

  • MV Guide: May 7 - 13, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of April 28th

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Ah, another fine week of streaming videos! Who needs television when you have such killer content right at your fingertips, for free? Well, we need Game of Thrones, but other than that, we'll stick by Massively TV! Be sure to bookmark our livestream schedule page so that you won't miss any of the cool videos. Sign up, join in the chat room, and participate! This week we had Mike back with his EVE Online and RIFT streams, followed by MJ with a ton of great stuff, including Aion, Lord of the Rings Online, TERA and City of Heroes! Woo! I finished up by showing viewers how to build clothing attachments in Second Life. So stop reading this and click past the cut. Check out the videos and let us know what you think in the comments section. Here, have some popcorn.

  • The Soapbox: The perils of passive gaming

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column. My folks don't really understand my infatuation with video games (and MMORPGs in particular). "How can you sit there and play a game for two or three hours at a time?" my mom is fond of asking. Ironically, this usually happens on a visit that ends where most of our visits do: on the couch in front of the television. Don't get me wrong; she's no couch potato, and in fact she has the meanest green thumb you'll ever see. When the sun goes down, though, my parents (like most of their generation, I'll wager) park their butts in front of the TV. That I should park my own posterior in front of the computer is exceedingly strange to them even though online gaming is to the 21st century what television was to the 20th. I wonder, though, if games are starting to become more passive forms of TV-like entertainment.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion your way

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Though a recent catchphrase for Aion's conversion to the Truly Free model, having it "your way" (®™BLT) predates NCsoft's usage. Burger joints and assassins for hire alike touted this business motto long before the game. So there is no real infringement if I borrow this philosophy and mold it to my own purposes. And mold it I will, like Playdoh on a hot summer's day. Some of you may have noticed that I have been livestreaming on a weekly basis to help expand on the Aion experience. (If you haven't, it's never to late to watch!) The thing is, if we just follow my own personal playstyle, you might be stuck watching me rearrange furniture in my little condo for hours on end since I usually play however the mood strikes me at that moment. That's where you come in. It's time to vicariously experience Aion your way! This week's Wings Over Atreia is all about getting to the heart of what you want. Then I can incorporate the things that you find interesting into the livestreams and even the weekly articles. How shall we accomplish this? Well, although it seems some of you have been able to resist the lure of the spiffy tag at the end of every column that asks for reader suggestions, how many of you can resist... *dramatic music* The Poll? So quick and simple, just a few clicks... If you ever wanted to tell me where to go, now is your chance.

  • MV Guide: April 30 - May 6, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of April 21st

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    What a week it has been in Massively's world of streaming games! We have a little bit of something for all types of viewers. Hardcores, roleplayers, explorers, crafters and lazy-bums like yours truly: We have something for all of you. Be sure to bookmark our livestream schedule page so that you can always see the schedule ahead of time. It's much easier to plan your life around our videos if you know the schedule early. Invite your friends... we love to hear from new people in the chat room! This week, we had some EVE Online adventuring with Mike followed by his attempt at Drakensang Online, a browser-based action MMO. Adventure Mike took a spin in the way-back machine and streamed some EverQuest, and MJ scored some time in EverQuest II, a chunk of Vanguard, and Aion. She's been a very busy streamer! Lastly, I took a look at Gemstone IV, a fantastic MUD that almost brought tears to my eyes. Tears of frustration, but many tears of joy. Let's get to watching!

  • MV Guide: April 23 - 29, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of April 14th

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    So you accidentally missed your favorite MassivelyTV livestream featuring your favorite Massively personality or writer? Don't worry; we'll forgive you as long as you promise to bookmark our MassivelyTV guide and check back on this weekly recap. That way you are sure not to miss another stream, and you wouldn't need to come back to us, begging for a link. You could also follow Massively on Twitter, one of the best ways to be alerted to new things. This week we featured a Tboo Thursday, one of our most popular livestreams, which stars resident APB: Reloaded expert Taryn. We also had some more World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria action from Richie, a bit of newbie content in EverQuest II with MJ at the helm, a quick introduction to skybox building in Second Life hosted by me, Mike's return to EVE Online in his shiny new Drake, and Adventure Mike's leap back into Final Fantasy XIV. Pretty exciting stuff if you're into giant rats, explosions, beautiful sunsets, and piles of bullets.

  • Hauppauge announces StreamEez to broadcast live HD video

    Anthony Verrecchio
    Anthony Verrecchio

    Hauppauge, not satisfied with only bringing DVR-like functions to the Broadway this week -- has unleashed a new box called the StreamEez that links your HD video camera to your computer for live broadcasts. HDMI or component video hook it up on the cam side, USB on the computer side. It uses H.264 video compression and is compatible with sites like USTREAM that require the RTMP protocol. The box plus Windows software starts at $299. Everything but the price probably sounds pretty familiar since the incredibly similar Livestream Broadcaster is also just about on the scene, though, it'll run you about $195 more. Take a gander at the PR after the break.

  • Livestream Broadcaster hands-on

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    According to CEO Max Haot the logical next step for Livestream -- now well established as a reliable service for bringing live video feeds to the internet -- is just to get more people distributing live video by any means necessary. To that end, the company is jumping into the hardware business with this palm-sized Livestream Broadcaster unit that just went up for preorders a few days ago. With a subsidized price of $495, it connects to video cameras directly over HDMI then reencodes and uploads the video on the fly to the company's servers (unlimited streaming costs $45 per month, each encoder comes with three months free) via Ethernet, WiFi or a 3G / 4G USB dongle. Even on the wireless-internet challenged LVCC floor it was sending several streams and enabling user control via buttons on the unit itself, or remotely from a PC or iPhone / iPad. These boxes are still on target to ship at the end of May and and showed off everything those without the backing of a tech / media conglomerate (cough), like small businesses or independent bloggers, would need to make their productions available for viewing as they happen.

  • MV Guide: April 16 - 22, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of April 7th

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Oh hey, guys and gals, did you know that it was just Friday the 13th? Yes, it was. Don't worry; you'll have nothing but good luck on this week's recap of livestream goodness. If you missed a stream that you really wanted to see, or if you've never tuned in to check out what we do, head on over to our page and keep an eye out. Be sure to bookmark the livestream guide as well so you can keep up with the current schedule. We have a lot of variety in our line-up, so it's always good to check back! This week we had some great stuff! MJ has been streaming like her life depends on it lately, first jumping into EverQuest II, then spending some time in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. She had to pay some attention Aion, of course, and there, she showed off some player housing and took a trip on an airlink. Mike was back in EVE Online avoiding death-rays and spacemen and later found himself dead in RIFT... again. The Mists of Pandaria have tempted Richie once again, and thankfully our cameras were there to capture it. Meanwhile, I spent some time boating in Second Life and gave a first look at Stronghold Kingdoms. Just look at that lineup, will you? We're proud! Now click past the cut and get to viewing!

  • Livestream Broadcaster pre-orders available now, shipping at the end of May for $495

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    A vivid memory of Cisco's would-be FlipLive streaming camera is all we've got, but thankfully there's existing devices out there like the Livestream Broadcaster to help fill that void. Priced at a whopping $495, Livestream's Broadcaster allows it to be paired with an array of shooters via HDMI and used to stream live high-def vids to any Livestream-equipped device over Ethernet, WiFi, or with a 3G / 4G USB dongle. Aside from being capable of sending out 1080i waves, the Broadcaster can also push 720p and 480i resolutions (in case you don't feel like being a bandwidth hog), while all video and audio encoding is done with H.264 and ACC, respectively. It's also worth noting that the near 500 bucks includes a three-month sub to Livestream's service, which usually costs an extra $45 per month. For now, this bright red streamer's only available to Euros and Americans, with shipping set to commence by May 31st.

  • YouTube gives live video streamers better production tools, ways to make money

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It's been about a year since YouTube took the beta tag off of its live video streams and to celebrate it's flipping the switch on a few new features. One major way to pull in better content is to allow its publishers to profit from it, and now they can either by charging viewers pay-per-view-style or through instream ads. On the backend they have improvements like a guided flow to follow before events go live and real time data breaking down their viewership by geography and format. Finally, Google is also provided Wirecast for YouTube Live free of charge, a bit of software that it says allows partners to do all the production (capture, switching between sources, live effects and overlays and more) necessary for "professional looking" live events. There's more information available after the break, but as long as this means we never have to see another jump cut vlog then we're all for it.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Clean up on aisle four

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Careful where you step; there's a bit of a mess. After much ballyhoo about taking great pains to avoid the dreaded pay-to-win stigma as Aion converts to free-to-play (including screen time in the producers interview), NCsoft went ahead and began offering an eternal-grade weapon in the new BlackCloud Marketplace. Granted, it is for a limited time only, but the fact is that it's been offered at all has sparked a few tizzy-fits within the community. Of all the low-down, double-crossing... I know some players feel lied to and misled. A few profess they've been downright hornswoggled by that single announcement and have turned away from the game. Meanwhile, others are sitting back chortling "What did you expect?" or mouthing a big "I told you so." But was this really an underhanded trick? Did the devs really go back on what they said? You have to wonder why, right in the midst of generating excitement for Aion, the developers would spite the players they are trying to lure in. And maybe they didn't. Was this an innocent bonus or portent of things to come? Before we start stringing someone up in effigy, let's take a look at the details. Might just be all the fuss is much ado about nothing.

  • MV Guide: April 9 - 15, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of March 31st

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    What a week, huh? We had all sorts of great livestreaming for you to enjoy. If you missed some of the cool things we put on live during the week, no worry! Just check back here every week and you'll be able to recap many of the best moments from our week of live video games. Each week is something new, and this week is no different. We've got quite the variety! This week, we have Mike jamming on some EVE Online and then jumping into RIFT for horrible magical adventures. Richie ventured into the Mists of Pandaria beta for World of Warcraft to show off cute, cuddly, and furry butts while wielding a weapon of destruction! I had to check out some of the good and bad points about Second Life's Linden Homes, free structures that come with any premium account; I also jumped into Luvinia Online to participate in a huge PvP event, and let me just give you two words to entice you to watch: giant chickens. Blake took some time to shoot things in Global Agenda, and finally, we had MJ taking on some Bristlebane quests in EverQuest II, following it up by attacking stuff all over Aion! Check us out!

  • Time Warner Cable app for Android tablets with live streaming is (still) right around the corner

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    To be fair, when we heard that Time Warner Cable's TWC TV app for Android tablets might add live TV streaming by the end of March it was described as a "very loose" projection, so it's not much of a surprise we're still waiting for it now, in April. It is still coming however, and a new post is up on the blog teasing the above image of the app in action and promising to make the feature available in the next few weeks, certainly by Memorial day. we should also note, it's for Ice Cream Sandwich loaded tablets only -- they have the required "security and stability" (read: DRM) necessary. Also noted is that developing a live video streaming app for iOS was easier simply because of the limited number of manufacturer, OS and hardware combinations, which mirrors what we heard previously from Netflix. Still, it's on the way, so if you're looking to use your slate as an extra TV screen in the home, you should look next to your manufacturer to make sure it's been updated with ICS.

  • MV Guide: April 1 - 8, 2012

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's on this week's schedule!

  • Previously On MVTV: The week of March 24th

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Ah, spring is in the air. You know what that means! That means that we get to sit inside, away from all of the sunshine and pollen, and watch others play through video games that we just don't have access to or haven't given a chance yet. This week, we worked hard to bring you some more of our digital adventures and got some of our biggest viewership numbers ever! Remember, if you come across a game we haven't covered yet or want to see a certain title covered, take the time to tell us. Give us the website, why we should look at it, and any other information you think we need to know, and you just might see it live on MVTV! First Blake jumped into Global Agenda for his Lunchtime Livecast; then Richie took some time to try out the Mists of Pandaria beta for World of Warcraft. Adventure Mike explored some content in Final Fantasy XIV, while plain old Mike burned some space dust in EVE Online and cast many spells in RIFT. I decided to look at Nadirim because it's been a while and gave the Rise and Shiny treatment to Remanum. Be sure to bookmark our livestream MV Guide, a sort of TV Guide for our livestreams. That way you can blame only yourself when you miss one of our awesome streams!