behaviour interactive


  • Dead by Daylight spinoff The Casting of Frank Stone arrives on September 3

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Behaviour Interactive has revealed that Dead by Daylight spinoff The Casting of Frank Stone will arrive on September 3. Meanwhile, the main game's long-awaited 2 vs. 8 mode goes live this month.

  • Behaviour Interactive

    Dead by Daylight maker Behaviour announces its second round of layoffs this year

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Layoffs are hitting the game industry once again, with Dead by Daylight maker Behaviour Interactive letting go as many as 95 workers.

  • Promotional art for the video game “Dead by Daylight.” It shows the back of a scary horror hiller wearing a mask.

    Dead by Daylight studio Behaviour confirms layoffs due to 'changing market conditions'

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Dead by Daylight developer Behaviour has confirmed layoffs. The studio reportedly let go around 45 staff members and it said the layoffs "represented less than three percent of our total workforce."

  • Alan Wake shines a flashlight through darkness in Dead by Daylight.

    Alan Wake is coming to Dead by Daylight on January 30

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Alan Wake is the latest notable horror character to join the ranks of the survivors in Dead by Daylight.

  • The game's logo appears in front of a dark room with a large alien and a woman standing next to each other.

    'Alien' is coming to 'Dead by Daylight'

    Sarah Fielding
    Sarah Fielding

    It introduces the Xenomorph as a Killer and Ellen Ripley as a Survivor.

  • The Xenomorph from Alien.

    Looks like the Xenomorph from Alien will be Dead by Daylight's next killer

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Behaviour Interactive is bringing yet another classic horror franchise to 'Dead by Daylight.' Not long after the publisher added Nicolas Cage to the game as a playable character, the publisher revealed in a teaser video that a crossover with the Alien series is coming very soon.

  • Key art for Dead by Daylight's End Transmission chapter, featuring a creature that's "a monstrous amalgamation of restructured organic matter and machine parts" and the face of a human character.

    'Until Dawn' developer Supermassive is making a ‘Dead by Daylight’ spin-off

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Behaviour Interactive has revealed what’s next for Dead by Daylight, including a spin-off game from The Quarry developer Supermassive. A showcase also included a look at the next Dead by Daylight chapter and a couple more details on Nicolas Cage becoming one of the survivors.

  • Shadowy closeup of Nicolas Cage from the shoulders up in ‘Dead by Daylight.’ He is staring at the camera with an intense and perhaps unsettling glare. Darkness and hints of smoke hover in the background.

    Nicolas Cage is coming to ‘Dead by Daylight’

    Will Shanklin
    Will Shanklin

    Nicolas Cage is coming to Dead by Daylight. The actor will bring his delightful eccentricity and Billy Mays-style beard to the multiplayer survival game, developer Behavior Interactive announced on Twitter. “There is nothing more powerful than imagination,” Cage says in the appropriately campy teaser. “It can shape the fabric of reality, transforming everything you may think you know.”

  • A screenshot of The Spirit in Dead by Daylight: Hooked on You. She's on a beach at night. Text reads: "It was a dark summer night. Warm rain seeped from the sky like blood from an old wound."

    Dead by Daylight's 'Hooked on You' dating sim spin-off is out now

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Behaviour Interactive revealed more details about DBD's next Resident Evil chapter, as well as some new games.

  • Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim

    A Dead by Daylight dating sim will arrive this summer

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    An 'Attack on Titan' crossover and another Resident Evil chapter are on the way to the main game too.

  • Dead by Daylight Resident Evil chapter

    Resident Evil's Jill, Leon and Nemesis are coming to 'Dead by Daylight'

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Nemesis can send out AI-controlled zombies to attack the survivors.

  • The Trickster in Dead by Daylight

    Dead by Daylight's latest killer is a K-pop star

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Behaviour Interactive teamed up with a BTS producer to develop the All-Kill chapter.

  • Behaviour Interactive

    'Dead by Daylight' enables cross-play between PC and console

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    In an FAQ page detailing cross-play, Behaviour explained that the game needs to be same version across platforms for those who want to play together.

  • Netflix/Behaviour Interactive

    Stranger Things' Demogorgon will be a playable killer in 'Dead by Daylight'

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Dead by Daylight has added a string of major horror franchises to its lineup over the last few years, including Left 4 Dead, Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw and Evil Dead. You can add another big series to that list, as you'll soon be able to play as several Stranger Things characters.

  • Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade discounts its founder packs

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Just in time for the holidays, Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is discounting its founder upgrade packs. "We have big plans coming in 2015," says Behaviour Online, "and want to allow our fans the chance to get some extra upgrades now." Starting December 17th, the game will offer a 25% discount on pack upgrades, which makes the cheapest packs $30 and the elite Dawn of the Imperium pack $97.50. Founder packs count as preorders, even at the lowest tiers. While the game will be F2P upon launch, free players are restricted to the Ork Boyz faction. We've included the latest video, a teaser for the studio's Friday Twitch event, below. Behaviour will be hosting a Razer product giveaway and showing off a brand-new war zone.

  • Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade announces $15 pioneer founder packs

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade has just announced a new founder pack option, the pioneer pack. Pre-order founder packs running from $40 to $450 went live last June, but the newly announced pioneer packs cost only $15. They're aimed squarely at gamers "who want to contribute to the founder's program [...] without as much of an investment," says Behaviour Online's Miguel Caron. The game's planned hybrid model will restrict free-to-play gamers to the Ork Boyz faction. Pioneer packs "extend the Ork experience" with perks including an Ork-only character slot, 15,000 RTP, badges, gear, and the opportunity to pay for access to the game module planned for early 2015.

  • Eternal Crusade shows off space marine model updates

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Are you a Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade fan? Would you like to see some updated models for the Space Marine and Chaos Space Marine? You're in luck, because Behaviour has released a two-minute pre-alpha video showing just that, along with some earlier footage for a point of reference. Click past the cut to have a look.

  • Loot drops? Eternal Crusade says no.

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you haven't figured it out yet, Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade will not be like most MMOs or online co-op games, especially in the looting department. In an interview with, Behaviour Interactive announced that the game will have not dropped loot but rewards from NPC bossses. "You'll be given rewards from your high command," Behaviour said. "Attack the enemy positions, defend your bases or free them from the Tyranids... this is what you are asked to do and this is what you will be rewarded for. Once you get enough reward tokens you can exchange them from some special ammunitions or equipment. There is no direct drop system in the game." The interview shed light on many of the game's features, such as its single resource (requisition points), the possibility of purchasing elite units, and the challenge of balancing melee and ranged classes. [Thanks to Halldorr for the tip!]

  • PAX Prime 2014: Hands-on with Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    After getting the pitch from Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade at PAX Prime, I was given the opportunity to sit down and experience a PvP bout first-hand. I'll share a little pet peeve of mine before we get into the meat of the hands-on, which is that I really don't like it when developers stand over your shoulders at demos barking instructions to you. I wasn't given much of an opportunity to do what I wanted to; instead, I was constantly responding to the dev's commands! In any case, for a pre-pre-alpha build, I'm somewhat impressed that Eternal Crusade was able to cobble together a very playable deathmatch with several classes and two vehicle types (Rhino and Predator). My first class was something of a lumbering tank, well-armed but a clunky jumper. I opted instead to get a jetpack as an assault trooper, willingly trading firepower for the awesome ability to do huge leaps and be able to clutch on to the side of a building and jump once more.

  • PAX Prime 2014: Warhammer 40k trains players to think like soldiers

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is most emphatically not about two things: PvE and lone rangers. While there will be a smidgeon of PvE content in the released game, the focus of the developers is about coordinated group PvP. In fact, coordination is an essential part to Eternal Crusade's experience, as the devs cited the chaos of PlanetSide 2 as something that they wish to avoid. Instead, using technologies such as Eternal Crusade's single server, low latency, and the built in Razercom voice chat, tools are in place to allow players to find friends and squadmates and talk with them. Going off on one's own is a recipe for a quick death, while sticking with a squad to accomplish objectives and summon in reinforcements will be the path to progress. Different terrain and structures will also require different military thinking, shifting from guerilla warfare to scorched earth madness. At PAX Prime, the devs were showing a very early alpha build to allow eight players to engage in small-scale PvP. The team stressed that the skirmish was definitely about skill instead of stats, although careful planning and strategy were just as important as quick reflexes. The ultimate goal is to help your faction take over as much territory as possible, transforming captured cities into faction-themed landscapes in the progress.