! For those of you playing at home, we'll refresh you on the rules of our little game: every weekend, we ask our contributors what they're playing this weekend (i.e. what are you playing, i.e. WRUP). Their responses go into a post very much like this one and readers are encouraged to join in and geek out about their favored game of the hour. Want to know what sort of trouble the Massively crew is getting into this weekend? The answers are here -- just read on to find out!

  • WRUP: Post-E3 edition

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Here at Massively we're just about recovered from the information avalanche that WAS E3 2010. We had a great time, picked up every piece of information we could, and shared all the best MMO news with you guys. Now we've all had some time to process it and we're ready to relax and jump back into some gaming of our own! We'll be PC gaming, console gaming, and doing the RL thing. But first, this week's WRUP question: "What was your favorite E3 announcement?" We had some answers to that question, and we're hoping you do too. Follow along after the break to see what we had to say, then it's your turn!

  • WRUP: Post 3.3.5 edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as WRUP.) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! This week is all about stalking our co-workers Real ID. We knew what Real ID was before the patch hit, of course, but who among us could have been prepared for the flood of email it would bring to our virtual doorsteps? I do hope Blizzard is still working to improve their Real ID feature, but in the meanwhile, remember that you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Though anyone opting out isn't going to see me around after Diablo 3 is released ... But on to the subject at hand: keep reading for a round-up of what the WoW.com staff is up to this weekend, in game and otherwise. A smattering of them even answered this week's bonus question and tell us about their favorite patch feature.

  • WRUP: Cannot has edition

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! Since Liz is at E3 this week, Adam offered to organize this week's WRUP, asking everyone to submit their favorite lolcat from our lolcat wars in team chat. Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?), almost no one did. So you cannot has lolcats. What you can has is a rundown of what the team's up to this weekend. They're not entirely dissimilar; just replace "I" with "Alex" and "cheezburger" with "Borderlands," and the effect is pretty much the same. Alex Ziebart (@alexziebart): I'm still enjoying Borderlands. I haven't been playing it a lot, just getting a level here and a level there, so it's been a good time waster. This weekend is also the festival from my old grade school up the block from where I live, so I'll probably spend a lot of time there with some old friends. If I can fit it in between those things, I'll probaBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzBZZZZZZT Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert): Sleep. House-painting. More house-painting. More sleep. It will be glorious. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey): ICC25 - we downed Deathwhisper on HM, so now it's just Putricide, Sindragosa and LK. ... I am not looking forward to Sindragosa. Amy Schley (@wowlawbringer): More bar prep, as always. I'll also be at the local Shakespeare in the Park festival. Nothing like Richard III's "Now is the winter of our discontent" while we're sweating in 85 degree heat. Daniel Whitcomb (@danielwhitcomb): I'm actually plugging along much as normal. I should have Shadowmoon Valley's quest achievement done this weekend, then I'll move on to Netherstorm, so as long as Cataclysm doesn't drop tomorrow, I'm hopeful I'll just be able to take it slow and steady toward Loremaster. I also may run the Mass Effect 2 Overlord DLC on my Renegade Shepard to get the Data Hound achievement I missed on my Paragon Shepard and to look at some of the conversation trees I missed or skipped.

  • WRUP: All work and no play...

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    You might think that going to E3, testing out half a billion games, conducting inaudible interviews in a roaring crowd of thousands, and then trying to deliver the goods to your staff over a crappy wifi connection would imply some glamorous existence. You might think that the writers who spent day and night transforming all of the interviews and trailers and screenshots into something that you, the reader, wanted to *squee* about, would be just like the reporters in some adrenaline-fueled news room in a grainy black-and-white film. Well, you'd be right, more or less, minus the sound of creaky old typewriters clicking furiously -- but that doesn't mean we're not completely exhausted after a week this crazy! Hopefully you all enjoyed our coverage of the MMOs shown at E3. For now, we're going to kick back and relax before we wander too much into Jack Torrance territory. Hit the break and see which games we'll be using to recharge our play meters!

  • WRUP: Welcoming another weekend

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! The weekend has arrived! With the pre-Cataclysm doldrums in full swing, we seem to have a lot of people out of WoW this week. Though I suspect recent releases like Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption would lure us away regardless of what WoW had to offer. (Though ideally we'd have one game that combined all three.) But throughout Azeroth, there are still dungeons to be raided, achievements to be gotten, alts to be leveled. Join us after the jump to see what the WoW.com team is playing this weekend -- and let us know what you're playing this weekend

  • WRUP: Not playing Split/Second edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As is the case every week, the Massively staff is taking the opportunity to play a wide variety of video games this weekend, which does not include the racing game Split/Second. Whether or not staff members own it, not a single one is planning on firing up the game for even a single course. Neither power plays nor route changes await us. Thus, for the remainder of the article after this introductory paragraph, there will not be a single further mention made of the game, because we are not playing it. So what are we playing? Many other games, ranging from old favorites to recently-launched titles, all of them with their own points of interest. Some of us are shooting cowboys, some of us are returning to a land where several guilds are engaged in some sort of fracas, and some are simply taking the opportunity to farm. Click on past the break for the specifics of this weekend's gaming itinerary.

  • WRUP: Wedding bells edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW.com staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! I'll just let Chase launch us off with what he's playing and his favorite in-game reference: Chase Christian (@madsushi): I actually won't be playing anything this weekend; my wedding is on Sunday and I'd like to keep it that way. My favorite in-game reference is definitely the LOST hatch in Sholazar. All of our weekends seem pretty dull by comparison, and the rest of this week's WRUP is mostly a chain of variously formatted grats of the sort you expect whenever someone dings. However, I think Matthew Rossi said it most eloquently: Hey, grats to Chase! For a dirty rogue and a stinky paladin you're all right. Best of luck to you both. But, no, seriously, all of WoW.com sends their best wishes to Chase and his soon-to-be spouse. Despite the fact that most of us have terribly boring weekend plans in comparison, you're welcome to read on for what the rest of the team is playing this weekend -- and what our favorite in-game references are. And as always, we look forward to hearing what you're up to in the comments.

  • WRUP: Oh no, an owl edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It never fails. You've got everything sorted out just fine, and then out of nowhere -- bam! It's an owl. Laugh all you want, but if you're a field mouse or possibly a vole, this a serious problem for you. And while we feel for our readers frequently plagued by owl attacks, we're afraid that we can't help you too much, as we've all got our own problems to deal with. Assuming you classify "going back to older games" under the "problem" category. Yes, it's time for another WRUP for the week, and this week is marked by returning to old favorites, taking a look through the older parts of our gaming libraries, or even returning to the too-long-forgotten act of making sure the house doesn't collapse. Click on past the break for a look into what the crew is playing this week. (Owls not included.)

  • WRUP: Garlic, Duck Tales, and oh yeah, console games edition

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    It's been another fun week here at the Massively virtual headquarters as we gather up our new writers and put them through the hazing training process. These super-secret rituals involve lots of things like cookies, garlic (not at the same time mind you), wistful meanderings on Duck Tales, and more. Obviously we can't tell you all our super-secrets, or we'd have to unleash the quacken on you. Suffice it to say, if you think we're fun in-game or in IRC, you should see the official inter-office memos that fly around here! Anyway, to get rolling on this week's WRUP, we've bundled up everyone's replies along with a bonus question this week, courtesy of reader kidsneedtoswear, who wanted to know: If you could have a MMORPG version of any console game, what would it be? Curious as to the answers? Don't really care and just want to tell us what you're up to? All this and more will be revealed beyond the break!

  • WRUP: The answer is always 42 edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Among this weekend's distractions from WoW are recent releases Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake, and although not new, the browser-based Echo Bazaar has stolen some of our souls away to ... well, wherever in Fallen London it is that they keep souls. There's probably a lost warehouse of souls somewhere in game that I hope to find eventually. But some of us, still, are spending an hour here and there in Azeroth. Though this week's edition of What Are You Playing didn't come with a bonus question, some of the staff did come up with bonus answers: Gregg My bonus answer is, as always, 42. Mat There was no bonus question, but my answer to any question is probably "cherry." Rich My bonus answer is my new favorite show: Dhani Tackles the Globe. Combines travel, culture, food, and sport, plus the host Dhani Jones is very entertaining. Zach My bonus answer to the question is, "I solve them all." And if you'd like to see what the team is playing -- or just talk about what you're playing -- read on!

  • WRUP: Seeing signs edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If someone collected the data from many weeks of WRUP and charted what everyone played week in and week out there's certain to be some sort of hidden message, isn't there? Perhaps this random assortment of games, old and new, every week is only seemingly random, disguising an intricate pattern that will tell us the future... Hmm! But, pattern or not, Team Massively's gaming habits are all over the map this weekend -- just read on to see for yourself! This week we've also asked everyone a bonus question which comes again from commenter Blah?, who asked: If you could develop your own MMO, what would the setting be? For our answers and yours, follow the cut!

  • WRUP: Newbie woes edition

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Being the newbie editor at Massively is tough. I'm stuck in cloth armor. All I've got is a rusty sword. I'm supposed to slay the dragon eventually, but my skillbar is looking pretty weak. And I just know everyone is laughing at me in general chat. Fortunately, we're only newbies at anything once. This week in WRUP, the Massively staff admit that yes, we were newbies once, too, in answering commenter Blah?'s question: "What was your first MMO?" As usual, we also discuss our more immediate gaming plans, now that those wide-eyed days are far behind us. Join us after the break to see what the Massively team is plotting for the weekend!

  • WRUP: Waitaclysm edition

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    The worst part about Cataclysm is waiting for it, apparently. As part of our weekly ritual, we asked the WoW.com staff what they were up to this weekend, and as a special bonus, what they were doing to prepare for Cataclysm. Depends on your focus, looks like. Some of us are building profession stockpiles, some of us are building cohesive raid groups, some of us are making sure we get old-world achievements due for a phase-out, and some of us are ... just not really playing until Cataclysm. What about you guys? What are your plans for the Waitaclysm? Our plans, and other personal minutiae, after the break.

  • WRUP: Rad bromance edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    By popular request: be warned, the above video features some very enthusiastic karaoke efforts. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, and it may just hurt your ears. It's a rad bromance weekend and back at WoW.com HQ, it's safe to say that most of us are jealous of the no doubt epic adventures that Fox Van Allen (@foxvanallen), Mat McCurley (@gomatgo), Mike Sacco (@mikesacco) and Rich Maloy (@stoneybaby) are having in NYC this weekend. There would be more of an introduction here, but there's just nothing I can say that will top Mike and Fox's previous adventures in karaoke at PAX East, above. And with introductions (and envy) out of the way, let's go on to see what the rest of the WoW.com team is up to this weekend -- and if you'd like, let us know what you're up to, too.

  • WRUP: My favorite things edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Once again it's the weekend, which can mean only one thing -- it's time to catch up on our gaming. Surely you know what it's like: during the week we have work or school or other obligations that may keep us away from our favored pastime. But with the week over, it's time for play. This week in addition to asking the WoW.com team what they're playing this weekend, I've also asked them to include a shot of their character in their favorite set of gear. And, though it's hardly a scientific poll, from the answer I've recieved it seems safe to conclude that the paladin's tier 2 armor set is a crowd favorite. So without further introduction, read on to see what the team is up to this weekend -- or to let us know what you're going to be playing. %Gallery-92138%

  • WRUP: Too sexy edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Happy Saturday everyone! Another very fine weekend is upon us and here at Massively HQ we're celebrating with some game time. This week, in addition to asking the staff what they're playing this weekend, we've also asked what their favorite in-game armor set is. Whether we're too sexy for our helms (/groan) or not is an exercise we leave to you, dear readers. But for what we're playing this weekend -- and, better yet, what you're playing this weekend -- read on! %Gallery-92127%

  • WRUP: Riding into the sunset edition

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Another work-week is coming to a close which means it's time to ask our staff (and our readers!) what they're up to this weekend. As usual, Massively's writing staff is all over the map on gaming for the weekend -- striving to steer clear of pattern and predictability by playing a little bit of everything. This week, in addition to talking about what everyone's playing, we also asked what everyone's favorite in-game mount was. And our answers? Well, as you'll see in our gallery, they seem to trend to the post-apocalyptic. %Gallery-91632%