

  • David Sucsy

    Austin test uses blockchain to improve ID for the homeless

    Many people take identification for granted, but it's a serious challenge if you're homeless. If you lose what's on your back, you might lose everything -- and recovering that ID is much harder when you have no fixed address or easy transportation to government offices. Austin might have a technological solution. The Texas city is piloting a system that uses blockchain identifiers to safeguard the IDs and vital records of homeless people in a way that's more accessible for service providers.

    Jon Fingas
  • City of Arlington

    Texas city drops its bus service in favor of ridesharing vans

    Ridesharing companies often dream of changing the face of public transportation, but one of them is going a step further -- it's becoming the only option for public transportation in one community. Arlington, Texas is replacing its bus service with Via's ridesharing platform. Pay $3 per trip ($10 for a weekly pass) and you can hop in a Mercedes van that will take you where you need to go, whether your hail it through a smartphone app or a phone call.

    Jon Fingas
  • WireImage

    We're live from SXSW 2018!

    We have arrived in Austin, Texas for the 2018 edition of SXSW, the festival that showcases some of the best things in the tech (interactive), film and music industries. This year, we'll be taking a look at HBO's Westworld installation here on the ground, which promises to be one of the most exciting events at the show. We'll also attend panels featuring Apple's Eddy Cue and YouTube's CEO Susan Wojcicki, among others, as well cover new gadgets like Bose's audio-focused augmented-reality glasses. You can keep up with all the news from SXSW by bookmarking this page here.

    Edgar Alvarez
  • Ultima_Gaina

    AT&T will launch mobile 5G in Atlanta, Dallas and Waco

    AT&T is finally willing to say exactly where you'll see mobile 5G in 2018. The carrier has confirmed that "parts" of Atlanta, Waco and its home turf of Dallas will adopt the standards-based service when it goes live before the end of the year. It'll name the remaining nine cities "in the coming months." There's no mention of the first devices (many of those will have to wait until 2019), but it's clear that this will be a cautious first step into the future rather than a full-on leap.

    Jon Fingas
  • iLexx via Getty Images

    Modern copyright law can't keep pace with thinking machines

    This past April, engineer Alex Reben developed and posted to YouTube, "Deeply Artificial Trees", an art piece powered by machine learning, that leveraged old Joy of Painting videos. It generate gibberish audio in the speaking style and tone of Bob Ross, the show's host. Bob Ross' estate was not amused, subsequently issuing a DMCA takedown request and having the video knocked offline until very recently. Much like Naruto, the famous selfie-snapping black crested macaque, the Trees debacle raises a number of questions of how the Copyright Act of 1976 and DMCA's Fair Use doctrine should be applied to a rapidly evolving technological culture, especially as AI and machine learning techniques approach ubiquity.

  • Reuters/Stephen Lam

    Texas authorities serve Apple a warrant for mass shooter's iPhone (updated)

    Authorities are persisting in their efforts to get access to the Texas mass shooter's iPhone despite having missed an early opportunity. The San Antonio Express-News has learned that Texas Rangers served Apple warrants for data on both the perpetrator's iPhone SE and a basic LG cellphone. In the case of the iPhone, the state law enforcement unit wants access to both local and iCloud info (such as calls, messages and photos) produced since January 1st, 2016.

    Jon Fingas
  • Embark

    Embark's semi-autonomous trucks are hauling Frigidaire appliances

    Last year, Otto made a 120-mile beer run. Now Frigidaire and Ryder have partnered with autonomous trucking company Embark to deliver smart fridges from Texas to California. You know, so you have a place to store the brews. Embark thinks that freeways are the ideal test grounds for its autonomous efforts because there aren't any traffic lights, pedestrians or oncoming traffic to deal with. Which makes sense. All a truck needs to do, basically, is stay in its lane, maintain speed and keep a safe distance from other cars.

  • AFP/Getty Images

    Google showed misinformation about Texas shooter in search results

    In the wake of a national tragedy, Google's search results were once again peppered with misinformation and conspiracy theories. Searching for the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooter by name last night as the news came out, you'd see tweets from Info Wars editor at large Paul Joseph Watson and far-right Twitter account Stock Monster USA, Gizmodo reports. The Stock Monster tweet that was surfaced read "Sutherland Springs, Texas Killer Devin Patrick Kelley is being said to be a Radical Alt-Left Antifa member. - Lots of Facebook posts" with images of the shooter and a rifle attached, but without links to any sources.

  • Suzi Pratt via Getty Images

    Stream Austin City Limits performances live this weekend

    Summer might be over, but there's still a couple music festivals on tap. If you can't make it to the Lone Star State, Austin City Limits is partnering with Red Bull TV to stream a weekend of music starting at 3:05 PM ET today with Asleep at the Wheel. The stage keeps rocking through the weekend with Louis the Child, Gorillaz (above), Run the Jewels and Teaxs' own The Black Angels, among a smattering of other performers.

  • Waymo, Medium

    Texas explicitly allows driverless car tests

    Self-driving cars have been roaming Texas streets for a while. Believe it or not, though, there hasn't been legislation that directly permits autonomous vehicles -- there just wasn't a law banning them. The situation is clearer after this week, though. State governor Greg Abbott has signed a bill that explicitly allows driverless vehicles as long as they meet certain (fairly logical) conditions.

    Jon Fingas
  • Bloomberg via Getty Images

    Apple, Facebook and Google condemn Texas transgender bill

    Proposed legislation in Texas has irked some of the biggest names in tech, sparking condemnation from the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and 12 other influential tech leaders. If passed, this controversial state law would only allow transgender students to use restrooms that match the gender printed on their birth certificate. While Texan lawmakers continue to debate what's become known as the "bathroom bill", the influential executives have penned a letter urging the state's governor not to pass the "discriminatory" legislation. Senior employees from Microsoft, Amazon and game developer Gearbox Software have also co-signed the letter with Facebook and Apple, claiming that the proposed law would be "bad for employees and bad for business." Governor Greg Abbott has revealed that he intends to pass the controversial bill before the end of May.

    Tom Regan
  • Parrot

    Texas bill could mean jail time for flying a drone over oil facilities

    The ebb and flow of legal rules when it comes to flying a drone, whether it's a cheap mainstream model or something a little more intense, is confusing. It also differs depending on country, and even state. When it comes to Texas, both the House and the Senate are pushing a bill that could attach jail sentences to any pilot found guilty of flying something over oil and gas drilling facilities, as well as telecomms infrastructure and concentrated animal feeding operations -- factory farms. Politicians want these structures added to a "critical infrastructure" list, where flying a drone lower than 400 feet aboveit would be a Class B misdemeanor and could even mean up to 180 days in jail.

    Mat Smith
  • Tyrone Siu / Reuters

    Texas legislature overrules Austin, allows Uber and Lyft to return

    When Austin citizens voted in May 2016 to require fingerprint-based background checks from ride-sharing drivers and ban passenger pickup in traffic lanes, Uber and Lyft promptly pulled out of the city. But both are scheduled to restart operations in the city next Monday thanks to legislation passed by the Texas Legislature this month. The bill overrides local ordinances like Austin's that regulate ride-hailing services and only needs Governor Greg Abbott's signature to become law.

    David Lumb
  • Bloomberg via Getty Images

    T-Mobile 'ghost calls' to 911 linked to two deaths in Dallas

    911 outages as a result of cellphones have been a problem before, especially for T-Mobile, and it looks like the issue still hasn't been resolved. In the past week, an infant and an adult male died as a result of calls to 911 not being handled promptly, according to the Dallas Morning News. When a T-Mobile customer calls 911 in Dallas, the publication says that the phone will continuously dial 911 and the call center registers them as hang-ups. The 911 dispatchers need to then call the numbers back to verify the calls, which in turn means legitimate callers are placed on hold.

  • AOL

    SXSW 2017: What to watch out for over the weekend

    The atmosphere here in Austin, Texas is warming up nicely (as is the weather, thankfully). With the smell of BBQ and the constant strum of guitars now permanently lingering in the air, it can only mean one thing: SXSW's Interactive weekend is upon us. If you're not here on the ground in Austin, no worries: We're here to bring the show to you via the interpipes.

    James Trew
  • Mark Scott Johnson via Flickr

    Lawmaker: Chile and Texas don't share a flag, y'all

    The current roster of emojis includes many national flags, but not state-specific ones. So, left with few other options, people have taken to using the Chilean flag emoji (🇨🇱) to signify Texas pride. This makes sense considering how much the two flags look alike, but one Texas lawmaker has had enough.

  • REUTERS/Scott Morgan

    Who is Jerry Falwell Jr. and why is he reforming higher education?

    Donald Trump has already earned his reputation of nominating candidates for his cabinet-level positions who face stiff opposition from the science and tech community. He's given the nod to former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who once called on Congress to abolish the Department of Energy that he now heads, and EPA nominee Scott Pruitt, who, as Oklahoma attorney general, sued the EPA no fewer than 14 times. On Tuesday, Trump continued this streak by tapping Jerry Falwell Jr. to head up a presidential task force charged with suggesting reforms for the Department of Education.

  • ICYMI: Augment yourself with video glasses and exosuits

    Today on In Case You Missed It: Between Snap Inc.'s more-buzz-than-Google-Glass sunglasses and exoskeleton suits for the workplace, we are officially future-living. Spectacles cost $130 and are dispensing in randomly placed vending machines. Meanwhile, SuitX, a robotics company from California, created three exosuit options designed to help physical laborers do their jobs and stay injury-free. Stanford researchers have a system that uses chemicals rather than electrons to send text messages, and Texas A&M's gymnastics team created an amazing mannequin challenge that must be seen to be believed. As always, please share any interesting tech or science videos you find by using the #ICYMI hashtag on Twitter for @mskerryd.

    Kerry Davis
  • Sue Ogrocki / AP Photo

    Satellites could predict the next human-caused earthquake

    Back in March, the US Geological Survey (USGS) changed its method of tracking earthquakes to include human-induced seismic activity. Suddenly, Oklahoma looked as tremor-prone as California, mainly due to the spread of wastewater disposal wells in the state. A team of geophysicists set out to build a model to predict this seismic activity. In their report released today in the journal Science, they analyzed three years of satellite radar data linking land deformation above wastewater disposal to earthquakes in the surrounding area.

    David Lumb
  • Pro-Uber Austin politician sues to abolish fingerprint rule

    Uber and Lyft have found a friend in Austin City Council Member Donald Zimmerman. The pro-ridesharing politician has filed a lawsuit against the mayor in an effort to overturn the rule requiring drivers to undergo fingerprint background checks. If you'll recall, ridesharing companies lost a special election in Austin held on May 7th, wherein 56 percent of voters were in favor of doing stricter background checks on drivers. According to Reuters, his lawsuit argues that the requirement's language was confusing, unlawful and did not provide enough information about the process.

    Mariella Moon