fallout 76


  • Fallout 76’s next free expansion drops on June 12

    Fallout 76 has seen a surge in popularity in the wake of the Prime Video TV series. Fans won't have to wait long for the next expansion of the game, as it's dropping this week.

    Kris Holt
  • An ad showing Fallout 76 and Chivalry 2.

    Amazon’s Prime Gaming titles for April include Fallout 76 and Chivalry 2

    Amazon is offering another decent batch of games to Prime members at no extra cost for the month of April. Leading the bunch is Fallout 76, a multiplayer take on the post-apocalyptic franchise.

    Lawrence Bonk
  • Bethesda.net PC games launcher

    Bethesda will shut down its PC launcher in May

    You'll be able to transfer your purchases and wallet balance to Steam.

    Kris Holt
  • video game

    'The Last of Us Part II' hits PlayStation Now on October 5th

    Other additions this month include 'Fallout 76' and 'Final Fantasy VIII Remastered.'

    Kris Holt
  • Fallout 76

    Fallout 76's battle royale mode is getting nuked in September

    Bethesda is killing Nuclear Winter two years after announcing it.

    Kris Holt
  • 'Fallout 76' Steel Dawn

    'Fallout 76' Steel Dawn update arrives a week early

    Fallout 76 has had a weird run of issues going back to the bug during its beta that deleted the game and forced players to reinstall all 76GB. Now the game's Steel Dawn update that was scheduled for release on December 1st is available now on all platforms, after the update accidentally went out to Xbox players. The surprise Xbox rollout was an issue because it locked all of those players out of the game, so Bethesda quickly took down its servers, updated them for the new version and pushed it out on all platforms.

    Richard Lawler
  • Fallout 76

    ‘Fallout 76’ will be free on Steam if you already bought it for PC

    Bethesda is giving away free copies of Fallout 76 to gamers who already bought the game on Bethesda.net.

    Marc DeAngelis
  • Bethesda Game Studios

    ‘Fallout 76’ adds human NPCs on April 7th

    Fallout 76's long-awaited Wastelanders update will launch on April 7th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, finally adding with it non-playable human characters to the game. The free DLC was initially supposed to come out last year, but Bethesda delayed it in October. On the same day, Fallout 76 will also become available on Steam.

    Igor Bonifacic
  • 'Fallout 76' hackers wiped out players' inventories

    If you play Fallout 76 you might want to avoid public servers for a while. According to multiple posts on the game's Reddit forums -- and confirmed by publisher Bethesda -- hackers have attacked public servers and wiped out the inventories of more than a few players. A post from one of the Overseers warns that "Your weapons and armor, and any other inventory items are not safe." It also appears that Bethesda is unable to restore lost items, so if they're gone, they're gone for good.

    Rachel England
  • Bethesda

    Bethesda hopes you'll pay $100 a year for private 'Fallout 76' worlds

    Bethesda is betting that Fallout 76 fans are willing to pay extra for creature comforts -- so much so that they'll pay more than they did for the base game. The developer has launched a Fallout 1st subscription that offers a few exclusive conveniences and other perks for $100 per year, or $13 per month. Most notably, 1st members can create private worlds for them and up to seven other people. You don't have to worry that a troublemaker will come in and ruin your experience, in other words. Friends can join these worlds without a subscription, so you don't have to persuade your pals to sign up just to get some relative peace and quiet.

    Jon Fingas
  • Bethesda

    'Fallout 76' will get a public test server in 2020

    Fallout 76's software quality has been... not-so-stellar. Soon, though, you might have a way to help address issues before they create another fiasco. Bethesda now plans to introduce a Public Test Server sometime in 2020. It won't share more about how the PTS will work until the company has "figured out" the quirks, but it's safe to say that at least some everyday users will put these early releases through their paces days or weeks before they're broadly available.

    Jon Fingas
  • CPSC

    Even the 'Fallout 76' collectibles have issues

    It feels like the bad news smog around Fallout 76 will never fully dissipate. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall for wearable helmets because of a mold risk. The recall only impacts the red, Nuka Cola-themed T-51b Power Armor Collectible Helmet sold exclusively at GameStop, not the ones from Bethesda's own Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition.

    Kris Holt
  • Christian Petersen via Getty Images

    Watch Bethesda’s E3 2019 highlights in 15 minutes

    Bethesda kicked off its E3 event yesterday, and if your head is still spinning from all of the gaming updates announced this weekend, here's your chance to catch up on Bethesda's biggest news. The company debuted Orion, a software collection meant to optimize game engines for streaming on platforms like Google's Stadia or Microsoft's xCloud. The goal is to improve the game-streaming experience for folks with slower internet speeds or those who live far from data centers. Bethesda gave us a glimpse of Doom Eternal, Fallout 76 and the new Wolfenstein: Youngblood. There's also the new supernatural action adventure Ghostwire Tokyo and a new dragon quest line in Elder Scrolls: Blades. Today we learned that Doom will stream on iOS later this year. In case you missed Bethesda's E3 presentation or need a second viewing to catch all the details, we've compiled this supercut to bring you up to speed.

  • Bethesda

    'Fallout 76' is about to be a lot more like 'Fallout'

    Back in February, Bethesda detailed its plan to revitalize Fallout 76 in 2019. After all, it's no secret that the developer's shared-world action RPG is in desperate need of improvement, having been plagued by a number of serious issues since it launched in November of 2018. And today, at its pre-E3 2019 event, Bethesda revealed the next major update for Fallout 76: Wastelanders, which it says will "fundamentally change the game." The biggest difference is the addition of non-player human characters, a feature that's going to make Fallout 76 feel a lot more like Fallout, thanks to a new main quest as well as choice and consequence scenes. You'll also get new weapons and gear, naturally.

    Edgar Alvarez
  • Bethesda

    'Fallout 76' update adds contentious 'pay-to-win' item

    Bethesda started the microtransactions controversy on consoles with horse armor, and since 2006 it has extended to every annual sports game, Battlefield V, and anything you can squeeze a loot box system into. In just the latest controversy for Fallout 76, the company has made a decision to add an item to the game that players feel comes far to close to being "pay to win." Once Patch 8 rolls out later today, players will be able to use "repair kits" to patch up their damaged or worn out weapons and armor instead of relying on other resources that take time and effort to gather. While Improved Repair Kits that give your items even more power will only be available in rare drops, the basic repair kits that instantly restore an item to 100 percent health have to be bought using the game's currency, Atoms. You can get that through gameplay, but you can also buy it with real money. As Kotaku points out, players who drop cash can not only avoid the grind of collecting materials or Atoms, they could also potentially have the edge in PvP fights by instantly fixing key weapons or armor in their Pip-Boy and continuing on almost indefinitely.

    Richard Lawler
  • id Software/Bethesda

    'Doom Eternal' and other Bethesda games are coming to Steam

    The rise of proprietary game launchers appears to be getting worse, but there's at least one company headed in the opposite direction. Bethesda has announced that its upcoming games will be available through Steam, including Doom Eternal, Rage 2, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. On top of that, it's bringing Fallout 76 to Steam at some point later in 2019. While that won't help the shared-world RPG fare any better, it will at least ensure that you can start complaining about the game that much sooner.

    Jon Fingas