eve online


  • Marketing graphic for ‘EVE Online’ showing a space capsule and space station behind a Microsoft Excel logo

    ‘EVE Online’s spreadsheets in space now integrate seamlessly with Microsoft Excel

    EVE Online has finally embraced its destiny. The game, often jokingly called a “spreadsheet simulator” due to the competitive advantages its most dedicated players can gain by tracking in-game data, now has a Microsoft Excel add-in. “Gain a competitive edge by harnessing the power of data, as access to and the understanding of data can spell the difference between victory and defeat,” developer CCP Games wrote Tuesday in a blog post. The free extension, first announced last year at EVE Fanfest, is available now.

    by Will Shanklin
  • Eve Online spaceship.

    'EVE Online' now lets anyone play the MMO in a web browser

    EVE Online's cloud-based Anywhere platform is finally opening up to all players.

    by Devindra Hardawar
  • EVE Online

    'EVE Online' and Microsoft Excel pair up for the year's hottest collab

    This is only sarcasm if you're not an EVE player.

    by Kris Holt
  • 'EVE Online' art for Mac native release

    'EVE Online' finally runs natively on the Mac

    'EVE Online' is finally available as a native app on the Mac — no emulator required.

    by Jon Fingas
  • A production still of a spaceship in  a laser battle from EVE Online video game.

    'EVE Online' Anywhere beta allows you to play the MMO in your browser

    CCP Games has started testing a version of the game called EVE Anywhere that will allow you to play the MMO, well, almost anywhere.

    by Igor Bonifacic
  • EVE Online video game.

    'EVE Online' will finally get a native Mac app early next year

    CCP is releasing a truly native Mac version of 'EVE Online' in 2021, 18 years after the space MMO's debut.

    by Jon Fingas
  • CCP Games

    CCP cancels one 'Eve Online' shooter, announces another

    CCP Games has given up on its EVE Online-inspired shooter Project Nova, but don't worry, it's now working on... another Eve Online-inspired shooter. In a statement on Reddit, CCP's George Kellion said that the long-awaited Project Nova was getting the chop because its "gameplay experience as presented at EVE Vegas '18 would not have achieved our ambitious goals for this concept."

    by Rachel England
  • 'EVE Online' is now free-to-play

    After over 13 years of paid subscriptions, EVE Online's recently revealed free-to-play experiment is now live. In a bid to boost its dwindling player base, CCP's latest expansion allows both new and existing players to explore the EVE universe for free.

    by Tom Regan
  • 'EVE Online' now rewards you for helping science

    At last, playing a ton of EVE Online can do a lot of good in the real world. As promised, the massively multiplayer space title now includes a Project Discovery minigame that has you contributing to real science. If you offer to classify proteins in between space flights, you'll both help scientists understand the proteins' roles in the human body (especially relating to disease) and earn in-game rewards ranging from ISK currency to loyalty points. You don't have to be a paying EVE subscriber to participate, so it won't hurt to give the project a go if you're eager to advance medicine while you explore the virtual cosmos.

    by Jon Fingas
  • This is how Oculus will sell VR to the masses

    By Nathan Ingraham and Aaron SouppourisA big question has followed Oculus around since its Rift unveil back in June: How will it persuade the public that virtual reality is ready for primetime? Today we have the answer: Oculus VR has announced that Eve: Valkyrie, CCP's multiplayer dogfighting shooter, will be a pack-in with every pre-order of its upcoming VR headset when it launches in early 2016.

    by Engadget
  • EVE Online's new minigame puts players to work, for science

    EVE Online is probably best known as the hardcore space sim where huge quantities of real money (say, about $1,500) can be lost at the drop of a hat. It's a pretty unique accolade, but developer CCP is working on a better one -- if everything goes as planned, EVE Online will soon be known as the hardcore space sim where players devote thousands of man-hours to science by contributing to the Human Protein Atlas.

    by Sean Buckley
  • 'Gunjack' producer on making virtual reality work for mobile

    "Mobile VR doesn't have to mean [physically] moving around, but rather something you can access as easily in a café or a plane as you can at home. It was a choice made from day one: to create a fun and accessible experience by being static." JC Gaudechon, executive producer at CCP, the Icelandic developer famous for the massive space MMO EVE Online, is speaking about Gunjack, a demo turned fully fledged game for Gear VR, Samsung's mobile virtual reality headset. Gaudechon has spent the last six months shifting the project into a downloadable Gear VR title as CCP's betting big on the second coming of VR. With its upcoming blockbuster Valkyrie dogfighting sim, the studio's positioned as a major launch partner for both the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus headsets next year. But Gunjack is not Valkyrie. Built from the ground-up for mobile, it required a totally different approach from its better-known stablemate. It required learning how to make VR work on the smallest scale.

    by Aaron Souppouris
  • The maker of 'Eve' is betting big on VR and it might pay off

    It's been a very rough 18 months for the makers of Eve Online, CCP. The company has lost money, canceled the long-delayed World of Darkness MMO, laid off well over 100 employees and said goodbye to two high-profile execs. It also hasn't released any financial statements or subscriber figures since revealing a drop in revenues in June 2014 -- in this case, no news is unlikely to be good news. But there's a plan to turn things around at CCP. It's making substantial changes to Eve Online in an attempt to attract new players, and has poured money into research and development with a big focus on virtual reality. Now, it's gearing up to release Eve Valkyrie, a AAA, competitive multiplayer shooter for Oculus Rift and Sony's Morpheus PS4 headset. The stakes are high, but this big bet on VR might just pay off.

    by Aaron Souppouris
  • EVE Evolved: The end of EVE Evolved

    By now, you will have heard that Massively is being shut down along with Joystiq and countless other blogs run by AOL. That unfortunately means this will be my final article for Massively and marks an end to the nearly seven-year run of the EVE Evolved column, which now holds over 350 articles on topics ranging from ship fittings and opinion pieces to guides and expansion breakdowns. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your readership and to express just how much playing EVE Online and writing for you really have impacted my life. I've been asked by so many people over the years for tips on breaking into the games industry as a journalist or MMO blogger, but the truth is that I lucked into this gig. When a post on the EVE Online news page said that some site called Massively was hiring an EVE Online columnist, I almost didn't bother applying. I was a prolific forumgoer back then and had written some guides for EON Magazine and my own blog, but I wanted to get into game development and had very little confidence in my writing ability. What I didn't know then was that writing for Massively would help improve my writing skills immeasurably and even help give me the confidence to launch my own game development studio. Massively gave me a platform on which to talk about EVE Online and an eager audience to share my game experiences with, but it turned into something much more profound. There have been low points dealing with trolls and organised harassment and tough times with budget cuts, but there have also some incredible experiences like attending the EVE Online Fanfest, investigating monoclegate, watching CCP redeem itself in the eyes of players, and collaborating with some of the best writers in the games industry. In this final edition of EVE Evolved, I look back at the start of the EVE Evolved column, break down my top ten column articles of all time, and try to put into words how much this column has meant to me over the years.

    by Brendan Drain
  • EVE's CSM X candidacy opens today

    EVE Online developer CCP is accepting applications for its Council of Stellar Management beginning today. The CSM is a democratically elected group of 14 EVE players chosen annually by their peers and tasked with maintaining "close and constant contact with EVE development." Candidates must not have "any records of serious breach of the EULA and/or TOS," CCP says in its announcement post.

    by Jef Reahard
  • CCP talks new EVE destroyer, cash shop SKINs

    CCP released a pair of EVE dev blogs today, one of which focuses on a new tactical destroyer slated for February's Tiamat release. The other entry concerns ship painting, and more specifically Super Kerr-Induced Nanocoatings, or SKINs, if you prefer. SKINs differ from the paint jobs currently populating EVE's cash shop in that they function as "a license to use a specific design or pattern for a ship. You then apply that license to your character and then your character will be licensed to use that design whenever you wish," according to the blog. For now, CCP says, SKINs are permanent and cannot be lost even if you're podded.

    by Jef Reahard
  • EVE Evolved: Rebuilding EVE's corporation tools

    The MMO genre is defined by the online interactions of thousands of players, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the single-shard sandbox of EVE Online. While it's possible to play EVE solo, it's the players who make most of the game's meaningful content, and it's only in your emergent interactions with other players that I think the game truly comes to life. Some time ago, I wrote about the importance of CCP supporting EVE's power players, the corporation owners, fleet commanders, and event organisers who give the rest of us something fun to do. Now it looks like CCP is starting to deliver that support, with developers currently looking at updating EVE's archaic corp management tools. CCP Punkturis recently asked corporation owners for a list of the most annoying "little things" they'd like to see fixed with the corporation management interface and was instead flooded with requests for big features and complete overhauls. Developers later confirmed on The o7 Show that at least one highly requested big feature is definitely on its way: CEOs will soon be able to switch off friendly-fire between corp members. The threat of corporate infiltrators attacking corp members has been a massive barrier preventing corps from recruiting new players, so its removal is good news for everyone (except spies). So now that corporation management is finally back on the drawing board, what other features do corp owners need? In this edition of EVE Evolved, I look at a few ideas for corporation tools and features that would make EVE a better place for everyone.

    by Brendan Drain
  • One Shots: Christmas leftovers

    You guys! Even though Christmas is well and over, you're still sending me wonderful screenshot presents! I'm blushing. I don't even know what to say other than, "You rock! Also, no butt pictures!" Our first non-posterior shot is from reader Jake, who braved the heart of a volcano for this vista: "Here's a picture of my Dracolyte in Trove after having finished a really cool dungeon that took me down into the depths of a volcano. After a while, you start to see similar dungeon types repeated, but this was a new one for me. I kept expecting to see a conflicted hobbit contemplating a ring as I descended the volcano, but alas, nothing but lava beetles and an ember dragon." What will we find when we descend into the rest of our player-submitted screenshots for this week? Hopefully more than lava beetles!

    by Justin Olivetti
  • CCP and CSM IX review the year in EVE

    CCP has published a recap of the year in EVE as viewed through the eyes of the ninth Council of Stellar Management. If you're new to EVE, it's worth noting that the CSM is an elected body of player representatives who "are in constant contact with the EVE Online dev team in order to have a front line, up to date view on features and improvements that are currently being developed for EVE." Elections for CSM X will open on February 25th and close on March 10th.

    by Jef Reahard
  • EVE Online patches in Proteus

    Deep space never looked as good in EVE Online as it does today, now that the Proteus release has gone live. This monthly update has made visual improvements to the Gallente Exequror and the asteroid fields that players will encounter on a regular basis. Other Proteus features include a balance pass on recon ships, additional high-end exploration sites, improvements to the beta star map, new player mining locations, and a streamlining of some module groups. You can check out the Proteus features page or read up on the patch notes for more info. EVE's next update, Tiamat, is scheduled for February 12th.

    by Justin Olivetti