

  • Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images

    'Battleborn' is winding down months after going free-to-play

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Battleborn's move to a free-to-play model doesn't appear to have helped its chances. Gearbox has revealed that it's winding down work on the hero-based team shooter as the studio shifts its focus to a "highly anticipated" (but unnamed) project. There isn't any more planned content after the upcoming Fall Update, creative director Randy Varnell says, including skins and balance patches. The servers will stick around "for the foreseeable future," so you can still play -- it'll just remain relatively static.

  • Blizzard

    Play 'Overwatch' for free yet again next weekend

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    Looking to play popular team-based shooter Overwatch but don't want to spring for the actual game? You're in luck next weekend, then, as Blizzard's cartoonish and charming FPS is coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One from September 22nd through the 25th.

  • Isa Foltin via Getty Images

    ‘Overwatch’ player toxicity is delaying game updates

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    As with many other popular multiplayer videogames, toxicity is a real issue. Some players make it their sole mission to grief teammates, while others threaten to throw the game if they don't get to play their chosen character. It's particularly prevalent in Blizzard's team-based first-person shooter Overwatch, so much so that the game's director, Jeff Kaplan, has said that the development of new maps and features are continually being pushed back in order to "make people behave better."

  • Blizzard

    PC players can try the next 'Overwatch' map early

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Hot on the heels of the deathmatch modes added to the main game today, Overwatch is allowing players to try out the game's next map, Junkertown, on the PTR servers. While only PC owners get to play on the test servers, they'll get some time to explore the hero shooter's payload map before it hits the game proper.

  • Blizzard

    'Overwatch' deathmatch modes are live

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    For over a year since it launched in May 2016, Blizzard's Overwatch only let teams of players compete against each other in completing objectives -- none of that kill-more-than-the-other-team hogwash. Then the studio about-faced early this month when it announced that those Deathmatch modes would really be coming to the hero shooter. Today, both team-based and free-for-all modes go live -- along with a few balance tweaks to some heroes.

  • Blizzard

    Blizzard's making 'Overwatch' competitive seasons short and sweet

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    By now, Overwatch gamers are accustomed to getting updates. Blizzard keeps spoiling us with new characters, modes, and events. They in turn keep the game fresh for returning players 14 months down the line. Judging by its latest announcement, the developer will keep tightening the screws on its well-oiled blockbuster. For its sixth competitive season, Overwatch is receiving a decent shake-up.

  • Blizzard

    Brawl in the post-apocalypse in the next 'Overwatch' map: Junkertown

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    We're currently enjoying Overwatch's summer event (including our favorite addition, the grilldad Soldier 76 skin) and looking forward to the recently-announced deathmatch modes coming to the game. In other words, we weren't expecting much during Gamescom 2017. But for the second year in a row, Blizzard took the opportunity to announce a new map for its hero shooter: Fans at the show will be the first to tour the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Junkertown.

  • Twitch

    Twitch can filter streamers by their 'Overwatch' hero of choice

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    Overwatch and Hearthstone fans will now find it easier to discover livestreams most relevant to them after Twitch introduced new channel filtering options for the popular Blizzard titles. From today, viewers can open a new menu that appears at the top of each directory, which allows them to select channels based on what hero a streamer is playing, as well as the opportunity to filter by game mode, player rank, number of wins in Hearthstone games.

  • Blizzard

    Deathmatches are coming to 'Overwatch'

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    It's been a pretty big week for Overwatch. First came the introduction of the second annual Summer Games event, then the announcement that two new professional teams are joining the Overwatch League. Now, in an attempt to keep those good times rolling, Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch Team has shared news of something that we thought we'd never see: a new Deathmatch mode.

  • Blizzard

    ‘Overwatch’ summer event adds lifeguard McCree and grilldad Soldier 76

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    We knew it was coming, but the return of Overwatch's Summer Games is a welcome change. Like all of the game's seasonal events, this one brings the opportunity to earn skins, poses and other character content. But the second round of this Overwatch mid-summer event brings back another fan favorite from last year's Olympic-themed Summer Games: Lúcioball, the 3v3 soccer mode. Time to put on your skates and hit the field.

  • Blizzard

    Overwatch's Summer Games event returns on August 8th

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    In the 14 months since Overwatch hit the shelves, Blizzard has worked tirelessly to keep a steady stream of fresh content coming. New maps and characters appear every so often, as do seasonal events, which deliver themed game modes that replace normal loot box items with exclusive personalizations. Summer Games was the first to introduce the concept, launching just days before the 2016 Olympics commenced in Rio.

  • Engadget

    The best PC-gaming gear for students


    While many of you will likely make your school computer some sort of all-purpose laptop, a few of you need something that can also withstand extensive gameplay sessions. For that reason, we've included in our back-to-school guide a handful of gaming-specific notebooks along with three GPUs, should your existing rig be due for an upgrade. Already have a system you're happy with? Treat yourself to a mouse, keyboard, or a game or three.

  • Blizzard

    This is how Doomfist invades 'Overwatch'

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Doomfist is here. Overwatch's 25th character went live across PC and consoles today, finally making the game's most famed, punch-drunk villain playable for everyone. Doomfist is a damage-dealing offense character with a transhumanist twist: He has a cybernetic arm that deals incredible punching power, plus a small hand cannon that fires in bursts of four, no manual reload required. Fans have been waiting for Doomfist to hit Overwatch since the game's announcement video, which teased him as the most war-hungry menace the world had ever seen. Now that he's out in the wild, we (finally) went hands-on with Doomfist on Facebook Live. Here are our initial thoughts:

  • Blizzard

    Blizzard is increasing ‘Overwatch’ penalties for bad behavior

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    Blizzard is doubling down on its punishments for nefarious Overwatch players. Aside from the permabans in place for cheaters, the developer will also penalize anyone who abuses, harasses, spams, or griefs others. Players in violation of the rules will be silenced, suspended, or even banned from the game. A word of warning to those fond of bending the rules: the changes are effective immediately, so you better be on your best behavior.

  • Jessica Conditt / Engadget

    Overwatch League pro players will earn at least $50,000 a year

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Activision Blizzard is taking Overwatch eSports seriously. The Overwatch League begins next year and it completely transforms the face of professional play, tying teams to specific cities around the world and establishing a baseline of player protections, including minimum salaries and benefits. But, Blizzard has kept most details of its new system under wraps -- until today.

  • Activision Blizzard

    Doomfist is here for the punching on July 27th

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Doomfist is the most anticipated new character to hit Overwatch since the game landed one year ago, and players finally know when they can get their hands on him: July 27th. Doomfist is the fourth addition to the roster, but he's been in the game's lore from day one. His golden glove was featured in the first trailer for Overwatch, teasing an extremely powerful, punching villain -- and that's exactly what players will get later this month.

  • Jessica Conditt / Engadget

    Sports and tech pros own the first seven Overwatch League teams

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    "I think the next six months are going to determine what eSports will look like for the next few decades." That's Noah Whinston, the 22-year-old college dropout who in 2015 founded Immortals, one of North America's leading eSports teams. Whinston believes in a future where the eSports industry is stable, capable of launching careers, generating buckets of cash and sustaining incredible hype around the world. And he's not alone. Whinston is just one of seven owners who bought a spot in the Overwatch League, Activision Blizzard's international eSports endeavor that aims to root professional Overwatch teams in specific cities -- a lot like the NFL or NBA operates, but on a global scale. Today, Blizzard revealed the Overwatch League's first seven team owners, who run the gamut from tech companies to traditional-sports investors:

  • Blizzard

    ‘Overwatch’ debuts its fourth new hero: Doomfist

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Blizzard's hero shooter Overwatch released three additional characters in the year since it launched in May 2016, teasing through in-game hints and in-universe lore blogs. But the next hero is one we've been teased since the title's very first cinematic trailer, when one of the boys takes a gauntlet that could "level a skyscraper" for his own stab at heroics. Fans, the wielder of that legendary glove is here: Doomfist has entered the fray.

  • Blizzard

    There’s a college scholarship for talented ‘Overwatch’ players

    Tom Regan
    Tom Regan

    If you've ever thought that your Overwatch plays were a fine art worthy of college recognition, then it looks like your dreams may have just been answered. After introducing a League Of Legends scholarship last year, The University of California Irvine (UCI) is now adding an Overwatch scholarship to its program. Starting later this year, those awarded a scholarship will be given $2500 a year towards their tuition fees. In return they are expected to spend between 15 and 20 hours a week split between practicing their plays, attending team meetings, entering competitions and even doing a bit of community service.

  • Blizzard

    'Overwatch’ loot boxes will have fewer duplicates

    Swapna Krishna
    Swapna Krishna

    Players of Overwatch and Hearthstone should pay attention to Blizzard. The company has made two separate announcements that will significantly affect the loot systems in both games.