

  • The Anvil of Crom: Journey through the Grasslands

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The assassin moved forward, slowly, the soles of his padded boots gliding soundlessly over the dense packing of leaves and mulch that formed the forest floor. His eyes darted this way and that, scarred hands never far from the ivory-inlaid hilts of the blades hanging loosely at his waist. Quickening his pace, he ducked and dodged around the endless stalks of greenish bamboo that reached for the canopy high above. Thin sunbeams bathed portions of the glade in an otherworldly light. They also cast parts of the dense bamboo thicket into semi-darkness, and it was from one of these dim pockets that the bear emerged. A towering, snarling monstrosity, it leered at the assassin, then charged. Stalks of bamboo snapped and splintered in its path as the assassin whirled and fled. The ground shook as the beast gained; he felt its breath on his neck as he emerged from the forest into blinding sunlight. A rock wall loomed ahead of him and he leaped for it, his feet finding purchase on the tiny ledges as he scrambled up the sheer side of the cliff. Panting, he finally reached the summit and turned to watch the stalks of bamboo swaying far below him like a sea of grass that parted as the beast rumbled back into the undergrowth. Sneak past the cut for more. %Gallery-99125%

  • Global Agenda's latest Sandstorm patch hits today

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hi-Rez Studios brings us word of the latest round of Sandstorm changes coming today to Global Agenda. The sci-fi MMOFPS is rolling out Sandstorm Version 1.36 to the live servers, and with it a plethora of improvements to the Agency-vs-Agency (AvA) system. Seasons will now last for two weeks, and each major geographic region (North America, Europe, etc.) will feature one open zone from Monday through Thursday. Another zone will open up on Saturday and Sunday, and each will be open for six hours per day. In addition to the timing tweaks, AvA rewards have been adjusted, token daily limits have been raised, and consumables have been removed from PvP. Be sure to view the full list of changes via the patch notes on the official Global Agenda website.

  • City of Heroes releases flyover for Imperial City and Neutropolis

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We've got a treat for City of Heroes players today, one that should provide more than a few smiles -- a video flyover of two more zones from Going Rogue. Where the first video previewed the core of the capital and the (ideally invisible) underground, this one focuses on the Imperial City and Neutropolis. The former is the region where the vast majority of Praetorian citizens live and work every day, while the latter highlights the almost-otherworldly (pun intended) technology under development. While cityscapes are nothing new for the game's environs, the Imperial City is a cut above anything that's previously been featured. The billboards stand out, the architecture is unique, and at times the game almost looks like something other than City of Heroes entirely. With less than a week until Going Rogue's release, it won't be long before players get to experience these environments for themselves -- but until then, you can take a look at the video past the cut.

  • Video guide to Nova Praetoria and the Underground for City of Heroes

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If the various videos released by the team at Paragon Studios have made anything clear, it's the difference between hearing about City of Heroes and seeing the game in action. That's what makes the most recent teaser trailer so interesting. We've been told about Nova Praetoria and the Underground, and we've seen static shots of the cityscape -- but seeing it in motion is a whole different thing. It turns a concept into a living, breathing city. The video, released today via the game's Facebook page, is embedded after the cut and is well worth a watch for any fan of the game. Showcasing several of the most prominent buildings, it serves as an excellent primer for players before Going Rogue goes live in just a couple weeks. It also helps demonstrate some of the effects that the art team has been touting for some time, highlighting in real time how Praetoria has been designed for Ultra Mode. Take a look past the cut, and keep your eyes peeled for more on the upcoming City of Heroes expansion as we approach launch.

  • The lore behind districts in City of Heroes: Going Rogue

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As we alluded to in our small preview last week, Nova Praetoria is one of the most elite neighborhoods in the alternate Earth setting of Going Rogue. The City of Heroes team has long been known for giving every region a detailed backstory, and the new areas of Praetoria are no exception. Official information on Nova Praetoria and the Underground has just been released on the official site, giving players a chance to take a peek behind the visuals to see how day-to-day life functions in the world's most prestigious city -- and its underbelly. The seat of humanity's self-proclaimed savior, Nova Praetoria is elevated from the rest of the world both figuratively and physically, built on an artificial island upon an artificially flooded river. Unfortunately, between the Resistance and the disenfranchised Destroyers -- former soldiers who want to tear down Cole for purely anarchistic reasons -- even the seat of power is increasingly less stable. Meanwhile, the Undergound below is a war between Cole's loyalists using the tunnels for their original purpose of surreptitious transport, the Resistance setting up headquarters to strike at Cole's base of power, and the ravenous Ghouls patrolling the tunnels for unknown reasons. The lore on both areas is top-notch, and it should help make City of Heroes players even more invested in the coming expansion. %Gallery-97436%

  • The Classifieds: She'll be coming 'round the mountain

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including your shout-outs to perpetrators of the famous Random Acts of Uberness. Have you ever wondered what lies on the other side of the mountain? What's going on down there below your flight-path flyover? Wonder no more: The Glitch Hunters have arrived to show you the unspoiled areas of vanilla WoW in all their pre-expansion glory. Contrary to their name, The Glitch Hunters explore entirely on live servers with no exploits or trickery. They use simple tactics to gain access to difficult-to-reach areas, including Levitate, Slow Fall, vehicle mounts, Death Grip and the liberal use of pally bubbles. "We're traversing the continents and documenting all the weird and unique landscapes and borked terrain before the Cataclysm revision hammer destroys them for good," explains Glitch Hunter Alyssa of Dawnbringer (US). Explore the entire series -- now some six episodes deep -- on The Explorers League YouTube channel. If the scenery of classic WoW leaves you feeling nostalgic, wander through our growing collection of galleries devoted to zones that will soon feel the sweeping hand of the approaching Cataclysm: Undercity, Scholomance, Eye of Eternity, Shattrath City, Sunwell Plateau, Azshara, Tirisfal, Redridge, Stranglethorn Vale, Western Plaguelands, Quel'danas, Trial of the Crusader, Deadwind Pass, Teldrassil, Tanaris, Blackrock Mountain, Thunder Bluff, Feralas, Mulgore, Moonglade, Ironforge, Westfall, Darnassus, Thousand Needles. Vanilla WoW holds many charms -- but if it's more current news you're after, let's crack open The Classifieds!

  • Cataclysm Beta: New maps

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Jolesole of (coincidentally a great source for Cataclysm info) has been datamining the latest beta patch, and he's found a whole bunch of new or changed maps for zones in the new expansion. Zones include Redridge Mountains, Westfall, Vashj'ir, and more. You can check them out in our gallery below. %Gallery-96665%

  • Illuminating answers about the upcoming patch for Champions Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The first adventure pack for Champions Online is due out this month, although we don't know quite when just yet. But there are a lot of things coming along with the new pack, such as the promised return of Blood Moon and the addition of a difficulty slider. If you're curious about what all of this means from a gameplay perspective, you're coming to it at the right time, as the most recent Ask Cryptic has just been released, covering most of what players might be wondering about. The difficulty slider will be responsible for improved drops, but costume pieces are likely to remain just as frequent (or infrequent) as they currently are. Players who have watched the development of Star Trek Online might be saddened to know that the resistance bonuses and such coming with the Accolade system in that game will not be copied for Champions Online's Perks system. But there's also the prospect of expanding smaller regions into full-sized explorable zones, and some details on the next few adventure packs heading down the pipeline. It should be good news for the game's players, and it certainly helps keep the interest stoked for the coming release of Serpent Lantern.

  • Choose My Adventure: RIP Andrenorton

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Choose the adventures of the staff as we level our characters in <It came from the Blog> on US Zangarmarsh-H. Matthew Rossi says he has stalled on his mage and would like the readers to choose his new class. We also need to know where to go at level 30, since Annephora is already there. But first, here's the remaining schedule for the week: Fox Van Allen as Foxlight, the blood elf paladin: Friday, 8 p.m. EDT Michael Gray as Grayfields, the tauren hunter, Adam Holisky as Adammentat, the tauren druid, and Gregg Reece as Yakkowakko, the orc warlock, will be making appearances as they can. I've listed the zones for 30 to 35 questing along with how much we think they will change in Cataclysm. %Poll-47244% Rossi's poll is after the break.

  • New Visions of Abyssea site for Final Fantasy XI launches

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's been a while, but we're finally seeing more information trickling out about the upcoming Final Fantasy XI add-on pack Visions of Abyssea, with the launch of the official teaser site. The first of three mini-expansions designed to help players hit the promised new level cap, the new page reveals that it's scheduled to go live with the June version update that hosts the first of three increases leading to 99. It also announces that there are plans for pre-purchases starting in early June, and gives a few more hints as to what the mysterious new zones will actually be. According to the backstory on the official site, players will apparently travel from Vana'diel to Abyssea via new Cavernous Maws, which leads to obvious suggestions that it's tied into the overarching and soon-concluding plot of Wings of the Goddess. There are also two screenshots of what may be assumed to be Abyssea itself -- or more accurately, a version of La Theine Plateau with a red sky. It would appear that the "mirror world" concept is close to the add-on indeed, but Final Fantasy XI players will have to wait a little longer to be totally sure.

  • The Digital Continuum: Lost in worlds divided

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    In the many MMOs I've played, the ratio between games that got world design right and those that got it wrong is surprisingly skewed towards the latter. Nothing kills the thrill of discovering a new online world faster than feeling like you're being kicked around seemingly unconnected environments without possessing any real understanding or control. This week's The Digital Continuum is aimed at discussing practical ways to address this problem. Obviously this is -- as per usual -- my personal opinion taken mostly from my brain and the experience gathering within it.

  • The Daily Grind: What location is vital to the game?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    When you play a game for any length of time, you get used to where things are. World of Warcraft players can navigate by the Stormwind Cathedral or the Orgrimmar Bank, Final Fantasy XI players can set their sights on the crags or Delkfutt's Tower. But sometimes, as has recently happened in Everquest II, there's a significant loss to those important locations. Something disappears, something is destroyed or moved or otherwise lost, and the entire game world feels a bit smaller for the loss. And even though part of you knows they're just backdrops, even if you don't give the slightest whit about the game's setting, you can't help but feel a bit smaller for what's been lost. The entire premise of the upcoming World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the idea that the locations you're familiar with can be changed irrevocably, and that it's a significant event when it takes place. What part of your favorite game do you think is iconic and necessary for the feel and setting of the game world? Is it one of the more common points of congregation for low-level characters, a high-level haunt, or just a familiar and cherished region?

  • Massively's developer tour of Sentinel's Fate

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    With the EverQuest II team hard at work on their newest expansion, Sentinel's Fate, we were invited by community manager Kiara to drop by the Shattered Lands and take a closer look at the new zones in the expansion. While we were expecting to see some nice content, it's amazing to see just how beautiful these zones are when you walk through them in person. I'm not one to open an article with such a bold statement, but the zones we got to tour in Sentinel's Fate were impressive. Hopefully today we can impart some of the beauty of these zones to you as we talk about three major areas in the new expansion: The Hole & The Seal of the Underfoot, the Erudin Library, and the Vasty Deep Conservatory. %Gallery-84287%

  • Roadmap to Cataclysm zone overhauls

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Okay, how did we miss this? We've been wondering about the level of change in each old-world zone for Cataclysm for months now, and the answer has actually been under our noses since BlizzCon. During the Art Panel, the above planning map was shown, along with some information to either side of it. We can't make out everything in it, but there's a lot of information if you know what you're looking at. The zone colors, from what we can infer, indicate the level of overhaul each zone is receiving. Red is a heavy overhaul, yellow is moderate, green is light, and blue means a brand-new zone. The yellow stars indicate a dungeon, and the red stars indicate a raid. The white tabs each have a letter on them, indicating what in the zone was being changed at that particular point -- L for level, Q for quests, etc. Astute readers will see some things jump out at them immediately, like Thousand Needles having two stars on it. The full list of visible zone changes after the break, along with other pertinent info. Disclaimer: While this image was captured during the BlizzCon 2009 Art Panel, the capture displays a photo taken by Blizzard staff, which is undated. We don't know if it was a day before BlizzCon 2009 or six months before. Things could have changed between when this picture was taken and when this article was published.

  • Cast your vote, new content poll for Champions Online

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The first time Cryptic held a poll for Champions Online, it related to what kind of zone players would like to see. This time, the developer is curious to find out what level ranges its players are most interested in for new content. We're aware that most players feel like the 40+ sections of the game are in need of content, and usually the late game areas tend to get the most love when it comes to content updates. Still, it never hurts to give a little love to the middle-levels, either. As cool as this is of the developer to do, it's important to note that the poll's outcomes aren't a guarantee. This poll is merely a guide for Cryptic to use in future content decisions. Nevertheless, if you're invested in the game at all, you really want to get in on this vote while the getting is good. We're sure many of you have your own impassioned opinions on which level spreads need the most content love.

  • WoW Ratings lets you rate anything in Azeroth

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I had an idea like this one -- a site that would allow you to rate anything at all (from a new movie to the casserole your aunt makes), and then let other people share their own opinions about whatever you rated. My idea never got off the ground (standard operating procedure for the idea mill I call my mind), but reader Antoine apparently had the same idea, and built it specifically for the WoW universe. WoW Ratings is kind of a silly site with some interesting outcomes: basically it's a database of everything in the game, from bosses to zones to game features or what have you, and you can come along and rate whatever you want on a scale of 1 to 5. The ratings don't actually mean anything (though Antoine has them listed as qualities from Uncommon up to Legendary), so it's really just a broad temperature-taking of the World (of Warcraft) at large.The most interesting screen is probably the "Best and Worst" screen (which you can reach by clicking on the toolbar at the top of the homepage -- note to Antoine: permalinks are your friend, scale back on the javascript), where, as of this writing, Hakkar the Soulflayer is sitting on top of the heap, and the Voice Chat patch and Darnassus are sitting in the bottom 10. No Fandral Staghelm yet, strangely, but I'm sure things will get shaken up after all you readers head over there (and if the site's a little shaky under the flood of our link, give it time to get back on its feet). Sure, it's a little silly, and it's not so much a "resource" as it is just a free-for-all of player opinions, but it is interesting to see kind of a meta-overview of what players do and don't like. Useless features for the loss, old school raid bosses for the win.

  • See the mines of EQ: Underfoot zone "The Underquarry"

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The next EverQuest: Underfoot zone preview is up at the EverQuest Players community site, this time giving us a sneak peek at an area called "The Underquarry". The Underquarry's main feature is two large sinkholes that were made by some intense waterflow. When the water stopped coming, the area's inhabitants (more servants of Brell) found that there was good mining to be had in the caverns. Similar to the creatures of Pellucid Grotto, the miners take the results of their work and seed them into Norrath, rather than hoarding them down in the Plane of Underfoot.As is expected from these expansion zones, there is some emerging conflict in the Underquarry to look into. Part of the problem is a group of stubborn Burynai (shown above) that are refusing to share parts of the mines, and there are also Cliknars that constantly invade and cause trouble. Our Underfoot gallery is now updated with screenshots from the Underquarry, including a few more Massively exclusive pics -- check it out below.%Gallery-73586%

  • Alex Afrasiabi on Cataclysm and the origin of phasing

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Gamasutra has a nice interview with someone on Blizzard's team that we haven't heard from very much before -- Alex "Furor" Afrasiabi is currently a lead world designer for Cataclysm, and while we have definitely seen him at BlizzCon a few times, he hasn't done as much press as, say, Tom Chilton or J. Allen Brack. But here he is on Gamasutra, talking about what Blizzard is doing to the World of Warcraft in the next expansion.And boy are they doing it. As we knew, Desolace and Azshara are getting revamped completely, while Feralas is in for some questing changes and zones like Loch Modan are seeing some "light" modification. Blizzard apparently looked at each zone and determined where it lay on the list of todos: Azshara is becoming the 10-20 Horde zone and so will get reworked extensively, but Silithus, while it may need work, probably won't get more than a few tweaks.Afrasiabi also talks about the surprising origin of phasing and Blizzard's philosophy. More after the break.

  • Preview the Pellucid Grotto zone from EverQuest Underfoot

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Just recently, the EverQuest Players community site featured a preview of the zone Brell's Rest from EverQuest's next expansion Underfoot. Another preview is now up on the site, showing off the Pellucid Grotto zone. The Grotto is home to a race called the Crystalkin, and these hard workers spend all their time harvesting, refining and polishing gems. They aren't in it for personal gain though -- far from it. After the gems are ready, they go and scatter them throughout Norrath, where adventurers end up finding them and either selling them, using them as spell reagents, or combining them with things using tradeskills.However, if the players want this gravy-train to keep running, they might want to look into a new disturbance that the Pellucid Grotto is experiencing. We're pretty sure there are far worse consequences to the world at stake than just missing out on gems, but ... well, the gems are a pretty good reason anyway. We like gems. Below you'll find our gallery of screenshots from Underfoot, newly updated with Pellucid Grotto pictures, and two of them are exclusive to Massively! For more on the lore of this area, check out the EQ Players feature article.%Gallery-73586%

  • A look at Brell's Rest from EverQuest: Underfoot

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The focus of the next EverQuest expansion Underfoot is the Plane of Underfoot and its cavernous areas, which the god Brell Serilis created and filled with inhabitants. An update on the EverQuest Players website has given us an early look at one zone from the new expansion, "Brell's Rest". Apparently, the most devout followers of Brell are brought to Brell's Rest upon their demise. Since a healthy mix of races pay homage to the Duke of Below, this means that the area is home to quite a few different factions, including dwarves, gnomes, gnolls and kobolds. While the dwarves and gnomes tend to live a peaceful life in the Shining City section of Brell's Rest, the gnolls and kobolds have traditionally enjoyed ripping each other apart for all eternity. However, in recent times the gnolls have begun to withdraw from their beloved skirmishes, whispering about "The Destroyer" and "The Undying One". That's all we're going to find out for now, but it sounds like an interesting quest-line to look into when the expansion is released. The zone is also said to feature an arena for some good old-fashioned warrior games. Along with this chunk of lore, the EverQuest Players site had a handful of Brell's Rest screenshots to show off. We've put them all together for easy viewing in the gallery below.%Gallery-73586%