

  • WildStar's megaservers shouldn't impact addons much

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Carbine Studios took to the forums earlier today to address how player addons may have been affected by WildStar's recent megaserver merge and name changes. The good news is that "most third-party addon users" will not be impacted whatsoever. For addons that were impacted by the transition, Carbine posted tips on how to bring broken addons up to par. The team encouraged those dealing with broken mods by saying that the data is still there and that recovering it won't be difficult at all. This post is somewhat technical and relevant only to addon creators, but important to everyone who's mods are borked.

  • Modder takes a page (and parts) from Sony, creates Playbook 4

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Modder Ed Zarick, creator of an Xbox One / laptop hybrid called the "Xbook One" is back at work making this generation of consoles more mobile. This week, he shares with us the "Playbook 4," a combination of Sony's PlayStation 4, custom 3D printed parts and a 22-inch Vizio televsion. Like the Xbook One, the Playbook 4 is portable, but not entirely so - it still requires a wall outlet for power, so your options on where you can use it are limited. Still, there are plenty of outlets in the world, right? Got an hour to kill between college classes? Playbook 4. Long wait in the doctor's office? Playbook 4. Wherever you go, we imagine you'll want to take extra special care of it. The system costs roughly $1500, after all (though the price comes down to $1095 plus shipping if you send Zarick your own PS4). To see the system in action, check out Zarick's overview video after the break.

  • 3DS mod adds smashing GameCube controller support

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    With the launch of the exceptional Super Smash Bros. for 3DS looming, some might still be miffed that the game won't support the Circle Pad Pro add-on. Though the game will make use of the new 3DS and 3DS XL's C-stick, some may want a separate controller entirely for optimized Smash Bros. usage. A new 3DS mod introduced late last week does just that, giving players the ability to play any 3DS game with a GameCube controller. The hardware hack is courtesy of dekuNukem, the same modder that delivered an automatic shiny Pokemon finder mod last year. According to the demonstration video seen after the break, those looking to dust off their GameCube controllers for the mod will spend roughly $12 for the parts needed, which include a handful of resistors, a circuit board and an LCD screen from a Nokia phone. The screen offers a visual aid so players can change button configurations from the controller itself. DekuNukem doesn't have a full detailed list of instructions for the mod yet, which results in an empty circuit board on the bottom side of your still-functional 3DS, but they are accepting a few send-in modification requests. [Image: dekuNukem, YouTube]

  • Play 3DS games on Oculus Rift (some assembly required)

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Got a little too much money and an abundance of gaming gadgetry on your hands? Here's a weekend project that may be right up your alley. As demonstrated by KatsuKity, the makers of a 3DS capture card, you can rig up a way to play your favorite games on an Oculus Rift complete with those rad stereoscopic 3D effects (assuming the game in question actually has them). It's actually pretty simple once everything's hooked up -- KatsuKity's viewer software has been updated with support for the DK2, so once your tiny console is sending 3D video to your PC, you shouldn't have much trouble running that into your Rift. As for how you get that capture card up and running in the first place... well, that's another story entirely. You can either buy a a capture board and shoehorn it into your 3DS yourself, or take the easy way out and purchase a pre-modded unit. It's a pretty proposition either way, but it may just be a small price to pay to catch a few glimpses of Super Smash Brothers in three dimensions.

  • 'Modder' tweaks Destiny to feature infinite ammo

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Whether you want to call it a mod, a hack, an exploit or a cheat, the fact remains that the players seen in the videos below the break have found a way to slay moon wizards in Bungie's recently-launched open-universe shooter Destiny with the aid of unending bullets. Before you get too riled up, know that this stunt does not seem to be very widespread. The comments following each of the below videos lack any sort of information on how to accomplish the feat, and most responses left by the people behind these clips are too busy justifying infinite ammo as anything other than cheating to explain how they made things work. "Since I modified the amount of ammo I have in my clip, it's a mod," wrote impressively self-assured YouTube user 0neThatsExiled in lieu of any word on how the game was "modified." Happily, since existing examples do not explain how to duplicate this tweak, it's unlikely that you'll encounter the issue within Destiny before the quality assurance team at Bungie has time to obliterate this unintended gameplay issue. Hopefully these self-described modders are enjoying their brief moment of online infamy. [Image: Activision]

  • Heroes of the Storm is late to the MOBA party, but Blizzard isn't worried

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Blizzard's upcoming MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, has a lengthy development history. Officially, development on the game began in 2010. The full story however, goes back to 2002, with the release of Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and a mod called "Defense of the Ancients" (DOTA). If that acronym sounds familiar, it's probably because it's also the name of Valve's popular game, Dota 2. If you're confused on the capitalization, the former is an acronym while the latter doesn't stand for anything. As for why Valve would use the name of a mod created for a competing company's game and why Blizzard would let go of the name that kickstarted a genre worth hundreds of millions of dollars well ... there's a story there, too.

  • The Daily Grind: Are MMO mods and emulators on their way out?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    We don't talk about emulators on Massively often because we're forbidden to encourage illegal activities or link or name specific emulators save those rare few publicly sanctioned by studios (so please don't). In fact, we've written before that emulators are a frustrating topic for many of our writers since gamers pour boatloads of creativity and technical skill into both legal and illegal emulators for games dead and alive, creativity that we can't write about even when we'd like to. I can't be the only one who's wondered whether legit modders and underworld emulator coders are abandoning their craft in favor of more legal ventures, however. There might be more sunsetted MMOs, moddable UIs, and calls for "classic" game versions than ever, but the rise of low-risk crowdfunding, easy Steam greenlighting, and modular multiplayer titles that encourage customization makes me suspect that people who once modded shady MMO emulators or built interfaces for the masses are being lured away to work on something more legitimate or profitable or resume-worthy. What do you think? Are emulators and modding going out of fashion? (Please don't link to anything illegal!) Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • 'Minecraft' add-on helps you learn programming while you play

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Programming languages can be daunting to learn, especially if you're a kid who'd rather be playing games than creating them. Thankfully, ThoughtSTEM has found a way to make coding both accessible and entertaining in one shot. Its upcoming LearnToMod software teaches you how to write JavaScript code by producing Minecraft mods that are appropriate to your skill level. If you're just starting out, you can use building blocks of code that produce simple-yet-fun features, such as a bow that shoots teleporters. Advanced students, meanwhile, can write in raw JavaScript and produce content that you wouldn't think was possible in Minecraft's cuboid universe, such as a Tetris mini-game.

  • Sir Daniel Fortesque lives agains with Skyrim MediEvil mod

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Remakes and remasters seem to be all the rage these days, what with games like The Last of Us Remastered recently released and Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire on the horizon. But those are official efforts with big-name companies like Naughty Dog and Nintendo attached; let us not forget about the little guys like modder KorinOo, who's remaking the PlayStation classic, MediEvil, using Skyrim. KorinOo isn't planning to remake the entire game, mind you - just the first four levels, which encompass Sir Daniel Fortesque's initial rise from the grave to the game's first boss fight. Even factoring in the liberties KorinOo will be taking by utilizing Skyrim's engine, the game won't be a perfect copy. "I want to make all the levels/areas recognizable and close to original, but at the same time I want to update some archaic mechanics (combat, interactions, etc.) to modern standards," KorinOo writes on the project's NexusMod page. The mod has been a work in progress for some time, but with the recent release of the trailer you see above, it looks like KorinOo is on their way to completing their quest. [Image: KorinOo/Bethesda]

  • Double Action is a shooter dictated by the Rule of Cool

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Do you long for the days of bullet-time and John Woo-style spontaneous dove-bustion? Are you a cool guy who doesn't look at explosions? Then friend, you just might be the type of cowboy boots-wearing, name-taking badass suited for Double Action, a game that's all about Newton's First Law of Ass-Kicking: coolness before physics. Double Action is a multiplayer shooter focused not just on shooting up your opponents, but doing so with the kind of run-and-dive-in-slow-motion style that games like Max Payne popularized in the early '00s. Players choose one of five different styles (Marksman, Athlete, Bouncer, Reflexes and Nitrophiliac) to help them survive checkpoints, capture briefcases full of money and of course, take out the bad guys. The game was built as a Half-Life 2 mod, and is a spiritual successor to The Specialists, a Half-Life mod created by several of the same architects. The first official release of the game, codenamed "Boogaloo," hit PCs earlier this weekend. If Double Action: Double Harder Boogaloo sounds like your bag, you can download it for free off the official website, or wait until it hits Steam - the game was one of the 50 greenlit this month. [Image: Lunar Workshop]

  • The nightmare returns as Twitch Plays Pokemon X / Y

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    The Twitch Plays Pokemon social phenomenon continues rolling along today, as the hivemind sets out to conquer the Kalos region of Pokemon X / Y. Not only is this the TPP project's final step to becoming a poke-master (which is to say that the group will have experienced all six generations of Pokemon once they beat it), but this time, rather than play an emulated version of the game like before, Twitch plays on a modified 3DS. This is a significant change because having an actual copy of the game and an actual 3DS system means being able to take advantage of Pokemon X / Y's online features. You think storing pokemon in the PC or releasing them to the wild was bad? Try dumping them on some hopeless stranger through a Wonder Trade. Chaos! Chaos reigns! The anonymous streamer in charge had the system's wireless functions turned off for an extended period of time, but it (currently) seems to be coming back. We're not ones to pick a side in whether or not Wi-Fi should be enabled, but someone out there managed to trade with the Twitch-controlled pokemon trainer to bestow upon them a "LADY HELIX." It's a sign. [Image: Twitch]

  • Halo still evolving its combat, graphics and more on PC

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Halo: Combat Evolved has already had its Anniversary edition on Xbox 360, and later this year, we'll see its remastered form once again as part of The Master Chief Collection on Xbox One. But official efforts from Microsoft and 343 Industries aren't the only ones working to update John-117 and Cortana's adventures; a group of modders has created "SPV3," a mod that improves the visuals while adding features not only from later Halo games, but some completely new ones as well. Want to hijack a Ghost? Take out a Brute with the Battle Rifle? Such are the dreams that SPV3 makes into reality. The mod is a work-in-progress, however, and won't be ready until later this year. The recently-released trailer shows that instead of being made available all at once, the group behind SPV3 is aiming to release individual levels over the course of two months later this year. Check out the full list after the break:

  • Morrowind-meets-Skyrim mod puts out call for voice actors

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    TRYING TO FIND MY VOICE ME: Single Dark Elf (Dunmer), living in province of Morrowind. Own my mushroom-house, can travel via Siltstrider. Reliable, kind, funny. Recently had makeover to improve face and body. YOU: A talented voice actor with proper equipment who can contribute to the Skywind mod project that's recreating The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind in the engine of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Will you be my voice? CALL: Actually, don't call - head to the TES Renewal Project Forums to get started. Look forward to hearing from you - or should I say "from myself"? ;) [Image: TES Renewal Project]

  • Arma 3 update sends troops to virtual bootcamp

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Whether you're new to Bohemia Interactive's hardcore military simulation ArmA 3 or you just want to hone your virtual soldiering skills, the game's latest update should be right up your alley. Appropriately dubbed the "Bootcamp Update," the latest addition to the game delivers four new game modes: Singleplayer Bootcamp, Multiplayer Bootcamp, VR Training and Virtual Arsenal. Singleplayer Bootcamp functions as a computer-led tutorial of ArmA 3's various features, while its Multiplayer analogue allows experienced players to guide raw recruits through the rigors of virtual battle. VR Training closely mimics actual gameplay, allowing players to practice their skills in a battlefield environment where they will not be penalized for mistakes. By contrast, the Virtual Arsenal is less a gameplay mode, and more an equipment viewer that allows players to outfit their in-game avatars and export the results to ArmA 3's scenarios. Finally, this update enhances Steam Workshop functionality within ArmA 3. Where players were previously able to download community-created scenarios, the update allows fans to share "custom weapons, vehicles, gear and much more." More details are available at the ArmA 3 website. [Image: Bohemia Interactive]

  • Original Spelunky gets online co-op mod

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Before Spelunky became a household name on XBLA in July 2012, it arrived on PC in late 2008 in its original low-res state. Source code for the original game was made available one year later, and just now received a new mod called Spelunky SD courtesy of Ukrainian developer Vadim. The mod adds, among other things, online cooperative multiplayer to the first version of the game. In what started as a weekend project, the developer spent three months fine-tuning the mod for its first public release late last week. He tweaked the original game in a few ways, adding elements such as "sounds fading off-screen" or making enemies blink when they're about to get up off the ground. Vadim fixed a few bugs as well and made input precision "slightly more forgiving" in the game. The Spelunky SD mod is available to download through GameJolt. [Image: Mossmouth]

  • Cyberpunk Half-Life 2 mod, NeoTokyo, now available on Steam for free

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Five years after it debuted as a fan-crafted Half-Life 2 modification, and following a lengthy Greenlight campaign, NeoTokyo has arrived on Steam as a standalone release. Best described as an amalgamation of Counter-Strike's creeping, deliberate gunplay and sci-fi influences that fall somewhere between Neuromancer and Ghost In The Shell, NeoTokyo has earned a devoted following over the past half-decade. That should only increase, as the standalone Steam release bears a $0 price tag, and does not require players own Half-Life 2 or any other game containing the Source engine. Full technical specs and game details on NeoTokyo can now be found on the game's Steam page. [Image: Studio Radi-8]

  • R-Kaid-R packs portable arcade cabinet in a sleek wooden box

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Thomas Schulenberg

    In case you ever felt proud about the paint job you gave your controllers or something, Swedish craftsman Love Hulten has created the R-Kaid-R, a portable homage to arcades that manages to look sleek and old fashioned at the same time. The R-Kaid-R's wooden clamshell design hosts an 8" LCD screen and a mono speaker above an arcade-style layout, complete with nine face buttons, a screw-in joystick and a stereo port for headphones. Its hardware supports titles from the Game Boy Advance, PlayStation and predating consoles, along with some PC titles like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. Hulten estimates that on a full charge, the arcade away from home can withstand about 8 hours of play. While the R-Kaid-R is a joy to look at, you can always add it to your on-the-go collection for a, uh ... minor charge of $3,397 (€2,499). While that includes a manual, a 16 GB SD card with pre-installed OS, a USB charging cable and a copy of Cave Story, it doesn't include the carrying case seen in the video, which is a separate $176 (€239) purchase. At least you can choose your R-Kaid-R's appearance from one of five colors? [Thanks, Love!] [Image: Love Hulten]

  • Skywind mod will re-open Morrowind to tourism 'soon'

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    It's been awhile since we heard from The TES Renewal Project regarding their mission to recreate The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind using the engine of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, but a new trailer reveals that the island nation of Morrowind isn't just continuing its extensive makeover, it's almost ready for visitors. "Skywind," as the mod is known, is nearing public alpha release. But just how near is it, and what will it contain? Don't ask: "Do NOT inquire about it in the comments or the website yet, it will be revealed in time exactly what a public developer release is," reads the above dev video's YouTube description. The mod has been in development for some time. As a fan project, it requires plenty of volunteers to create textures, models and do voice work. Which hey, would you look at that: there's a sign-up page for anyone with the talent and interest to do just that. Convenient! [Image: The TES Renewal Project]

  • 'Dota Dash' turns Valve's MOBA into Mario Kart-inspired racer

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Ever find yourself playing a round of Dota 2 and think, "This is pretty alright, but what this game really needs is a kart racer spin-off"? Well lucky you, an enterprising player who goes by the handle "BMD" has created "Dota Dash," a mod that lets you experience what it would be like if Valve's multi-million dollar MOBA were given a blood transfusion from Mario Kart. The mod keeps the familiar camera angle of the original game, while changing its controls and map to match its new genre. Although it currently lacks the depth and variety of courses and maps that would be seen in a full-fledged racing game, players can nonetheless feel free to cackle maniacally as they drop banana peels and shoot shells at their enemies. There are several lines of communication through which you can learn more and contact those working on Dota Dash, including a Reddit thread and Steam Community page. If you're ready to skip all that and jump in, check out D2Moddin. Just be sure to record your race so we can witness the birth of a Luna Death Stare meme. [Image: BMD/Valve]

  • Modder offers first-person tour of Grand Theft Auto 5

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Having grown tired of committing felonies in the third-person, Grand Theft Auto 5 modder XBLToothPik crafted a script that adds a first-person perspective to Rockstar's latest crime-ridden sandbox. The results, which you can see above and in a second video below the break, are simultaneously disorienting and alluring. Clearly the game was never meant to be viewed from the eyes of its three protagonists, but with a few minor alterations this new perspective could become a viable option for players seeking a new outlook on life in Los Santos. Keep in mind, the footage presented here was created using the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto 5. The imminent PC release will undoubtedly spawn first-person modifications shortly after launch, and hopefully the more accessible platform will allow resourceful modders the freedom to clean up some of the clipping errors and odd perspective issues seen here. [Image: Rockstar Games]