

  • The Massive EQversary Giveaway

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For nine years, the world of EverQuest has opened the doors for many travelers in search of adventure. One of the earliest games in the MMORPG genre, EverQuest still retains a passionate and loyal fanbase to this day. For those players who are elders of the lands of Norrath, as well as those who are interested in visiting this fair and foreign land once again, we bring you the chance to win goodies in honor of EverQuest's 9th Anniversary celebration!Twenty lucky winners will be picked to receive a 30-day timecard code for EverQuest (ARV $15), because you can't beat free game time! (Note: you must already have an EQ account for these cards to work.) One prize winner will get a copy of EverQuest -- with all expansions including their most recent addition, Secrets of Faydwer (ARV $40)! Just perfect for those who have never played, or those who haven't played in a while as well as those who'd just like an account for alts! And one final prize winner will land a swanky promotional "NeverQuest" poster featuring The Simpsons (ARV $20)! To win, you must be 18+, a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec), and otherwise acceptable under the official rules. Comments must be left by no later than 12:00 PM Eastern U.S. time on 4/01/08 to be eligible. So what are you waiting for? Get to commenting so we can hook you up with some fantastic EQ Anniversary prizes!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: Tabula Rasa winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For those of you who were with us from the very first day, you'll undoubtedly remember the huge, nay Massive giveaway we did for the launch of both Massively, and Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa! After a full 24 hours of giveaways, requiring some tag-team lead work to ensure all day and night coverage, many pots of coffee, and many (no, really -- many) emails later, we wanted to make sure we listed all the people who won something on that very first day. (If we missed anyone in the listing, we sincerely apologize, but there was quite literally a small army of you!) Congrats to all of you!Winners: DJTyrant, Mike, Scott, Moragaine, Burgdorn, Phillip, Efigyuge, Kyle, Aaron, rshum, Jaime T., BooLeiU, Rex, JackFrostt, Rudy, lavagoat, TwistedBishop, Chris, Finalpro, Jerry, Ryan O, Hammerfel, Squatch, Ghen, Sam, Xavier R., Arlendor, Bigfoot, Darrel H., sevendegrees, Pidge, Tom, mrbitter, Phillip, tecnocrat, Hardtarget, juicehandy, Steve, Nuleren, David, fattycop, davee, Chok, Bryce, VerticyX, Alex, Reise, Sam (another Sam), Psyclerk, UnknownGamer, mrbitter, Sil, sevendegrees, Finalpro, Robert H., Demolina, JD, nothingshocking, and finally, our lucky iPod winner, Shawn! We'd like to thank everyone who has helped our first few months here at Massively be as massive as they've been! It's only going to get better from here. We just closed up another round of applications yesterday, we've got some insanely cool things coming this next week, (we bet some of you can guess what's going on!) and we're working on things that you all told us we needed to work on in the last round of "How are we doing" questions. Good things in store as we build Massively up -- more coverage, more interviews, more unique content and most of all -- more fun. Stay tuned!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways winners!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Many of you entered our Massive launch contests -- and many of you won, as well! Many of you have been eager to find out who won, but we've had to hold out on official announcements until we could cross every "i" and dot every "t" (or is it the other way around?). Though our list still isn't 100% complete, we're pleased to announce a large number of our winners below. Congrats, everyone!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: Turbine winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Ah, Turbine. The MMO company that has the titles that make lore-lovers and tabletop players happy. For those of you who were around in the earliest days here at Massively, you'll be glad to know that we've finally gotten all responses back from our Turbine contests, and are pleased to be able to announce the winners in our Turbine giveaways! Each of the following folks won the goodies noted next to their names: A copy of Lord of the Rings Online went out to both TypicalJeff and Red Graz1026 and Gemki both landed copies of Dungeons & Dragons Online Jan and erthwjim got a copy of Asheron's Call each. Lord of the Ming and Robert H. managed to score fantastic Turbine t-shirts TypicalJeff got the love of the random number generator and landed a copy of the LotRO game guide to go along with the copy of the game he got. (See? you should enter every time! You never know what will happen.) Reverseshoe made off like a mad bandit, winning the highly coveted Lifetime LotRO subscription we were giving away! A hearty congrats to all of our winners, and a reminder to everyone to be sure and white-list both and so you don't miss out on prize mails! There's nothing quite as disappointing as realizing too late that you missed a prize mail, and thus missed a killer prize. Don't let it be you!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: Second Life winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For our launch contests, one particular giveaway featured an excellent series of Second Life books. After much mail tag (and some timeouts) we'd like to announce the winners of the different Second Life prizes! The prizes up for grabs were copies of Creating Your World:The Official Guide to Advanced Content Creation for Second Life, Scripting Recipes for Second Life, and Second Life: A Guide to Your Virtual World. Our winners were Gemski, Mercy, Silverwind Tzedec, and the extra-lucky Tealc Dagger who walked away with one copy of each of the books. Congrats to all of you, and we hope you enjoy your new reading material -- and make lots of Lindens with the tricks you pick up!If you've signed up for any of our Holiday Contests, be sure to add both and to your e-mail white-list. (In other words, make sure we're not spam-filtered.) That way you are sure to get any prize mails that may come your way! (After all, nobody likes to lose out on a chance at some free Lindens!)

  • Massive giveaways: The two week anniversary

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Ah, it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating our two-week anniversary by giving away a 24" Samsung SyncMaster 245BW LCD monitor and an EVGI 8800 GeForce 320Mb PCI-E SLI-compatible video card. And while we're aware that everyone in the audience is eagerly awaiting news on the winners of our contests, I'm here to share the news! Commenter Dean is walking away with our fancy new video card and commenter Filipe is taking home that sweet 24" monitor. Both of them get the opportunity to enjoy their favorite games with a much better view. Congrats to both of them!For those of you wondering about our other contests, hang tight. We can't announce a list of winners until we've heard back from everyone for each contest -- so if you've entered a contest that winners haven't yet been announced for, be sure to check your mailbox and spam filters for notices from or

  • Massively's massive giveaways: Ideazon Z-Board winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    More and more winners are replying to those ever-crucial emails, and the results are rolling in! That's right, we have the names of the winners from the two Age of Conan giveaways we did for our launch! For those of you who missed out, these two lucky winners have each landed their very own Ideazon Z-Board gaming keyboards! (Well, we couldn't very well give out copies of the game yet.) So to end the suspense, we'd like to send out massive congrats to Twoworms and Excelsior for being the two lucky winners of the Ideazon Z-Boards! When they bring out the Age of Conan keypads, be sure to let us know how those work, eh? We suspect the extra edge in those fatality moves will be handy to have. Again, if you haven't white-listed emails from and (that means put it in your "not spam" filter) then be sure to do so! We hate to have anyone miss out on a prize because they didn't reply in time.

  • Hellgate: London giveaway winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    To continue on with this round of giveaways, we have the winners for the recent Hellgate: London giveaways! That's right, the three winners in this round have each landed their very own copy of Hellgate: London, courtesy of us here at Massively. (You can't beat free stuff.) So this round, we'd like to congratulate our three randomly-selected winners, NCteacher, Nerp and Zerodown!Again, if you haven't white-listed the domains and, please do so! We have a few last notification mails going out, and we'd hate to have anyone miss out on their prizes due to notifications getting caught in their spam filters accidentally and timing out. Enjoy a romp through the scary streets of London, NCteacher, Nerp and Zerodown!

  • Warhammer Online: G15 giveaway winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    You may recall our recent giveaways here on Massively. They were indeed, befitting of the name of this blog -- massive! We're glad to announce that many of the contests are finally settling down, and we're able to start the next round of telling you just who won the fabulous prizes. (You know, for the people who don't believe we were giving away that much good stuff.) For our day featuring Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, we offered up two Logitech G15 keyboards. After much mailing, fiery-hoop jumping, and so forth, we're happy to announce that our two winners are drunkmime and Fauzty! Just in time for any new games you get as holiday presents, too!In the upcoming days, you'll see more of the announcements as we list off the many winners of our launch contests. If you haven't done so yet, make sure that you white-list emails coming from or as those are the two domains our prize notifications will come from. (It's always a bummer when someone times out on the response email for a cool prize and finds the mail in their spam folders too late to claim it. Don't let that be you!) Again, congrats drunkmime and Fauzty, and enjoy your fantastic new gaming hardware!

  • Massive giveaways: N52 SpeedPad winners

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    It's been an amazing first couple of weeks here at Massively, and we've been thrilled to be able to give away so many treats. Our very last two launch contests are still running all weekend long, and they're worth tuning in for -- you can enter once per day to win a GeForce 8800 PCI-E video card and a 24-inch Samsung LCD monitor. Good times! If you can remember all the way back to our Day 3 old skool giveaways, you'll know we had two Nostromo N52 SpeedPads up for grabs. We're pleased to announce our winners: Winner of Nostromo N52 SpeedPad number 1: Commenter #21, Carrie! Winner of Nostromo N52 SpeedPad number 2: Commenter #47, retroguru (who has a thing for candied yam sandwiches, yum!)! Once again, thanks to everyone who took the time to enter, grats to the winners, and good luck to those entering to win the GeForce 8800 and a 24-inch monitor! For those of you dying to know about the rest of our contests, bear in mind that we have sent out notifications to all of our winners -- so check your mailbox (and spam folders) for messages coming from or, and we'll announce all of our winners as soon as we've heard back from everyone.

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Win a 24" Samsung LCD Monitor! [Updated]

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We want to take this time to thank you for making this an incredibly massive launch. We've hit the ground running and hope we have become your can't-live-without-it daily MMO site since then. As we stated when we first opened, we've put in lots of hard work on designing the site that we wanted to see, dreamed up by our team of passionate gamers and talented designers. Your response has shown us that we've got our feet on the right path. From here, we're looking to refine our content and bring you more of what you're hungry for. For our final launch giveaway, we are offering you the chance to win a fantastic window into all of the myriad worlds we feature here at Massively. One lucky person will gain not only a much wider view in their chosen world, but they will also land some serious bragging rights with a fabulous 24" Samsung SyncMaster 245BW LCD monitor! This sleek monitor features a 16:10 widescreen, and a 5ms response time with a 1000:1 contrast ratio. To win, you must be 18+, a U.S. resident, and otherwise acceptable under the official rules. Comments must be left by no later than 12:00 PM Midnight Eastern U.S. time on 11/19/07 to be eligible. You may enter once per day between now and then as well, so be sure to come back every day this weekend and enter to win both the GeForce 8800 PCI-E video card and this sweet monitor!Let us finish by saying that we're glad you decided to join us here at Massively. As always, if you want to get in contact with us at any time to give us either your cheers or jeers (or hot gaming tips) just drop us a note via our Contact Us form on the top right-hand side of the site under the search box. Good luck![EDIT] - We have decided to extend the contest unti 11:59 PM Eastern tonight (11/19) -- so get your comments in![EDIT, THE SECOND] - This contest is closed. We will be announcing a winner shortly. Thanks!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: Win a GeForce 8800 PCI-E video card! [Updated]

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    So here we are, two weeks in from our official launch of Massively. You've had a chance to peruse our news, views, guides, and more. On the back end, we've been putting our staff through their paces, and we're glad to say that they've come out with flying colors. But today what we want to focus on, dear readers, is you. Each and every person has a different gaming love, homes that span from the Amarr Empire in EVE to the soggy swamps of Zangarmarsh in World of Warcraft. All of these virtual worlds are important to us because they're important to you. As such, we're spending today thanking you for bringing us into your online lives, and letting us share in your worlds.For today's first giveaway, we are offering a monster video card for all your virtual world needs. That's right, one lucky person will walk away with an EVGI 8800 GeForce 320Mb PCI-E SLI-compatible video card. This card features a PCI Express x16 interface, 320 MB of RAM, and dual RAMDACs running at 400 MHz for faster refresh rates even at high resolutions. We haven't heard of a game out currently that this card doesn't scream through. And you could be the lucky winner if you're 18+, a U.S. resident, and otherwise acceptable under the official rules. Comments must be left by no later than 12:00 PM Midnight Eastern U.S. time on 11/19/07 to be eligible. You may enter once per day between now and then as well, so be sure to come back every day!While all you need to do to be entered is to leave a quick comment below, we'd greatly appreciate your thoughts on the games we've been covering. Do you like the level of coverage your favorite game is getting? Are we missing some games that you think are fantastic? If you'd let us know, we'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! [EDIT] - We have decided to extend the contest unti 11:59 PM Eastern tonight (11/19) -- so get your comments in![EDIT, THE SECOND] - This contest is closed. We will be announcing a winner shortly. Thanks!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Pirates of the Burning Sea part 3

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Okay, so maybe you're one of the folks who are just burned out on pirates. Perhaps the idea of ship-to-ship battles gets you going, but you're the type who prefers to stay on the good side of the law. Never fear! There are many other things to do in Pirates of the Burning Sea than just being a pirate! As the PotBS community site points out, the game will feature something many EVE players know all about -- economic gameplay. To quote them: "Economic gameplay has no level restrictions. If you can dream it, you can build it." Curious? Then get on over to Fileplanet and get into the PotBS stress test now!To go along with the idea of making your own goods and amassing much wealth, we're announcing the final prize for today's Pirates of the Burning Sea giveaways. One lucky winner will walk off with the uber-piratey prize -- a wooden treasure chest chock full of PotBS swag, courtesy of the folks at Flying Lab Software! As they told us "We'll give the winner a wooden treasure-chest with two PotBS t-shirts; one that says "Support Piracy" and another that says "Getting Booty since 1720" as well as the official PotBS map!" As always per the official rules, you must be 18+, a U.S. resident, and not afraid to make your own fortunes. So if you want to be entered, leave a comment below before tomorrow (11/16) at 8:30 PM Eastern, and you too could walk away with this treasure chest full of sweet PotBS booty!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Pirates of the Burning Sea part 2

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    If you haven't gotten to downloading the Pirates of the Burning Sea beta for the stress test this weekend, what are you waiting on? Jump in, choose your look, choose who you'll ally with, and start your career. Just from what we've seen on the official PotBS site, we're chomping at the bit. Ship to ship battles in an MMO? How can you not dig that idea?For this, our second Pirates of the Burning Sea giveaway, we're offering up even more pirate booty to all you scallywags! For this giveaway we're picking six lucky folks to get one of the following prizes: A "Surrender the Booty" t-shirt, a t-shirt that reads "Pillaging, Drinking, Flogging, Wenching. Just Another Day On the Job...", another copy of The Government Manual for New Pirates, a pirate-themed deck of cards perfect for swindling yer friends, or a great big pirate coffee mug. That be some fine booty, matey! You just have to be 18+, a resident of the U.S., and eligible under the official rules -- oh, and ye must leave your answer before 6:30 PM tomorrow (11/16) to be entered to win.Now, ye landlubbers -- tell us your opinion on the following... Who would win in a fight; Johnny Depp as Capn' Jack Sparrow, or Graham Chapman (of Monty Python) as Yellowbeard? Or do you think a third pirate altogether could take both of 'em out? Let us know!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Pirates of the Burning Sea

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Yarr mateys! If ye be wonderin' whar be the posts today for tha' giveaways, we be here to tell ya high-fallutin' landlubbers that we be bringin' 'em to yah! (Wow. It's hard to type like that.) That's right -- today we're celebrating the opening of the stress-test for Pirates of the Burning Sea with our own little cache of pirate booty. For those of you not in the know, PotBS (one of our personal picks for eagerly anticipated titles) has opened up the beta to a whole mess 'a folks for stress-testing purposes. All you have to do to get involved with that is to head over to Fileplanet and sign up. You know you want to play this game before everyone else! Of course, if you're out for some pirate booty while your stress-test copy is downloading, then you'll want to drop in a comment below! For this giveaway we're offering a "Got Rum?" t-shirt, a copy of The Government Manual for New Pirates, a deck of official Piratin' cards (perfect for those on-board poker games), and a Pirate coffee mug able to hold 17 ounces of yer best grog! As always per the official rules, you must be 18+, a U.S. resident, and not a scurvy dog. So if you want to be entered, leave a comment below with your vote on the eternal struggle -- Ninjas* or Pirates -- by 4:30 PM tomorrow. (11/16)*Note: Voting ninja will not disqualify you, but we may look at you funny.

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Lineage 2 redux

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Lineage II, as mentioned before, has much to recommend it if you're fond of PvP MMO content. One of the things that we thought was pretty cool about Lineage II is the updated version of castle sieges -- and the maneuvering involved in keeping a castle -- brought in from the original Lineage game. Here's a bit more on that from the L2 site: Numerous privileges are given to the clans who occupy the castle. They impose a tax on the shops around the castle, expand the facilities within the castle, manufacture various items, and offer the Castle Lord a Wyvern to conquer the sky. There are various systems in which the castle-owning clans operate and maintain many public facilities used by other players to make a profit. In this structure, the players and the clan who occupy the castle get win-win results through systems like the manor system. Even the clan that is strongest in force cannot maintain political power without support from other players.For our second and final Lineage II giveaway of the day, we're offering up a copy of Lineage II, as well as 2 60 day L2 time cards. This gives both new players and experienced players alike the chance to get involved in some good old-fashioned castle warfare in the lands of L2. All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment between now and 8:15 PM Eastern tomorrow (11/15) and be 18+, a U.S. resident, and eligible under the other official rules. For the chance to get some serious PvP on -- or possibly ride a wyvern -- we think a comment is a good trade!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways - Lineage 2

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We know many Western gamers aren't too familiar with today's featured giveaway title, but considering how many of us are anime and PvP fans, this has to be an oversight. For today, we're featuring NCsoft's game Lineage II. For those of you not familiar, Lineage II is a gorgeous, heavily PvP-centered game. You start off in L2 as either a fighter or caster, and as you level, you gain skills and specializations that allow you to tailor your character to the concept you have for it. Heck, even the orcs and dwarves look gorgeous in this game!For this giveaway, we've got a bundle of Lineage II swag to hand out -- everything from hats to posters to t-shirts. One lucky winner will get the Lineage II: Chaotic Throne T-Rex plushie (with L2 dog tags) to keep all the other stuff on your desk company. (Or hey, give it to that cute gamer girl you know!) All you have to do to be entered to win is leave a comment between now and tomorrow (11/15) at 4:00 PM Eastern. Well, that and you must be 18+, a resident of the U.S., and clear under the official rules. You never know -- you could be one of the people who walks away with one of these great prizes!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: EVE Online part 4

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We've been asked about guild structuring in EVE, so we thought we'd take this chance to touch upon one that aspect of the game for those who haven't ever gotten a chance to play. Corps (or Corporations) are the EVE Online equivalent of guilds that you would find in many fantasy-based games. When you start out, you are automatically placed into an NPC controlled Corporation along with everyone else in your race, and that is just fine for a while. Eventually, though, you'll want some friends to play with, and you'll need to start looking around on the forums or in-game for a Corp. Now, there are lots of Corps, but finding the right one for you will depend on how you like to play. As such, we can only really recommend one Corp for everyone new to EVE -- EVE University. It's a player-run Corporation staffed with old-timers and newcomers alike, all dedicated to teaching new EVE players the ropes. They'll hook you up with great information and help, so long as you're willing to put some time and effort in to making yourself a better player. That said, this time we're giving away the last of our EVE Online 100-day time cards. Those of you used to the game will enjoy 100 paid-in-full days of running around with your Corp, with our compliments. For those new to the game, we suggest you get a hold of EVE University for lots of help and great, solid information on getting used to life in EVE. By now you should know the drill; 18+, U.S. residents only, blah blah official rules and so on. So new player or veteran alike -- leave a comment by tomorrow at 4:15 PM, and you could be the one lucky person who wins this time card![EDIT] - This contest is closed. We will be announcing a winner shortly. Thanks!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: EVE Online part 3

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    I admit it. I don't tend to go into low-sec because the last time I wandered there, I was instantly destroyed. Luckily, I'd insured my ship, but I haven't made the same mistake again. Once I get a better ship, though -- it's on! Now some of you have no idea what I just said, so let me explain. If you like PvP, EVE Online is definitely a game you should check out if you're not playing it already. You will never know when or where you're going to get attacked, if your ship will make it through, if you'll have to warp out, or for that matter -- if you're heading into an ambush any time you move around. Some Corps have even gone so far as to declare all alliances broken, and proclaim that anyone who crosses into their space will immediately be killed. Dangerous? Sure. Fun? Absolutely! In the spirit of helping more people enjoy getting their PvP on, we're offering up a third 100-day time card for EVE Online. For those of you who absolutely love PvP, nothing could be better! (Well, okay, a big ship would be better, but we don't have that kind of ISK floating around or we would have bigger ships.) All you have to do to have a chance to win the time card is to leave your comment between now and tomorrow at 2:15 PM Eastern (11/14), be 18+, a U.S. resident, and otherwise agree to the official rules. Of course, if you'd skip off podding us in our wee little ships when we fly through your space, we'd appreciate that too.

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: EVE Online part 2

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For the second part of today's EVE Online themed giveaways, we wanted to cover another of the many things that you can do in EVE. As such, let me talk a bit about mining. This is something that everyone from lowest levels to highest levels can be involved in -- and for a new player to EVE, it's one of the easiest ways to make enough ISK to get you out of the starter ship. We've actually written up a guide to jetcanning for the new player to the EVE universe, and we're sure that our elder players can tell you about having to fight to defend themselves while mining harder to get minerals in low-sec space.To help you get some mining time in, we're offering another EVE Online 100-day time card. While yes, you must be 18+, a U.S. resident, and everything else covered by the official rules, you certainly can't beat free game time. Just leave a comment here before 12:15 PM tomorrow (11/14) and you're automatically entered!