

  • LightSail

    Kickstarter seeks creators to launch more ambitious projects

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    If you look at what's trending on Kickstarter, you'll see a bunch of gadgets, games and quirky knickknacks. While they all look fun and promising, it seems Kickstarter wants to see grander campaigns much more creative and forward-thinking than usual. The crowdfunding website has published its first request for projects that focus on innovative designs and revolutionary technologies. Its design and tech team is looking for three types in particular, starting with ones that push the envelope.

  • Engadget

    Picobrew's next goal: A safe and affordable DIY distillery

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Picobrew has a new, cheaper countertop beer brewing system. That you already knew. But the company is now dipping its toes into distilling. The Picostill is an add on for the Pico Model C that turns that weird custom designed keg into a countertop distillery. Specifically it's a reflux still that uses vacuum distillation, which doesn't look as cool as a pot or column still, but makes far more efficient use of the space.

  • Gerardo Orioli

    Swap your boring coffee table for one that plays 'Pong'

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Remember that real-world Pong table that was supposed to become a product you could buy if everything went smoothly? Well, it's here... almost. The creators have launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to launch a production-grade, coffee table-sized version of the design. If you're willing to pledge at least $1,100 ($990 if you were referred by an existing backer), you can get living room furniture that uses magnets, motors and optical sensors to recreate the classic 1972 game. You can hide the controls when you aren't using them, and the table even throws in USB charging ports, Bluetooth music streaming and a coin-op mode to recoup your investment.

  • PicoBrew

    PicoBrew tries to make countertop beer brewing affordable

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Brewing your own beer is surprisingly easy and cheap. But, it can seem intimidating. Plus, some of the equipment takes up a lot of space if you really start to embrace the hobby. Companies like Picobrew have been trying to simplify the process to make it more appealing to newcomers and those with limited space. The Pico Model C is the latest in a line of "countertop" brewing machines. It looks more like a coffee machine than anything else. In fact, it looks a lot like the company's previous machine -- the Pico -- except the stainless-steel body has been replaced with a black powder-coated finish.

  • Inti Creates

    'Castlevania' successor 'Bloodstained' is coming to the Switch

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    The next game by Castlevania mastermind Koji Igarashi is coming to the Nintendo Switch. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was pitched on Kickstarter in 2015 as a spiritual successor to the beloved gothic adventure series. With Igarashi at the helm and the promise of new, updated 'Metroidvania' gameplay -- a style that fuses side-scroller platforming with deep exploration and RPG mechanics -- the project raised more than $5.5 million from 64,867 backers. The updated platform support does come with a downside, however -- the Wii U version is being cancelled.

  • Kris Naudus (AOL/Engadget)

    This self-cleaning bag freshens up your smelly gym clothes

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    At my age it's important to get to the gym on a regular basis, but it's hard to find the time. It's just as difficult to get around to doing laundry, which means I tend to get stuck carrying a bag of sweaty, smelly gym wear. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I owned a Paqsule, a new self-cleaning bag making its debut on Kickstarter today. It uses UV light and activated oxygen to kill off viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, making your clothes a whole lot fresher -- maybe even enough for another go-around on the treadmill.

  • Siempo

    Siempo's smartphone encourages you not to use it

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Do you find having a computer in your pocket that's connected to the sum total of human knowledge a bit... distracting? The founders of Siempo do, which is why they've dreamt up a smartphone that encourages you to live more in the moment. Rather than the usual Android home screen, Siempo only lets you do a handful of things to ensure you don't spend all day staring at it.

  • Sav Joe

    This iPhone case is basically an Android phone

    Derrick Rossignol
    Derrick Rossignol

    iPhones have a reputation for being user friendly, but ultimately, Android can do a lot of things iOS can't. Aspects of Android could be useful to all phone users, but straying from the Apple ecosystem can be intimidating. Now, there's a new way for iPhone users to easily access Android features like expandable storage and multiple SIM cards. Entrepreneur Joseph Savion and his company ESTI Inc. decided to (almost literally) strap an Android phone to the back of an iPhone. That sounds like a strange idea, but that's basically what ESTI's Eye phone case does.

  • Kris Naudus (AOL/Engadget)

    Your kid's new Spanish tutor is a creepy robot

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    A lot of well-meaning parents really, really want their child to learn a second language. However, it's hard to teach a language when you don't actually speak it yourself. Flash cards, videos and apps are all great, but real retention only happens through regular social interaction. Enter Flash Robotics' EMYS, a Kickstarter project that isn't just another mechanical assistant -- it's a friend that chats, plays and makes sure your kid walks away with some knowledge of the Spanish language.

  • Turn Touch

    Control your home with a gorgeous wooden remote

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    If you're looking for an attractive way to control your smart home, this minimalist, carved-wood multipurpose remote might fit the bill. It's called the Turn Touch, and it's pulled in almost twice the Kickstarter funding requested. The project has almost reached its first stretch goal to add IFTTT support, with plans to add Apple's HomeKit down the line.

  • Versus Evil

    Play both 'Banner Saga' games for free via Twitch Prime

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Now here's an offer from Twitch and Banner Saga creator Stoic you can't refuse. Twitch Prime members (that is, anyone on Amazon Prime) can download the original Banner Saga for free right now, and on March 2nd, also get Banner Saga 2 gratis. But wait, there's more: For everyone who downloads and plays either game through the Twitch launcher, Amazon will donate a dollar to the Banner Saga 3 game currently in funding on Kickstarter.

  • Netflix

    Crowdfunded 'MST3K' revival hits Netflix April 14th

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Tonight, after a "Red Carpet Kickstarter Screening" of the first new Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Netflix announced the revived series will launch April 14th. In a message to backers of the biggest crowdfunded video project, creator Joel Hodgson promised that backers with rewards including new episodes or a live screening of the new episodes will "have them by April 14." Netflix didn't have anything to share other than the cast photo above, but at least fans can mark their calendars.

  • AOL / Chris Velazco

    ZTE cancels ill-fated Kickstarter to focus on a better phone

    Cherlynn Low
    Cherlynn Low

    ZTE's plans to crowdsource ideas for its next mobile device has been a mostly smooth-sailing journey. But the company's efforts to make the eye-detecting phone a reality has been far less successful. After feedback from its underwhelming Kickstarter campaign indicated that people were expecting better specs from the device, ZTE is canceling the crowdfunding project and going back to the drawing board.

  • 'Apocalypse Now' game studio tries raising $5.9 million on its own

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    The plan to translate cult war horror film Apocalypse Now into a video game seemed ambitious in scope and public support when it launched a Kickstarter late in January with a $900,000 goal. But after raising only $172,000 with just 9 days left, the team decided to pivot its crowdfunding efforts. The new plan: open a fresh website dedicated to a 460-day long haul fundraising campaign with a much larger $5,900,000 aim. Assuming all goes well, the team will still release the game in 2020.

  • Who wants to play games on their smartwatch?

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    It's always been possible to play games on your smartwatch, but is that really the best way to use that device? The makers of that Minecraft Gameband your niece and nephew won't shut up about think so, and have launched a Kickstarter to prove it. FMTwo's Gameband is a smartwatch that purports to be the first "fully dedicated gaming smartwatch" that's "optimized for on-the-go-gameplay."

  • Erik Sagen

    The Engadget Podcast Ep 27: American Tune

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Managing editor Dana Wollman and reviews editor Cherlynn Low join host Terrence O'Brien to discuss the biggest tech news of the week. First they'll debate OnePlus' benchmark scandal, then try to sort out why the ACLU is partnering with startup incubator Y Combinator and take the "artists" behind the Tinder for baby adoption Kickstarter to task. Finally it's another week of Trump talk as the panel addresses the impact of the recent immigration ban on the tech industry and how the political climate is impacting our social media habits.

  • Kickstarter acquires live streaming company Huzza

    Tom Regan
    Tom Regan

    Kickstarter today announced that it has purchased Huzza, the live-streaming startup that helped create Kickstarter Live. Like Twitch for creators, Live is a video platform that helps facilitate Q+As and connect people asking for money to people that have it. According to Kickstarter, 74 percent of creators who stream on the platform get funded, with the average viewer spending over 16 minutes watching livestreams.

  • Jin Lee/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    GitHub rallies Silicon Valley companies to oppose Muslim ban

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    GitHub plans to meet with a number of Silicon Valley tech companies to discuss filing an amicus brief in lawsuits targeting Trump's immigration and refugee ban.

  • James Keivom/NY Daily News via Getty Images

    New York City tech leaders object to Trump immigration ban

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If it wasn't already clear that the tech industry is opposed to President Trump's immigration restrictions, it is now. Hundreds of New York City tech luminaries have signed a letter that urges Trump to change his mind on the policies, many of whom are from companies you'll recognize -- Airbnb, Blue Apron, Comcast Ventures, Foursquare, Indiegogo and Kickstarter are just a few examples. Many of them are CEOs or founders of influential firms, including Uber chief Travis Kalanick.

  • With your help 'Apocalypse Now' could become a video game

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    Apocalypse Now was a landmark achievement of cinema. Garnering near-universal praise since its 1979 release, director Francis Ford Coppola's Vietnam War epic has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape, launching countless careers and impacting just about every form of entertainment since. Especially video games. Now, a veteran group of developers wants to put you in Captain Willard's (Martin Sheen) boots as he hunts Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando) in the jungle and witnesses the horrors of war first-hand.