hello games


  • No Man's Sky: Desolation

    'No Man's Sky' update adds derelict freighters filled with horror

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    Hello Games still isn’t done with No Man’s Sky. Today, the developer has announced and released Desolation, a free update that adds scary freighters to explore. Navigating the freighters will be challenging, though.

  • No Man's Sky

    'No Man's Sky' gets PS4, Xbox One and PC crossplay tomorrow

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    Starting on June 11th, No Man's Sky will be able to play with players on another, no matter what platform they play the game on.

  • The Minotaur Exocraft in No Man's Sky.

    'No Man's Sky' update adds giant mechs with jetpacks

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Following the major Beyond update back in August, Hello Games has added features to No Man's Sky on a more frequent basis. Following the latest update, there’s a new way to traverse the game’s massive number of planets: inside a giant mech. You'll be able to hop inside the customizable Minotaur Exocraft and explore in relative safety, as environmental hazards like radioactivity and extreme heat or cold don’t affect it.

  • Hello Games

    Hello Games' 'The Last Campfire' arrives this summer

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    We haven't heard much about the adorable adventure short The Last Campfire since Hello Games first revealed it in 2018. Now, the No Man's Sky developer has announced that it will arrive on multiple platforms sometime this summer. As we saw during a Switch preview of the game, it's a much more intimate title than No Man's Sky, with handcrafted artwork, a cute main character and a story with a lot of feels.

  • Hello Games

    'No Man's Sky' update adds living ships to its universe

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    No Man's Sky has been making dramatic strides in quality and originality in recent years, and its latest revision appears to be a textbook example of that. Hello Games has released a Living Ship Update that, as the name states, asks you to grow an organic spaceship. Rather than slap on upgrades like you would with a metal vessel, you 'hatch' a ship with unique organs that dictate its abilities. If you want to improve its traits, you have to nurture your ship. Not surprisingly, there's a multi-mission campaign to go with these ships -- you'll explore the Korvax experiments that led to the creation of biological spacecraft.

  • Hello Games

    ‘No Man’s Sky Synthesis’ update allows you to upgrade your favorite ship

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    No Man's Sky developer Hello Games has released the latest update for its popular space exploration game. Titled Synthesis, the highlight of the update is a new upgrade system that allows you to visit one of the game's many starship-outfitting terminals to spruce up your favorite spacecraft. Using the new system, you can upgrade one of your current ships all the way to S-Class, as well as add additional inventory slots.

  • Hello Games

    'Beyond’ delivers the ‘No Man’s Sky’ experience I was waiting for

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    If there was ever a game that rode its hype train off a cliff, it's No Man's Sky, which burned bright right up until the moment people got to play it. From a jaw-dropping announcement at E3 2014, it was clear that the infinite, procedurally generated game promised a lot.

  • Hello Games

    'No Man's Sky VR' arrives August 14th with 'Beyond' update

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    No Man's Sky has won over many players after its rough launch, thanks in large part to a string of major updates that brought long-awaited features to the game. The next big release, No Man's Sky: Beyond, was revealed several months ago, and now Hello Games says it'll be available August 14th.

  • Hello Games

    'No Man's Sky VR' is the purest way to explore the universe

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    There's been at least one moment in the past year when Sean Murray, the creator of No Man's Sky, has been seated around an awards-ceremony table with the people behind Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege or Warframe, and they've all shared a moment of incredulity. "We're like, 'Yeah, so, two years ago was pretty rough, right?'" Murray said, laughing. "And everyone's in the same boat."

  • Hello Games

    'No Man's Sky VR' puts the universe on your headset for free

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    No Man's Sky studio Hello Games has rolled out a steady stream of updates to take its stargazing simulator from "cautionary indie tale" to "Best Ongoing Game award nominee" in just two years. No Man's Sky is a sprawling exploration of the universe and a near-infinite number of its planets, filled with crafting, digging, flying, building and hodgepodge creatures of all kinds. And, soon, it'll all be in VR.

  • Hello Games

    'No Man's Sky' is getting a massive multiplayer mode

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    After failing to live up to the hype, No Man's Sky was in danger of becoming a cautionary tale for game developers. But a series of improvements, each more impressive than the last, culminating in the massive Next update released last August, have gone some way in assuaging players' regrets. Now Hello Games is readying its next chapter, Beyond, available as a free download this summer. It essentially bundles three planned updates into one larger release, according to the studio, including the first part announced today, No Man's Sky Online.

  • 'No Man's Sky' is being investigated for false advertising

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    After No Man's Sky hit shelves in early August, complaints arose around bugs and oversights made by its small studio Hello Games. But as the weeks wore on, a new uproar struck out at the differences between concept videos and the released game, which some players and press believe lacked many features promised in its early promotional material. Now the UK-based Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is launching an investigation into those disparities.

  • Joe Danger 2: The Movie starts filming on Vita next week

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Come January 13 - more than two years after it debuted on Xbox Live - Hello Games' stunt man-focused action-platformer Joe Danger 2: The Movie will appear on Sony's Vita handheld. As we mentioned last April, the leap to the Vita brings a few new faces to Joe Danger's vibrant world including Tearaway protagonists Iota and Atoi and LittleBigPlanet mascot Sackboy. These characters join existing cameos from earlier versions of Joe Danger 2 featuring the whimsically murderous Team Fortress 2 cast and Minecraft's generic block of a protagonist Steve. According to developer Hello Games, the Vita version of Joe Danger 2 is the largest incarnation of the game to date. "Hours and hours of play await across 85 levels, including 15 from the Undead Movie Pack, which comes included in the Downloadable Tours section - plus a total of 35 playable characters," states the developer's official description. Like the Vita version of the first Joe Danger, which appeared in September, the handheld Joe Danger 2 runs at 60 frames per second and features both online leaderboards and downloadable ghost racer data. [Image: Hello Games]

  • Here's a new No Man's Sky trailer

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Here's a new trailer for No Man's Sky, featuring a portal mechanic. Please enjoy. Hello Games writes on its blog, "Portal is just one story that you can find yourself writing as you play No Man's Sky. It also reveals five ways you'll travel the galaxy: walking across the surface of planets, flying in their atmosphere, jetting into space, warping between systems and finding mysterious portals, which take you ... somewhere..." The band 65daysofstatic is composing the soundtrack for No Man's Sky. "We've been huge fans of them for the longest time, and in fact, we've forever imagined No Man's Sky against their music," Hello Games says. "To have them write music especially for No Man's Sky is just amazing." [Image: Hello Games]

  • Vita rides into the Joe Danger zone next week

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    Side-scrolling stuntman Joe Danger debuts on Vita as a freebie for PS Plus subscribers, and he's due to land on September 2/3 in North America and Europe. The handheld port of the Hello Games' PS3 puzzler-trickster includes all the original's levels, plus ghost replays and the Laboratory dev challenges from other versions. It also has "slightly tweaked" controls including a touch interface for level creation, all of which sounds sensible to us. There's no word yet on a price for Plus non-members - the PS3 version is priced $15. Joe Danger's mix of Trials-like puzzling and ridiculous stunts caught the eye back in 2010, as did Joe Danger 2: The Movie with its near-Joystiq levels of punny titles for levels. On that note, Hello Games says the follow-up is still on its way to Vita, and the No Man's Sky studio expects to have more news on that "soon-ish." [Image: Sony Computer Entertainment]

  • It takes billions of years to see all of No Man's Sky

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    The universe is a pretty big place, and No Man's Sky's development team wants to replicate its span as best as it can. It's ambitions were grand enough for Hello Games' Sean Murray to say that the universe in No Man's Sky is "infinite" when it was revealed for PS4 at E3 in June. Of course, the game isn't really "infinite," and Hello Games is fully aware of that, and ultimately wants the game to "surprise" players. The developer addressed that late last week with IGN, discussing its previous use of a 32-bit number to automatically generate the planets in the game. "With that 32-bit number it would take you four or five thousand years to see every planet if you spent only a second on each one," it said. See? Not infinite. However, the developer noted that it is now using a 64-bit number to procedurally produce No Man's Sky's universe, which means it will take roughly five billion years to see each planet in the game. The still-not-infinite-but-rather-huge universe of No Man's Sky will arrive on PC after it launches on PS4, though it's unknown just when that will be. [Image: Hello Games]

  • No Man's Sky coming to PC after PS4 launch

    Danny Cowan
    Danny Cowan

    Hello Games' procedurally generated planetary exploration game No Man's Sky is coming to PC platforms after it launches on the PlayStation 4, Edge magazine reports in its September issue (via GameSpot). Sony announced during its E3 2014 press conference that No Man's Sky will premiere for the PlayStation 4 before it hits any other console, though its release plans for other platforms were not divulged. Speaking to Edge, creator Sean Murray revealed that the team "always had PC in mind" for the project. "I actually got in a bit of trouble for saying that we wanted the game to feel really 'console-y,'" Murray said. "We've always had PC in mind but in my head [console-y] means solid framerate and immediate controls. I think a PC game can be 'console-y' and it's intended as a compliment, but I get in trouble for saying it." A release date for No Man's Sky has not been announced. [Image: Hello Games]

  • How Hello Games went from dirt bikes to No Man's Sky

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    No Man's Sky comes from Hello Games – the same studio responsible for Joe Danger. Yes, that Joe Danger. Not that Joe Danger is a bad series, but the immense jump in graphics and scale for No Man's Sky still surprises us. We noted as much when Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray took the stage during the PlayStation E3 conference this year. In a PS4-specific video (below), Murray runs through the history of Hello Games, including the studio's roots in sci-fi, a flood that destroyed the office, and that recent E3 presentation. Murray notes that No Man's Sky was always the goal for Hello Games, though at first it was called "Project Skyscraper." "We always knew the type of game we wanted to make, and we'd known it before we even started at Hello Games, and we had talked about it at that point," Murray says. "And we knew that Joe Danger was going to be a stepping stone toward that."

  • Hello Games wants No Man's Sky to surprise you

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We still don't know much about No Man's Sky, but after seeing a live demonstration we can say it was one of the most intriguing projects on display at E3 this year. So far, we know that it allows players to explore a full, unique universe, every bit of which is procedurally generated – planets, plants, animals, spaceships, buildings, everything. It's still difficult to tell what will drive players to explore that universe, but Hello Games founder and managing director Sean Murray says some of the game's key factors are surprise and discovery. In one moment, you might be naming a new species of dinosaur, in another you might be engaged in a space dogfight with a hostile alien race. "I really like that when I play the game, those things naturally happen, naturally emerge," says Murray. "And sometimes you're just not sure why, and you have to start to learn a little bit more about the universe." Video game players have become inundated with information, he says, which makes it hard to be surprised by a game. "I think we've become really good at telling you everything you need to know about a game before you play it, to the point where you pretty much know how it starts, you know where you'll be in the middle, and you know how it'll end. I mean, I played Watch Dogs, and I actually really enjoyed it, but I had watched like 13 different videos about it before I played it, and there was so little surprise left for me," says Murray. "And I think we want to leave that a little bit for the player. This is a game about exploration, not in a kind of ambient way, not in a way that is just laid back and boring, [but] in a sci-fi way, which is kind of adventure and discovery."

  • No Man's Sky: Name your own dinosaur, get eaten by it

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A 10 minute, hands-off demonstration is not enough time to take in No Man's Sky. I know that because 10 minutes is about all I've seen, and I still don't quite know what to think. At the very least, I can confirm everything we saw during Sony's E3 2014 media briefing. Played from a first-person perspective, No Man's Sky can take you from the surface of an alien planet teeming with life into outer space, where you can engage in zero-G dogfights, and then down to the surface of another planet, all without a single loading screen. Take a moment to comprehend the scope of that: Terrestrial exploration, interplanetary travel, space combat – all of it seamless and procedurally generated. It's impressive to watch, and gorgeous to boot, but I still can't nail down what drives players to do it all. Like ten minutes of out-of-context Minecraft, my demonstration was fascinating but a little inscrutable. Please understand, that's not intended as a criticism, it's just that what Hello Games is promising is so big that I'll have to see a lot more of it before I can form any concrete impressions. For now, let's talk about that promise.