Galaxy S


  • Apple, Samsung reveal sales data to the court, boast of millions served

    Have a smartphone from Seoul or Cupertino riding in the pocket of your jeans? You aren't the only one. New documents filed in Samsung and Apple's ongoing legal battle reveal specific sales data going back several years, confirming something we always knew to be true: there are a lot of devices out there. Samsung's filing reveals that it has sold 21.25 million "accused" phones and 1.4 million tablets from June 2010 to June of this year, and further breaks down the data by device and, in some cases, carrier. The Galaxy S II, for instance, takes the lion's share of US sales with over 4.1 million units sold between all models and carriers. The Epic 4G makes an appearance at 1.89 million sold, and the Captivate totals in at 1.39 million. Finally, the Samsung Prevail lives up to its moniker by netting 2.25 million in sales, lagging only behind the Galaxy S II -- though its $180 asking price brought in significantly less revenue per unit. Apple's charts are a bit less specific, detailing the total sales of its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch lines rather than the sales of each specific hardware iteration -- though where it falters in detail it makes up in numbers. U.S. consumers have snatched up 85 million iPhones since 2007, alongside 34 million iPads and 46 million iPod touch devices -- bringing in almost $80 billion in revenue, collectively. Puts those quarterly reports into perspective, doesn't it? Check out both charts in full at the source link below.

    Sean Buckley
  • Apple seizes on Samsung internal document as proof of mimicry

    As much as Apple would love for Kwon Oh-hyun to turn up at court and tearfully confess to being a copycat, that's probably not going to happen. Instead, Cupertino's lawyers are burrowing through Samsung's history in search of a legal smoking gun, and one of their latest submissions has been presented as just that. It's a 132-page document written in 2010 by Sammy engineers that directly compares the iPhone against the Galaxy S and makes recommendations about how the latter should be more like the former. The excerpt shown above, which focuses on the aesthetics of icons on the rival handsets, even appears to contain advice about how Samsung should copy Apple without appearing to copy them so much, whereas the full document embedded after the break reveals how all-encompassing the internal guidance was. On the flip-side, Samsung may well argue that any responsible company should compare itself to its competition in this manner, and you can bet there's an army of lawyers beavering away right now to make that sound convincing. [Thanks, Alex]

    Sharif Sakr
  • MetroPCS outs Samsung Galaxy S Lightray 4G: 4.3-inch Super AMOLED, LTE and Dyle Mobile TV

    Well, that didn't take long. Shortly after showing up in some leaked shots, Samsung's Galaxy S Lightray 4G is with us yet again, save for this time around it's an official appearance courtesy of MetroPCS. The underdog carrier's announced the Lightray 4G will be the latest addition to its lineup of LTE-equipped handsets, with this new Galaxy also said to be the first one to offer speedy hotspot capabilities within the network. Additionally, Sammy's Lightray features a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED screen, an undisclosed 1GHz processor and access to Dyle Mobile TV's on-the-go entertainment service -- that said, don't expect an Ice Cream Sandwich here (better yet Jelly Beans), as all you'll be getting is a taste of Mountain View's popular Gingerbread. MetroPCS has the Lightray 4G up for grabs now on its site at $460, and for those interested, there's a photo gallery down below as well as the official presser from the carrier.%Gallery-161719%

    Edgar Alvarez
  • Samsung Galaxy S Lightray 4G hides out in the open, heads to MetroPCS

    What's old is apparently new again for MetroPCS subscribers. Thanks to some leaked training materials over on Howard Forums, we have a pretty clear idea of the next Galaxy S device to bow on that budget carrier's lineup -- the Lightray 4G. No, your eyes aren't deceiving you, we've seen this exact phone before at CES 2012 where it was part of Dyle's Mobile TV showcase. And that chassis you see above? It's a mostly unaltered version of Verizon's Droid Charge, although that formerly pointed chin seems to have gotten the Ashlee Simpson treatment. Spec-wise, the 4.3-inch device reportedly packs a Super AMOLED Plus display, 1.3-megapixel front-facing / 8-megapixel rear cameras, 16GB of included microSD storage (what it'll ship with onboard is unknown), HDMI-out and, bizarrely, that aforementioned TV tuner, replete with antenna. No word on when this unofficial fella's set to go legit nor which Google OS treat it'll run, but with a recently surfaced FCC doc and company slides to go off, we're sure to find out sooner rather than later.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Apple says Google warned Samsung about copying Apple's work

    The big trial between Apple and Samsung is slated to begin next week in the US and the two companies are filing briefs in advance to prepare for the jury part of the trial. One juicy tidbit pulled out of Apple's brief by AllThingsD reveals that Samsung was warned by Google and others that its early Galaxy devices were too similar to Apple's products. According to the brief, Google told Samsung that its prototype Galaxy Tab (P1) and Tab 10.1 (P3) were "too similar" to the iPad and ordered Samsung to make its products a "...distinguishable design vis-à-vis the iPad for the P3." Even a group of designers told Samsung that "innovation" is needed because the Galaxy S looks like it was copied from the iPhone. The group went so far as to say that "[a]ll you have to do is cover up the Samsung logo and it's difficult to find anything different from the iPhone." Earlier this week, we saw a brief from Samsung that claims the Korean company indirectly helped Apple achieve success with the iPhone, and another one that shows some cool early renderings of the iPad and a Sony-inspired iPhone. #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    Kelly Hodgkins
  • AT&T scores red Galaxy S III, pre-orders start July 15th

    Not a fan of the white or "Pebble Blue" shells the Galaxy S III is packed in, looking for something a little more sultry perhaps? Well, if you're an AT&T customer, you've got a new choice in fingerprint-highlighting plastic -- Garnet Red. The shade of maroon we were promised is exclusive to Ma Bell, and you can pre-order it starting July 15th at the usual price point ($199). If you want to get a glimpse of it in person first, you'll have to wait till July 29th when it officially hits shelves.

  • Samsung T699 passes federal inspection, lacks naming conviction

    The obtusely-named Galaxy S Blaze Q rumored to be coming to a T-Mobile store near you, has appeared at the FCC labs. It tallies with the magenta mobile network, packing AWS, GPRS 850 and 1900 radio bands. No disassembly shots this time, so you'll have to combine the above body outline with your imagination to make a stab at how the rest of the handset will look. As we saw earlier, the phone is set to pack a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, while a 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 and 720p display should ensure the rest of the hardware passes muster. A launch is rumored for next month, but until then, schematics and radiowave tests are yours to explore; hit up the source for the full filing.

    Mat Smith
  • Samsung Galaxy S, II and III pitted against one another in DisplayMate shootout

    Feeling nerdy? Good, because the folks at DisplayMate have put together quite the comparison of the three different AMOLED displays featured in the Samsung Galaxy S, II and III smartphones. While the study places an emphasis on quantitative measures -- and thus leaves more subjective qualities out of the discussion -- the comparison is nonetheless an insightful look into the progression of Samsung's AMOLED display technology. Curiously, some elements remain unchanged, such as color gamut, which is 138 percent of the sRGB standard across all displays and is to blame for images that appear over-saturated. In terms of color temperature, DisplayMate reveals that while Samsung is trending closer to a white of natural daylight, even the Galaxy S III -- which measures 7,900 K -- is still far too bluish in comparison to an ideal 6,500 K. Believe it or not, but there's one area that DisplayMate suggests is subtly worsening over time, and that's light reflection. The issue is nearly moot, however, as the 5 percent reflectance of the Galaxy S III is but a small shift from the previous iterations, and what's more, this remains among the lowest reflectance in the industry. We'd be fools to try and summarize all of DisplayMate's findings, but if you're curious to learn more -- and we hope you are -- be sure to hit up the source link below.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Samsung T699 may become Galaxy S Blaze Q, compete for silliest phone name ever on August 15th

    T-Mobile might have just gone with the nuclear option when it comes to ridiculous smartphone names. Apparently not content to let Sprint's Galaxy S II, Epic 4G Touch hold on to the crown for unnecessarily wordy titles, Magenta is reportedly launching Samsung's T699 as the Galaxy S Blaze Q. Yep. If you've stopped giggling, you'll be glad to know TmoNews' leaked photos and details at least hint at a serious QWERTY slider attached to the silly name. The Android 4.0 hardware should be a slightly detuned Galaxy S III, with the familiar 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 and 720p display being tempered by a more restrained 1GB of RAM and a 5-megapixel back camera. As long as a store layout document proves accurate, we'll have the choice of snagging a Blaze Q at T-Mobile on August 15th... assuming the store clerk doesn't get tongue-tied first.

    Jon Fingas
  • Samsung expects record earnings for Q2 thanks to all those Galaxy phone sales

    Samsung's complete earnings results for the April - June 2012 period won't come out until July 27th, but Reuters reports its early guidance to investors estimates the company's profit at a record 6.7 trillion won ($5.9 billion). That's mostly due to strong sales of the ever-expanding (and increasingly targeted by lawsuits) line of Galaxy smartphones. Sales forecasts are slightly below earlier estimates, and while there's no specific numbers for each division, a Bloomberg breakdown of analyst predictions suggests there should be more good news to go around later this month.

    Richard Lawler
  • Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2 review: Android media player that needs more of a voice

    More Info Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2 remote viewfinder hands-on Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 4.2 hands-on Galaxy Player 4.0 review It wasn't all that long ago that one of the pinnacles of the gadget world was the PMP. How many gigs has yours got? Mine plays FLAC. Whoa, iPod video! These are sentences that are largely consigned to the digital mists of time. Now that your phone, watch and pretty much any other gadget can fill the shoes of the media player, its days among gadget nobility are numbered, and its rank slipping ever lower. There will always be a corner of the gadget realm for them but it's more of a country cottage, compared to the sprawling manor of yesteryear. Why all the nostalgia? Samsung's Galaxy Player 4.2 is the latest descendent of the Android media player lineage, and the company's rightful heir to its PMP kingdom. As you can see, a full-fat media player in 2012 wears a very different uniform than its forefathers, and definitely fights a different battle. Can what is essentially a phone-without-a-phone, hold its territory and prevent the mobile bandits from scaling the walls? We spend some time with it in the trenches to find out.%Gallery-158412%

    James Trew
  • Mobile Miscellany: week of May 28th, 2012

    Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This past week, we learned of another possible prepaid destination for the iPhone (hint: it's a subsidiary of Sprint), and Samsung announced a combined sales total of 50 million Galaxy S and Galaxy S II smartphones. These stories and more await after the break. So buy the ticket and take the ride as we explore the "best of the rest" for this week of May 28th, 2012.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Samsung Galaxy S III gets a Canadian girlfriend as Bell, Rogers, Telus, Wind Mobile line up

    If you live north of the 49th parallel, you're no doubt frustrated that Samsung teased a summer launch for the Galaxy S III in North America but made no initial mention of its Canadian plans. Don't fret, as virtually every Canadian carrier and its mother has now pledged to carry the giant Android 4.0 smartphone while you're on your summer vacation -- the first carrier commitments in North America that we've seen. Bell, Rogers, Telus, Virgin Mobile and Wind Mobile have all stepped up as national providers, while regional carriers such as SaskTel and Videotron have also signed on. The Galaxy S III is a special milestone for Virgin, as it's the first 4G LTE phone on the Bell-run budget network. We're still waiting for Mobilicity and other cellular services to hop on the Galaxy S III bandwagon, and details like pricing and exact ship dates are still elusive, but odds are that Canucks will have a wide choice of carriers when the 4.8-inch flagship hits stores. Update: Sure enough, Mobilicity is also onboard, which along with Wind Mobile makes it pretty clear that T-Mobile-friendly AWS frequencies are baked in.

    Jon Fingas
  • Samsung Galaxy S III US sign-up page goes live

    So enthused with the Galaxy S III that you want to know exactly when in the summer Americans can buy one? You can follow us, of course, but Samsung has you covered with a sign-up page that will take your vitals with promises that you'll "get the latest on the Next Galaxy." We wouldn't read too much into seeing AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and others in the list of carriers to choose from, though. Samsung has run identical sign-up campaigns in the US before, and it focused the initial Galaxy S II launch on three major carriers rather than carpet bombing every network at once. [Thanks, Michael]

    Jon Fingas
  • Samsung Galaxy S III wrap-up

    So, it's time to take down the decorations, remove that party hat and sweep up the confetti (you can clear the unfinished drinks in the morning). As Earl's Court in London echoes with the hollow sound of empty plastic champagne flutes and half-eaten canapes, the rest of the tech world gives a sigh of relief. The Samsung Galaxy S III is here. Was it what you expected? If you haven't yet decided, don't worry, we've got you covered. After all the months of anticipation, cryptic clues and teasing it's understandable that you might be feel a little bit spent. That's why we're going to carry you over the finish line, by providing you with a fireman's lift of all things GS3. We've collected together all the links to tonight's main stories, along with a little reminder of the route we took to get here. So forget about the post-party hangover for now, and do the walk of shame past the break for the round-up.

    James Trew
  • Under the microscope: Samsung Galaxy S III's HD Super AMOLED display

    By now you should already know that the brand-spanking-new Samsung Galaxy S III sports a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display. That's right: no "plus" here, which means this 720p panel is featuring the same old PenTile RBGB pixel arrangement -- just like the 4.65-inch version on the Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy S II HD LTE. Needless to say, this is again pure ammunition for the folks over at LG; but as we've mentioned before, HD Super AMOLED's superb contrast and higher-than-before pixel density outweigh its shortcomings in most cases. For now though, let's examine these sub-pixels with a 230x zoom USB microscope and compare them with other phones that we have in hand. Starting off with the HTC One X's 720p SLCD 2 above, you can see how its denser sub-pixels produce a finer picture, but ultimately it's still behind HD Super AMOLED when it comes to contrast, especially with black. Read on for more comparisons.

    Richard Lai
  • Samsung announces 1.4GHz Exynos 4 Quad as basis for Galaxy S3

    Looking for something a bit more solid than a third-party benchmark? We can do that. "Already in production the Exynos 4 Quad is scheduled to be adopted first into Samsung's next Galaxy smartphone that will officially be announced in May," the horse's mouth reveals. Samsung boasts that the new 32nm 1.4GHz quad-core processor flaunts twice the processing power over its predecessor, thanks to its High-K Metal Gate (HKMG) low-power technology. The net energy savings? About 20-percent. "The application processor is a crucial element in providing our customers with a PC-like experience on mobile devices," explains Hankil Yoon, Senior VP of Product Strategy Team at Samsung, "Samsung's next Galaxy device, which will be officially announced soon, offers uncompromised performance and ground breaking multitasking features, thanks to Exynos 4 Quad's powerful performance and efficient energy management technology." Sammy says it's shopping the new processor around to other handset manufacturers (like Meizu), noting that the Exynos 4 Quad is pin-to-pin compatible with the Exynos 4 Dual (the brains behind the Galaxy S II and Note), which gives designers the ability to update product designs with minimal costs. Check out Samsung's full press release after the break.

    Sean Buckley
  • Another Galaxy S III prototype spotted in protective casing

    While we've already gotten glimpses of supposed Samsung Galaxy S III prototypes, this latest one has popped up in a (since removed) post on Chinese forum Mobile01. The plastic rim meant to obscure the device's sleek new design is still present, but as noted by The Verge, the picture appears to show a larger menu button than we're used to on stock ICS. We should find out what the deal is in just a few days, we'll keep our apps and countdown clocks close by until then.

    Richard Lawler
  • Samsung's Unpacked Mobile 2012 app outs 'Galaxy S3' as next smartphone's name

    Up until now, we haven't actually had any confirmation of what Samsung's upcoming superphone would be named. We've had plenty of reason to believe that it'd simply be the third iteration of the famed Galaxy S line, and even an Amazon Germany page predicting as much, but it's another thing entirely to see the term "Galaxy S3" used by Samsung itself. Indeed, that's exactly what's happening with the release of its Mobile Unpacked 2012 app, which will allow prospective users to stream the event as it happens in London on May 3rd, while also gathering facts and figures once the event passes. Whether or not the whole GSIII thing sticks remains to be seen, but if you're curious, we'll also be on hand to liveblog every revealing second of it.

    Darren Murph
  • Vodafone first carrier to jump on the new Samsung Galaxy phone bandwagon

    Rumors and leaks have been flying fast and furious about Samsung's next handset to be graced with the Galaxy moniker, and we've just gotten one more tidbit. Other than the event invite Sammy sent out last week and a recent video teaser, official info on the handset's been hard to come by. However, Vodafone's just put up a page indicating the carrier will, indeed, get the new superphone and is letting you register for updates on its status. So, we now know at least one carrier that'll have the handset, the question is who else is in line to get the Galaxy?

    Michael Gorman