
  • PUBG Corp

    'PUBG' season 5 will have throwable items and weapons

    Season 5 of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is about to get underway, and PUBG Corp has offered some details on what's in store. One of the bigger additions is spike traps, which you can place in the path of an enemy car to pop the tires.

    Kris Holt
  • PUBG Corp

    'PUBG' cross-platform play arrives on PS4 and Xbox One

    With the latest PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds console patch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players can now square off against one another. As PUBG Corp promised it would do this month, it has enabled cross-platform play for consoles.

    Kris Holt
  • PUBG Corporation

    'PUBG Mobile' will add characters and gear from 'The Walking Dead'

    The PUBG team is continuing its quest to counter Fortnite's media tie-ins. PUBG Mobile is adding a handful of characters and equipment from AMC's version of The Walking Dead on October 1st, giving you that little bit of extra menace in battle royale matches. You can snag skins for Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Negan. Daryl's iconic motorcycle is on hand to help stay in the safe zone, and you can wield Michonne's katana or Negan's infamous Lucille bat if a frying pan isn't intimidating enough.

    Jon Fingas
  • Amazon

    Amazon Prime perks now include mobile game add-ons

    Amazon Prime members are getting another perk, and it's something mobile gamers would appreciate. The e-commerce giant is making free mobile game loot a part of its subscriber offerings, starting with exclusive in-game items for Tencent's popular battle royale game PUBG Mobile. It has already dropped the Infiltrator Mask, which will be available until October 3rd, and will release more items one by one in the coming weeks. The other items in the Prime exclusive set are the Infiltrator Jacket, Shoes and Pants, as well as the Epic Level Gun and Magma Parachute.

    Mariella Moon
  • Watch the Xbox Gamescom event in 14 minutes

    Microsoft loves to use Gamescom as a vehicle for its post-E3 news, and it had plenty on offer for the 2019 event -- even for PlayStation fans. PUBG added cross-platform play that lets PS4 and Xbox One gamers vie against each other for the elusive chicken dinner, for a start, while a smorgasbord of Gears 5 news included details of Horde mode and even the inclusion of Halo: Reach characters. There were also release dates for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Gears Pop, not to mention a deluge of Xbox Game Pass titles like Blair Witch and Devil May Cry 5. And yes, Microsoft even managed to squeak in some (minor) new hardware. That's a lot to take in, but don't fret -- we've summed up the highlights of the Xbox Gamescom event in a supercut clip that should get you up to speed.

    Jon Fingas
  • PUBG Corp

    'PUBG' will support crossplay on PS4 and Xbox One in October

    PUBG Corp has announced console crossplay is coming to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Bringing PS4 and Xbox One players together "will make the matchmaking pool bigger," said PUBG console producer Koosung Jeong during the Inside Xbox stream at Gamescom.

    Kris Holt
  • PUBG Corp

    'PUBG' update brings destruction and better visuals to the original map

    Erangel, the map in which the battle royale craze truly began in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, is getting a major overhaul for season 4. PUBG Corp said the update brings Erangel in line with more recent maps, adding new buildings, revamping terrain and improving graphics.

    Kris Holt
  • PUBG Corporation

    A 'narrative experience' is coming to the 'PUBG' universe

    PUBG probably isn't the first game you think of that's begging for a story-driven element, but that isn't stopping its creators from trying. As part of an announcement that Sledgehammer Games co-founder Glen Schofield (above) would run a new studio, Striking Distance, PUBG Corporation revealed that the just-formed unit is working on an "original narrative experience" set inside the PUBG world. What that entails isn't clear, although we wouldn't rule out frying pans and chicken dinners.

    Jon Fingas
  • PUBG

    ‘PUBG’ is now the patriotic ‘Game for Peace’ in China

    Following months of regulatory challenges, games publisher Tencent has pulled the blockbuster PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds out of China and replaced it with a game more in keeping with the country's socialist views.

    Rachel England
  • SOPA Images via Getty Images

    Nepal’s Supreme Court reverses national ban on ‘PUBG'

    Nepal's Supreme Court has lifted a ban on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Several lawyers petitioned against the block, arguing the constitution affords Nepalis the freedom to play the battle royale and that the government would have to prove the ban is justified. According to The Himalayan Times, the court determined the ban would impact residents' freedoms and as such it couldn't stay in place.

    Kris Holt

    Nepal bans 'PUBG' over concerns kids are addicted

    Authorities and parents in Nepal are worried kids and teenagers are addicted to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. As such, officials have banned the battle royale game in the Himalayan nation as of today.

    Kris Holt
  • Respawn Entertainment/EA

    The FTC will hold a public workshop on loot boxes in August

    The Federal Trade Commission pledged in November to investigate loot boxes, and it's set out the timeline for the first steps in the process. It will hold a public workshop on August 7th to look into consumer protection issues linked with them.

    Kris Holt
  • Respawn

    What we played in March

    Welcome back to Engadget's Gaming IRL, a monthly segment where we run down what our editors are playing. And basically, we've been dying a lot in Apex Legends. We're also catching up with Spider-Man on the PlayStation 4, and Just Cause 3 from 2015. There's no shame in bringing up older games -- I bet we've all got a mighty large backlog to work through. We'd also love to know what you've been playing, shout out in the comments below!

  • Ismael Quintanilla via Getty Images

    'PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' loses PlayerUnknown

    The man who pioneered the battle royale sensation is moving on from the game that bears his name. Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene is leaving PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to work on a new division within PUBG Corp. He's moving to Amsterdam from Seoul to lead PUBG Special Projects, though still retains some ties to his namesake game, on which he'll be a consulting creative director.

    Kris Holt
  • NantG

    'H1Z1' has a new name and old mechanics

    H1Z1 got somewhat left behind as rival battle royale games like Fortnite, Apex Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds exploded in popularity over the last year or so. Its player numbers dwindled and the H1Z1 Pro League didn't even finish its first season due to a lack of interest. Back in September, a different development team took over as Daybreak Game Company revealed the title would be renamed Z1 Battle Royale (or Z1BR). The rebranding is now official as of today, as a wealth of updates arrive in a major patch.

    Kris Holt
  • PUBG Corporation

    'PUBG' gets limited-time 'Horizon: Zero Dawn' outfits on PS4

    It's been two years since Horizon: Zero Dawn was released, and to mark the occasion, Guerilla Games is partnering with PUBG Corporation to bring themed outfits and weapon skins to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on PS4. You'll be able to earn or buy the cosmetics between March 5th and April 5th.

    Kris Holt
  • Respawn Entertainment

    Respawn's 'Apex Legends' battle royale is available now

    As was widely expected, EA-owned Titanfall developer Respawn has launched its free-to-play battle royale game, Apex Legends. The fundamentals are pretty familiar: drop into an enclosed map with teammates, gear up with the best loot you can find and take out all the other teams, all while the play area keeps shrinking. What sets the latest entrant into the genre apart from formidable rivals such as Fortnite, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Blackout mode is its use of character-specific special abilities.

    Kris Holt
  • Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

    PUBG's new tool will show you kills caught on Twitch streams

    There's a huge number of PUBG streamers out there, so if you want to know if your kills have been broadcast on Twitch, you'll need something to help you out. Like PUBG Report: the online multiplayer game's new tool that gives you a way to search for Twitch streamers that either killed or were killed by that player. All you need to do is look for someone's username on the website to see a list of kills they were involved with that had been streamed on the video platform. And yes, you'll be able to click on the results to watch them -- the videos even begin right before the kill.

    Mariella Moon
  • PUBG Corp.

    'PUBG Lite' beta test begins in Thailand

    A stripped down, free-to-play version of PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds is now in beta. PUBG Corp. announced that it has started testing PUBG Lite, a version of the popular battle royale-style game designed to run on lower-end computers. The early beta is taking place in Thailand and, if successful, may make its way to other regions in the future.

    AJ Dellinger
  • Resident Evil 2

    'PUBG Mobile' is getting a 'Resident Evil 2' crossover

    PUBG Mobile is gearing up for another high-profile crossover just months after its Mission Impossible: Fallout event. This time it's trading in the secret agent thrills for bucketloads of gore courtesy of a Resident Evil 2 mash-up. The news was teased by the Japanese Resident Evil Twitter account with a found footage-style CCTV feed that flits between a zombie attack and images of abandoned streets -- all par for the course for the iconic series.

    Saqib Shah