

  • Kia plans to enter US EV market with battery-powered Soul in 2014

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    The electric vehicle space is one that Kia isn't new to exploring. Here in the US, however, the South Korean auto manufacturer has yet to get its foot in the door. But if all goes according to plan, Kia will soon debut its first EV for the US market in the form of an all-electric model of its Soul line that's scheduled to launch in 2014. As of now, there are no details about what kind of speeds and mile range we can expect out of this urban passenger ride, but Kia's quick to point out we'll be finding out all about that here in the weeks to come. In the meantime, you can take a gander at some leaked images of the purported Soul EV at the Autoblog link below.

  • Google and Kia partnership will bring Google Maps and Places to new cars this year

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Korean car-maker Kia is set to give its UVO eServices telematics a huge shot in the arm, teaming up with Google to offer its next-generation navigation system. The new setup will debut in this year's Sorento CUV, which is scheduled to arrive in Q1. Kia's updated (once Microsoft-assisted) UVO system will allow users to send directions and locales from their smartphone (or the web) to your new ride. Baked-in Google Places will also inform you of your nearest dealership (even when you're already in that new Kia) while existing music management, hands-free features and improved voice recognition will all be wrapped into the same interface. Kia explains it all in the full press release after the break.

  • Former EVE CSM member Vile Rat killed in attack on Libyan consulate [Updated]

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    All too often, we read news of conflict in other countries with an impersonal detachment, as if it's so far away that it will never touch our lives in any significant way. Mainstream media twists each event into a political message with the same detachment, forgetting the reality of the lives that are destroyed every day. This morning that fact was brought home as we read news of a US official killed in an attack on the Libyan consulate in Benghazi. Just a few hours ago, EVE Online alliance GoonSwarm released a statement that the US official killed was apparently GoonSwarm director and former Council of Stellar Management member Sean "Vile Rat" Smith. Players, CCP developers, and GMs have begun leaving their condolences on the official EVE forums. According to those who knew him, Vile Rat was a well-loved player and a respected leader whose actions indirectly touched the lives of every EVE player. Massively extends its own condolences to his family and friends. [Update: In the time since this story was published overnight, the BBC has updated its coverage, noting that a total of four Americans were killed in the attack, the US Ambassador to Libya and Sean Smith among them.]

  • Kia UVO2 is your Korean big brother, we go hands-on

    Damon Lavrinc
    Damon Lavrinc

    Kia's first entry into the infotainment realm had a slightly rocky start, but the Korean automaker is back at CES this year with UVO2, its second-generation in-dash telematics and connectivity platform. The big features in UVO2 include automatic crash notification, incorporated road-side assistance, service reminders and a brace of new vehicle tracking and geo-fencing features to make sure your teens don't stray too far, go too fast or stay out too late. Partner all that with an updated iPhone app that keeps track of maintenance and includes a vehicle finder that uses AR to find your ride, and it's a comprehensive update. But for now, Kia isn't saying exactly when UVO2 is hitting the market and how much the system will cost when it arrives. Get a taste of the new system in the hands-on after the break.

  • Kia's Ray EV hasn't heard about aerodynamics, sets out to defy naysayers in Korea

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    That boxy thing up there? That's Kia's Ray EV, and apparently Korea's first mass produced electric vehicle. Looks-wise it's probably not the Hyundai i10 re-badge you were expecting, but that doesn't mean you should count the rectangular Soul-inspired city dweller out. With a range of 86 miles from its 16.4 kWh lithium-ion pack, it'll take six hours to charge over 220 volts or alternatively 25 minutes with an undisclosed fast-charger. Kia also says its electric motor has a "best in segment" efficiency rating, which at 93 percent sounds plausible. What isn't however, is the claim it's also "brisk," which is at odds with the lethargic 15.9 seconds it'll take to go from 0-62MPH. Undeterred by its languid persona and unconventional looks? Better start packing those bags, as the first 2,500 are going to the South Korean government. More shots await at the source.

  • Kia to roll out re-badged Hyundai electric minicar in late 2011

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    There's still no indication that it'll hit the North American market, but it looks like Kia will soon have an all-electric "minicar" to call its own. That will come in the form of a re-badged Hyundai i10 (pictured above), which is expected to pack a 16-kWh lithium-ion battery and a range somewhere south of a hundred miles. No word on pricing just yet either, but the car is set to roll out in late 2011, with production tapped at a modest 2,000 units for 2012.

  • Cisco's axing of Flip had an additional casualty: the unannounced FlipLive streaming camera

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    So Flip Video's last offering wasn't terribly amazing, but we had faith that the USB pocket camcorder would get back to its simplistic roots -- you know, until Cisco axed the whole division, along with 550 souls. Well, the truth is that the company was indeed working on something rather cool, and though we'd only heard whispers until now, the New York Times' David Pogue says the day after Cisco brought down the guillotine is when the FlipLive was due to hit shelves. It would have been a livestreaming camera, connected with WiFi to the cloud, allowing users to share johnny-on-the-spot videos with the entire world in real time. Instead, the camera and its little red button are off to that great big server in the sky.

  • Kia Naimo concept EV debuts: 93mph, 124-mile range, and suicide doors

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Kia's really been cranking out the cute little concepts lately, and they unveiled another one today at the Seoul Motor Show. Dubbed the Naimo, this four suicide-door EV is trimmed to the nines with tech, including an "air wiper" -- a powerful air jet at the base of the windshield -- instead of regular squeegees, mini cameras in the A-pillar instead of sideview mirrors, and a transparent OLED instrument panel. Get up and go is provided by an 80kW motor and a 27 kWh Lithium ion polymer battery pack, a combo that hustles you up to 93mph and gets you 124 miles on a charge thanks to some fancy low-drag alloy dubs -- though we're pretty sure it can't do both at the same time. We like the looks of this slick little four-seater, but time will tell if the Naimo ever actually hits the streets. Check the gallery below, and press release after the break. %Gallery-120187%

  • Kia Pop recharges in 6 hours with 87mph top speed and 100-mile range

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    After an August tease the all-electric Kia Pop concept car is now getting a proper reveal at the Paris Motor Show. Pop is a three-meter long three seater featuring a number of futuristic touches like rear-view cameras in each door, a full length glass roof, and an otherwise transparent OLED panel that displays all your instrument readouts only when the car is running. A second touch panel to the right of the steering wheel controls the vehicle's other functions including audio, sat-nav, and climate. Under the hood you'll find a 60-ps, 190-Nm motor powered by lithium polymer gel batteries capable of charging in just six hours. Combined we're looking at an 87mph (140kph) top speed and 100-mile (160-km) max range. Of course, knowing the auto industry, by the time it hits the assembly lines it'll likely resemble an unimaginative shoebox using whatever off-the-shelf parts Kia can find. But a boy can dream can't he?%Gallery-103731%

  • Kia's 'Pop' electric car concept makes our inner urbanite swoon

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Kia has largely steered clear of the electric car battlegrounds, focusing instead on smaller, lower-cost options that get good enough gas mileage as-is. It ain't a bad tactic, but considering that even Rolls Royce is purportedly mulling an EV, the automaker was bound to cave to the peer pressure soon or later. During the upcoming Paris Motor Show, Kia is expected to formally introduce the oddity you see above, which is (for now) only known as the "Pop concept." The battery-powered whip will emit no emissions whatsoever, measures in at just three meters long and somehow finds enough room for three humans within. Details beyond that are scant (read: nonexistent), but you can head on over to Autoblog Green if you need a few more images to chew on.

  • Hyundai-Kia looking to beat Toyota in the automotive fuel cell price wars

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    When Toyota made clear its aim to release a hydrogen-powered fuel cell auto to the public in 2015 for $50,000, we asked the simple question of whether you'd buy that car for that much. The overwhelming answer was "heck no!" Hyundai-Kia is glad to hear it, and is taking this time to trump up its cheaper fuel cell technology. General Manager Byung Ki Ahn explains that his company's tech does not require an onboard compressor and contains less platinum in the catalysts than Toyota's, in theory meaning reduced cost and complexity. But, will that come at the expense of efficiency? Just what will Hyundai's alternative cost? And, most importantly, will its first fuel cell car look as good as good as the Genesis coupe, or will it just be the boring Borrego prototype above? These questions could be answered as soon as 2012, when the company hopes to get the first early models into the willing driveways of consumers.

  • Kia and Microsoft Uvo system hands-on and video

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Tucked in between the Nexus One and a display of storage cards at an event last night was something a little unusual - an SUV. Not a jacked-up, tricked-out, neon-dragging customized one that we typically see around these parts but a bone-stock, 2011 Kia Sorento. Well, stock except for one option: Uvo. The recently-announced partnership with Microsoft has been realized in the plastic and we got a chance to check it out. While on its own it is impressive -- but just hours after sitting down with Ford to check out the latest Sync and MyFord technology it's a little less soo. Ignoring the competition for now, Kia's offering does look good. It's functionally comparable to early Sync, enabling easy access to media on 1GB of internal storage, on a USB-connected drive, or even on a CD. You can rip from CD straight to internal memory or to a thumb drive, an interesting feature we're not sure is particularly useful. The touchscreen display is a nice improvement over the two-line Sync readout, but mind if you get this you'll have to opt out of in-dash GPS. Good thing you splurged and got that Droid, right? Check out some screens in the gallery below, and there's a quick video demo after the break. %Gallery-81884%

  • Microsoft and Kia formalize partnership, Uvo is born

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    It's been known for some time that Microsoft's automotive passions couldn't be sated exclusively by Ford, at least not for long. Sync has been giving the blue oval some serious tech cred for years now, and while we're still eagerly awaiting the SHO to get its own app store, we've also been wondering what other, fresher companies will do with the tech given the chance. We'll be finding out next week, with Microsoft and Kia launching Uvo (short for "your voice"), the fruits of a partnership that we've known about since 2008. It's another implementation of Microsoft's Windows Embedded Technologies, the guts behind Sync, and so while we expect that'll mean the two systems will be inherently very similar, we're also expecting a fresh new skin and some funky new functionality. How funky? Sadly neither of the two are willing to say just yet, but you'll have all the details as soon as we do -- about this time next week.

  • Has EVE's most powerful alliance fallen?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Band of Brothers (renamed KenZoku) was once the most powerful alliance in EVE Online with a stated goal, even here at Massively, to control all of the game's New Eden galaxy. Now, KenZoku has reportedly left the contested, lawless frontier of 0.0 space after months of resisting the combined forces of rival alliances. One of EVE's in-game journalists, Interstellar Correspondent ISD Clarity Brown, reports from the site of KenZoku's last holdout: "GoonSwarm and their allies deployed a camp on KenZoku's sole remaining outpost last night. A joint force of pilots from Pandemic Legion, GoonSwarm, Morsus Mihi, Razor Alliance and KIA deployed 27 titans around the station in a show of force and gave a demonstration of the sheer power embodied in such a gang." Titans are the game's most expensive weapons of mass destruction, massive ships capable of unleashing 'Doomsday' area-of-effect attacks that melt fleets caught in the blast. To unleash 27 Doomsday blasts at once is... quite a sight, as the video footage demonstrates.

  • Pirate underdogs victorious in first round of EVE Alliance PvP Tournament

    James Egan
    James Egan

    You killed KIA. You bastards! The EVE Online Alliance PvP Tournament returned this past weekend, guns blazing. The first qualifying round is now finished, huge bets in ISK were won and lost, and the competitors are preparing themselves for next weekend's face-offs. There were some good fights, and some surprises as well. When the relatively new pirate alliance "The Bastards" went toe to toe against KIA Alliance -- a formidable mercenary alliance in EVE Online comprised of seasoned combat pilots, many players assumed KIA would win. Those assumptions were wrong -- The Bastards scored a decisive victory against their opponents, no doubt to the chagrin of many players who bet against the pirates. One combatant from The Bastards, a career pirate (in EVE) named "Flashfresh", wrote about the experience of preparing to face some heavy competition from KIA Alliance and how their time spent in training paid off. Flashfresh wrote: "This afternoon, the team was announced, moved to a staging area and the Ventrilo server became a cacophony of mad noise. The rest (including me) cheered ourselves hoarse. There was no worry or fear amongst the Bastards team; no talk about the opposition only on how we were going to do. The entire corp had volunteered time and resources to train and train and train. We were ready."

  • Microsoft's Sync tech to come to Hyundai and Kia, Ford asks "but what about us?"

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    Once thought to be the exclusive domain of Ford, Sync-like technology looks to be coming to Hyundai and Kia cars by 2010. While Microsoft and Hyundai aren't calling the technology Sync officially, the new "music and information system" will be a voice-controlled interface that links mobile devices to car stereos, complete with remote firmware updates. Sounds a lot like Sync to us. Interestingly, only later versions will include multimedia and navigation-related features. This is a curious omission -- why would Hyundai need Microsoft's help just to plug in some iPods? The product will be made official at a ceremony in Seoul attended by Bill Gates and Hyundai Kia Automotive Group Chairman Chung Moon-koo. Cocktail hour and family photos to follow immediately.

  • We say goodbye to April Fools' Day with Pii Pii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We know, Gob Bluth. It's sad to see things come to an end sometimes. But, with each sunset comes a new sunrise. Does that cheer you up, little guy? Good.There were a lot of interesting things happening today. Oh, what with it being April Fools' Day and all, there's bound to be some interesting and entertaining stuff to read and look at, right? Good news: there are!What we've gone ahead and done is gotten together some of today's best content revolving around the "holiday," and tucked it past the break. So head on past and get started. Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments!

  • PGR screenshot used to promote PS3 ... again

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    For the second time this year, an image from Bizarre Creations' Microsoft exclusive Project Gotham Racing series found its way into a Sony promotion. On a Spanish internet ad for both Kia Motors and the PlayStation 3, a virtual Kia car with a PGR license plate could be clearly observed in a scene where the virtual and real car kept fading into one another. Though it has since been fixed, CVG managed to capture the incident.Previously, a PGR3 render had been used by Sony to promote Gran Turismo: HD on Sony's official PSP Connect site. As CVG suggested, we don't blame Sony for this ad blunder -- more likely the err came from Kia's camp. Shame on Kia, though, for realizing that this image obviously isn't "True HD"; that should've been the first red flag that something is amiss.

  • Kia Kue abandons airbag, swaps in GPS navigation

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We know it's possible to strap a PSP to your steering wheel, but seriously, it's not like we'd recommend taking such a setup onto the open road. Apparently, designers at Kia are throwing caution to the wind and cramming convenience in your face with its Kue concept vehicle, which neatly sports a full-fledged GPS navigation system in place of an airbag. Yeah, you've got Honda trying to stuff such protective devices into frickin' motorcycles, but who needs driver's side safety when you've got a 100,000-mile warranty? Nevertheless, the whip also manages to sport Lambo-doors, swivel seats, a widescreen in-dash display, and what appears to be flush-mounted pillar controls. Of course, the Kue could end up rocking a half dozen airbags in a variety of other locations, but if you're interested in a few more pics of the quasi-street-legal ride, be sure to click on through.